I am new to Oracle PlSql. I found PlSql block do not allow us to write DDL as DML queries. "How come DDL are allowed to work in Dynamic SQL using EXECUTE IMMEDIATE".
how come this become possible in EXECUTE IMMEDIATE and not in simple PL/SQL block. What extra feature EXECUTE IMMEDIATE has and why it is designed like this?will be outout of below and why?
I'm using dynamic sql (DBMS_SQL) to define columns of ref cursor. It works Ok but the problem is when i'm using PL/SQL CURSOR in the REF CURSOR. Then,I'm getting :
Error at line 3 ORA-00932: inconsistent datatypes: expected NUMBER got CURSER ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_SQL", line 1830 ORA-06512: at "TW.PRINT_REF_CURSOR", line 28 ORA-06512: at line 9
Here is my code: set serveroutput on exec DBMS_OUTPUT.ENABLE(1000000); declare l_cursor sys_refcursor; begin [code]....
when i select the above table ,i will be getting the result as shown
I need to make a table which will be having the following data and structure
.i.e , depending on the number of not null values in the first column (first_name), i will be creating a table dynamically ,which is going to have as many columns as the number of values and the naming convention is col1,col2,col...........
I designed the below procedure to CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE ARP AS C NUMBER:=1;
But when i execute this code , i get the below error
ORA-00984: column not allowed here ORA-06512: at "ARP", line 17 ORA-06512: at line 1
SELECT * FROM wc_claims WHERE part_nbr in l_part_nbr ;
I have three tables: table A has - user_id, supplier table B has - supplier, part_nbr table C , wc_claims, has part_nbr and 78 other columns.
what i need to do is when user logs in with his user_id, he should see only that info from table C, corresponding to his supplier, and the part_nbr.
SELECT supplier from table_A WHERE user_id = 'abc' ; supp_abc SELECT distinct part_nbr from table_B WHERE supplier = 'supp_abc' ; partA, partB, partC,........partZZ
SELECT * FROM wc_claims WHERE part_nbr in (partA, partB, partC,........partZZ );
I have created a function :
create or replace Function wcl_partnbr ( p_supp IN varchar2 ) RETURN CLOB IS
so that I can use that in the WHERE clause, because one supplier can have thousands of parts...so it works fine, if there are 200 part numbers for one supplier, but above that.. it doesnt.
EXAM2@orcl> desc search_table; Name Null? Type ----------------------------------------- -------- ---------------------------- ROL NOT NULL VARCHAR2(7) CNM NOT NULL VARCHAR2(30) FNM NOT NULL VARCHAR2(30) MNM NOT NULL VARCHAR2(30) DOB NOT NULL DATE YEAR NOT NULL NUMBER(4) EXAM NOT NULL VARCHAR2(1) MAIN_SUPP NOT NULL VARCHAR2(1)
In a dotnet application user is going to input/select all/any of the above column in where clause.If user has given value for rol column then ref cursor should be :
select * from search_table where rol like <given value> endif and/or
If user has given value for cnm column then ref cursor should be :
select * from search_table where rol like <given value> and/or cnm like <given value> endif
I mean whatever value is being given; it should be part of where clause.For it i am going to :
EXAM2@orcl> CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE rollsearch AS 2 TYPE t_cursor IS REF CURSOR; 3 Procedure rol_cursor(c_rol in varchar2,c_cnm in varchar2,c_fnm in varchar2, 4 c_mnm in varchar2,d_dob in date,n_year in number,c_exam in varchar2,c_main_supp in varchar2, 5 io_cursor IN OUT t_cursor); 6 END rollsearch; 7 /
EXAM2@orcl> CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE BODY rollsearch AS 2 Procedure rol_cursor(c_rol in varchar2,c_cnm in varchar2,c_fnm in varchar2, 3 c_mnm in varchar2,d_dob in date,n_year in number,c_exam in varchar2,c_main_supp in varchar2, 4 io_cursor IN OUT t_cursor) 5 IS 6 v_cursor t_cursor; 7 sql varchar2(1000); 8 BEGIN 9
What should i write further; so that i may get ref cursor as whereed clause for given value. So that i may populate my datagrid view for that web form.
I have a stored procedure that updates a series of columns (set at varchar(500) just to ensure there is ample space for whatever data is inserted into it) .Once it has updated though I've wanted to trim the column width down to the maximum size of the column value. I determine the max size of the column length and use that in a pl/sql command to ensure the width isn't smaller than the largest data entry.
When I try to do this I get the following message:
ORA-01441: cannot decrease column length because some value is too big
Now after hunting this down it seems as though you cannot decrease the size of a column once data has been inserted into it.
Any success in reducing the column width of a table that has data in it?
Why do I need to do this? I am exporting this table from Oracle into a propriety application and I am trying to reduce teh size of the export table by removing any unecessary space the unused spaces in the column. This will benefit the local app in addition to reducing the impact on the filesystem storage.
I am working on an application that requires very dynamic access to data. Users will build queries through the interface and the queries will be stored in VARCHAR fields for later use. The function that later uses the query has no way of knowing the field names or data types used in the selection query.
This isn't an issue in any program language that I have used before but in this case, we want to do this in a package within Oracle rather than an external application.
how to reference a field by its location or position in the query.
We need to get the list of fields so we know what each field is named and we need to be able to get at its value dynamically as well. If possible, checking the data type would be useful too but that is less important in this case.If we were doing this in say PHP, we could simply reference the query row and use a command like...
foreach($myrow as $field=>$value)
and this would walk through each field in the row giving us the field name and its value.We need to do this same type of thing in our package.
Inside a trigger I have to dynamically get the : old. values for only these columns.
This I need because during update trigger on a table (say t2) I am supposed pickup the coumn names stored in t1 and get the : old values of only these columns to insert into a new table .
I need to store a date that will always be x years before the current date. Is doing something like
select sysdate -x from dual
Going to result in any weird issues down the road? Also, because I haven't explicitly specified the date, when queried, will the value always be sysdate - x (What I want to happen) as opposed to dateRowWasCreated - x?
I wrote a simple procedure to copy the create timestamp and create user name to update timestamp and update user name of the same record. (See code below)
This works fine for a hard-coded table and primary key column. However, I cannot figure out how to get this to work with dynamic sql.
All my other procs, which don't use SELECT UPDATE FOR work fine with dynamic sql.
Proc that works:
CODECREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE proc_set_upd_columns IS CURSOR c1 IS SELECT * FROM mytable FOR UPDATE ORDER BY mycolumn; c1rec c1%ROWTYPE; [code].........
Partial proc that does NOT work:
CODECREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE LDEVORE.proc_set_upd_columns ( p_input_table_name IN VARCHAR2, p_pk_id_col_name IN VARCHAR2) IS v_qry_str VARCHAR2(1000); v_cursor_str VARCHAR2(1000); v_create_tmstmp TIMESTAMP; v_create_user_name VARCHAR2(30); [code].......
i have creatd view,in which i need to show the entry of year in column wise,though the data is in row /record wise.By iteration i can manipulate the year in decode function like " (DECODE(a.Year,(select distinct max(year)-1 from BI_BALANCE_SHEET), a.Balance))",but is there any way to chachge the alias name /column name,here is the query
select SUM(DECODE(a.Year,(select distinct max(year)-1 from BI_BALANCE_SHEET), a.Balance)) as year2010, SUM(DECODE(a.Year,(select distinct max(year)from BI_BALANCE_SHEET) , a.Balance))as Year2011 from DEMO a
I do not know the table name but have a query that for sure returns the table name and I want to select a column value from the table into my PLSQL variable.
I would like to use dynamic sql for an select query with where clause and then use the dynamic sql in pl/sql stored procedure. how to create dynamic sql (select query) and how to use it in pl/sql stored procedure.
I don't want to set this path on every machine. I want to set its dynamic path so that on which even I machine, I run the applicaiton, it will directly find AcroRd32.exe from any drive either C: or D: or anything else...
It might be Acrobat Reader 9.0 or 8.0 whatever version will be installed on client machine...I want to set path according to that..So that whatever version it would be, it doesnt affect the application..
I need to have columns dynamically defined in my SQL based on the column values in the table.
Selct emp_no,dept_no,grade from emp; emp_no dept_no grade ---------------------------------- 1 10 A 2 20 B 3 20 A 4 10 C 5 10 A 6 20 C 7 10 B 8 20 C
I need the output as dept_no Count_A Count_B Count_C --------------------------------------------- 10 2 1 1 20 1 1 2
I can write hard coded sql to get this output but I need the count columns to be generated dynamically as there could be new entries in the grade column later. For example if there is a entry as D for the grade column my SQL should have a column count_D.
I have two string one is comma separated values as a column name and another string which is having the comma separated value corresponding to the column name.
I want to be able to generate unpivot for 1 row of data dynamically.what i am trying to do is based on this linkI just need to be able to pass the table name in format : SCHEMA_NAME.TABLE_NAME and the query should unpivot the data for 1 row. (Will always be 1 row, just need to transpose the column names and the values for 1 row of data)
I made the below query so far. But I am getting an error and can't figure out a way to fix it.pass any table name from your database in the define step
define TAB_NAME='SCOTT.EMPLOYEE' WITH sel_col AS ( SELECT DECODE (data_type,
ERROR at line 33: ORA-00904: : invalid identifier
Its the last line of the code. The same seems to work in the select part but not in the IN part.
P.S: I cannot do PL/SQL - as i simply dont have access.
I have a question regarding the optimal way to code a dynamic SELECT INTO statement. Below are the 2 posiibilities I know of:
1. Dynamically executing the SELECT statement and making use of the INTO clause of the EXECUTE IMMEDIATE statement CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION get_num_of_employees (p_loc VARCHAR2, p_job VARCHAR2) RETURN NUMBER IS v_query_str VARCHAR2(1000);
2. Encapsulating the SELECT INTO statement in a block and dynamically exectuting the block
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION get_num_of_employees (p_loc VARCHAR2, p_job VARCHAR2) RETURN NUMBER IS v_query_str VARCHAR2(1000);
which way would be preferred? I know the second method uses a bind variable for the INTO clause, but does the first one also use bind varialbes (no semi-colon)? Any differences in terms of efficiency or speed?
Employee Number Name Value Rate Type Type Assignment Id ----------------------------------------------------------------- 4 Employee 1 800 N 5 Yr Bonus 64 4 Employee 1 1063 N 6 Months Bouns 64 4 Employee 1 24.04 H Reg Hourly Sal 64 5 Employee 2 6923.08 S Reg Sal 65 6 Employee 3 5961.54 S Reg Sal 66 6 Employee 3 15000 N 6 Months Bouns 66
I want to convert above out to look like following
Emp Num Name Value Rate Type Type Val 1 Rate Type 1 Type 1 Value 2 Rate Type 2 Type 2 Assignt Id ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 Employee 1 24.04 H Reg Hourly Sal 800 N 5 Yr Bon 1063 N 6 Mon Bon 64 5 Employee 2 6923.08 S Reg Sal 65 6 Employee 3 5961.54 S Reg Sal 15000 N 6 MontBon 66
Example of Query Output 2.
Employee Number Name Value Rate Type Type Assignment Id -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 Employee 1 800 N 5 Yr Bonus 64 4 Employee 1 1063 N 6 Months Bouns 64 4 Employee 1 1345 N Patent Bonus 64 4 Employee 1 24.04 H Reg Hourly Sal 64 5 Employee 2 6923.08 S Reg Sal 65 6 Employee 3 5961.54 S Reg Sal 66 6 Employee 3 15000 N 6 Months Bouns 66
Desired Output from Above Query. As you can see column have increased as one more row for same employee has increased
ENu Nm Val RTy Ty Val1 RTy1 Ty1 Val2 RTy2 Ty2 Val3 RTy3 Ty3 AsgId ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 E1 24.04 H Reg Hour Sal 1063 N 6 Mon Bns 1345 N Pat Bon 800 N 5YB 64 5 E2 6923.08 S Reg Sal 65 6 E3 5961.54 S Reg Sal 15000 N 6 Mos Bns 66
After the Data is loaded, we see data look like the above.
(1) Always COL3 column name have data value as 'Gen1' which is the indication for us from where data starts. But Gen1, Gen2, Gen3 etc... is dynamic. ie. This month we get gen1 and gen2 columns followed by null value in a column. Next month we get gen1,2,3,4 followed by null column. (2) Null Column indicate us that there is a break in the column. (3) Then next we need to look for next group of data (Monthly) and then insert into the same table again with different sheet_name column. (4) Next for Quater and then YTD. None of the column Values are fixed and its all dynamic.
If you load the below data, you will come to know what i am looking for. I tried using UNPIVOT. But couldnt able to achieve it. Is there an option to do it in sigle query? or Do I need to go for Stored Procedure?
Insert into TST_TBL (JOB_DETAIL_ID, SHEET_NAME, COL1, COL2, COL3, COL4) Values (100, 'Wire_1', 'Gen1', 'Gen2', 'Gen3', 'Gen4'); Insert into TST_TBL
In my schema the employees table has a number of 55 rows in department_id 30.
How can I spit the employees table into views group by department_id as
- one view with no more than 55 rows (this view will contain only a department) - another view with more departments but whose number of rows is not > 55 but can contains 2 department_id (e.g.: 9, 10 and the sum of these rows is 43 but if I would like to bring another department the rows count will be > 55)
So, for lack of a better way to explain it, I need to do the following.
I need a EXECUTE IMMEDIATE to be able to use a CURSOR but its saying its not declared. Is their a way to pass the cursor so a Execute Immediate can use it...
I know thats just a small part... but it shows the end goal. I need to append a VARCHAR that has the COLUMN NAME I need from the CURSOR. CUR_DATA is the open cursor. V_DATA is just a VARCHAR with text in it.
I trying to create a procedure that could update one or more different table into clob data - but only those tables that contain your search (indexed) word.
I have a 3 tables: item, common_lookup, member
> CREATE INDEX i_item_barcode ON item (item_barcode) INDEXTYPE IS ctxsys.context; CREATE INDEX i_item_title ON item (item_title) INDEXTYPE IS ctxsys.context; CREATE INDEX i_item_subtitle ON item (item_subtitle) INDEXTYPE IS ctxsys.context; CREATE INDEX i_common_lookup_meaning ON common_lookup (common_lookup_meaning) INDEXTYPE IS ctxsys.context; CREATE INDEX i_account_number ON member (account_number) INDEXTYPE IS ctxsys.context;
Now is the question.. If it possible to create the procedure search_execute which can add data depending on subbmited parameters ? If it possible, can You give me an example (dbms_output/update_clob), for search_execute to recive something like that:
> search_execute ('Wars', item, item_title) > >
select * from clob data : 1 1068 ASIN: B00003CX5P 1014 Star Wars - Episode I The Phantom Menace (CLOB) (BLOB) PG MPAA 22-mar-2005 3 16-lut-2012 17:31:55 3 16-lut-2012 17:31:55 2 1069 ASIN: B00006HBUJ 1014 Star Wars - Episode II Attack of the Clones (CLOB) (BLOB) PG MPAA 22-mar-2005 3 16-lut-
I try write something like this (it is not compile - and I know where is mistake, I tried to figure it out in several different ways - This is just my way of thinking expression) : > CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE search_execute (v_text IN VARCHAR2, v_column_name IN VARCHAR2, v_table_name IN VARCHAR2) IS v_clob CLOB; v_tmp_clob CLOB; CURSOR c1 IS (SELECT * FROM v_table_name WHERE contains (v_column_name, v_text) > 0); CURSOR c2 IS (SELECT column_name FROM user_tab_cols WHERE table_name = v_table_name); BEGIN