Application Express :: Deploy Custom Applications

Mar 19, 2013

I have developed a custom application in APEX. I wants to deploy and make it as a web application so that it can be access through url.

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Application Express :: How To Deploy Mobile Application Into App Store

Sep 29, 2013

i have developed one mobile  application and i want upload to store as an app

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Application Express :: Report ID For Different Applications

Jul 12, 2013

I have a javascript code, which refreshes a report on a page.The problem is, that the report ID is hard coded. If I import this page to a different application, the report won't be refreshed anymore.

Following code is used:

[...]var v_get = new htmldb_Get(null, $v('pFlowId'),   'APPLICATION_PROCESS=AP_RECALC', 0);v_get.addParam('x01', Segment);v_Return = v_get.get(); $a_report('734879922768742332', '1', '5000', '5000');[...] 

Is there a possibility to change the '734879922768742332' to a variable, constant or static id (which does not cause a endless loop)

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Application Express :: Authorization Schemes Between Different Applications

Jun 15, 2012

I have a main application from which the user can go to different applications (through tabs).

I have authorization scheme set for the main application.

When I try to use these (main app) authorization schemes in the other sub applications, they doesn't work.

Is there any way we can globalize the authorization scheme in the main application so that they can be used by different apps ?Or share the main applications authorization schemes with the sub applications.

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Application Express Listener :: Standalone Vs Deploy To J2EE Container

Jan 16, 2013

I planing use latest APEX listener and Apache with mod_jk on new server.I wonder what are pros and cons use APEX listener standalone comparing when deployed to J2EE container e.g. Glassfish? URL.....

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Application Express :: Deploy Apex Environment - Installation And Configuration

Jun 5, 2012

We want to deploy an apex environment. I see that there are 3 methods for apex installation:

Scenario 1: Downloading from OTN and Configuring the Oracle Application Express Listener
Scenario 2: Downloading from OTN and Configuring the Embedded PL/SQL Gateway
Scenario 3: Downloading from OTN and Configuring Oracle HTTP Server

I think the applications that we will create in apex will have 50-100 users. We don't use RAC.

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Application Express :: How To Import One Of Oracles Sample Applications

May 17, 2013

I am new to Apex. how to import one of oracles sample applications. I can see how to import a workspace but not an application. I have already set up a TEST workspace successfully.

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Application Express :: Apex_util.prepare_url With Translated Applications?

Oct 21, 2013

using apex_util.prepare_url with translated applications:Why is checksum in translated application different from checksum in original application?Is there any way to control which checksum apex_url.prepare_url function will calculate?I have application in two languages English (en) and Slovene (sl). Link with English checksum would work if I set Application primary language to English and link with Slovene checksum would work if I set Application primary language to Slovene. Application language is derived from Application primary language. The real problem for me is sometimes I get “English” version of checksum when apex_url.prepare_url is called from “Slovene” version of application.  As I mentioned before “English checksum” doesn’t work if Application primary language is set to Slovene.

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Application Express :: Single Authentication For All Applications In Workspace

Apr 17, 2013

Our apex currently has LDAP authentication scheme. We have many applications within the workspace. We are looking for a way to have one authentication scheme defined for all the applications so that user doesn't have to enter username/password for each application. How can I share my LDAP authentication scheme for multiple applications.

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Application Express :: Oracle Document For Apex Applications Backups?

Sep 26, 2012

Is there any official document from Oracle which tells us how to export apex applications from command line instead of using the GUI from within apex ?

When I googled I saw some links from apex users who had written as how to export using ApexExport utilities, but since we are in windows environment, we are having hard time getting the class_path,java_home...etc setup properly. I guess its not just me most of them would have encountered it.

But I am looking for an official document from Oracle ? ( exporting Apex applications from command line in Windows Environment ).

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Application Express :: Imports Apex Applications Without Schema / Sys Passwords

Jul 11, 2013

we got more that 50 apex apps, Deploying it through apex console is becoming pain.we won't get sys or schema passwords. etc  as databases are controlled by DBA's,  We only get apex_public_user password, internal, workspace admin passwords.If there is any need of schema association for any applications/workspace, We login to internal workspace and map schema to workspace. I read couple of blogs which discussed about automating the deployments through sqlplusconnecting as sys or schema user,  will not work for us. Want to know if there is anyway I can import deployments without logging into workspace. We already have workspaces and applications. The deployments will be for updating existing application or deploying new application in existing workspaces. Oracle Application Express 4.1.

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Application Express :: Apply User Defaults To Existing Applications Pages Reports

Oct 30, 2013

Is it possible to apply a new created UI Defaults to an existing page or pages in the application.If so then how? 

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Application Express :: Obtaining Custom HTTP GET / POST Parameters Of Variable Length In Application Process

Sep 5, 2013

I'm trying to connect a javascript UI control within my page to an APEX Application Process. The control calls the application process via AJAX and appends a variable number of GET / POST parameters to its URL.What is the best way to obtain these parameters from within the PLSQL procedure of the process? Or is there a better way to connect my javascript AJAX control to the Database behind my APEX app?

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Application Express :: BIP Custom Report Layouts?

Jan 11, 2013

use BI publisher to create custom report layouts, which are uploaded via APEX in the Shared components reports area.

The users wish to be able to select which report layout they want to use on the fly, e.g. select from drop down list which I'd hope to dynamically populate without having to hard code the report layout names into it.

From what I can find, it’s been stated that the layout names etc are stored in wwv_flow_files. However when I look here, I see all “history” of the files, even report layouts that were created and then subsequently deleted.

how, I can retrieve the details on exactly what report layouts are “active”?

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Application Express :: Custom Download Procedure Not Working?

Oct 16, 2013

I have created a custom download procedure to download uploaded files from custom table records which are displayed via links and i call my procedure as #OWNER#.my_file?p_file=#ID#. Now the problem this procedure call works in my development system not any other system.

is there any grant i need to provide but i don't want to grant to public also apex 4.1.1  create or replace PROCEDURE

my_file(p_file in number) AS        v_mime  VARCHAR2(500);        v_length  NUMBER;        v_file_name VARCHAR2(400);        Lob_loc  BLOB;BEGIN    SELECT trim(MIME_TYPE), BLOB_CONTENT, trim(filename),DBMS_LOB.GETLENGTH(blob_content)          INTO v_mime,lob_loc,v_file_name,v_length      FROM EMP.FILE_attachments                WHERE id = p_file;     owa_util.mime_header( nvl(v_mime,'application/octet'), FALSE );        htp.p('Content-length: ' || v_length);     htp.p('Content-Disposition:  attachment; filename="'||replace(replace(substr(v_file_name,instr(v_file_name,'/')+1),chr(10),null),chr(13),null)|| '"');  owa_util.http_header_close;                wpg_docload.download_file( Lob_loc ); ---------------------------------

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Application Express :: How To Display Custom Report Column Heading

May 13, 2013

I am having report region with different columns, in that one column heading needs to be start with lower case like "iST Status" but always it is showing "IST Status".

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Application Express :: Displaying Custom Messages On Login Page

Oct 23, 2012

I am using custom authentication with APEX 4.1.1 and I want to display custom error messages on the login page if authentication fails. In my authentication function I'm using apex_util.set_authenication_result to set a result code (code below).

I've tried to use the apex_util.get_authentication_result on the login page to hide and show custom messages but it's not working. I don't believe the apex_util.get_authentication_result is actually obtaining the result?

FUNCTION verify_user(
p_username VARCHAR2,
p_password VARCHAR2
v_ctr      NUMBER;

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Application Express :: Losing Chart Settings When Switching To Custom XML

Feb 20, 2013

I have an application which contains a chart of type Dial.In order to set the major interval dynamically I have switched to using custom xml and replaced the #SCALE_DATA# with:

<scale minimum='&P2_CHART_MIN.' maximum='&P2_CHART_MAX.' major_interval='&P2_CHART1_INTERVAL.'/>

However, I would also like to label the value with a Units Label (e.g. '%'). I was previously doing this using the Value: Postfix setting under Axes Settings, but after switching to Custom Settings removes this box and I no longer get the units displayed.

Is there some xml I can add which will set and display the units.I am using Application Express

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Application Express :: Interactive Report With Custom Search Criteria

Apr 25, 2013

I have a region where I have 3 textfields and a Submit button. Then, another report region where I have a query with the where condition that makes reference to the 3 texfields. This is:

Select * from ANYTABLE
where column1 = :P1_TEXTFIELD1
and column2 = :P1_TEXTFIELD2
and column3 = :P1_TEXTFIELD3

When I click the submit button, the report is reloaded (in fact, all the page) with all the conditions (in textfields) correctly. Now, what I need is that when I click the submit button, the filter appears in the screen; I mean, show the funnel with the filter conditions as if I made it since the search bar.

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Application Express :: How To Validate In Common PL/SQL Package And Show Custom Messages

Feb 11, 2013

Currently if i let required field empty, then APEX puts systematic error message "XXX must have some value." near the field and into the page header. I want to create custom business rule, that would show message for example "This action cannot be performed, because this and that...".

That kind of custom validation should be in my plSql package and somehow it should throw/send the phrase "This action cannot be performed, because this and that..." to the page header where was message "XXX must have some value.".

How can i create such custom error message to appear out using PlSql package function that i define myself? I plan to create a common validation package, which has lots of plsql functions to validate lot of APEX pages/forms, all those functions should throw/send somehow error messages to page header. I looked that this unofficial solution does not suit for me:


Because it disables APEX systematic automatic validations as i understand, and is unofficial.

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Application Express :: Display Custom Message For Report When Record Count Returned

Nov 8, 2012

Our application has a homepage that displays results of several SQL statements that are defined as reports. One report in particular should only display a custom message when Count of Invoices having a particular status > 0, and not the actual invoice count itself.

I have gotten the layout to not display the count but I need to be able to display a custom message that says "Problem Invoices exist. Please see Invoices Report for more information." I've looked over the Report Attributes definition page but I cannot find how to display this custom message.

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Real Application Clusters :: Oracle 11GR2 - Test All Applications On Dev Environment

Jun 13, 2012

I've just patched a development oracle environment (RAC 11GR2) with temporary patch 8730312. I would like to do same thing on Production RAC. Is it necessary to test all applications on dev environment with this kind of patch before deploy it on Production ?

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To Deploy Oracle R12 EBS

Dec 11, 2010

We plan to deploy oracle EBS R12. what are all the components needed to build this infrastructure. ex. Oracle 11g database, oracle 10g application server.

also which solution should be deployed to ensure the Enterprise single-Sign On (ESSO).

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11g Linux 5.5 - How To Deploy Replication Database

Jul 26, 2011

How I can maintain a replication scheme from a production database and a standby. I was watching the advanced replication methods of Oracle, but what I want is in the evening to run a process and modify the database incrementally and thus leave until the next night.

And the server I want to allocate to the standby database, also implements other processes, so my settings would be:

Production: Oracle Database 11g Linux 5.5
Standby: Windows 2003 Database 11g

Maybe that data is important, let me make clear that what I want is that the database is updated incrementally.

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Oracle Warehouse Builder 11.2 - Deploy To New Repository?

Feb 24, 2012

I have a big probleme with owb 11.2.

1. I have export MDL file from owb 10.2
2. I created owb repoisitory on server where I have installed my database 11gr2.
3. I have installed OWB 11gr2 on another machine.
4. Imported MDL file to new repository.

How I deploy to my new repository?

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Deploy Three Triggers To Each Table In Customers Live Database

Sep 14, 2012

I am soon engaging in a project where we will deploy three triggers to each table in a customers live database. One each for Inserts,Updates and deletes.

These triggers write or update a row in a separate table on a different schema.

We have experienced locking issues on these tables previously with SQL Server. Are there settings we can look at to improve performance?

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Server Utilities :: ORA-31685 Deploy Schema Using DATAPUMP API

Feb 7, 2011

I'm trying to deploy the schema using DATAPUMP API. The user from which the schema get deployed has the direct privilege of CREATE USER (not through role). But got the insufficient privileges error.

Processing object type SCHEMA_EXPORT/USER
ORA-31685: Object type USER:"SCOTT1" failed due to insufficient privileges. Failing sql is:

But the user get created successfully when run the CREATE statement manually.I have created the user manually and again run the deployment procedure. Got the below error for ROLE_GRANTS.

Processing object type SCHEMA_EXPORT/ROLE_GRANT
ORA-39083: Object type ROLE_GRANT failed to create with error:
ORA-01932: ADMIN option not granted for role 'EXP_FULL_DATABASE'
Failing sql is:

The user has EXP_FULL_DATABASE with ADMIN Option and IMP_FULL_DATABASE with ADMIN option direct privileges.which privileges the user needs to deploy the schema successfully?

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Mobile Server :: Deploy Existing Apps Design For Win Mob 6 On Windows 8 Phone

Mar 9, 2013

It looks that windows mobile is gone and windows 8 is available.. Can a vb .net application developed to run on win mobile 6 with oracle lite be deployed on windows 8 phone.

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Enterprise Manager :: 11g Management Agent Deploy Errors On Oracle 10g R2 4 Node RAC

Sep 6, 2010

I have been facing issues deplyong OEM 11g agent on Oracle 10g Target databases. I have installed OEM Agent 11g which is functioning perfectly. Now i am trying to deploy management agent 11g on Target databases which are a Oracle 10g RAC system of 4 node on Oracle enterprise linux 64 bit. Below is the error log..

BLUE1DB-> ./runInstaller -silent -responsefile /opt/Agent11g/sysman/agent_download/
Starting Oracle Universal Installer...
Checking Temp space: must be greater than 150 MB. Actual 1463 MB Passed
Checking swap space: must be greater than 150 MB. Actual 32767 MB Passed
Preparing to launch Oracle Universal Installer from /tmp/OraInstall2008-08-24_09-42-37PM. Please wait ...BLUE1DB-> *** Check for updates ***


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Security :: Audit Database Session From A Particular Applications?

Aug 14, 2013

Is there a way where we can audit database session from a particular applications? For example : We need to audit Toad and SQL developer sessions .

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