Backup & Recovery :: RMAN DUPLICATE Error?

Jun 7, 2006

Oracle 10gR2 (base)
Dataguard, no RAC
no ASM

Performing backups on the physical standby via RMAN. We need to restore our test database, and right now it is equivalent to the production. The DUPLICATE command seemed the best bet. We have controlfile and SPFile both on Auto-backup, and the RMAN on a six day retention with weekly 0 level backups and nightly level 1 cumulative backups.

However, when I run the DUPLICATE it chokes being unable to find a current controlfile nor one in backup, even though we have six days worth of supposedly good (validated) backups. We are not using a catalog, rather the DB controlfile.

The solution to this error is reopen the database and try again. however, the physical standby cannot be opened. It is the standby. What if we move the last backup to the primary database, "register" it there, and try this DUPLICATE?

I have seen nothing on this in my searches, and the Oracle documentation does not address this, though it recommends backup from the Physical Standby.

RMAN-05513 is the error code.

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Backup & Recovery :: RMAN Duplicate Set Until Time Using Wrong Backup Piece Name To Restore?

Feb 26, 2012

We are doing RMAN Duplicate set until time to refresh daily our test database for our developers and it taking long time to finish. We noticed on the restore log that RMAN was using a day old old backup pieces to refresh the test database and don't immediately use the latest backup pieces instead.

For additional details here's the rman duplicate command we are using which we run daily(mon-sat) at 4am once daily full backup on production completed.

RMAN Duplicate commands:
set until time "to_date(to_char(sysdate,'Mon DD YYYY') || ' 04:00:00', 'Mon DD YYYY HH24:MI:SS')";
allocate auxiliary channel ch1 type disk;
duplicate target database to testdb;

Is there a way on how to let RMAN use the latest backup pieces instead?

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Backup & Recovery :: RMAN Duplicate Database

Feb 7, 2011

I want to duplicate a prod database in to a dev db.I am using catalog database to connect to target and auxiliary datbase.I copied all backupsets to the local disk on Dev env in the correct path.For RMAN duplicate ,does the backuppeices need to be present on PROD filesystem as well or just DEV filesystem or both.

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Backup & Recovery :: Duplicate Target RMAN Cloning?

May 3, 2013

1) have taken backup at target side.

2) through SCP, transferred all the file to auxiliary side.

3) Ran the duplicate command at auxiliary side.

After running the command, i got the below error.

hish@localhost db_1]$ rman target sys/oracle@suman auxiliary /
Recovery Manager: Release - Production on Fri Apr 12 09:13:43 2013
Copyright (c) 1982, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.
connected to target database: SUMAN (DBID=3778352561)
connected to auxiliary database: ASHISH (not mounted)


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Backup & Recovery :: Remove Duplicate DBID In RMAN Catalog

Feb 17, 2011

I want to remove matching dbid's from the rman catalog without compromising te integrity of the catalog. I do however know a single way of removing them and its using the dbid and db_key which in my case are not not unique. The funny thing is they've running normally for a year now.

-------- ---------------------- -------------------------
RMANDB 3354934991 18-AUG-05
KFXPR 3575520995 09-DEC-10
KFXITM 13634474 20-SEP-05

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Backup & Recovery :: Running RMAN Commands In RUN File To Duplicate A Database

Dec 17, 2012

I have a RUN file within a script to duplicate a database. As part of this RUN file I also run the command configure controlfile autobackup off; as part of this RUN file. However, this command has turned off backup of the control file on the AUXILLARY database (i.e. production) as well as the TARGET database (test). Is this supposed to happen?

My run file is:

allocate AUXILIARY channel a1 type disk;
allocate AUXILIARY channel a2 type disk;
allocate AUXILIARY channel a3 type disk;
allocate AUXILIARY channel a4 type disk;


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Backup & Recovery :: ORA-01655 On CREATE USER (splitted From RMAN Backup Error)

Dec 22, 2012

I created a tablespace named 'data'.During create a new user with default tablespace 'data',I got following error message:

SQL> create user rman identified by rman default tablespace data
temporary tablespace temp

ERROR at line 1:
ORA-00604: error occurred at recursive SQL level 1
ORA-01655: unable to extend cluster SYS.C_USER# by 2 in tablespace

OS:Windows XP
Oracle 10g

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Backup & Recovery :: Configured Tivoli And Getting Error While Execute RMAN Backup

Nov 17, 2012

We have configured tivoli and getting the below error while execute rman backup.

> rman target / catalog rman/*****@CATLOGDB
Recovery Manager: Release - Production on Sat Nov 17 13:35:03 2012
Copyright (c) 1982, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
connected to target database: AMTMXPRD (DBID=534215973)
connected to recovery catalog database


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Backup & Recovery :: Restore RMAN Backup In New Server / Got Error 06172

Jun 21, 2011

We are using Oracle 10g R2 in Windows Server 2003. I'm trying to restore a database in a new server, using RMAN backups.

Our external consultant configured RMAN scripts for full and incremental backups but never tested them . Since he just doesn't show up, I'm forced to tested them, restoring the whole database in a new server.

My instance is named MTDPROD, and I will create all from scratch.

At current server, RMAN files are generated in:

At new server, I run all these commands:

C:>oradim -new -sid MTDPROD -intpwd mtdprod
Instance created
-- I created the relevant folder hierarchy under <ORACLE_BASE>
-- Then, I created the relevant directories for Oracle Database, as
--a. Create BDUMP, CDUMP, and UDUMP directories under '<ORACLE_ BASE>


By instance, I see a lot of this kind of files:

- FULL_MTDPROD_20110529_386_1.BAK
- INCR_MTDPROD_20110621_480_7.BAK
And only see these two files:
- C-2169285856-20110527-03
- C-2169285856-20110527-04

It seems that this C-2169285856-.... files only were on 27/05/2011 and then no more. However, the FULL_... and INCR_.. files are generated every day. The FULL is generated at the end of each month and INCR is generated every day.

This is the backfull.sql:

run {
allocate channel c1 type disk maxpiecesize=4G;
CROSSCHECK archivelog all;
incremental level 0


This is the backincr.sql:

run {
allocate channel c1 type disk maxpiecesize=4G;
CROSSCHECK archivelog all;
incremental level 1 cumulative


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Backup & Recovery :: RMAN Control File Auto Backup Error?

Dec 13, 2011

This is what I run

run {
sql 'alter system archive log current';


So /dd_oraback is a Data Domain mount. Not sure if that makes any difference or not.

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Backup & Recovery :: RMAN 03009 / ORA 03113 - Error On Backup To S3

Jul 19, 2013

I am running Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production

I ran the following commands in RMAN:

connect target /
set encryption identified by 'xxxx' only;
run {


I get the follwing error:

RMAN-00571: ===========================================================
RMAN-00569: =============== ERROR MESSAGE STACK FOLLOWS ===============
RMAN-00571: ===========================================================
RMAN-03009: failure of allocate command on ch1 channel at 07/19/2013 06:57:4
ORA-03113: end-of-file on communication channel


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Backup & Recovery :: RMAN Backup Error

Dec 16, 2012

I'm encountering the following 2 different errors from RMAN:

Prior to OS restart:
RMAN-00571: ===========================================================
RMAN-00569: =============== ERROR MESSAGE STACK FOLLOWS ===============
RMAN-00571: ===========================================================
RMAN-00601: fatal error in recovery manager
RMAN-03004: fatal error during execution of command
RMAN-10039: error encountered while polling for RPC completion on channel t1
RMAN-10006: error running SQL statement: select act from x$ksusex where sid=:1 and serial=:2
RMAN-10002: ORACLE error: ORA-03113: end-of-file on communication channel

diagnose what actually occurred during RMAN backup?

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Backup & Recovery :: Error While Restoring Database Using RMAN

Mar 31, 2011

i am trying to restore database using rman backup on same machine using command

RMAN> run {
2> set until sequence 23;
3> restore database;
4> recover database;
5> }
but it will give me error.
RMAN-00571: =======================================================
RMAN-00569: =============== ERROR MESSAGE STACK FOLLOWS ===========
RMAN-00571: =======================================================
RMAN-03002: failure of restore command at 03/31/2011 19:18:11

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Backup & Recovery :: Rman-0600 Internal Error (9018)?

Jul 24, 2012

Version of Oracle: Enterprise edition
Running on Windows 2003 Server
No catalog
Backup controlfile and database work great.

Cannot run backup archivelog all command. I did check metalink but was not able to find this error / bugggh.

RMAN-03002 failure of backup command at 07/24/2012
Rman-00600 internal error, arguments [9018] [7] [] [] []

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Recovery Manager (RMAN) :: Backup Got Failed With The Error ORA-19566?

Nov 29, 2012

One of database, while taking backup using RMAN, it failed with the following error:

RMAN-03009: failure of backup command on DISK4 channel at 11/28/2012 09:47:29
ORA-19566: exceeded limit of 0 corrupt blocks for file <faile_name>

I used DBV to identify the number of blocks corrupted.

I referred the Metalink iD 457422.1 & 336133.1. But it did not work since the corrupted blocks have got object in it.

I could able to find the object as well. it is one of the table in the datafile.

I used 'ALTER TABLE ... MOVE..' command to see if that works. But again getting the same error while taking the backup and corrupted blocks still exists.

DB Version :
OS Version : RHEL 5.6

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Recovery Manager (RMAN) :: Error While Run Backup Plus Archivelog To Tape

Jan 3, 2013

am trying to run rman backup plus archivelog TO tape disk my rman configuration settings are as seen below

RMAN configuration parameters are:

get the following error when i do this,
RMAN-03009: failure of backup command on C3 channel at 01/03/2013 11:33:45
ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [ksfdfetch1], [], [], [], [], [], [],

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Backup & Recovery :: RMAN Recovery Failing With Incremental Level 0 Backup

Feb 10, 2011

We are trying to restore a database on the different server using RAM incremental level 0 and 1 backups. We have weekly Incremental level 0 backups along with incremental backups on daily basis. During recovery of Incremental level 0 backup, RMAN is expecting/looking for Incremental Level 0 backup of prior week as well. Is this the usual process for RMAN to look for prior level 0 backup though we need to restore from the current level 0 backup and roll forward by a week with subsequent Level 1 backup.?

We intend to restore from the Level 0 of 1/16 and roll forward with daily incrementals till 1/22. RMAN is expecting level 0 backupsets from 1/9 backup as well and keep failing since those backups are not available. quick inputs since we are in middle of recovery and trying to resolve if this is even doable.

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Backup & Recovery :: RMAN Backup Deleted Even Within Recovery Window

Oct 18, 2011

I have problem on using "delete obsolete" in RMAN.

First, let describe my backup configuration.

1. Full backup every Monday (17-Oct, 10-Oct, 3-Oct, 26-Sep)
2. Incremental backup for other days
3. Enable autobackup of control file
4. Backup archive log every day
6. Execute "Delete obsolete" every day
7. control file is used instead of catalog

The results observed:
1. Backup of control files older than 30 days will be deleted
2. Backup of archive log files older than 30 days will be deleted.
3. Backup of datafiles older than ~14 days but before 30 days are also DELETED.

In my example, the backup of datafiles created at 26-Sep is deleted at 16-Oct.

I tried "restore database validate until time "sysdate-22"" at 17-Oct. And RMAN reported "datafile xx will be created automatically during restore operation". It seems that RMAN failed to do restoration up to 22 days ago. The retention policy I set seems not effective on datafile backups.

I checked view v$backup_set and the "Keep" is "No" and "Keep until" is empty.

The only thing I can think of, is the settings of "CONTROL_FILE_RECORD_KEEP_TIME". It is marked "7" in the Oracle, which is less than the retention. But I suppose this only causes the backup not deleted, but NOT be deleted earlier.

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Backup & Recovery :: SCN Based Backup Do RMAN Generate Backup From Archivelogs

Oct 18, 2012

understanding rman scn based Backup Algorithm .. In SCN based backup do rman generate backup from archivelogs ???

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Restore Of RMAN Backup Into Duplicate Database

Oct 5, 2013

I am running into a strange issue with a restore of an RMAN backup into a duplicate database,. 

1). I restored the control file from a recent backup.
 2). restored the datafiles ( about 800) 

Now when doing a recover, its giving me an error of Future recovery of a datafile marked datafile marked 350.

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Backup & Recovery :: 2 Separate RMAN Backup One Backup Is Of Only Datafile

Jan 24, 2011

I have 2 seperate rman backup one backup is of only datafile ,spfile and controlfile which i am able to restore and recover without any problem say bkp1 taken at 10 am

other set of backup is of only archive log files of same day but later time than datafile backup say bkp2 taken at 8pm...if i restore and recover bkp1 and try to restore bkp2 it gives error datafile exist (possibly due to fact both backup have control file)

if i just restore bkp1 and try to restore bkp2 so that i can do one recover at time
it gives error datafile permission issue (possibly due to fact both backup have control file)

I want to restore database upto 8pm time how can i use both bkp1 and bkp2 to do it(restore datafiles and apply all archive logs on it)

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Recovery Manager (RMAN) :: Duplicate On Active Dataguard Physical Standby

Feb 8, 2013

In DR site. i have to clone the database from pshysical standby database and clone db will be normal db not standby. Is it possible to do rman duplicate from active dataguard? will it support the duplicate database from active database or i have to take the rman backup of standby database and duplicate from backup piece.

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Backup & Recovery :: RMAN Restore / Recovery To Previous Cold Backups

Aug 13, 2013

My scenario is: database is in archivelog mode.

I run DLY cold backups including controlfile & archivelogs and keep 3 gens of backups and archivelogs to 3 days also. What is the correct procedure to restore back to an old cold backup. Database is backed up Mon,Tue,Wed on Thur we require to bring database back to Tuesday DLY security.

I have tried:
startup mount
restore database from tag 'DLYTUE'
recover database

( this just rolls forward on all archive logs once it restores datafiles, not getting to point to alter database open resetlogs.)

Next tried to :

recover database archivelog tag 'DLYTUE'
( same outcome )

What is the correct rman procedure including should I remove old archive logs from working OS directory ? Also need to know once I restore back and open database to TUE security how do you tidy up the archive logs and dumps which are no longer require i.e. : weds..

I have read about using the set until time option but how to I get absolute time from when cold backup completed if this is the correct procedure.

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Backup & Recovery :: RMAN-00554 - Initialization Of Internal Recovery Manager Package Failed?

Feb 11, 2011

I have recently patched my catalog home to 9208 from 9204; the target database is still on 9204 but now I cannot connect to the catalog database.

rman rcvcat rman/rman@RMANDB

Recovery Manager: Release - 64bit Production

Copyright (c) 1995, 2002, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.

RMAN-00571: ===========================================================
RMAN-00569: =============== ERROR MESSAGE STACK FOLLOWS ===============
RMAN-00571: ===========================================================


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Backup & Recovery :: RMAN-00554 - Initialization Of Internal Recovery Manager Package Failed

Jun 25, 2013

While connecting to target database from stand database. I am getting below error.

calhost dbs]$ sqlplus system/oracle@proddb

SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Sat Jun 22 00:18:10 2013

Copyright (c) 1982, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.

Connected to: Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - Production With the Partitioning, OLAP and Data Mining options

SQL> exit
Disconnected from Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - Production
With the Partitioning, OLAP and Data Mining options
[standdb@localhost dbs]$ rman target system/oracle@proddb auxiliary system/oracle@standdb

Recovery Manager: Release - Production on Sat Jun 22 00:18:22 2013

Copyright (c) 1982, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.

RMAN-00571: ===========================================================
RMAN-00569: =============== ERROR MESSAGE STACK FOLLOWS ===============
RMAN-00571: ===========================================================
RMAN-00554: initialization of internal recovery manager package failed
RMAN-04005: error from target database:
ORA-01031: insufficient privileges

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Recovery Manager (RMAN) :: Backup-Based Duplication Without A Target And A Recovery Catalog Connection?

Sep 30, 2012

how to duplicate it on oracle 11g xe windows 2003

i have read from documentation but getting some error.

in last

E:Documents and SettingsAdministrator>rman
Recovery Manager: Release - Production on Sun Sep 30 03:03:09 2012
Copyright (c) 1982, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
RMAN> connect auxiliary sys/12
connected to auxiliary database: XE (not mounted)


Backup-Based Duplication Without a Target and a Recovery Catalog Connection?

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Backup & Recovery :: Incomplete Recovery Shows RMAN-20207

Jan 4, 2012

when i performed incomplete recovery i try to set until time but it shows RMAN-20207:until time or recovery window shoubld be before resetlogs.

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Backup & Recovery :: RMAN-06428 / Recovery Catalog Is Not Installed

Jan 1, 2012


RMAN-00571: ===========================================================
RMAN-00569: =============== ERROR MESSAGE STACK FOLLOWS ===============
RMAN-00571: ===========================================================
RMAN-03002: failure of register command at 01/01/2012 11:02:40
RMAN-06428: recovery catalog is not installed

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Backup & Recovery :: Finding Rman Restore And Recovery Process?

Feb 7, 2011

I have a doubt regarding the process the RMAN follows for restore and recovery of the database.

My Level 0 full backup completes on Saturdays at around 11 am after taking 8 hours (It starts at 3am).On Sunday, I ask RMAN to restore (on a different box) till Saturday 11:30 am.Then, after the restore is successful, I recover it till 11:45 am.

The recovery also goes fine and Iam able to clone to test box.

Till what time is the database restored? I assume its till 11 am since the L0 backup finishes at 11 am though I have asked it to restore till 11:30 am

During the recovery, ONLY the archives generated between Saturday 3 am and till the time i asked for recovery (Saturday 11:45 am ) are required. But, checking the recovery log file, i was surprised to see that RMAN has restored archive files starting from Friday 9:30 pm (Much before the time the Level 0 backup even started).

why does RMAN require the old archive log files.

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RMAN :: Duplicate Database Can't Read Backup-piece Location

Aug 28, 2013

Oracle 5I am creating a duplicate database using RMAN based on Oracle's documentation. I was successful up to running the duplicate command.Here is my command:DUPLICATE TARGET DATABASE vlab pfile='/<complete path of pfile>'; When I run the command, it tries to read from the backup files on production database - which is on anotehr node.Before then, I had backup piece copied to the node with the duplicate database.I ran this command to catalog the backup piece:catalog start with '/<complete path to backuppiece>'Error: no files to be unknown to the database On the other hand, when I run the command without cataloging the backuppiece, I get this error:

Partial view of error- restoring datafile 00021 to /oraappl/pca/vptch/vlabdata/staff101.dbf restoring datafile 00022 to /oraappl/pca/vptch/vlabdata/staff201.dbf restoring datafile 00023 to /oraappl/pca/vptch/vlabdata/tools01.dbf restoring datafile 00024 to /oraappl/pca/vptch/vlabdata/vol01.dbf restoring datafile 00025 to /oraappl/pca/vptch/vlabdata/volsup101.dbf restoring datafile 00026 to /oraappl/pca/vptch/vlabdata/volsup201.dbf channel ORA_AUX_DISK_1: reading from backup piece /oraappl/pca/backups/weekly/vproddat ackupset/2013_08_27/o1_mf_nnndf_TAG20130827T083750_91s7dz0r_.bkp ORA-19870: error reading backup piece /oraappl/pca/backups/weekly/vproddata/rman/VPROD 3_08_27/o1_mf_nnndf_TAG20130827T083750_91s7dz0r_.bkp ORA-19505: failed to identify file "/oraappl/pca/backups/weekly/vproddata/rman/VPROD/b


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