Data Guard :: LGWR Sync - Maximum Availability Mode

Mar 10, 2013

I have few queries regarding standby database.

1)On primary Database Standby Redo log is required for switchover and on standby database Standby Redo log is required for

--Real time Apply
--Maximum protection or Maximum availability

Am I correct?

2)My database is in Maximum Performance mode. I set up following entry on init.ora:
LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_2='service=standby LGWR ASYNC'. My question is do I need to have STANDBY Redo log file on standby database in order to use LGWR transport (LGWR ASYNC)mode from primary? Without Standby redo log on standby database can it transport redo data from primary to standby using LGWR transport mode (LGWR ASYNC)?

3)I have changed from the "ARCH" attribute to "LGWR" attribute of the LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_n initialization parameter. But I have not changed the protection mode. I would like to know whether is there any impact in the behavior of the database, if we do not change the mode from "MAXIMUM PERFORMANCE" to "MAXIMUM AVAILABILITY"?

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Data Guard :: Create Standby Server (High Availability)

Sep 6, 2010

I have a Database of Size approx 150GB. I want to create a standby server(High Availability).

1)If our Primary Database crash, the standy server should instantly start automatically i.e no down time.

2)There should be no data loss.

3)Are Data Guard and Replication similar?

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Data Guard :: ARCH Wait On SENDREQ While Configured With LGWR ASYNC Attributes?

Oct 5, 2010

In statspack I find a lot of wait events "ARCH wait on SENDREQ". The database is configured with the LGWR ASYNC attribute. In the documentation I can read that the "ARCH wait"-events may happen in case the database is configured with the ARCH attribute.How is it possible I get these "ARCH wait"-envents and do these wait events have any effect on the "on line" performance of the database? Is it possible that a user that saves data in the database has to wait for thest "ARCH wait"-events?

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Data Guard :: Manual Standby Database Not In Sync With Missing Archivelogs

Feb 12, 2013

OS: Solaris
DB: Oracle EE
Not Using ASM or RAC

I have a Production database that is in archivelog mode and a Standby DR server. Both servers (Prod, Standby) have exact same structure and db name/version.

We manually scp archive logs and recover them to a manual standby database via SQL Scripts "cron". (I.E. set autorecovery on; recover standby database;)

We recently got out of sync with our log files and have not been applying them to the standby. As part of Prod Maintenance, these log files were deleted and are not available anymore.

I've tried several ways to "rebuild" our standby database. I have tried to Shutdown prod, backup all the db files and scp them to standby, re-create standby controlfile and startup mount and recover standby. Every time I try to apply a new archive log via recover standby, these are the errors:

ORA-00279: change 211077622 generated at 1/27/2012 12:18:42 needed for thread 1
ORA-00289: suggestion : /oradump/arch/PROD/PROD_arch_1_69486_736618850.arc
ORA-00280: change 211077622 for thread 1 is in sequence #69486
ORA-00308: cannot open archived log '/oradump/arch/PROD/PROD_arch_1_69486_736618850.arc'
ORA-27037: unable to obtain file status
SVR4 Error: 2: No such file or directory

Additional information: 3

ORA-10879: error signaled in parallel recovery slave
ORA-01547: warning: RECOVER succeeded but OPEN RESETLOGS would get error below
ORA-01152: file 1 was not restored from a sufficiently old backup
ORA-01110: data file 1: '/oradevices/PROD/oraPRODsystem1.dbf'

When I check v$log_history, the new logs have not been applied. I've also tried the "Restore from incremental backup via SCN" method with same results. Is there a way to re-create the standby clean and ensure that the log chain that is currently broken gets fixed or reset? I would eventually like to get DataGuard in here, but that's not the case at the moment.

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Data Guard :: What Is The Most Common Mode

Feb 27, 2012

what is the most common mode in dataguard? maximize protection or maximize availability or maximize performance

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Data Guard :: ORA-01102 / Cannot Mount Database In EXCLUSIVE Mode

Apr 28, 2003

How i create Standby Database in Same HOST, we using SUN OS 5.8.

I read form Oracle DOC that i can create Standby Database in Same HOST and follow the tutorial , but when i try to mount standby database using ALTER DATABASE MOUNT STANDBY DATABASE EXCLUSIVE; i got a error message ORA-01102: cannot mount database in EXCLUSIVE mode

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Data Guard :: Oracle 9i - Cannot Mount Database In EXCLUSIVE Mode

Jun 30, 2008

I'm trying to create a physical standby database on my Oracle9i DB runing on WinXP.

Note: I have both Primary and Standby on the same system.

Actually everything went well .... I did created the standby DB but the problem is I can not start my primary DB if my standby DB is mounted. I get this error:

ORA-01102: cannot mount database in EXCLUSIVE mode

And when I read about the error message I learnt that I should start my DB in compatible mode ...

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Data Guard :: Apply Redo While Standby Open In Read Only Mode?

Apr 9, 2013

1) If i do changes in table on primary database and if i open standby database in Read-Only mode, i can see those changes immediately only if Real Time Apply is enabled. Am i correct? Database version is

2) From 11g, It is possible to apply redo while the standby is open in read only mode. prior to 11g, it was not possible. Right?

3) Should I first cancel Managed Recovery prior to issuing “ALTER DATABASE COMMIT TO SWITCHOVER TO PRIMARY”?

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Data Guard :: How To Find Applied_time In Standby Database Managed Recovery Mode

Sep 10, 2012

How to find applied_time in standby database managed recovery mode (*PHYSICAL STANDBY*).

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Mobile Server :: No Upload Sync / Only Download Sync?

Sep 18, 2013

platform: linux64 + glassfish I run msync as a client on the same server, but on the mobile manager web page, only download sync publications history can be found.  What shall I do to sync local Berkeley database content to oracle?Do I need to create upload sync publications? Do I need to use mobile server workbench to create new applications?

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PL/SQL :: Sync Data From Emp To Emp_target Table Daily (sysdate - 1) Records

May 8, 2013

Think that emp as an oltp table i want to sync the data from emp to emp_target table daily(sysdate - 1) records

SQL> create table emp_target as select * from emp where 1=2;

Table created.

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Data Guard :: Rolling Upgrade Physical Data Guard

Jul 5, 2011

We have physical data guard configured version ( We are in need to upgrade primary & standby database to 11G R2. Can we perform rolling upgrade.

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Data Guard :: How To Know Current Active Guard Settings In Standby Database

Oct 17, 2012

Controlling User Access to Tables in a Logical Standby Database can be controlled using the following command:


My simple question is: how can I know the current active Guard setting in the standby database?

Oracle 11g R2.

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Semantic Technologies :: Maximum Node ID Larger Than Java Maximum Integer Value

Mar 7, 2013

I'm currently doing migration from Oracle 10gR2 RDF to Oracle 11gR2 Semantic Technology.I followed the steps on the documentation and successfully created the network using the following:

CREATE TABLE rdf_network_trace (id NUMBER, triple SDO_RDF_TRIPLE_S);
--Created SEQUENCE andTRIGGER FOR rdf_network_trace id

when I looked at my Node Ids, they were like +635762253807433724+, +6118969225776891730+. The problem is, I am not the one who is assigning Node Ids, They were automatically generated when inserting TRIPLE data to the rdf table.

Did I miss something when I created my network?

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High Availability Of EM-Database Control

Oct 22, 2010

I have setup of two node (prod-db1, prod-db2) clustered database 11gR2 on windows 2008 R2 server. Everything is working fine at this setup.

My question is: Is there a way to make the Enterprise manager Database control run and be available at both the nodes independently. What I see that even at node 2 (which is prod-db2) the EM-DBControl is (https://prod-db1:1158/em) - which means the agent is running at node 1 (prod-db1) only.

My question is that how to make the EM-DBControl also run separately at prod-db2. My idea is to make the high availability of EM-DBControl (in case Prod-db1 machine is down).

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Check Availability Of Datafile For ETL Process?

Mar 26, 2010

develop a Oracle stored function or procedure to confirm a availability of datafile on a specific local directory to be read by Oracle External table. The fine looks like filenameddmmyyyy.csv.

I have create a Oracle directory named data_dir that is mapped with physical directory c: mep

Once it is confirmed that datafile is available the ETL process is started.

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Forms :: Getting Data After Pressing TAB In INSERT MODE In 10g?

Nov 9, 2010

What to write in a form for getting data after pressing TAB in 'ENTER-QUERY' MODE on a field having a LOV i.e. a trigger / program unit or what?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Find Maximum Iteration In Table And Change Data

Jul 27, 2011

i have inner query result like

Emp status
----- ----------
ram a
ram a
ram b
ram a

i want write a query to find a maximum occurrence of status and update in status column.

result should be

Emp status
----- ----------
ram a
ram a
ram a
ram a

i tried lot of thing but not to go.

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Server Administration :: What Can Be Maximum Size Of Data File

Nov 24, 2011

I am having I/O issues if i create 20 GB DATAFILES on SMALL TABLE SPACE. guide me with the maximum size limit of data file that I can create in Windows 2003 32 bit server.

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Redo Log Information - Arch Vs LGWR?

Oct 25, 2012

Redo log information can be transmitted in one of two ways from the primary database to the standby database: either by ARCH or LGWR.

1. when ARCH involves
2. when LGWR involves
FAL_Client = (Should i enter net service name or Db name or service_name
FAL_Server = Should i enter net service name or Db name or service_name )


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LGWR Switch In Database Alert Log Every 3-4 Minutes

Jul 6, 2012

i am seeing (LGWR switch) happening in my databsae alert log every 3-4 minutes. is that appropriate? if not, what measure can i take to reduce this?

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Server Administration :: Sessions And LGWR Locking?

Jul 13, 2010

We had an issue last week were we had a session with a very basic SQL query lock up the database, spiking the CPU at 100%. When you would kill the session, the lock would just jump to another session and so on. We finally had to restart the database since our clients were being kicked out. After the restart of the database, the LGWR ended up locking and held the CPU between 85-95%. The archive logs were switching every 5 minutes, when normally it would be every 45min. We spoke with Oracle Support, but they just ended up brushing the issue off and saying it was a hardware issue and were not able to provide any kind of backing to that.

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Forms :: Sort Data In Execute Query Mode During Runtime?

Nov 15, 2012

How can i sort data in the execute Query mode during runtime,i have a columns which has number, char and date field.

This below data is fetched in execute query from a table;
x1 x2 x3
1343 adfa 11/14/2012
1353 adfa 11/11/2012
1333 adfa 11/10/2012
1333 adfa 11/12/2012
1353 adfa 11/09/2012

now i like to sort like this below;

x1 x2 x3
1343 adfa 11/09/2012
1353 adfa 11/10/2012
1333 adfa 11/11/2012
1333 adfa 11/12/2012
1353 adfa 11/13/2012

how to do it?

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Server Utilities :: Field In Data File Exceeds Maximum Length

Jul 18, 2012

I have data in ngf_test.dat file like

inputs;P 340-RES L7N 3H1|101_109|111_112|114_122|201_212|214_222|301_312|314_322|401_412|414_422|501_512|514_516|518_522|601_612|614_616|618_622|701_712|7 14_716|718_722|801_812|814_816|818_822|901_912|914_916|918_922|1001_1012|1014_1016|1018_1022|1801_1810|1812|1814|1901_1910|1912

I need to insert these two records into below tables(NGF_REC_LINK,MDU_19).I got below mentioned result while trying to execute my ctl file (ngf_test.ctl )

For 1st record : I am getting beloe error

Record 1: Rejected - Error on table NGF_REC_LINK, column TABLENAME.Field in data file exceeds maximum length

For 2nd record : Because inputs filed is missing in file,Data is miss arranged into table like

152519037ownerlocation;1484 PILGRIMS WAY;73026986ype;RESIDENTIALaccumulated_length;0iagram_dwg_numbero_unitswork_orderirelessvoip_ready

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Export/Import/SQL Loader :: Field In Data File Exceeds Maximum Length?

Apr 22, 2013

I am struggling with a simple data load using sqlldr

Ref: I am running Oracle 11.2 on Linux 5.7.
Here is my table:
SQL> desc ntwkrep.CARD
Name                                                              Null?    Type


Looking at the actual data and counting the characters for the "REALIZES" column data, I see that it is roughly slightly over 1000 characters.

So, attempting various ideas to fix the problem, I tried changing nls_length_semantics to "char" and recreating the table, but this still didn't work and still got the same data load errors on the same rows.

Then, I changed nls_length_semantics back to byte and recreated the table again.This time, I altered the table manually as:

Table altered.

SQL> desc ntwkrep.card
Name                                                              Null?    Type
----------------------------------------------------------------- -------- --------------------------------------------
CIM_DESCRIPTION                                                            VARCHAR2(255)
CIM_NAME                                                          NOT NULL VARCHAR2(255)
COMPOSEDOF                                                                 VARCHAR2(4000)


Here is a copy of the first row of data which fails to load every time no matter how I change the "REALIZES" column in the table.

other(1)`CARD-mes-fhnb-bldg-137/1`  `other(1)`CARD-mes-fhnb-bldg-137/1 [other(1)]`HwVersion:C0|SwVersion:12.2(40)SE|Serial#:FOC1302U2S6|` Chassis::CHASSIS-mes-fhnb-bldg-137, Switch::mes-fhnb-bldg-137 ` Port::PORT-mes-fhnb-bldg-137/1.23, Port::PORT-mes-fhnb-bldg-137/1.21, Port::PORT-mes-fhnb-bldg-137/1.5, Port::PORT-mes-fhnb-bldg-137/1.7, Port::PORT-mes-fhnb-bldg-137/1.14, Port::PORT-mes-fhnb-bldg-


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LGWR / Error 1041 Closing Archive Log File (STANDBY)

Jun 30, 2010

I have configured data guard in the windows XP same server .It is not able to apply log to the Standby database.when I queried the following, I go the following erros..

sql>select message from v$dataguard_status where dest_id=2;
FAL[server, ARC0]: Error 12514 creating remote archivelog file 'STNDBY'
PING[ARCk]: Heartbeat failed to connect to standby 'STNDBY'. Error is 12528.
LGWR: I/O error 1089 archiving log 1 to 'STNDBY'
"ARCk: Attempting destination LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_2 network reconnect (3113)
"ARCk: Destination LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_2 network reconnect abandoned
PING[ARCk]: Error 3113 when pinging standby STNDBY.
"LNS: Closing remote archive destination LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_2: 'STNDBY' (error 1089)
LGWR: Error 1041 closing archivelog file 'STNDBY'

Also if

SQL> select sequence#,applied from v$archived_log;

query gives the following message----

---------- ---
5 NO
8 NO
9 NO
6 NO
10 NO
10 NO
11 NO
11 NO
12 NO
12 NO

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Performance Tuning :: Can Have Multiple LGWR Processes For Single Database

Jul 2, 2010

its possible to have multiple LGWR processes for a single database.If its possible how does the multiple processes write from redo log buffer to online redo log file.

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Export/Import/SQL Loader :: Error / Field In Data File Exceeds Maximum Length

Aug 22, 2013

Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit ProductionPL/SQL Release - ProductionCORE    ProductionTNS for Solaris: Version - ProductionNLSRTL Version - Production  I'm trying to load a table, small in size (110 rows, 6 columns).  One of the columns, called NOTES is erroring when I run the load.  It is saying that the column size exceeds max limit.  As you can see here, the table column is set to 4000 Bytes)

  NOTES_CN      VARCHAR2(40 BYTE)               DEFAULT sys_guid()            NOT NULL,
  AREACODE      VARCHAR2(50 BYTE)               NOT NULL,
  ROUND         NUMBER(3)                       NOT NULL,
  NOTES         VARCHAR2(4000 BYTE),


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Oracle - DB2 Bi-Directional Sync?

Feb 18, 2011

I am working for an agency which needs to synchronize(bi-directional) a master-master database configuration (Oracle <-> DB2) between sites hosted in Washington ,DC and Europe.

We are doing high level estimates right now of in-house development , Oracle Golden Gate and DBMOTO, MQ...etc with bi-directional synchronization with Oracle and DB2 in decentralized geographic locations?

Or production level experience(perf. issues, maintenance ..drawbacks) with any of the products mentioned.

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(log File Sync) And Commits?

Jan 23, 2013

When a user session commit he is waiting on 'log file sync' untill LGWR sends the message back to user session after writing log buffer content into redo log file.As far as i understand this is serialize operation(one at a time).

So how come i have 7 ms average 'log file sync' wait time and i can still perform 200 commits per sec ?

7 ms * 200 waits = 1400ms = 1.4 sec

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