I'm running the following and getting access denied errors.What do I need to do to make the recovery files available of the duplicate host?I cataloged the backupsets at the network path of where they are, I don't have space on the drive for the backupset and the restored database once it's done.
*Results filtered for length on duplicate lines
Starting Duplicate Db at 02-AUG-13
released channel: ORA_AUX_DISK_1
allocated channel: ORA_AUX_DISK_1
channel ORA_AUX_DISK_1: sid=155 devtype=DISK
contents of Memory Script:
set until scn 2875467028;
set newname for clone datafile 1 to new;
set newname for clone datafile 2 to new;
I set 'maxopenfiles 4' when allocating channel to sbt in my products env, I got 2 backup pieces in one backup set because that tablespace has 7 datafiles. Other configuration is kept as default, such as no maxsize, no MAXPIECESIZE, and etc setting.
I read document from Oracle. It says:"By default a backup set contains one backup piece. To restrict the size of each backup piece, specify the MAXPIECESIZE option of the CONFIGURE CHANNEL or ALLOCATE CHANNEL commands. " And also, maxopenfiles configure does not force another backup piece generated. So, why do I get another backup piece?
BTW, I tried this on another testing environment. I only get one backup piece even there are more than 2 times maxopnefiles datafiles.
Oracle 5I am creating a duplicate database using RMAN based on Oracle's documentation. I was successful up to running the duplicate command.Here is my command:DUPLICATE TARGET DATABASE vlab pfile='/<complete path of pfile>'; When I run the command, it tries to read from the backup files on production database - which is on anotehr node.Before then, I had backup piece copied to the node with the duplicate database.I ran this command to catalog the backup piece:catalog start with '/<complete path to backuppiece>'Error: no files to be unknown to the database On the other hand, when I run the command without cataloging the backuppiece, I get this error:
Partial view of error- restoring datafile 00021 to /oraappl/pca/vptch/vlabdata/staff101.dbf restoring datafile 00022 to /oraappl/pca/vptch/vlabdata/staff201.dbf restoring datafile 00023 to /oraappl/pca/vptch/vlabdata/tools01.dbf restoring datafile 00024 to /oraappl/pca/vptch/vlabdata/vol01.dbf restoring datafile 00025 to /oraappl/pca/vptch/vlabdata/volsup101.dbf restoring datafile 00026 to /oraappl/pca/vptch/vlabdata/volsup201.dbf channel ORA_AUX_DISK_1: reading from backup piece /oraappl/pca/backups/weekly/vproddat ackupset/2013_08_27/o1_mf_nnndf_TAG20130827T083750_91s7dz0r_.bkp ORA-19870: error reading backup piece /oraappl/pca/backups/weekly/vproddata/rman/VPROD 3_08_27/o1_mf_nnndf_TAG20130827T083750_91s7dz0r_.bkp ORA-19505: failed to identify file "/oraappl/pca/backups/weekly/vproddata/rman/VPROD/b
I want to delete a backupset and get the flowing prompt,i want to delete it directly and no prompt,how can i do?
Do you really want to delete the above objects (enter YES or NO)? YES
RMAN> delete backupset tag 'TAG20120306T211654';
using channel ORA_DISK_1
List of Backup Pieces BP Key BS Key Pc# Cp# Status Device Type Piece Name ------- ------- --- --- ----------- ----------- ---------- 111 101 1 1 UNAVAILABLE DISK /u01/app/oracle/duplicate/al_t777244616_s111_p1
Do you really want to delete the above objects (enter YES or NO)? YES deleted backup piece backup piece handle=/u01/app/oracle/duplicate/al_t777244616_s111_p1 recid=111 stamp=777244617 Deleted 1 objects
I want to duplicate a prod database in to a dev db.I am using catalog database to connect to target and auxiliary datbase.I copied all backupsets to the local disk on Dev env in the correct path.For RMAN duplicate ,does the backuppeices need to be present on PROD filesystem as well or just DEV filesystem or both.
I have a RUN file within a script to duplicate a database. As part of this RUN file I also run the command configure controlfile autobackup off; as part of this RUN file. However, this command has turned off backup of the control file on the AUXILLARY database (i.e. production) as well as the TARGET database (test). Is this supposed to happen?
My run file is:
rman TARGET sys/XXXX@${DB}-SOURCE AUXILIARY / RUN { allocate AUXILIARY channel a1 type disk; allocate AUXILIARY channel a2 type disk; allocate AUXILIARY channel a3 type disk; allocate AUXILIARY channel a4 type disk;
We are doing RMAN Duplicate set until time to refresh daily our test database for our developers and it taking long time to finish. We noticed on the restore log that RMAN was using a day old old backup pieces to refresh the test database and don't immediately use the latest backup pieces instead.
For additional details here's the rman duplicate command we are using which we run daily(mon-sat) at 4am once daily full backup on production completed.
RMAN Duplicate commands: run { set until time "to_date(to_char(sysdate,'Mon DD YYYY') || ' 04:00:00', 'Mon DD YYYY HH24:MI:SS')"; allocate auxiliary channel ch1 type disk; duplicate target database to testdb; } exit
Is there a way on how to let RMAN use the latest backup pieces instead?
I take a backup on PROD and want to use that backup on test to duplicate the PROD db.I ran this first on PROD:
catalog rman11cv/password@metarep connect target / RUN { ALLOCATE CHANNEL disk1 DEVICE TYPE DISK FORMAT 'G: estore\%U'; BACKUP DATABASE PLUS ARCHIVELOG;
I runs fine.map the network drive on my TEST machine. I run the script:
connect target sys/password@pdm; connect auxiliary /; run { allocate auxiliary channel 'ch1' type disk; SET NEWNAME FOR DATAFILE 1 TO 'D:oracleoradatadatabasedataSYSTEM01.DBF'; SET NEWNAME FOR DATAFILE 2 TO 'D:oracleoradatadatabasedataUNDOTBS01.DBF'; SET NEWNAME FOR DATAFILE 3 TO 'D:oracleoradatadatabasedataCWMLITE01.DBF';
Its trying to read from the right backupset.But Im not sure it can see it:
channel ch1: reading from backup piece G:RESTOREN3MKSOMQ_1_1 ORA-19870: error reading backup piece G:RESTOREN3MKSOMQ_1_1 ORA-19505: failed to identify file "G:RESTOREN3MKSOMQ_1_1" ORA-27041: unable to open file OSD-04002: unable to open file O/S-Error: (OS 3) The system cannot find the path specified.failover to previous backup
Net view of the PROD host gives this:
D:oracleadminduplicatePDMTEST>net view myprod Shared resources at myprod
Share name Type Used as Comment ------------------------------------------------------ restore Disk G: The command completed successfully.
Performing backups on the physical standby via RMAN. We need to restore our test database, and right now it is equivalent to the production. The DUPLICATE command seemed the best bet. We have controlfile and SPFile both on Auto-backup, and the RMAN on a six day retention with weekly 0 level backups and nightly level 1 cumulative backups.
However, when I run the DUPLICATE it chokes being unable to find a current controlfile nor one in backup, even though we have six days worth of supposedly good (validated) backups. We are not using a catalog, rather the DB controlfile.
The solution to this error is reopen the database and try again. however, the physical standby cannot be opened. It is the standby. What if we move the last backup to the primary database, "register" it there, and try this DUPLICATE?
I have seen nothing on this in my searches, and the Oracle documentation does not address this, though it recommends backup from the Physical Standby.
I am not able to take backup of table which is partitioned.Whenever i start the backup it was hanging with wait event "asynch descriptor resize", so I tried to create another table using original table ( like create table BASE_TABLE AS SELECT * FROM BASE_TABLE), but it is also hanging with same wait event.
I want to remove matching dbid's from the rman catalog without compromising te integrity of the catalog. I do however know a single way of removing them and its using the dbid and db_key which in my case are not not unique. The funny thing is they've running normally for a year now.
I am trying to delete the backupset using Delete Obsolete command, but i am unable to get the success. As per the oracle Doc after completion of Retention Period oracle automatically deletes the backupset. I have set the retention period of 8 days.
I am getting this following error.After that we added more space to that.But still it is showing. What might be the issue.
ORA-01652: unable to extend temp segment by 128 in tablespace TBSDESDBTMP *Action: Use ALTER TABLESPACE ADD DATAFILE statement to add one or more files to the tablespace indicated.
It is showing to add datafile to that tablespace .How to achieve this.
ORACLE_HOME_LISTNER is not SET, unable to auto-start Oracle Net Listener Usage: /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1/bin/dbstart ORACLE_HOME Processing Database instance "orcl": log file /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1/startup.log
how to set oracle listener ? i tried using listener.ora file again show the same error
SQL> alter database mount; Database altered. SQL> alter database open resetlogs; alter database open resetlogs * ERROR at line 1: ORA-01139: RESETLOGS option only valid after an incomplete database recovery
My database is in NOARCHIVELOG mode.I took whole DB backup ( cold).Then just after half an hour I ran following script.
Starting restore at 24-FEB-12 using target database control file instead of recovery catalog allocated channel: ORA_DISK_1 channel ORA_DISK_1: SID=133 device type=DISK channel ORA_DISK_1: starting datafile backup set restore
Starting recover at 24-FEB-12 using channel ORA_DISK_1
starting media recovery archived log for thread 1 with sequence 2 is already on disk as file /u01/app/oracle/oradata/PROD/redo02.log archived log file name=/u01/app/oracle/oradata/PROD/redo02.log thread=1 sequence=2 media recovery complete, elapsed time: 00:00:01
Why do I need to specify an option at the first place?As my redo is intact, it is not incomplete recovery and, I do not want to generate new incarnation of my database.Why oracle simply not opening my database?
I have oracle 10g installed on my system and name of the database is "ORCL" for which I have schedule the incremental backup everyday. Mentioned below are the steps followed
*************PARAMETERS TO BE CHANGED****************** configure channel 1 device type disk format '\'; configure channel 2 device type disk format '\'; CONFIGURE CONTROLFILE AUTOBACKUP FORMAT FOR DEVICE TYPE DISK TO '\'; CONFIGURE RETENTION POLICY TO REDUNDANCY 7; CONFIGURE CONTROLFILE AUTOBACKUP ON; *******************************************************
*******COMMAND FOR THE CONNECTING TO RMAN************** rman LOG = \ rmanlog_%date:~4,2%-%date:~7,2%-%date:~10%.txt APPEND CONNECT TARGET SYS/ORACLE@ORCL *******************************************************
********INCREMENTAL BACKUP COMMAND********************* RUN { BACKUP INCREMENTAL LEVEL 1 FOR RECOVER OF COPY WITH TAG 'incr_backup' DATABASE; BACKUP ARCHIVELOG ALL DELETE INPUT; } ********************************************************************
Now I want to restore this backup to some other system with new database. How to do this recovery to some other database on new system.
I have facing problem while taking backup on Windows 7 client of Oracle 11g R2 database. I have installed oracle 11gR2 for windows on windows 7 machine. I have created a directory like below in database.
On Database Server
SQL> create directory win_expdp_dir as 'd:expimp';
Directory created.
SQL> grant read, write on directory win_expdp_dir to lab;
Grant succeeded.
On Windows 7 machine (client machine)
D:appproduct11.2.0client_1BIN>expdp lab/lab@wbdata.wbh-db11g DIRECTORY=win_expdp_dir DUMPFILE=lab.dmp LOGFILE=lab.log Export: Release - Production on Mon May 2 12:51:44 2011 Copyright (c) 1982, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Connected to: Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - Production With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options ORA-39002: invalid operation ORA-39070: Unable to open the log file.
I have give all sharing rights on d:expimp directory. My main question is why i'm getting this error. Is there any thing missing in setup. how to take export on windows 7 client.
I am trying to clone a database on another server with different direcory structure. So that path on the source db server are /u04 whereas on on target db server it would be /u03.
Since this I am testing it on small database initially I have kept all datafiles, backup and archivelogs at /u04 and /u03 on the source and target db servers respectively Now I have copied the backups from source db server to target and since path is changed, I cataloged it
However during restore I am getting
Quote:ORA-19870: error reading backup
Here are the session details
RMAN> catalog start with '/u03/oradata/db7fra'; searching for all files that match the pattern /u03/oradata/db7fra List of Files Unknown to the Database ===================================== File Name: /u03/oradata/db7fra/DB7/archivelog/2011_03_15/o1_mf_1_16_6qyvpb3w_.arc File Name: /u03/oradata/db7fra/DB7/backupset/2011_03_15/o1_mf_annnn_TAG20110315T123018_6qypyv5v_.bkp
I have altered permissions on the backup files as well but of no use
oracle@dev-biz:/u03/oradata/db7fra/DB7/backupset/2011_03_15 $ls -ltr total 545260 -rwxrwxrwx 1 oracle dba 12419072 Mar 15 13:52 o1_mf_ncsnf_TAG20110315T123008_6qypyrz2_.bkp -rwxrwxrwx 1 oracle dba 3072 Mar 15 13:52 o1_mf_annnn_TAG20110315T125043_6qyr54to_.bkp -rwxrwxrwx 1 oracle dba 426496 Mar 15 13:52 o1_mf_annnn_TAG20110315T125006_6qyr3zk4_.bkp -rwxrwxrwx 1 oracle dba 14336 Mar 15 13:52 o1_mf_annnn_TAG20110315T123018_6qypyv5v_.bkp
I've read a lot about the different types of backup available with Oracle (hot and cold backup). However, I was thinking of a different way of performing this task. I'm currently using Windows Server 2008 R2 and Oracle 11g Standard Edition. I'd like to schedule an entire backup of my server via the utility "Windows Server Backup" (available for free).That way, I could recover my entire server with all the programs and files in case the latter crashes.I'm wondering if this solution could be used as a way of backing up (and recovering) the Oracle database. Should I still set up a regular hot backup with the Archivelog mode enabled in case some operations/transactions were being done at the time of the crash (for the data integrity)?