Concatenating Two Select Statements

Oct 23, 2009

Been trying to concatenate the following two select statements (to then pass as a parameter in DML statement) without much luck.

Select lpad(ST_DAY,'2',0) || '/' || lpad(ST_MONTH,'2',0) from RET_FORMATS;

Select to_char(sysdate,'YYYY')"Year" FROM DUAL;

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Using $ Substitution In Select Statements?

Oct 11, 2011

Is it possible to have $ substitutions in Select statements ?

For example

Select * from my_table where ID in ${ID_LIST} and DAY >= to_date(${SOME_DATE})
$ID_LIST = (100,200,300)
$SOME_DATE = 10-10-2011 12:12:00

For the ID_LIST is using Prepared statements with ?,?,? the way to go ? Or are there are any Define we can do in SQL plus for this substitions ?

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Cannot View Database Or Run Select Statements

Jun 7, 2011

I have been out of work for 2+ years. Am about to start a job next week doing Oracle back end, Forms, and Reports development among other things. I was asked if I could take a look at 3 report requirements and give an estimate on how long it would take to correct errors in these reports. All I have is a user requirement document stating what the report is currently doing and what it should be doing, a partial screen print of an Oracle Form showing correct data, and a sample report page showing incorrect data.

I am finding it rather difficult to give an estimate without seeing tables, relations, code, etc. Is it me or does this seem nearly impossible?I do not have access to their system yet so cannot view the database or run select statements, run the report, etc. All I have are the documents I listed above.

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Auditing Unsuccessful Select Statements

Sep 3, 2013

I'm attempting to audit unsuccessful Select statements in order to trap a problem we're experiencing with our application. I have set the AUDIT_TRAIL initialization parameter to DB_EXTENDED, and bounced our database.

I've issued the AUDIT SELECT ANY TABLE WHENEVER NOT SUCCESSFUL command, and when I issue a SELECT statement as an application user, nothing appears in SYS.AUD$ even though the application has issued a select statement which returned no rows.

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Select Statements - Use A Join - Getting Error?

May 2, 2010

We are doing select statements. I have 3 tables that I need to get information out of and I believe I need to use a join but everything I put into oracle gives me an error.I'm doing the selects for a pharmacy and have a customer table, a drug table, and a prescriptions table.

I need to write a select statement that shows what customers are taking what drugs and how many mgs they take


i think i need that information for the select but I cant seem to write a select statement that runs without errors.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Combining 2 Select Statements In A View?

Apr 8, 2012

1. I Wnat to analyze the buffer cache hit ratio. This is what i did.

bufcac NUMBER(10, 2);


2. I would like to analyze the PGA and determine what percentage out of the maximum allocated PGA is being used. I tried the code below but can't find the percentage. Sad

To_char(Decode(unit, 'bytes', VALUE / ( 1024 * 1024 ),
VALUE), '999,999,999.9') VALUE,


Apart from the little problem I have with number 2, not figuring out how to get the precentage seeing that all the data is store in the field VALUE.

I would also like to create a view that has both 1 and 2 in it, but whenever I try creating it, I got and error stating and INTO clause is expected.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Insert And Update Through A Select Statements

Jul 7, 2010

how can i insert and update to a table in oracle database 10g through a select statement. not using merge.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Won't Continue To Other Stuff Like Select / If / Then Statements?

Oct 9, 2013

if i have a function

function test_1
if....then ...end
FROM ....

obviously this is not the whole code, but lets say the first if...then..end is true , does this mean it will exit the block? like it won't continue to the other stuff like select, if ...then statements?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Combine Two Independent Select Statements?

Dec 10, 2010

ive got two select statements which fetches data from different tables. I need to join the two result set . is it possible to do it from sql. Heres the query.





case.creation_time<= SYSDATE
case.creation_time>= SYSDATE-7

Again I need to combine the resultset.So the result would look like

Customer_Email Other_Email Customer_Whitemail Other_whitemail Customer_telephone Other_Telephone Cheque_total

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Bulk Collect And For All Statements To Select And Insert

Feb 19, 2013

I used bulk collect and for all statements to select and insert the data in temp table.The select SQl is returning one row. But its not inserting this row into temp table.Its not throwing any exceptions. Used ref cursor because the select statement is going for every cursor.

here modified the code and provided only one cursor.

Create Or Replace Procedure Sales_Hist_Update_Bkp Is
Type Type_Name Is Record(
Sku_Item_Key Ordm_Int.Dwi_Rtl_Sls_Retrn_Line_Bkp.Sku_Item_Key%Type,
Locationno Ordm_Int.Dwi_Rtl_Sls_Retrn_Line_Bkp.Locationno%Type,
Bsns_Unit_Key Ordm_Int.Dwi_Rtl_Sls_Retrn_Line_Bkp.Bsns_Unit_Key%Type,
Act_Item_Cost_Amt Ordm_Int.Dwi_Rtl_Sls_Retrn_Line_Bkp.Item_Cost_Amt%Type,
Act_Rglr_Unit_Price_Amt Ordm_Int.Dwi_Rtl_Sls_Retrn_Line_Bkp.Rglr_Unit_Price_Amt%Type,

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Retrieve Data With Multiple Select Statements

Jun 3, 2012

I'm trying to retrieve data with multiple select statements. The query works fine for 1 account (segment6) but fails for more than account. Below is the query.

select PERIOD_NAME "Month/Year",segment1 "Company" ,Segment6 "GL Account", currency_code "Currency",Mmt "Movement",
(select gb.period_name "PERIOD_NAME",decode (gcc.segment1, '20', 'Internode', '10', 'Agile') SEGMENT1,
gcc.segment6 "SEGMENT6", gb.currency_code "CURRENCY_CODE", gb.begin_balance_dr "BBDR", gb.begin_balance_cr "BBCR",


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PL/SQL :: How To Use CASE And COUNT Statements In SELECT QUERY

Oct 13, 2012

I want to count the batch records using BATCH_ID with CASE statement ,for that i am using below query but its not working ,


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SQL & PL/SQL :: Merge Two Statements (Select ID) Into Single Output

Aug 11, 2013

I want to merge the following two sql statements into single output.

select id,count(*) from derailed where changed_on between to_date('26-july-13 18:30:00','DD-Mon-YY hh24:MI:SS') and to_date('01-August-13 18:29:00','DD-Mon-YY HH24:MI:SS') group by id;

select id,code from dbo;

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Oracle 10g - Loading In Computer Select Statements Say No Data Found?

Jun 7, 2011

I am using oracle 10g i have a table on my computer that i made for a friend when i load it on their computer the select statements say no data found if i use select * from table name all the data will show

if a column name select * from table name where duty_date = '05-JAN-11'no data found

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Server Utilities :: Possible To Configure Auditing To Get Number Of Rows Returned By Select Statements

Aug 22, 2011

I am importing some data from Oracle into another database on a regular basis. It works fine for most of the queries but couple of queries don't work sometimes (random). I don't get any errors or any data.

We switched on the Oracle auditing to find out the queries being sent to oracle db. We can see all the queries in the Audit log. Is it possible to configure Auditing to get the "Number of Rows" returned by Select statements so that we can be sure that some data was returned.

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Concatenating Result Of Query

Aug 30, 2007

My scenario is something like this:


Rownum Colval
1 23
2 34
3 45

I need to write a query which will get me output: 233445, i.e. all the three rows concatenated. How can it be done? I want to do it through sql only and not to use PL/SQL. Is this possible?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Concatenating Address Fields

Oct 28, 2013

The pipe separator needs to appear only when values found in addr1 or addr2 or addr3.

WITH address AS (SELECT 'Silver Arc Plaza,' addr1,'4th Floor, 20/1, New Palasia' addr2,'Indore' addr3 FROM dual UNION ALL
SELECT 'Shop No. 1,Vishnu Priya Building,' addr1,'' addr2,'pune' addr3 FROM dual UNION ALL
SELECT 'D/7, Siddhivinayak Nagari,' addr1,'Nr. Majura Gate, Ghod dod Road,' addr2,'' addr3 FROM dual UNION ALL
SELECT '' addr1,'B 4, Gold Coin Complex,' addr2,'Ahmedabad' addr3 FROM dual UNION ALL
SELECT '' addr1,'' addr2,'' addr3 FROM dual)
select addr1||'|'||addr2||'|'||addr3 address from address;

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Invalid Number While Concatenating?

May 3, 2011

I'm having some troubles while concatenating fields.

If I make a simple join it works right:

select t1.nombre_archivo, t2.periodo
from proc_lotes t1, proc_procesos t2
where t1.lote_id = t2.lote_id;

------------------------------ ------------------------------
OSDE 201101
OSDE 201102
IOMA 201101
IOMA 201102
PAMI 201101
PAMI 201102

But... when I try to concatenate both fields it doesn't work. Nombre_archivo and periodo data type is varchar(30)

select t1.nombre_archivo + '_' + t2.periodo
from proc_lotes t1, proc_procesos t2
where t1.lote_id = t2.lote_id;

Error starting at line 1 in command:
select t1.nombre_archivo + '_' + t2.periodo
from proc_lotes t1, proc_procesos t2
where t1.lote_id = t2.lote_id
Error report:
SQL Error: ORA-01722: invalid number
01722. 00000 - "invalid number"

PS. I'm using SQLDeveloper 1.5.3

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Concatenating Two Rows While Joining

Sep 21, 2011

I have two tables

Tab1 columns c1,c2,c3 data as

Tab2 columns c1,c2,c4 data as

i want to get results like below

join columns will be c1 and c2 columns.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Insert Statements / Give A Commit One By One After Each Insert Statements?

Oct 11, 2012

Can we execute more than one insert statements at a time (eg 10) in database and givecommit at the end of insert statements or else give a commit one by one after each insert statements ?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Concatenating Date And Time Field

Jan 25, 2012

I have a field (called Date_Time) which displays for example 1/31/2005 12:00:00 AM. I would like to run a query that converts that value to '200501' in a created field.

I tried the following below but I keep having problems.

select Account_Number, Date_Time,
concat(year(Date_Time), month(Date_Time)) as Date_Time_Modified
from table
where Account_Number = xxxx

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Listagg Function In 11g For Concatenating Values From Different Rows

Sep 11, 2013

I'm Trying to use Listagg function in oracle 11g for concatenating values from different rows,but i'm getting error as FROM KEYWORD NOT FOUND.

Query is:
select listagg(column_name,'') within group (order by column_name) "column_name"
from table_name;

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SQL & PL/SQL :: To Update The Names Of Employees By Concatenating With A For DEPT 20

Aug 21, 2012

I want to update the names of employees by concatenating with A for DEPT 20. For that I have written the following PL/SQL block. But instead of one A the ename are concatenating with five AAAAA s.

TYPE lt_emp_arr IS TABLE OF t_emp.deptno%TYPE;
l_emp_arr lt_emp_arr;
SELECT deptno

I got the following out put.


7876ADAMSAAAAA 130020

But I want the output like this


7876ADAMSA 130020

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PL/SQL :: Update Names Of Employees By Concatenating With A For DEPT 20

Aug 21, 2012

I want to update the names of employees by concatnating with A for DEPT 20. For that I have writteh the following PL/SQL block. But instead of one A the ename are concatinating with five AAAAA s.

   TYPE lt_emp_arr IS TABLE OF t_emp.deptno%TYPE;
   l_emp_arr   lt_emp_arr;
       SELECT   deptno

/I got the following out put.

EMPNO     ENAME              SAL   DEPTNO

7566     JONESAAAAA     2000     20     
7788     SCOTTAAAAA     3000     20     
7902     FORDAAAAA     3000     20     
7369     SMITHAAAAA     8000     20     
7876     ADAMSAAAAA      1300     20    

 But I want the output like this


7566     JONESA     2000     20     
7788     SCOTTA     3000     20     
7902     FORDA     3000     20     
7369     SMITHA     8000     20     
7876     ADAMSA  1300     20

how to achieve this.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Date Format - Do (ORDER BY) By Concatenating Two Columns?

Jun 26, 2013

I want to do 'ORDER BY' by concatenating the two columns(date +varchar2).But not working and geting the error - ORA-01855: AM/A.M. or PM/P.M. required

SQL> create table dat2 (
mod_date date,
am_pm varchar2 (10) ) ; 2 3

Table created.
TO_Date( '06/05/2003 12:00:00 AM', 'MM/DD/YYYY HH:MI:SS AM'), '7:25AM'); 2

1 row created.


ERROR at line 2:
ORA-01855: AM/A.M. or PM/P.M. required

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Server Utilities :: Concatenating Dashes In A Column Using Sqlldr

May 20, 2011

I'd like to load ss_numbers, but concatenate dashes in between.

The ssn currently looks like this in the file: 123456789

I'd like to put dashes in there to make it load like this. 123-45-6789

The data is positional, so I have the column in the ctl file defined as:

ssn position(1:9) char nullif ssn=blanks ,

I know how to concat using the other method of loading this way, but this is not how the data file looks:

"substr(lpad(:ssn,9,'0'),1,3)||'-'||substr(lpad(:ssn,9,'0'),4,2) ||'-'||substr(lpad(:ssn,9,'0'),6,4)",

how to get the dashes in there while loading with the positional method?

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PL/SQL :: Concatenating Columns (in Multiple Rows) To One Column In Single Row

Nov 28, 2012

column1    column2            column3    column4

12                Mar-21-2005 BDW        blah blah blah
11               Feb-07-2001    ZV            ha ha ha
12                Jan-02-2002   YM           zuck zuck zuckI want a view that has that data like this:

column1    column2         

12                Mar-21-2005 - BDW - blah blah blah; Jan-02-2002 - YM     -      zuck zuck zuck
11               Feb-07-2001    ZV            ha ha haCan you help with SQL ?

I tried to use this Oracle LISTAGG function in the SQL, but got a "string concatenation limit exceeded"

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Dynamically Concatenating Column Values Based Upon Number Of Grouped Columns

Feb 17, 2011

My requirement is to concatenate two column values and place them in a new column.I have done it using self join but it limits the purpose,meaning when I have more than 2 values for grouped columns then it won't work.How to make this dynamic,so that for any number of columns grouped,I can concatenate.

SELECT a.co_nm, a.mnfst_nr, a.mnfst_qty,
a.mnfst_nr || ':' || a.mnfst_qty || ';' || b.mnfst_nr || ':'
|| b.mnfst_qty
FROM vw_acao_critical a JOIN vw_acao_critical b
ON a.co_nm = b.co_nm AND a.mnfst_nr = b.mnfst_nr

What will be the case when I need to concatenate for more number of values.

like when co_nm has three bahs and manfst_nr and manfst_qty has 3 values for each for bah.and if three are having same_mnfst nr then I should use something to achieve this.

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Import CSV Using SQL Statements

Jun 9, 2011

I know, importing a *.CSV-table is easy using a few clicks with the GUI, but I want to know, how to import and create new tables, using the existing *. CSV-files, with SQL statements.

how to import a .CSV-file using SQL-statements?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: IF / THEN Statements With Different Datatypes

Sep 30, 2011

I have a column in a database that contains both numerical and char data. I would like to be able to do two different things (two different queries)

1. divide the numerical data in the column by 10 and leave the char data alone (just return it)

2. detect the numerical data in the column and treat is as a different value so I can run averages & counts on it while disregarding the char data

I'm not at all sure how to do number 2. I thought a CASE statement would work for number 1, but then I realized CASE doesn't like different datatypes:

case when '1234' = 'checked' then 'checked'
when '1234' = 'gen.nograde' then 'gen.nograde'
when '1234' = null then null
else '1234'/10 end as "GRADE"
from dual

Error report:
SQL Error: ORA-00932: inconsistent datatypes: expected CHAR got NUMBER
00932. 00000 - "inconsistent datatypes: expected %s got %s"

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