Copying DB From One Machine To Another

Nov 28, 2011

I am a software developer for a small company with a parts inventory. We develop a Java program that is an add on to our inventory management software.

The inventory management software recently got upgraded from a Firebird platform to an Oracle platform, so to continue developing our software I need to upgrade our development environment. This environment is a separate environment (more specifically, my laptop) so I am trying to get a copy of the database onto my machine.

The software vendor pointed me to a DMP file that he said I could use to import the data onto my machine. However, using impdp has been a headache. I ran it with the parameters supplied from the software vendor and I received a flood of errors (already exists errors, data too big errors, parent key not found errors). After waiting several hours for impdp to do its thing, the result is that the user I am trying to import to is still empty.

Is DMP the best way to accomplish my goal? If you were trying to get a database from machine a to machine b in Oracle, how would you do it? In Firebird, it was as easy as copying the database file and pointing the DBMS to it.

I am not looking for live sync, I plan to update the database with the live data about once every month or so.

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PL/SQL :: Copying A Tree Structure

Oct 4, 2012

I have a hierarchy tree i query using connect by. The primary key is the up level to other parts. I need to copy the entire tree structure as a new structure.

This will mean renaming the IDs to new unique ID yet keeping the up levels correct.


1   TOP
2   desc2           1
3   desc3           1
4   desc4           3
5   desc5           4
6   desc6           1so if i coped this i would expect
8 desc2 7
9 desc3 7
10 desc4  9
11 desc5 10
12 desc6 7

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Application Express :: Bug While Copying Items On A Page?

Oct 4, 2012

When I create a new page item via copying from existing page item it fails with the below error code, if there is > or < character in the source of the existing item.Error Source contains <, > or " which are invalid characters. It works fine if I create new item using wizard and then have the same source. I use div tags in the source of my display only items.

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Data Guard :: Copying Archived Log File From Primary To DR

Sep 21, 2011

1) How to copy the ARCHIVED LOG FILE from Primary to DR location. Where if the DR is having the file already, how to SKIP that Particular Archived log file?
2) I have Checked with the FILE_TRANSFER DBMS package, but it gives the error if any file existing already.

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Backup & Recovery :: Error While Copying Database To New Server?

Jan 31, 2011

I am restoring Oracle rman backup from nodeA to nodeB through RMAN and I was in the middle of the process of rename the redo log files to new location where I suddenly got the below mentioned error:

RMAN> SQL "alter database rename file 'E:oracleproduct10.2.0oradatadbadeepakREDO01.LOG' to 'E: est_rman estrmanREDO01.LOG'";
sql statement: alter database rename file 'E:oracleproduct10.2.0oradatadbadeepakREDO01.LOG' to 'E: est_rman estrmanREDO01.LOG'
RMAN-00571: ===========================================================
RMAN-00569: =============== ERROR MESSAGE STACK FOLLOWS ===============
RMAN-00571: ===========================================================
RMAN-03009: failure of sql command on default channel at 01/31/2011 12:53:04


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Application Express :: Copying Form Data To Clipboard

Feb 5, 2013

I have made one form and trying to pick up the data available on the form by pressing a copy button and want to take all the date into clip board. for an example I'm just picking one field at the moment named as p213_que_item_ref

following code is defined as application_process getquerydet (process point ondemand)

item_ref varchar(30);
item_ref = :p213_que_item_ref
HTP.prn (item_ref)

In the header of the form querydetailsregion following code has been added

<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
function f_copytoCB ()
var get = new htmldb_Get(null,&APP_ID.,'APPLICATION_PROCESS=getqueryDet',0);
//var get = $v('P213_QUE_ITEM_REF')
gReturn = get.get();
copy gReturn;

AND in the button URL added the following code


But it is still not working .......

what is wrong with it.

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Server Administration :: Copying Files Error While Oracle 11g R2 Installation

May 11, 2010

I am trying to install Oracle 11g Release 2 on Redhat Enterprise Linux 5.2 (vmware image) but after 50% installation it through errors while copying files on the server. I also tried on Windows 2003 Server R2 (physical m/c as well as vmware image) and faced same problems. I did installation of Oracle 11g Release 1 and didn't find any problems.

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Export/Import/SQL Loader :: Copying Oracle Database Users From 9i To 11g?

Aug 19, 2012

I need to copy more than 1000 database users(without objects) from orcle 9i to oracle 11g. They don't allow to use any graphical tools.which is the best way to complete this task? does conventional export /import works for only users only ?

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Database Auto Start With Machine On And Shutdown With Machine Shutdown

Sep 2, 2012

i install oracle 10g on linux on perform the following step but my database is not auto start with the machine

Automatic startup and shutdown oracle on linux Oracle database server provides two scripts to configure automatic database startup and shutdown process.

The scripts are,

Now let's look at unix level script. When a unix machine boots it runs scripts beginning with Snnname in /etc/rc3.d.

-Here the number nn indicates the order in which these scripts will be run. The name just indicates the function of the script.

In the same way shutdown scripts are named as Knnname which are run from /etc/rc0.d.

If we want that Oracle is the last program that is automatically started, and it is the first to be shutdown then we will name the startup and shutdown scripts on OS like /etc/rc3.d/S99oracle and /etc/rc0.d/K01oracle respectively.

The database script dbstart and dbora will be called from OS script /etc/rc3.d/S99oracle and /etc/rc0.d/K01oracle respectively.

Note that dbstart and dbshut take each SID, in turn, from the /etc/oratab file and startup or shutdown the database.

Automate Startup/Shutdown of Oracle Database on Linux

Step 01: Be sure that oratab file is correct and complete.

Check for oratab file either in /etc/oratab or in /var/opt/oracle/oratab.

Database entries in the oratab file have the following format:

Here Y indicates that the database can be started up and shutdown using dbstart/dbshut script.

If in my database there is two database named arju and arjudup then my oratab file will contain the entry like,
where /var/opt/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1 is the $ORACLE_HOME of my database.

Step 02: Create a script to call dbstart and dbshut. In this example I will create one script that will do both startup and shutdown operation. I will name this script as dbora and will be placed in '/etc/init.d'.

a) Login as root.
b) Change directories to /etc/init.d
c) Create a file called dbora and chmod it to 750.

# touch dbora
# chmod 750 dbora
d)Edit the dbora file and make the contents of it like below.


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SQL & PL/SQL :: Command Is Used To Create Table By Copying Structure Of Another Table Including Constraints?

Jul 14, 2012

what command is used to create a table by copying the structure of another table including constraints ?

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Application Express :: Copying A Translated Application In APEX?

Sep 17, 2013

I have a translated application in Apex, my Apex version is The application is in production version, many people are using it on daily basis. The application's primary language is English, and it has translations for 5 languages. Everything is working fine now; even if there are minor changes in the application, we are able to seed it, download the XLIFF files and than publish the modifications into all translations. Simple so far.  My problem is that I wanted to 'clone' the application including its translations to a new one since I plan to rebuild some parts of it. I want to keep the current version untouched, not to bother users. The new application should be in the same workspace, with a new ID. I have tried a couple of approaches: Copy the primary application enabling the option 'copy translation' - this creates a new app, and also seems to create new translated applications, which are empty (not seeded, not published). Export the primary application and than import it with a manually defined new application ID. Than do the same with the translated applications and set the proper IDs in the translation mapping part of Shared components > Translation. When I try to run the primary application, it is working, but for translated versions... Only an error saying that the application page does not exist. The purpose is to clone the whole thing by keeping the connection between the primary and the translated applications, so that if I change something in the primary application, it can be seeded into the translated ones later. In the same time I want to keep translations as well, since there are thousands of strings...

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Copying Data From Table (with No Constraints) To Table With Constraints?

Jun 13, 2012

I want to create a store procedure to copy data from a source tables(which may not have any constraints defined) to a table which has primary key, foreign key and unique key constraints.

Any records which are rejected due to these constraints not being satisfied need to go another table.

Once the initial data load is done, these procedures need to be automated(through cron) to do the future incremental uploads in the same manner.

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Not Able To Connect From Client Machine

Dec 23, 2010

I have installed oracle 10g on Red Hat Linux and I am able to connect as well.The listener and DB is up and running and I am able to coonect as well from the server.

But I have installed the oracle client (TOAD) on some windows machine and from there I am not able to connect . I am directly connecting by giving IP and other details and using TNS as well but I am not able to connect from client machine. I am getting ORA 12170 - TNS timeout error.

[root@rhel1 admin]# sqlplus system/system@db102
SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Thu Dec 23 11:16:04 2010
Copyright © 1982, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.

Connected to:
Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - Production
With the Partitioning, OLAP and Data Mining options

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Building A Machine For Express

Sep 15, 2010

I'm about to build a machine whos prinary focus will be running a 'hobby' app that uses oracle express as its db. some info on the db..main tabl has 30 fields and 500K records,all other tables add up to about 20% of that size.

I run huge queries that return most of the db in about 200K rows with 50 fields.these queies contain many 'partion fields' using 'rank', 'percect rank' etc. My old pc really struggles with thhis stuff and im going to invest about 600 euro (exculing monitor etc) in a new mahcine.

general terms what i should get, im thinking about OS, hard drive (1 for data, 1 for indexs?), mutli core processer?, type and size of ram. Any othr consideration i should have.

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Windows :: ORA 12154 From Other Machine

Feb 14, 2011

I have Oracle installed on a Windows 2008 server. When the database was created, it could not register with the listener (I confirmed that the listener service was running but when I started creating the database it stopped).I completed the db creation and started the listener again and tried "alter system register" but that didn't work either.Then I manually edited listener.ora and added an entry to the SID_LIST_LISTENER and I could successfully connect using sqlplus dba1@orcl/password from the same server.

Now, I tried to use the instant client to connect to the database from another Windows 2008 server. I copied the TNSNames.ora from the db server to this new server. When I run sqlplus dba1@orcl/password I get the ORA 12154 error.

Why would this happen from a remote machine which is on the same network? Ping from one server to the other works (both ways).

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Forms :: Developer 10g And 6i On Same Machine?

Apr 5, 2011

I have installed Developer 10 suite and 6i on same machine, developer 6i run time works properly but when i open URL with "?config=icc" it says form generated in previous version of forms builder, i have already compile called form (configure in default.env and formsweb.cfg) in forms builder 10g.

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XE :: Will 11G Work On 64 Bit Windows Machine

Oct 3, 2012

I would like to down load and install 11g XE beta but I do not know if it will install and run on my 64 bid Windows machine. I had trouble with the 10 G XE trying to down load it on 64 bits.

If I cannot use it on 64 bits could I make it work if I down load Unbuntu Linux? System info as follows:

OS Name     Microsoft Windows 7 Professional
Version     6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 Build 7601
Other OS Description      Not Available
OS Manufacturer     Microsoft Corporation
System Name     XXXXXXXXX (censored)

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ODP.NET :: How To Get IP Address And Machine Name Of Client

Oct 15, 2012

On cliente/server, I used to get the user IP address using SYS_CONTEXT and IP_ADDRESS, and the terminal name with SYS_CONTEXT and HOST.But in web environment, these functions returned Server IP and name.I have to build a trigger to obtain the information of user IP address and terminal name to save on audit table.

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Client RMAN Backups From AIX Machine

Mar 7, 2010

I have some client RMAN backups from an AIX machine, a set of .bkp files including the control file, that I have been asked to restore on a Windows 2003 server. My first question is if such a restore is possible?Also, the backups are from Oracle, and I need to restore them to 11g, will this cause any complications?

how to carry out such a restore procedure from scratch.

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RMAN Backup To Remote Machine

Nov 2, 2011

am trying to backup my oracle database using RMAN to a remote machine. both systems are using redhat linux. i have successfully configured NFS on my remote machine and mounted it from my oracle database machine.

i then configure rman channel to disk on mounted linux directory..when i take full backup of database i receive this error

ORA-19504: failed to create file "/mnt/ora_df766174940_s104_s1"
ORA-27054: NFS file system where the file is created or resides is not mounted w
ith correct options
Additional information: 3

How do i mount this with correct options the error msg says OR what do i do to backup to the said directory?

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RMAN - Recover Files In Other Machine?

Dec 5, 2011

I have many backup sets of my database.

I need to recover a especific set of data, but where these data are. I thought of install oracle in a new machine and recover the backups one by one.

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Testing 9i On Virtual Machine Under RHEL 4.8

Sep 1, 2010

I work as a Sys. Admin. for several RHEL 3.8 servers, most of them are clusters of 2 machines. All these servers are running Oracle database. They are running fine on a separate filesystem. So everytime the system has to be formatted for some particular reason, there is no need to re-install the database.

I am trying to make some tests by running the same filesystem containing the oracle database in a fresh Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4.8 X86_64 Install. This task has become impossible, and I'm not quite sure why.

I installed all the compat- packages required for a fresh oracle 9 install in a RHEL4 machine, but at the time of stating the STARTUP sentence, it gives me the next error:

CMCLI ERROR: OpenCommPort: connect failed with error 2.
CMCLI ERROR: OpenCommPort: connect failed with error 2.
CMCLI ERROR: OpenCommPort: connect failed with error 2.
CMCLI ERROR: OpenCommPort: connect failed with error 2.
CMCLI ERROR: OpenCommPort: connect failed with error 2.

After this error (repeated) it says something like: Cannot start an already running database.... But if i stat a shutdown sentence, it says that the instance has not been initialized....

I don't know whether i have to re-install all the oracle software in order to make a clean install in the new kernel version or not, i tried to apply a patch, and the oracle installer recognized the installation i had.

I think it might be because the original system is configured to work as a cluster, and i'm running it on only a virtual machine.

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Exadata :: Tell Version Of Machine Connected To?

Mar 8, 2013

How can I tell version of exadata machine I'm connected to? Mean whether X2, X3-2. X3-8 ....

example: machinemodel=X2-2 Full rack A file named config.dat is mentioned in this doc [URL]

but I could not find that file on server I'm connected to (DB Host)

Any command, file I could use to get machinemodel?

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Forms :: How To Get Weight From Weighment Machine

Jul 16, 2008

how to get weight in oracle forms from weighment machine

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Read File On Local Machine?

Jun 27, 2012

From a script how I can read a local file (where I have the sql client)?

I have an Oracle database on a server, and I connect from another machine with SQL Developer.I want to read a text file on my local machine ( where I run my script) to use the data in the script.I never want to read or write on the server.

Reading on internet i read about UTF_FILE package But what is not clear to me is, this is on the server or client ?Also some people says UTF_FILE can work both on client side and server side.Also I read about package text_io, but I think it is only for forms.

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RAC & Failsafe :: Configure 10G On LINUX 5.0 Machine

Mar 9, 2011

provide me the online material or some links where i can follow the instructions step by step to configure 10G RAC on LINUX 5.0 machine.

I have 3 separate machines having Linux 5.0 . I want to do this for R&D purpose.

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Oracle Port On Localhost Machine?

Oct 14, 2011

How to know the oracle port no on localhost machine.

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Replication :: Moving Data From One Machine To Another?

Aug 21, 2008

Oracle Data Replication. I am using Oracle 10g release 10.1 and I want to do replication of my data from one machine to another machince.

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Running Two Instances On Single Machine

Apr 25, 2013

i am using oel 5.5 with oracle 10g release 2 installed in it . I am unable to run two different instances on same machine how can do that? I changed the ORACLE_SID then i startup one instance is starting but when i change the sid again and tried to startup it shows me that oracle is already started shut it down first.

Is there any way to startup two different instances?

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Forms :: To Migrate 6i To 10g On Vista Machine

Mar 16, 2009

I am trying to migrate 6i forms to 10g on vista machine . If i compile pll or fmb files in 10g,I am able to run the form only once. If i close the form and try to open it again,form builder crashing.

nothing is opening after compiling once in 10g. I reattached all the pll files to forms after compiling..This even does not worked.

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