RMAN - Recover Files In Other Machine?

Dec 5, 2011

I have many backup sets of my database.

I need to recover a especific set of data, but where these data are. I thought of install oracle in a new machine and recover the backups one by one.

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RMAN :: Difference Between Recover Database And Alter Database Recover?

May 9, 2013

Oracle database 11.2

What is the difference between

recover database until cancel using backup controlfile; and alter database recover automatic until cancel;

1. in user managed and server managed backups. What would be the location of the controlfile which is used in (recover database until cancel using backup controlfile;) .

2. why user first option and why use second option.

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How To Recover Missing Log Files

Feb 23, 2011

Currently my Source Database capture state stream is "Waiting for Dictionary Redo FIRST SCN" some logfiles are missing. My problem now is how to recover those missing logfiles.

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Backup & Recovery :: How To Recover Database Having Only DBF And CTL Files

Oct 15, 2013

I have the following situation: a customer sent me a group of files, that he said to be a "backup" of an old database, that is no longer online (he doesn´t use our software anymore). However, he needs to recover the data in this database. The person at the company who generate these files doesn´t work there anymore, so we don´t have any of the following information:

- Database version, connection details, service names, user names neither tablespace names.

We were just told that these files were recorded in a DVD, and is que only source remaining.
The files he sent are the following:


Is there a way to access this data? Or can I tell our costumer that your data is lost forever..

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Backup & Recovery :: Recover Data From DBF Files?

Feb 24, 2013

My server hard disc crashed yesterday and i don't have any backups.

I am able to recover the .dbf files by using a recovery tool.

is it possible to use this .dbf files into new server and recover my data.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Read All Files In Directory On Client's Machine

May 30, 2012

I want to read all the files present in a directory of client's machine.

However I have achieved this by creating java class in database but the problem is it accesses the directory of machine on which database is installed not the client's machine.

I have oracle client and I tried to access local directory of client's machine to read all the files in that directory but it didn't work.

However, I achieved this by creating one java class for ex. test.class and I run it locally through command prompt but I want to achieve it using Pl-sql.

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Server Administration :: Load Database Files On Other Machine?

Dec 7, 2010

I am trying to upload a database backup on a machine. Since the structure of files is different from server, how can i start the database.

Do i need to create a new control file? If yes, how can i run the sql command "Alter database backup controlfile to trace" in nomount mode.

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RMAN :: Restore And Recover Tablespace (s) In Another Database

Dec 3, 2012

I'm using Oracle Standard edition 11gR2, actually that's why I'm posting this thread because I can't use TRANSPORT TABLESPACE feature.

I need to restore and recover two tablespaces, backed up in source database in another database. The destination db has been duplicated from the source db a couple of days ago so the structure is identical.

I cannot use Data Pump on this specific tablespace, because it causes some strange behavior in our application. So I took a backup from tablespaces and now I'm looking for a solution to restore and recover it in another db.

Is there any command to restore a tablespace from a specific file? I googled a lot and no luck so far..

P.S: I use controlfile instead of recovery catalog.

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Backup & Recovery :: RMAN - How To Recover Drop Table

Jan 3, 2012

how i can recover my drop table using until time in rman scenario.

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RMAN :: Recover Data File Not Include In Backup?

May 16, 2013

I am using oracle, i have taken database backup using rman , after backup i have added a new datafile . My database has been crash , can i restore the database including the new data file which does not include in backup . I have all the archive logs.

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Backup & Recovery :: How To Recover Lost Table By RMAN

Jul 7, 2011

i need to restore one dropped table which i mistakenly deleted from my UAT Server. My flashback was off also. How to recover the lost table by RMAN.

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Client RMAN Backups From AIX Machine

Mar 7, 2010

I have some client RMAN backups from an AIX machine, a set of .bkp files including the control file, that I have been asked to restore on a Windows 2003 server. My first question is if such a restore is possible?Also, the backups are from Oracle, and I need to restore them to 11g, will this cause any complications?

how to carry out such a restore procedure from scratch.

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RMAN Backup To Remote Machine

Nov 2, 2011

am trying to backup my oracle database using RMAN to a remote machine. both systems are using redhat linux. i have successfully configured NFS on my remote machine and mounted it from my oracle database machine.

i then configure rman channel to disk on mounted linux directory..when i take full backup of database i receive this error

ORA-19504: failed to create file "/mnt/ora_df766174940_s104_s1"
ORA-27054: NFS file system where the file is created or resides is not mounted w
ith correct options
Additional information: 3

How do i mount this with correct options the error msg says OR what do i do to backup to the said directory?

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Cloning Database Through RMAN On Personal Machine

Jul 19, 2012

i have started cloning the database thru RMAN on my personal machine .the problem now is the database which i tried to clone and the database for which i was doing this task both are not working.I tried changing the database name and log file name using the parameters


the main database files are on disk1 and the clone database files are on disk2...i have restored the controlfile by command

>alter database recover using backup controlfile ; after some time its giving cannot alter and giving message that system datafile needs recovery even i tried
> alter database recover automatic not worked then i used the command

>> alter database recover using backup controlife until cancel;it gave message saying change generated so i cancelled the recovery and tried to open the database using RESETLOGS even now its giving the message SYSTEM file needs media recovery

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Security :: How To Clone Database Using RMAN Full Backup On Different Machine

Oct 1, 2012

How to clone database using RMAN FULL BACKUP on different machine? I do not wants to use DUPLICATE Command......

Is there any other way to clone DB? I am using Oracle 11g R1 on Windows Server 2007 (64 bit)

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Recovery Manager (RMAN) :: Duplicate Database From ASM To Non-ASM File System To Remote Machine

Aug 30, 2012

I have oracle in Windows 2008 server R2 64 bit version. I have installed database ASMDB with ASM ... Now i have another one machine , I want to clone my database in that machine with Non ASM file system .. Can any one tell me step by step document to do it ?

Can i keep the database name as ASMDB in another Machine ?

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RMAN ASM Duplication Orphan Files?

Jun 10, 2011

I use the following script to duplicate a target to an auxiliary instance. This works fine once.

However if I run it a second time it will create a new set of datafiles leaving the original files in place taking up space.

Is there something that I can put in the script that will stop this happening.

I know I could probably put a "set newname for datafile" clause for each datafile in the target database, but this makes the script over complicated and I would like to keep it as generic as possible.

until time "TO_DATE('07/06/2011 07:25','DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI')"

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Delete Archive Log Files Using RMAN

Jul 26, 2013

I am trying to remove archive log file on my standby site but I am getting the following message. There are lots of archive logs are present on the storage but rman is unable to displaying that.

RMAN> list archivelog all;

specification does not match any archived log in the repositoryRMAN> 

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RMAN :: How To Remove Database Files And Backup From ASM

Oct 19, 2012

Oracle Database
OEL 5.7

We have a host for restore purposes. We execute monthly or quarterly restore operations to verify that I am able to restore a subset of the data in the given amount of time or to other purposes. I have a automated script to Clone the Database, but to Clone Database we need remove the old database from ASM before start this operation. I want remove only Database files and keep the configuration (such as oratab/network/ocr and so on).

Question: There is a easy way to remove these files without connect on ASM or by using DBCA?

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RMAN :: Moving Backup Files From Disk

Jul 18, 2013

Accidentally without checking the channel allocation I have given the backup archivelog from sequence until sequence with delete input. This backup piece went to the disk but it should go to Tape.I know that we can catalog this backup piece but I want to move this backup files in disk to Tape using RMAN. Is there anyway or I have to lie with Backup team or OS team for this file movement?

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Backup & Recovery :: RMAN 10g - Restore Files From Tapes

May 8, 2013

Is it possible to recover files from backup tapes which are gone obsolete (as per retention policy)?

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Recovery Manager (RMAN) :: Taking Backup In 3 Files?

Mar 27, 2013

I took backup of Datafiles , archivelog files and controlfile through RMAN. Now, i want 3 backup file will created as a output of RMAN operation. It would be :

1 backupfile for all the datafiles
1 backupfile for all the archivelog files
1 backupfile for controlfile.

It have to be regardlessly whatevr my DB size is. It it possible to do so. How i can can write rman script to accomplish the task.

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RMAN :: Optimization - Ensure Skip Those Files Already Taken Backup

Feb 28, 2013

I would like to know that if I enable backup Optimization on then incremental full backup skip any files which was earlier backup? Because we may know that backup Optimization on ensure skip those files which are already taken backup.

Database : oracle 10g .

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RMAN :: Change Database Name Control Files After Restore

Jul 12, 2012

I have restored database with the name DB to another database called DB01

it is in STARTED status (not mounted) and it seems I can not change the name if it is not mounts, and I can not mount it because of the name, how to solve this issue if possible? I have RMAN full backup from DB on my current server which hosting the database DB01 the initdb01.ora is ready and configured with DB01

what can I do next

ORA-01103: database name 'DB' in control file is not 'DB01'

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Backup & Recovery :: RMAN - Missing Archive Logs Files

Oct 7, 2012

We have a nightly rman backup that was complete and clean.The backup contains a Data File, Control File and a backup Archive Log file.The database server crashed with all the subsequent archive logs lost.

We are trying to recover from the three backup files.We are bumping into the backup piece missing as all the archive logs are done. how to restore with the exising backup files. the lost archive logs are probably salvageable.

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Resize Online Redolog Files And Make RMAN Absolute Backups As Usable?

Jun 19, 2013

why can not we resize online redolog files instead of re-creating the same with large size and remove the older onces.2. How can we make RMAN obsolute backups as usable ?

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RMAN :: Rc-datafile Mismatch Sizes - Column Bytes Shows Data Different From Real Of Files?

Sep 26, 2012

in my catalog database I see in Rc_datafile mismatch sizes - column bytes shows data different from the real sizes of files .

Does this view updated after copy of database into catalog ?

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Recovery Manager (RMAN) :: Possible To Make Recovery Of Deleted Files

Jan 6, 2013

I am making incremental backups via RMAN, the backups are staying at disk. And the infrastructure team will copy this files backups to tape. And they want delete the files that will staying in disk via RMAN. Until now it's ok.

But and if I need of backups that stay on tape, it's possible make a recovery of deleted files by rman.

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Backup & Recovery :: RMAN Hot Backup Plus Archive Log Files?

Jan 11, 2008

I had a production db with archive logging enabled

SQL> select name,status
2 from v$archived_log;

---------------------------------------- -


So i need to restore archivelogs by using sequence

So the restore is completed successfully
So its very hard to monitor archivelog files
i feel i should have included all archivelog files while taking RMAN backup

RMAN >backup database plus archivelog all delete input;

but the problem is my RMAN backup is already 360GB in size and it takes 4-5 hrs to complete .so i need to schedule RMAN backup at one time (e.g sunday) ,delete the archivelog files older than sundayand now schedule the archivelog backup at another day (e.g wed &sat)

my question is where i have to change my script to backup all avaialbe archivelog files if old archivelog files are deleted at os level?

RMAN> run {
2> allocate channel c1 type disk;
3> sql 'alter system archive log current';
4> backup archivelog all format 'D:oracleackuplog_t%t_s%s_p%p' delete input;
5> release channel c1;
6> }

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Database Auto Start With Machine On And Shutdown With Machine Shutdown

Sep 2, 2012

i install oracle 10g on linux on perform the following step but my database is not auto start with the machine

Automatic startup and shutdown oracle on linux Oracle database server provides two scripts to configure automatic database startup and shutdown process.

The scripts are,

Now let's look at unix level script. When a unix machine boots it runs scripts beginning with Snnname in /etc/rc3.d.

-Here the number nn indicates the order in which these scripts will be run. The name just indicates the function of the script.

In the same way shutdown scripts are named as Knnname which are run from /etc/rc0.d.

If we want that Oracle is the last program that is automatically started, and it is the first to be shutdown then we will name the startup and shutdown scripts on OS like /etc/rc3.d/S99oracle and /etc/rc0.d/K01oracle respectively.

The database script dbstart and dbora will be called from OS script /etc/rc3.d/S99oracle and /etc/rc0.d/K01oracle respectively.

Note that dbstart and dbshut take each SID, in turn, from the /etc/oratab file and startup or shutdown the database.

Automate Startup/Shutdown of Oracle Database on Linux

Step 01: Be sure that oratab file is correct and complete.

Check for oratab file either in /etc/oratab or in /var/opt/oracle/oratab.

Database entries in the oratab file have the following format:

Here Y indicates that the database can be started up and shutdown using dbstart/dbshut script.

If in my database there is two database named arju and arjudup then my oratab file will contain the entry like,
where /var/opt/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1 is the $ORACLE_HOME of my database.

Step 02: Create a script to call dbstart and dbshut. In this example I will create one script that will do both startup and shutdown operation. I will name this script as dbora and will be placed in '/etc/init.d'.

a) Login as root.
b) Change directories to /etc/init.d
c) Create a file called dbora and chmod it to 750.

# touch dbora
# chmod 750 dbora
d)Edit the dbora file and make the contents of it like below.


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