Application Express :: Prevent Changing Value Of Item?

Sep 17, 2012

Im my application, after login, I have a hidden & protected item whose value I am setting based on a logic. Also I would like to access this item's value in a application process, so session will have this value. Now I do not want anybody to be able to change the value of this item. For Eg, if my item was P1_RESP, I was able to change its value in the following way, I have an edit link on somr IR, where I redirect to another page passing some values and the URL looks like : [URL] After the browser loads, I can edit the above URL to below and click enter, [URL]

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Application Express :: Changing Sequence In Content Frame Not Changing Ordering Of Regions

Apr 24, 2013

Using Application Express

Any problem using 4.2's One Level Tabs - Content Frame page where you have a parent region (of type content frame Body Container ) while number of child regions (of type Hide & Show Region - Borderless ), if you want to re-order them by changing the sequence, it has no effect when you run the page.

The regions still show in the same order top to bottom as it did before the update of sequences. Heading links (to show/hide child regons in content frames) has the same ordering as before.

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Application Express :: Application Locking - Force Logout All Current Users And Prevent Login

Jun 12, 2012

I have an application that I'd like to prevent activity in after a certain time of day, say 3pm. Is there any way I can force logout of all current users and then prevent re-login until 9am the next day (short of deleting all of their login credentials and then recreating them the next morning)?

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Application Express :: Prevent Combining Labels Into Another Category In Charts

May 31, 2013

Is there a way to prevent Apex from combining labels into an "other" category in the charts?

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Application Express :: How To Prevent Screen From (Jumping) During Report Refresh

May 4, 2013

I'm using Apex 4.2.1 against Oracle 11gR2 and mod_plsql.I've created a page containing two classical reports and an editable tabular form, with the form needing to be positioned at the page bottom.

The tabular form contains the usual buttons Apex creates by default such as "Add Row", "Save", and "Delete". Whenever users click any of these buttons, the entire page "jumps" and the mouse cursor goes to the very top of the page. Very disconcerting as well as frustrating since users must constantly scroll down to where the form is to see if a row was added or deleted.

I have set the tabular form region to "Partial Page Refresh". No effect.I have also created a dynamic action triggered on a button click (say the "Add Row" button) and whose action is to refresh the specific tabular form region. Again, no effect.

Even with both of these interventions, implemented individually as well as in combination, still has my page jumping and the mouse cursor at the top of the page whenever users click any of these form buttons.

how to prevent such screen "jumping"?

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Application Express :: Prevent Reset For Default Search Column In Interactive Report

Jul 19, 2013

I have created a IR report and I set the default search column  using the suggestion found in the thread URL....but how can I keep this default even after the research was done?Now it is resetted ! 

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Application Express :: Prevent Interactive Report From Running Query On Initial Page Load?

Oct 1, 2012

I am on APEX 4.1.1, db 11g and I have a report which is quite slow to retrieve results from its query. The page has some filter fields (e.g. store code, dept code) in addition to the generic search field.

When the user lands on this page (from a menu page), the query runs before the page displays and this typically takes 1-2 mins without any filters yet set. The usual browser loading indicators are not obvious to the user and they might not be aware that it is working on the request.

I want it so that it will only run the query AFTER allowing the user to get to the page, let the user fill in some filter criteria and then click on the GO button. Therefore the query will run after the page is submitted. When you hit the GO button on the interactive report, a nice rotating apex_loader.gif appears, making it obvious to the user that it is working on the request.

I would prefer NOT to create 2 pages, one for user filter, and a second for the actual report as I have many reports/inquiries which fit this category and I would prefer NOT to have to create pairs of pages for each.

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Forms :: Prevent Item From Being Copied?

Jan 31, 2011

how can i prevent an item from being copying. I mean to say user will not able to copy the value from the item and paste in notepad.

The item will be enabled also i can not desable it.

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Application Express :: Changing Image Prefix In 4.1

Aug 29, 2012

I installed APEX 4.1 with EPG on Oracle linux 6 and for some reason I want to change image prefix from */i/* to */i4/*.

I browsed to apex/utilities and logged in sqlplus as sysdba and run the file:

@reset_image_prefix.sql choosing */i4/* as my new prefix.

then i tried:

select id, flow_image_prefix from apex_040100.wwv_flows; all application now have the prefix /i4/ but when I go to http://myserver:8080/apex nothing is displayed !!!!

when i change */i4/* back to */i/* everything is back to normal...

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Application Express :: Changing Color Using JavaScript In IE8

Nov 19, 2013

Apex version (8.0.7601.17514)Firefox 25.0 

 I have a tabbed form that I need to conditionally disable rows (making them read only). I'm using Javascript to set the attributes of the fields that need to be set.A request was  made to make the font color of the read only fields black so that they're easier to read.I'm not able to get the font changed to black on the fields that are Select Lists in Internet Explorer. They are staying gray, however, they are set to black in Firefox. The JavaScript code for one of the Select List is:   

var curr_id = html_GetElement('f42').id; //Group
$x(curr_id).disabled = true;
$x(curr_id).style.background = "silver";
//$x(curr_id).style.color = "black";
$x(curr_id).style.color = "#000000"; //black

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Application Express :: Changing Parameters On Other Page

Aug 17, 2012

I have a page, Say page 1 ..and from that page 1 I go to a different page Say page 2 which is open like a modal window. Now what i need is i need to make a change in the first page that is page 1 ..from page 2 ..

I need to change a value of status field which is in  page 1  to Say p100_status ... I think i might have to use application items to accomplish this.. So i Use the following method..


Now i need to transfer the value in apex item . i.e p200_status  should contain  the value of  : f148_status ..

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Application Express :: Changing Row Color Of Standard SQL Report

Feb 2, 2013

change the color of a row in APEX SQL report. Change Colour of Row - Oracle APEX SQL Report...It's a bit outdated, and trying to figure out how to get to this page: URL.....where I can conditionally set background color.

I am using theme 13 (legacy) and made a copy of the report region. Edited it but cannot find an equivalent section of that apex 3.1 screenshot.

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Application Express :: 4.2 - Changing Link Column From ROWID To ID?

May 3, 2013

I have a report linked to a form. The link column is currently ROWID and I want to change it to the Primary Key of the DB table, which is called ID.

I have done this before on a previous report/form where that ID was a display column and it works fine. Now I'm trying to copy what I did, which is this:

On the report page, go to Interactive Report attributes, scroll down to Link Column, and for Item 1, change the Name and Value.

The problem is that Name does not list P52_ID. If I type it in, it throws an error when I run the page.

I think I added ID, which is also a Display column, later on, so I wonder whether Apex has a refresh issue and can't "see" P52_ID.

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Application Express :: Changing Icon In List Region?

Nov 23, 2012

I am new to apex , procedure to change the icon in List Region....... see the below link

[List Region Image[URL]....

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Application Express :: Reset Data Picker Page Item By Selection Page Item

Aug 23, 2012

Need to create a report based on date ranges and for this created a interactive report and two page item datepicker fields P15_fromdate and p15_todate. Report works fine with this criteria.But user wants one more field quarter(P15_quarter), When they select the quarter the range values has to get reset and as to get applied to report.

Issue here is unable to find a way to set the page range item values based on the quarter field selection

how to reset the page item fields.

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Application Express :: Creating Functionality For Changing Users Password

Mar 12, 2013

I'm trying to create a functionality on my application that lets the user change their password whenever they want or when the password gets expired.

But to do that, first I need a Branch to the page "Password Change" whenever the login procedure returns "Password Expire", but when the user has an expired password he can't access none of the pages of the application.

My other problem is:

Even if I can get the user to be redirect to the "Password Change" page, I would need a function that validate his current expired password, because in order to alter his own, he would need to inform his current password and the new one he desires. If I was using Apex Authentication that would be very easy I think, but I'm obligate to use Database Account Authentication.

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Application Express :: Changing Background Color Of A Cell From APEX_ITEM?

Apr 30, 2013

I created a javascript to change background color upon double click on particular cell, and it works for normal tabular form.However I created another tabular form using APEX_ITEM and unable to replicate the same behaviour.. how to do that if I'm using APEX_ITEM?

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Application Express :: Changing Scenario To HTTP Server Or Listener From XE Installation?

Dec 4, 2012

I have installed Oracle 11g XE . After this , i have upgraded to Apex 4.2 All it's working fine, but..... by default XE installs and configure apex to use embebed pl/sql gateway.

In this scenario, the images are stored directly in the database within the oracle XML DB repository. This may be a problem because XE have a 11GB limit and my apex aplication is simple, but it may upload pictures for customers, etc, and in this schenma the pictures will consume space in the database instead consuming in the linux filesystem.Can i install HTTP server in a 11g XE and reconfigure apexr?, or can i change to apache+listener? or more easy....can i upload images outside the XML DB in my apex application easily?

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Application Express :: IR Does Not Recognize The Application Item Content Correctly

Aug 22, 2013

I have an application item that receives a web service result. This result is like 'MARIA','JOSE','JESUS'. I'm using this string into the parameters of the interactive report, but this is not recognized. I'm showing the content of the application item into a pl sql region and the content is 'MARIA','JOSE','JESUS', when I include this application item into the query, the IR shows me 'MARIA','JOSE','JESUS' 

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Application Express :: Can't Get Current Value Of Item

Aug 14, 2012

i user javascript to set a item value by a Partial Page Refresh .then i want to turn to another page by a button and Transfer the item's new value to the second page's item,but the value of the item is always teh old value but not de new value,how can i get the new value of the item first.

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Application Express :: Item Value In A Classic Report?

Oct 3, 2012

I have the release 4.1.1. I have this problem:

- i have a master-detail page

- in a detail there is a classic report

- some item of the row of report are the select list based on LOV

I need to get the value of item inside the select list.

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Application Express :: Two Validations On One Page Item?

Jun 13, 2013

it is possible to have two Validations one Page Item. Also I need to execute them one by one. If one is passed then go to the other and validate that one. 

Example:P20_FORM_ACTIONP20_REOPENP20_REASON Validation 1: P20_REASON  != 0 with condition P20_FORM_ACTION = CLOSEIf Validation 1 is passed then go to Validation 2Validation 2: P20_REASON  != 0 with condition P20_REOPEN = YES

If Validation 2 is passed, then submit the form otherwise get error.  is possible in Application Express I tried to put the validations as described above into my application, but it did not work. Only one Validation was executed. 

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Application Express :: Get ID (Number) Of Apex Item

Jan 15, 2013

I am wanting to open up an Item's Help popup feature using a different button.

I understand I need to call:


Where 1234567 is the items id.

So my question is how do I get the items ID?

I thought it was something similar:


But this returns P1_ITEM_TEST, I want the ID or Sequence of the item.

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Application Express :: Global Item Date

Dec 19, 2012

in my application I have several pages with the item of date. How to ensure that all items had the same date for all pages and can be set on each page ?.

Application Express:
DB: Version

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Application Express :: Dynamic Page Item Name

Nov 1, 2012

I have a from with some fields (VELD01, VELD02...VELD11) and a page process that fills that field. I want to make that more dynamic using a loop. Is it possible to use some 'dynamic SQL' like:

l_cnt := 1;
for r in c
l_cnt := l_cnt + 1;
end loop;

Example above does not work of course...

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Application Express :: After Hiding Item / Its Value Cannot Be Used In Query

Jul 30, 2013

I am using its value in a query by using sql collection array. My requirement is that I need to hide that shuttle. But when I hide the shuttle, its value is not retrived by the query.

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Application Express :: Formatting (dollar Value) Within ITEM?

Mar 21, 2013

So I'm trying to display a monetary value in an item.

SELECT to_char(SUM(TXN_AMT),'$9,999') from CMS_COST_TRACKING where UPPER(TXN_NODE)='VMAX'this results in ######### in the item

If I remove the to_char formatting then the SUM displays correctly.Is this a restriction of some kind. The item is a display only.

APEX Application Express
ORacle 11G.

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Forms :: Changing The Colour Of Item?

Aug 5, 2010

For eg. If I want to change the background colour of Item it can be done in 6i using set_item_property builtin and can be written in mouse enter trigger. In Forms 10g when_mouse_enter trigger not be used.

How to implement the same funtionality or FOrms 10g.

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Application Express :: Use Page Item In LOV That Was Set By Dynamic Action?

Aug 15, 2012

I have a situation where I need to reference a hidden item in a List of Values (for a pull-down list) SQL statement. It doesn't seem to be working properly. Here is what I have:

1) Using a dynamic action, set the value of a hidden item based on the change of Select List 1.

2) Select List 2 has a parent LOV item of Select List 1, and the Select statement for Select List 2 uses the hidden item that was set from the dynamic action above.

I can see that the dynamic action is working correctly. But when I change Select List 1, the Select List 2 does not show any values from its LOV.

I'm wondering if the LOV for Select List 2 is not working because the item used in the SQL statement was set by a dynamic action?

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Application Express :: Interactive Report - How To Get Item Values

Mar 27, 2013

I have created a workflow which is going through 12 pages. At each page the user needs to choose his variables.

This could be the y-axes, x-axes, amount, surname ... etc. The variables are given to the next page via branch to next page process. Everything works well until I need to create an interactive report out of the chosen variables.

Lets say I have a variable called :P7_XAXIS with static LOV :


Page 8 is my IR. If I try :

Select :P7_XAXIS  from mytable This will not work.

But if I try

Select Date from mytable This will work. Why? In my workflow there are several variables that can be used in a where condition. This also works. But I need to access the values before the condition and I also need to get a chart out of it.

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