(log File Sync) And Commits?

Jan 23, 2013

When a user session commit he is waiting on 'log file sync' untill LGWR sends the message back to user session after writing log buffer content into redo log file.As far as i understand this is serialize operation(one at a time).

So how come i have 7 ms average 'log file sync' wait time and i can still perform 200 commits per sec ?

7 ms * 200 waits = 1400ms = 1.4 sec

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Mobile Server :: No Upload Sync / Only Download Sync?

Sep 18, 2013

platform: linux64 + glassfish I run msync as a client on the same server, but on the mobile manager web page, only download sync publications history can be found.  What shall I do to sync local Berkeley database content to oracle?Do I need to create upload sync publications? Do I need to use mobile server workbench to create new applications?

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How To Tune Log File Sync Waits In 11gr2

Mar 22, 2013

os version is solaris 10
db version

how to tune log file sysnc waits in 11gr2 what parameters are involving in tuning log file sync and what would be its optimal values.

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Auditing And Implicit Commits

May 11, 2009

I'm working on a Java-based web application and we have unit tests that we use to test all our all code that interacts with the database or code that interacts with our DB code. The Spring framework allows us to perform some DML within a transaction before each test and then rollback the changes. For the most part, this works, however when I run the full suite of unit tests, it will randomly commit data to the database causing the rest of the tests to fail.

will Oracle's auditing let me see where this odd-ball commit is occurring? Is there another way for me to see when data is being committed?

This does not appear to be happening on any of the systems we've deployed, however this is a bit unsettling and would like to know why this is occurring so that we can prevent it from happening in production.

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PL/SQL :: Finding Commits In Plsql During Runtime?

Jul 19, 2012

In any application, we will have many commit statements issued in many places. How can we find out as to where all commits have happened during runtime.

Basically in our application, when am trying an operation, am getting the error ORA-01086: savepoint <save point name> never established.

My guess is that there is a commit somewhere because of which system is not able to rollback to that save point.

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Update With Case Clause Auto Commits

Nov 26, 2012

i tried the following update on one table:

update siebel.s_contact
set marital_stat_cd =
when (marital_stat_cd = 'Casado') then 'Married'
when (marital_stat_cd = 'Solteiro') then 'Single'
when (marital_stat_cd = 'Divorciado') then 'Divorced'

As you can see i forgot the else, so my update is wrong.

I thought i could rollback the update issuing the rollback statement, but when i have issue the rollback, the i query the table to confirm that the update was rollbacked and for my suprise the update is commited.

I didn�t issue the commit statement after the update and i confirmed that the auto-commit feature to worksheets is disabled, so i don�t understand whit the update was commited.

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Forms :: Post Built-in Commits Changes In The Database?

May 7, 2010

I have been testing out a form using on a v10.2.0.1 db and in my local env. the form works correctly i.e. if I make a change and 'post' it and then exit and press NO (when asked to save changes) then it correctly leaves the value in the database as it originally was.

The process works by the user pressing a button in form A (read only form) and this opens form B (using open_mode,session,activate) and the user makes their change(s) in form B (a 'post' command is issued in a When New Rec Inst trigger on a db block when the user navigates to a new record within the same block if it is determined that the block status <> 'QUERY') before returning to form A and pressing 'NO' when prompted to save changes.

However, if I run the same process in the TEST env. using the same executable against the same database then it actually updates the database value.

I have tested this by adding a debug message at the end of form B to retrieve the db value back AFTER having issued a clear_form(no_commit) just for the sake of the test and it still returns me the 'new' i.e. amended value - which is obviously incorrect. From what I can see it would appear that the commit occurs straight after the 'post' has been issued and well before the user even exits the form.

Is this a known bug with the 'post' built-in or could it be that a parameter is set to act in this way (i.e. is there an 'autocommit' setting that is 'ON') within the application server?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Cursor Loop With 3 Commits In Middle Based

Feb 19, 2010

We have a fact table t1 in the warehouse which has above 6 million records.There is to be an update like this where t2 has aid+bid as composite primary key. column aid repeats in t1.There's performance problem and we'v been told to break this huge update into pieces with few commits in the middle.

update t1
set t1.aid =
(select t2.aid from t2
where t1.bid = t2.bid

I've tried cursor loop with 3 commits in the middle based on if condition that evaluates on every iteration.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Regular Expression To Find Commits In All Oracle Source?

Oct 14, 2013

I would like to write a select that would return all places in DB that are commiting transaction.

E.g. package for testing:

END TEST_COMMIT;--not a match


The select should return 4 rows with --ok.

REGEXP_LIKE(ASO.TEXT,'commit(s*);','i' )

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Oracle - DB2 Bi-Directional Sync?

Feb 18, 2011

I am working for an agency which needs to synchronize(bi-directional) a master-master database configuration (Oracle <-> DB2) between sites hosted in Washington ,DC and Europe.

We are doing high level estimates right now of in-house development , Oracle Golden Gate and DBMOTO, MQ...etc with bi-directional synchronization with Oracle and DB2 in decentralized geographic locations?

Or production level experience(perf. issues, maintenance ..drawbacks) with any of the products mentioned.

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Replication :: Initial Sync Of CDC Subscriber

Mar 6, 2008

I'm trying to work out how to synchronize a source and target database in an Oracle CDC implementation. We're in the architecture design stage of a near-real-time Operational Data Store style solution. Both the ODS and our pilot source system will be Oracle 10g. Our plan is to use Oracle Asynch Hotlog Change Data Capture to capture change data in near-real-time so that it can be applied to the ODS.

I understand the CDC apply process once the ODS and Source System are synchronized: DBMS_CDC_SUBSCRIBE.EXTEND_WINDOW to release the next window of change data, select from the publish views, then DBMS_CDC_SUBSCRIBE.PURGE_WINDOW to register the change data is no longer required.

But how do we do the initial synchronization if the source system is live and contains data and the ODS is new (and empty)? The easiest way would be to somehow flag EVERY row as change data. eg. Truncate every table and import. This would not be so good for existing CDC subscribers.

A more logical way would be to:

- Take a hot backup of the live prod database
- Activate CDC (DBMS_CDC_SUBSCRIBE.ACTIVATE_SUBSCRIPTION) on the source system to start tracking changes
- Manually build the ODS from the snapshot
- Start applying changes from CDC

if the source system is live, how can we GUARANTEE that the first 2 steps (snapshot and ACTIVATE_SUBSCRIPTION) are performed at EXACTLY the same time (ie. same SCN)?

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How Newly Added Log Member Get Sync With Existing One

Jun 29, 2011

If one of the redolog member corrupted and overcome this problem, I had removed the corrupted redolog member. Later I had added a new member to this group.

I would like to know, is the newly added log member will get sync with existing log member? How the newly added log member get sync with existing log member?

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How To Do DDL Sync On Windows Machine Through Command Line Prompt

Mar 26, 2013

We have siebel server on windows machine and db server on unix box. We have done some modification(added columns) in siebel tools level. Now we want to ddl synch through command line prompt. how ot do ddl sync?

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Does Cold Backup Of Primary Database Affect DR Sync

Dec 7, 2012

We are having 10gR2 DR setup,

We are planning for the cold backup of primary database on every sunday,

Does it going to affect DR sync if primary database is not availabe at the time of cold backup.

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Client Tools :: How To Sync Oracle 10g Database With SQL Server 2005

Jun 27, 2013

i have my oracle 10g database on my windows 7 and i install sql server 2005 on my windows server 2003 .now i want to sync my oracle 10g database with my sql 2005 means whenever i make any changes in my oracle table its automatically effect in my sql server also.

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Data Guard :: LGWR Sync - Maximum Availability Mode

Mar 10, 2013

I have few queries regarding standby database.

1)On primary Database Standby Redo log is required for switchover and on standby database Standby Redo log is required for

--Real time Apply
--Maximum protection or Maximum availability

Am I correct?

2)My database is in Maximum Performance mode. I set up following entry on init.ora:
LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_2='service=standby LGWR ASYNC'. My question is do I need to have STANDBY Redo log file on standby database in order to use LGWR transport (LGWR ASYNC)mode from primary? Without Standby redo log on standby database can it transport redo data from primary to standby using LGWR transport mode (LGWR ASYNC)?

3)I have changed from the "ARCH" attribute to "LGWR" attribute of the LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_n initialization parameter. But I have not changed the protection mode. I would like to know whether is there any impact in the behavior of the database, if we do not change the mode from "MAXIMUM PERFORMANCE" to "MAXIMUM AVAILABILITY"?

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PL/SQL :: Sync Data From Emp To Emp_target Table Daily (sysdate - 1) Records

May 8, 2013

Think that emp as an oltp table i want to sync the data from emp to emp_target table daily(sysdate - 1) records

SQL> create table emp_target as select * from emp where 1=2;

Table created.

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Data Guard :: Manual Standby Database Not In Sync With Missing Archivelogs

Feb 12, 2013

OS: Solaris
DB: Oracle EE
Not Using ASM or RAC

I have a Production database that is in archivelog mode and a Standby DR server. Both servers (Prod, Standby) have exact same structure and db name/version.

We manually scp archive logs and recover them to a manual standby database via SQL Scripts "cron". (I.E. set autorecovery on; recover standby database;)

We recently got out of sync with our log files and have not been applying them to the standby. As part of Prod Maintenance, these log files were deleted and are not available anymore.

I've tried several ways to "rebuild" our standby database. I have tried to Shutdown prod, backup all the db files and scp them to standby, re-create standby controlfile and startup mount and recover standby. Every time I try to apply a new archive log via recover standby, these are the errors:

ORA-00279: change 211077622 generated at 1/27/2012 12:18:42 needed for thread 1
ORA-00289: suggestion : /oradump/arch/PROD/PROD_arch_1_69486_736618850.arc
ORA-00280: change 211077622 for thread 1 is in sequence #69486
ORA-00308: cannot open archived log '/oradump/arch/PROD/PROD_arch_1_69486_736618850.arc'
ORA-27037: unable to obtain file status
SVR4 Error: 2: No such file or directory

Additional information: 3

ORA-10879: error signaled in parallel recovery slave
ORA-01547: warning: RECOVER succeeded but OPEN RESETLOGS would get error below
ORA-01152: file 1 was not restored from a sufficiently old backup
ORA-01110: data file 1: '/oradevices/PROD/oraPRODsystem1.dbf'

When I check v$log_history, the new logs have not been applied. I've also tried the "Restore from incremental backup via SCN" method with same results. Is there a way to re-create the standby clean and ensure that the log chain that is currently broken gets fixed or reset? I would eventually like to get DataGuard in here, but that's not the case at the moment.

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Server Utilities :: Intermediate COMMITS When Using Sqlldr Or Imp Utilities

Oct 29, 2013

I want to load lakhs of records into a table. My problem is when after loading the ¼ of records my process is abend due to the size of my rollback segment area. I don't have an option to increase it. So, Is there any way to go for intermediate commits when I am using the imp or sqlldr utilities to load the entire data without abend?

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Forms :: Export Text File With Same File As Imported Text File?

May 30, 2011

Is it possible to get the same name of file name from imported text file?

What i've is, I import the text file then I exported it.

can I get the same name of the imported text file?

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Server Administration :: ORA-01111 / Name For Data File 636 Is Unknown - Rename To Correct File

Nov 3, 2012

i have two tablespaces dictionary managed (SYSTEM,APPLSYSX) i tried to change to locally cause it will cause problem in future when trying to run OATM migration.i did it successfully on APPLSYSX,when i did it on system upon oracle procedure.i have to change all tablespaces to read only when i did that with tablespace APPLSYSD(alter tablespace APPLSYSD read only) i received errors

SQL> alter tablespace APPLSYSD READ ONLY;
alter tablespace APPLSYSD READ ONLY
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-01230: cannot make read only - file 636 is offline
ORA-01111: name for data file 636 is unknown - rename to correct file
ORA-01110: data file 636: '/vol5u/oracle/prddb/9.2.0/dbs/MISSING00636'
i have not this file on the OS

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Precompilers, OCI & OCCI :: Compile PC File With Created Make File - No Explicit Type Given

Jan 22, 2008

I am trying to compile a .pc file with the make file which I created. But when I try to give make command I am getting following error

>make testfile
cc -o testfile testfile.c
"testfile.c", line 117: warning: no explicit type given
"testfile.c", line 119: warning: no explicit type given
"testfile.c", line 121: warning: no explicit type given
"testfile.c", line 122: warning: no explicit type given
"testfile.c", line 123: warning: no explicit type given
Undefined first referenced
symbol in file
sqlcxt testfile.o
ld: fatal: Symbol referencing errors. No output written to testfile

*** Error code 1
make: Fatal error: Command failed for target `testfile'

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Forms :: Getting Error When Cancel File Selection In File Open Dialogue

Mar 18, 2010

I have created the below stored procedure and calling the procedure in when-button-pressed trigger. Problem here is that when I cancel the file selection in file open dialogue box its raising exception.

buffer_lines client_text_io.file_type;
v_outputstr VARCHAR2 (32767);
p_delimiter VARCHAR2 (10) := '","';
v_transaction_no VARCHAR2 (10);

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Backup & Recovery :: How To Link ASM File Alias And Database File Names

Nov 12, 2012

During a duplicate process to a new database name, rman crashed after the restore but before the switch datafile all.So now, we have under ASM the data files under the correct (new) diskgroup but v$datafile contains the previous names (and so diskgroup) and v$datafile_header is empty. RMAN is completly lost, our solution is to manually rename each file under SQL*Plus using ALTER DATABASE RENAME FILE. Unfortunately, we are using or migrating to OMF, so file names are meaningless and we are unable to associate ASM files with database files.

Any way (query or anything else) to associate the ASM files to the database files. Here's an abstract of what we have for one (small) tablespace:

Type Redund Striped Time Sys Name
DATAFILE UNPROT COARSE NOV. 12 10:00:00 Y N47CAW1.276.799152039
DATAFILE UNPROT COARSE NOV. 12 10:00:00 Y N47CAW1.318.799151641
SQL> select file#, name from v$datafile where ts#=17
2 /

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Combining Rows In Data File Based On Values In Control File?

Aug 29, 2013

I have to load data file into a table. And the requirement is as below:

Input Data:

1234|20130815|20130822|This is a test, this is the the part
3456|20130823|20130809|This is a test
3456|20130823|20130809|This is a test
3456|20130823|20130809|This is a test
3456|20130823|20130809|Siva 1234

The data should be inserted only in two rows as below:

When Value in first 3 fields is same, 4th field should be appended to the existing value in table.

1234|20130815|20130822|This is a test, this is the the part
3456|20130823|20130809|This is a testThis is a testThis is a testSiva 1234

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Reports & Discoverer :: REP-50127 / Cannot Write To File When Trying To Save A Report To A File

Sep 17, 2010

I am receive the REP-50127 error, cannot write to file when trying to save a report to a file on the network via report parameters.

I am guessing the rwserver does not have permissions to the network drive.

Will the SERVER_IN_PROCESS=NO run the rwserver process as the user executing the report?

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Application Express :: Link Local File With Browse File Dialog

Aug 15, 2012

I'm looking for a solution to hyperlink to a local file (i.e. C:/test.txt). I want that the user clicks on a "browse file" button like the file browse item. after the user selected a file or just a folder the path should be shown in a display only item. this item should be clickable...

Is it possible to create a "Browse file" dialog? I know that to link to a file is possible with some HTML tags in the "pre element text" and "post element text" fields. something like "<a href="... but I don't know how this works.

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Backup & Recovery :: ORACLE Dump File To Text File

Apr 9, 2011

Oracle10g to Sybase12.5 Migration:- How a Oracle dump file can be converted to any text file/xls file which will be loaded in sybase database later through BCP.

1.Exporting objects as dump file from Oracle.
2.Is there any tool/process available that can convert this into csv/txt/xls file.
3.This files can be loaded in sybase.

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Server Utilities :: Unable To Open File And 503 File Not Found

Mar 30, 2008

I am trying to have sqlldr running against a file:


Is it possible I get SQL*Loader-500: Unable to open file and 503 file not found just because the file name does not have an extension?

I can see that any file name I try it looks after whateverFileName.dat! Is there a way to have sqlldr working with files that do not have extensions?

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Precompilers, OCI & OCCI :: Compiling C File (output Of PC File Precompialtion)?

May 4, 2010

after precompiling the cmpre.pc file, i got cmpre.c file. when i try compiling this .c file, am facing the following error...

servername:/.../home/usr/compile-> cc -g cmpre.c
ld: 0711-317 ERROR: Undefined symbol: .sqlorat
ld: 0711-317 ERROR: Undefined symbol: .sqlcxt
ld: 0711-345 Use the -bloadmap or -bnoquiet option to obtain more information.

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