Application Express :: Oracle Document For Apex Applications Backups?

Sep 26, 2012

Is there any official document from Oracle which tells us how to export apex applications from command line instead of using the GUI from within apex ?

When I googled I saw some links from apex users who had written as how to export using ApexExport utilities, but since we are in windows environment, we are having hard time getting the class_path,java_home...etc setup properly. I guess its not just me most of them would have encountered it.

But I am looking for an official document from Oracle ? ( exporting Apex applications from command line in Windows Environment ).

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Application Express :: Imports Apex Applications Without Schema / Sys Passwords

Jul 11, 2013

we got more that 50 apex apps, Deploying it through apex console is becoming pain.we won't get sys or schema passwords. etc  as databases are controlled by DBA's,  We only get apex_public_user password, internal, workspace admin passwords.If there is any need of schema association for any applications/workspace, We login to internal workspace and map schema to workspace. I read couple of blogs which discussed about automating the deployments through sqlplusconnecting as sys or schema user,  will not work for us. Want to know if there is anyway I can import deployments without logging into workspace. We already have workspaces and applications. The deployments will be for updating existing application or deploying new application in existing workspaces. Oracle Application Express 4.1.

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Application Express :: Oracle Apex 5 SOD - Multiple Regions

May 24, 2013

In Oracle Apex 5 SOD it says it will have the following feature:

"New Multi-Row Edit Region Type – Define a new region type with a modern UI for updating multiple rows of data and allow multiple regions on one page"


If so, how likely it will allow dynamic query (PL/SQL) in addition to simple query? Also, how likely it will include advanced features like frozen columns with group headers, subgrid, etc.? It will be nice if the grid will adjust itself based on the width of the screen.

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Application Express :: Report ID For Different Applications

Jul 12, 2013

I have a javascript code, which refreshes a report on a page.The problem is, that the report ID is hard coded. If I import this page to a different application, the report won't be refreshed anymore.

Following code is used:

[...]var v_get = new htmldb_Get(null, $v('pFlowId'),   'APPLICATION_PROCESS=AP_RECALC', 0);v_get.addParam('x01', Segment);v_Return = v_get.get(); $a_report('734879922768742332', '1', '5000', '5000');[...] 

Is there a possibility to change the '734879922768742332' to a variable, constant or static id (which does not cause a endless loop)

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Application Express :: Allow Only Specific APEX App Through Oracle Http Server

Aug 1, 2012

I'm having some difficulty securing my Oracle APEX + Oracle HTTP Server environment.

There are currently around 20 Applications running on the APEX Server, and I'd like to publish 2 of them Externally for users.

I have added a certificate to Oracle Wallet Manager to secure the OHS, but I can access all the Applications on the APEX Server by just changing the Application ID suffix.

How can allow only two applications to be accessible via the internet?

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Application Express :: Connect To External System Using Oracle APEX?

Jun 21, 2012

While browsing through the APEX, just wondering if there is any way to connect external database.

Like i have database connection string/user/password and service.

Is there any way to define these information in APEX to connect with external database?

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Application Express :: How To Use Oracle SQL Developer To Connect To APEX Account

Oct 31, 2013

I have registered an APEX (Oracle) online database and I can connect to database online.But my problem is how to define a connection string that can connect from the program written in C# to connect to APEX account( even don't know how to use the tool Oracle SQL Developer to connect to APEX account.

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Application Express :: Deploy Custom Applications

Mar 19, 2013

I have developed a custom application in APEX. I wants to deploy and make it as a web application so that it can be access through url.

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Application Express :: Authorization Schemes Between Different Applications

Jun 15, 2012

I have a main application from which the user can go to different applications (through tabs).

I have authorization scheme set for the main application.

When I try to use these (main app) authorization schemes in the other sub applications, they doesn't work.

Is there any way we can globalize the authorization scheme in the main application so that they can be used by different apps ?Or share the main applications authorization schemes with the sub applications.

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Application Express :: Downloading Oracle 11g And Then Oracle APEX

Aug 7, 2012

This time i am downloading the Oracle 11g and then the Oracle APEX...(they are not in one package...right ? i mean they both have to download separately)i really new in oracle / PL/SQL. I'm not a programmer but i interest about database programming.For now i still use Ms. Access to develop an aplication and i really suprised i found this Oracle APEX because it an RAD tool too same as Access but more powerfull i think.

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Application Express :: Any Prerequisites / Web Server That Is Needed In Order To Use Oracle Apex?

Nov 7, 2012

We have Oracle DB 11g.I want to develop a small application for internal use the company.I have used Oracle Application Express workspace provided by Oracle and I thought of using Oracle Apex is the right tool for our internal reporting.

But I am not sure what is needed in order to start developing the application in-house.What should I check with the DBA team in order to find out if I can use Oracle APEX in the organization.Is there any prerequisites, web Server, etc that is needed in order to use Oracle Apex?

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Application Express :: How To Import One Of Oracles Sample Applications

May 17, 2013

I am new to Apex. how to import one of oracles sample applications. I can see how to import a workspace but not an application. I have already set up a TEST workspace successfully.

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Application Express :: Apex_util.prepare_url With Translated Applications?

Oct 21, 2013

using apex_util.prepare_url with translated applications:Why is checksum in translated application different from checksum in original application?Is there any way to control which checksum apex_url.prepare_url function will calculate?I have application in two languages English (en) and Slovene (sl). Link with English checksum would work if I set Application primary language to English and link with Slovene checksum would work if I set Application primary language to Slovene. Application language is derived from Application primary language. The real problem for me is sometimes I get “English” version of checksum when apex_url.prepare_url is called from “Slovene” version of application.  As I mentioned before “English checksum” doesn’t work if Application primary language is set to Slovene.

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Application Express :: Single Authentication For All Applications In Workspace

Apr 17, 2013

Our apex currently has LDAP authentication scheme. We have many applications within the workspace. We are looking for a way to have one authentication scheme defined for all the applications so that user doesn't have to enter username/password for each application. How can I share my LDAP authentication scheme for multiple applications.

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Application Express :: Apply User Defaults To Existing Applications Pages Reports

Oct 30, 2013

Is it possible to apply a new created UI Defaults to an existing page or pages in the application.If so then how? 

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Application Express :: Htmldb_application_files And Docx Document

Oct 28, 2013

I have a program that uses htmldb_application_files to upload documents to a database. It works fine with .doc documents, but does not work with .docx documents.

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Application Express :: Ability To Import WADL Document?

Aug 1, 2012

Any simple publicly available Restful web service that I can play around with calling from my Apex workspace as a consumer? Something nice and simple (in the spirit of "hello world") such as web service calculator, stock quote, etc..

Also, I was wondering if there is some kind of ability in APEX to import a WADL document, and then APEX can magically create the requests for you?

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Application Express Listener :: APEX Listener With APEX 3.0 On 11gR2?

Jun 29, 2012

We have many many APEX applications in APEX 3.0 running on a database that needs desperately to be upgraded. As a test, I've set up a clean 11gR2 database and copied the production APEX database into it via datapump. I set up APEX Listener, as I don't have any OAS sitting around and the EPG doesn't seem to be supported for APEX 3.0... the Listener doesn't say one way or the other.

When trying to log in, I get the login page, but it tries to reference files such as apex_get_3_1.js while I only have files such as htmldb_get.js in my images directory in production. I noticed it is looking for what appears to be 3.1 files instead of 3.0 files... which concerns me.

The APEX listener appears to be more than just a Java PL/SQL gateway.

Is there a minimum version of APEX the APEX Listener supports?

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Application Express :: Page Load DA / Shouldn't Run Until Document Is Ready

Apr 18, 2013

Should the page load D.A. fire not until the dom is ready? Or is this not necessarily the case.I'm running a page over a slow connection, so the event (true action: execute JS) is being executed before the page is ready to handle the code. I would think this event should not run until the DOM is ready.

I have confirmed this by wrapping the code in document.ready, and it behaves as expected.

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Application Express :: Word Document / Mail Merge With Values From Reports

May 7, 2013

Using apex 4.1.1 , linux , 11gr2

Basically I have requirement to generate a Word doc (letter to a Word mail merge) from a button/navigation link pressed on Apex page which will gather data from the report and fill in values in appropriate place in Word doc.

Is this even possible with Apex with/o BI Publisher

I have Fop installed and tested , PDF works great but excel and RTF is not reading the encoding on attachment download.I am aware of new PDF feature in 4.2.2 but upgrade is just not the scope right now.

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Application Express :: Pass Header Variable From OAM To Apex And Read It In Application?

Mar 4, 2013

We have integrated Oracle Access Manager 11gR1 with Oracle Apex 4.1. The OAM-Apex integration is working fine. Now we want an additional header variable to be passed from OAM to the Apex application. This new header variable will be user's sAMAccountName in Active Directory. OAM is integrated with AD and the AD users are successfully able to access the Apex applications.

The three header variables which are configure in OAM right now are:
Header variable name Value
1. OAM_REMOTE_USER $user.userid
2. OAM_REMOTE_USER_EMAIL $user.attr.mail
3. OAM_REMOTE_USER_GROUPS $user.groups

We need an additional header variable as mentioned below:
Header variable name: OAM_SAMACCOUNTNAME
Value: $user.attr.samaccountname

The new header variable was added in the OHS server's dads.conf file like shown below:
=========== dads.conf =============

But we are not able to read the value of this attribute in the Apex application.On the Apex application, we have a text box which shows the value of this header variable. This textbox is attached with the following stored procedure call to fetch the header variable:
:P1_HEADER_VALUE := owa_util.get_cgi_env( 'HTTP_OAM_SAMACCOUNTNAME' );

The textbox shows the correct value if HTTP_OAM_REMOTE_USER is passed to the get_cgi_env method but does not shows anything when HTTP_OAM_SAMACCOUNTNAME is passed to the same method. if I am missing some configuration to pass the HTTP_OAM_SAMACCOUNTNAME haeder variable from OAM to Apex.

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Application Express :: Button Placement On APEX Application Page?

Mar 6, 2013

How do I center a button within a region? I tried 'align="center"' but this seemed to be ignored. The button is at the left of the screen. Also, what are the 'display points' (Page Template Region Position 1-8) used for, and why is there a specification for column position of 1-9? Could these be attributes that will allow my button to be centered on the window instead of on the left?

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Real Application Clusters :: Oracle 11GR2 - Test All Applications On Dev Environment

Jun 13, 2012

I've just patched a development oracle environment (RAC 11GR2) with temporary patch 8730312. I would like to do same thing on Production RAC. Is it necessary to test all applications on dev environment with this kind of patch before deploy it on Production ?

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Application Express :: Copying A Translated Application In APEX?

Sep 17, 2013

I have a translated application in Apex, my Apex version is The application is in production version, many people are using it on daily basis. The application's primary language is English, and it has translations for 5 languages. Everything is working fine now; even if there are minor changes in the application, we are able to seed it, download the XLIFF files and than publish the modifications into all translations. Simple so far.  My problem is that I wanted to 'clone' the application including its translations to a new one since I plan to rebuild some parts of it. I want to keep the current version untouched, not to bother users. The new application should be in the same workspace, with a new ID. I have tried a couple of approaches: Copy the primary application enabling the option 'copy translation' - this creates a new app, and also seems to create new translated applications, which are empty (not seeded, not published). Export the primary application and than import it with a manually defined new application ID. Than do the same with the translated applications and set the proper IDs in the translation mapping part of Shared components > Translation. When I try to run the primary application, it is working, but for translated versions... Only an error saying that the application page does not exist. The purpose is to clone the whole thing by keeping the connection between the primary and the translated applications, so that if I change something in the primary application, it can be seeded into the translated ones later. In the same time I want to keep translations as well, since there are thousands of strings...

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Application Express :: Cannot Log Into Apex Admin

Sep 16, 2013

Having an issue with logging into URL....  Just went through the install for APEX 4.2 for

Oracle on Linux 2.6.32-358.el6.x86_64 #1 SMP Fri Feb 22 00:31:26 UTC 2013 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux. 

Installed Apex with Embedded PL/SQL Gateway.Explicitly followed all the online instructions step-by-step, installation was success and config for EPG had no issues.  Changed the ADMIN pw as instructed.  Checked that EPG is running on port 8080.  Ran this script to grant connect: 

DECLARE  ACL_PATH VARCHAR2(4000);BEGIN  -- Look for the ACL currently assigned to '*' and give APEX_040200  -- the "connect" privilege if APEX_040200 does not have the privilege yet. SELECT ACL INTO ACL_PATH FROM DBA_NETWORK_ACLS  WHERE HOST = '*' AND LOWER_PORT IS NULL AND UPPER_PORT IS NULL;[code]....

that lets power users to connect to everywhere', 

'APEX_040200', TRUE, 'connect');  DBMS_NETWORK_ACL_ADMIN.ASSIGN_ACL('power_users.xml','*');END;/COMMIT;  

When I go to log in it says "Invalid Login Credentials".  I tried changing the admin pw several times but keep getting the same message.

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Application Express :: Get ID (Number) Of Apex Item

Jan 15, 2013

I am wanting to open up an Item's Help popup feature using a different button.

I understand I need to call:


Where 1234567 is the items id.

So my question is how do I get the items ID?

I thought it was something similar:


But this returns P1_ITEM_TEST, I want the ID or Sequence of the item.

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Application Express :: How To Call Apex From Forms Without SSO

Feb 6, 2013

We'll soon start an upgrade of our Forms / Reports 6i Application to 11g. I was wondering, maybe, it would be nice to add some value for the upgrade process as a whole, using some of Apex new features like web mobile interface or maybe an integration between Forms an Apex, for example to provide users with the powerful features of Interactive Reports, just to name one.

I have found this interesting link: URL.... (not a 100% clear for me, but at least it is a start).Obviously, to make it attractive, one would expect automatic login between the two Apps. As far as i know, this could be done like this:

1) Using SSO. With that a Portal / Forms / Reports/ Discoverer/ version would be mandatory (too expensive for some clients).

2) Oracle Access Manager? Not sure, can Oracle Forms connect to Access Manager? or LDAP? How about the licensing costs?. Not a clue.

3) Make all Apex pages public? Not feasible.

4) Now this one: in our forms application, every user authenticates within the application and we internally map that application user to an actual database user. At all times we hold metadata info about the current user (app, and DB), as well as application context. So this is my question:

It is possible to create an Apex app, with database authentication method, and somehow pass the metadata from forms, and have a kind of custom login procedure that does all the application to DB user conversion process and application context setting?

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Application Express :: How To Print File In Apex

May 26, 2013

I want to print a report using the apex, but it looks like you need to configure BI, Is there an easy way to print it online and not print the page, which is page report.

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Application Express :: Launch Video From Apex App

Oct 5, 2012

I'd like to upload a video file (250MB) into our Apex app and have users click a link (Display Only item perhaps) and have the video launch either in Apex, or Windows Media Player. I've tried loading it into the Shared Components - Images, but it failed b/c the file was too large. I was considering loading it into a database table, but was hoping there might be an easier way. Right now we just have a link to the video on YouTube, but want something more professional.

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Application Express :: Display PDF In Apex Region?

Jul 11, 2012

I have a requirement to view the PDF content in the apex page region, I am using Apex 3.2 and Oracle 10 Enterprise edition. I Uploaded the PDF file in the shared component under static file. Now i need to view the content of the PDF file. method to view the PDF content.

I saw the link in denes blog here he shows how the PDF is getting displayed. but there is no steps of methods mentioned


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