Application Express :: Cascading LOV - Selections Not Sticking / Reset?

Jul 12, 2012

I have a series of cascading LOVs, A, B, C, D, E.

These select values for a tabular form. My problems:

1. Select on A does not always clear C, but does clear B, D and E.

2. Select on B does not "stick" after the first selection. That is, I can select a value once, then all subsequent selections reset themselves to that first selection, or, to NULL (there are a few flavors of this)

I do not have any Dynamic Actions on the page, other than what is in the cascading LOVs.

Debug is not listing anything to notice - as i suspected would be the case. The issue has to be with JS somewhere, but I do not know how to track it or fix it, short of deleting these items and rebuilding them.

I have copied these items from one page to another.

I would think that once I update all of the cascading LOV settings, the underlying JS would get updated as well.

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Application Express :: How To Get Cascading With Select List Page Item

Feb 22, 2013

Technical description:

Oracle apex version 4.1.0
Oracle Db 11g

how to set Value to select list page item based on the return value of other select list page item(before header process i need to include or need to write a process)


Select country: [This is my first select list ]

Select State: [ This is my second select list, which i want to set in before header process based on the first select list]

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Application Express :: 4.2.3 Bug - Cascading Style Sheets Cannot Edit From List View

Oct 3, 2013

APEX Builder page 4000:37 List view shows name, notes and download columns. The name column should link through to CSS Edit page (39), but instead downloads the file. Workaround: Switch to the icon view, and click on the icon which takes you to the CSS edit page. Can the APEX team correct this, as switching to icon view is not intuitive. 

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Application Express :: Retain Checkbox Value On Cascading LOV Checkbox

Sep 29, 2012

My development instance's APEx version is 4.1. I have two checkbox items works on cascading LOV. The cascading works very well as long as if I do not come back and check anything from the first checkbox item after I checked the second checkbox.

If I do, the cascade LOV refresh uncheck all checked values from the second box. My question is, how can I preserve the second check boxes checked values before refresh?

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Application Express :: Oracle 11g XE - Retrieve Or Reset Password

Dec 12, 2012

I cannot remember my password to access an existing database in Application Express. I tried entering my password 3 times, but the system does not provide a status other than 'Invalid Login Credentials'.

I am going to assume that 3 times is limit before you have to reset the password or from what I see reinstall. When selecting reset, the system asks for an email address that was never established in the system. How can I reset my password without uninstalling and reinstalling Oracle 11g XE?

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Application Express :: 2 Schemas - Admin Password Reset

Feb 7, 2013

We have 2 apex schemas


Before executing the apxchpwd.sql, found the "alter session command" sets schema to APEX_030000. So we changed that to APEX_040200. Then we executed the sql script. It executed fine.

But now when we try to login to apex, and pressing enter after providing the username/pwd, it raises the following exception

Error Error in PLSQL code raised during plug-in processing.
ORA-06508: PL/SQL: could not find program unit being called

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Application Express :: Prevent Reset For Default Search Column In Interactive Report

Jul 19, 2013

I have created a IR report and I set the default search column  using the suggestion found in the thread URL....but how can I keep this default even after the research was done?Now it is resetted ! 

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Application Express :: Reset Data Picker Page Item By Selection Page Item

Aug 23, 2012

Need to create a report based on date ranges and for this created a interactive report and two page item datepicker fields P15_fromdate and p15_todate. Report works fine with this criteria.But user wants one more field quarter(P15_quarter), When they select the quarter the range values has to get reset and as to get applied to report.

Issue here is unable to find a way to set the page range item values based on the quarter field selection

how to reset the page item fields.

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Java Application - Connection Reset During Insert

Jun 6, 2012

I have a java application (jdk 6) that use a db oracle 11g with ojdbc6.jar version on linux.

Sometimes (one or two cases on 11k sql insert on table in one day) I obtain, the error:

java.sql.SQLRecoverableException I/O Error: Connection reset
at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CStatement.executeForDescribe(
at oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleStatement.executeMaybeDescribe(
at oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleStatement.doExecuteWithTimeout(

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Reset Row Number

Mar 1, 2013

I have Follwoing Table and data.

Insert into ABC(DPT_NUM, LOT_NUM, SRL_NUM) Values (1, 501, 1);
Insert into ABC(DPT_NUM, LOT_NUM, SRL_NUM) Values (1, 502, 2);
Insert into ABC(DPT_NUM, LOT_NUM, SRL_NUM) Values (1, 509, 3);
Insert into ABC(DPT_NUM, LOT_NUM, SRL_NUM) Values (1, 511, 4);
Insert into ABC(DPT_NUM, LOT_NUM, SRL_NUM) Values (1, 503, 5);


I write Following query.


Result is



But i want to reset rownum after each 4. Mean after serial number 4 , serail number must start from 1. I want to reset serial number after each 4 records (lot_num) against dpt_num;

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Getting Connection Reset And Timeout

May 30, 2010

[#|2010-03-17T19:00:26.689+0530|SEVERE|glassfishv3.0|tcplistener.ModuleHandler|_ThreadID=30;_ThreadName=Thread-1;|The log message is null. Connection reset
at tcplistener.ByteWrapper.unwrapFromStream(


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SQL & PL/SQL :: Find If Sequence Was Reset

Sep 26, 2010

In oracle is it possible to find if a sequence was reset? I know my sequence was reset, looking at the nextval of my sequence, but is there an oracle log or anything which proves that sequence was reset ?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Increment And Reset Field Value?

Apr 18, 2011

Srl no - Srl no w.r. to the date of transaction.i.e will be incremented for every day and should again reset for the next day-Length -4 Purpose code -Purpose code of the transaction.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Sequence Reset Enquiries

Jan 13, 2011

I had a question with regards to the reset of sequence in DB.

From what I had know, there are 2 ways of reseting it...

1. Alter Sequence method

2. Drop and Create Sequence method.

It seems to me (from what I find online )that Alter method is much preferred. Why is this so? Is there any impact using Drop and Create Sequence method?

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Application Express :: Pass Header Variable From OAM To Apex And Read It In Application?

Mar 4, 2013

We have integrated Oracle Access Manager 11gR1 with Oracle Apex 4.1. The OAM-Apex integration is working fine. Now we want an additional header variable to be passed from OAM to the Apex application. This new header variable will be user's sAMAccountName in Active Directory. OAM is integrated with AD and the AD users are successfully able to access the Apex applications.

The three header variables which are configure in OAM right now are:
Header variable name Value
1. OAM_REMOTE_USER $user.userid
2. OAM_REMOTE_USER_EMAIL $user.attr.mail
3. OAM_REMOTE_USER_GROUPS $user.groups

We need an additional header variable as mentioned below:
Header variable name: OAM_SAMACCOUNTNAME
Value: $user.attr.samaccountname

The new header variable was added in the OHS server's dads.conf file like shown below:
=========== dads.conf =============

But we are not able to read the value of this attribute in the Apex application.On the Apex application, we have a text box which shows the value of this header variable. This textbox is attached with the following stored procedure call to fetch the header variable:
:P1_HEADER_VALUE := owa_util.get_cgi_env( 'HTTP_OAM_SAMACCOUNTNAME' );

The textbox shows the correct value if HTTP_OAM_REMOTE_USER is passed to the get_cgi_env method but does not shows anything when HTTP_OAM_SAMACCOUNTNAME is passed to the same method. if I am missing some configuration to pass the HTTP_OAM_SAMACCOUNTNAME haeder variable from OAM to Apex.

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Application Express :: Multiple Application Setup Using Session Sharing Within Workspace

Jan 24, 2013

I have multiple application set-up using session sharing within the workspace.Technically all works fine, however it does not play nice with user behaviour.

Users logs into APP_ID:100. Since he isn't authenticated yet, he provides user/pass and the APP_SESSION is authenticated.
Now if the user switches using to another application (using a link provided in application 100) he gets redirect to APP_ID:101:APP_SESSION all is fine.

The session is already authenticated, the application shares the session and the user gains access to app 101 without having to authenticate again. All's fine!

However users don't behave they way. Instead of using an easy link in the application. They will use their own bookmark or type in the url for app 101 manually. That way the next application is either called with f?p=101:1:[SOME OLD SESSIONID FROM BOOMARK] or f?p=101 (with no further page or session info) In both cases instead of using the already authenticated session apex spawns a new session, which of course isn't authenticated yet thus forcing the user to authenticate and come complaining they have to login again.

Similar behaviour problems exists when the user opens a browser and tries to open both applications in each in a tab next to each other.Both tabs fetch there own initial session id and start writing it to the same cookie each in turn invalidating the other tab's session.These can lead to some fanatic ping pong actions. Thus it's impossible to open 2 applications sharing session in the same browser.

Is there any remedy for these situations?Can apex be as smart as for instance first trying to resume the session stored in the cookie and only if that session is invalid, start a new session?

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Application Express :: Get Checked Options Values Via Application Global Arrays?

Apr 26, 2013

how to use checkbox item, and trying to get checked options values via application global arrays. So, this may be quite simple question, but I'm completely stuck here...

When I was looking through various threads and guides, I've encountered checkbox corresponding array names like "g_f01" - "g_f50". And so far i saw that these names are derived from item name in generated HTML code, for example:

<input type="checkbox" name="*f10*" value="3" />

And this one stands for array name "g_*f10*".However, when I tried to do the same thing - i receive item name which looks like "*p_v04*", and therefore, I can't figure out, which array name should I choose to adress it properly.

My generated HTML snippet:

<input type="checkbox" id="P6_ANSWER_0" name="*p_v04*" value="3"/>

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Application Express :: Display List Of All Users On Page / Accessing Or Using Application

Mar 23, 2013

i want to display a list of all users on a page those currently accessing or using the application. How do i accomplish this requirement?

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Application Express :: Login Error 7621 - Determine Workspace For Application?

Jul 5, 2013

APEX 4.0 Sometimes, I am getting the below error when I tried to logging into APEX workspace (after giving workspace name, User name and password), Expecting p_company or wwv_flow_company cookie to contain security group id of application owner.

ErrorERR-7621 Could not determine workspace for application (:) on application accept. I found some threads related to this but in different way not exactly when I am getting this error. 

After 2 or 3 times, this error will not come and I can able to logging into workspace What is the cause for this issue?? 

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Application Express :: ORA-02291 / Constraint Wwv_flows_fk Violated While Application Import

Nov 4, 2013

Each time when I import an application into my workspace in local 10g XE using the APEX 4.2 Application Builder, I get the "ORA-02291, constraint wwv_flows_fk violated..". The application I whant to import  was originally exported from [URL]. I found out, that it has to to with wwv_flow_application_install.get_workspace_id in the installation script, which obviously returns NULL and not my current workspace id as I suppose it should. I replaced wwv_flow_application_install.get_workspace_id by '<my worskspace id>' and then the import does work. 

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Application Express :: Application Locking - Force Logout All Current Users And Prevent Login

Jun 12, 2012

I have an application that I'd like to prevent activity in after a certain time of day, say 3pm. Is there any way I can force logout of all current users and then prevent re-login until 9am the next day (short of deleting all of their login credentials and then recreating them the next morning)?

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Application Express :: How To Protect Oracle Application From Code Edit On Client Side Installation

Sep 12, 2013

We have developed an application for our clients,planning to deploy it in client server soon. we have plans to support the application in future,so we want to restrict the clients from any modifications. By Doubt is, 'build_status=Run only' alone,cannot protect our application from client developers to edit our application,

Because though we install our application as 'Run Only' at the time of installation in client instance,we can still import the original application and change the type to 'Build and Run Application',and run the new application as 'Build and Run'.(which is not supposed to) we want to make sure,if there is any way we can protect our application from modifications after client side installation.  

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Application Express :: Obtaining Custom HTTP GET / POST Parameters Of Variable Length In Application Process

Sep 5, 2013

I'm trying to connect a javascript UI control within my page to an APEX Application Process. The control calls the application process via AJAX and appends a variable number of GET / POST parameters to its URL.What is the best way to obtain these parameters from within the PLSQL procedure of the process? Or is there a better way to connect my javascript AJAX control to the Database behind my APEX app?

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Application Express :: Tree View On Application Builder Not Showing

Jul 16, 2012

I have some applications on Apex public workspace (, and suddenly the Tree View, on Application Builder stopped showing any content. If I select "Component View", I see the page components, but if I switch to tree view, it shows me only some empty frames.

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Application Express :: JSON Error When Trying To Redirect To Another Page In Same Application?

Jul 23, 2013

I'm trying to set up a PL/SQL dynamic action that is triggered by clicking on a button.  The dynamic action sets two values in a table and then I would like to redirect to another page.  Setting the values works fine.  The code is below: 

declarel_information varchar2(255) := :P94_FILENAME;BEGINcommit;UPDATE VDI_METADATASET CREATEUSERLISTNAME = l_information,    CREATEUSERLISTON = sysdate();commit;htp.init;owa_util.redirect_url('f?p=&APP_ID.:81:&APP_SESSION.::NO:::');END; The redirect fails with the following eror: "Error: parseerror: JSON.parse: unexpected non-whitespace character after JSON data" 

how to redirect to a page from within PL/SQL .  None of them result in success. 

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Application Express :: Mobile Themes - Add Virtual Keyboard To Application?

Feb 12, 2013

I'm doing a small application in Apex mobile themes.

Application is used to search for books.Will work on a PC Windows with touchscreen.

How do I add a virtual keyboard to my application?

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Application Express :: Error Importing Existing Application Into Production?

Aug 6, 2012


I had an error importing an application into Production that was exported from Development. The application exists and I was trying to replace it.

The error I received was:

ORA-20001: GET_BLOCK Error. ORA-20001: Execution of the statement was unsuccessful.
ORA-20001: Error creating dynamic action sub-action name=&quot;NATIVE_JAVASCRIPT_CODE&quot; id=&quot;9503820976918886&quot;
ORA-02291: integrity constraint (APEX_040000.WWV_FLOW_PAGE_DA_A_AR_FK) violated - parent key not found<pre>
begin wwv_flow_api.create_page_da_event ( p_id =&gt; 9504132415918888 + wwv_flow_api.g_id_offset ,p_flow_id =&gt; wwv_flow.g_flow_id ,p_page_id =&gtI

opened the SQL that was created from the export utility and this is where it errored:

wwv_flow_api.create_page_da_event (
  p_id => 9503820976918886 + wwv_flow_api.g_id_offset
,p_flow_id => wwv_flow.g_flow_id
,p_page_id => 6
,p_name => 'Add tooltip to Numeric filter operators'
,p_event_sequence => 40


Unless I'm not understanding this error it means that it can find the ACTION part that is attached to the WHAT part of this Dynamic Action? The Dynamic Action does work when the application is run (in Development)also, there are 3 others that are similar to this one. The export was created by the export utility in the Application Builder.

If I export only the page and import that into Production the import is successful and the page runs correctly. This is error is happening only when I try to import the entire Application.There are many other changes made which is why I was trying to do an Application export/import instead of individual pages.

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Application Express :: Modify Form Layout Of Existing Application?

Feb 22, 2013

I have to modify the Form layout of an existing application (Application Express 4.0.2.) where the data for each field is retrieved using SQL statements

Presently the form looks something like this and the Data for each field is rendered properly in this layout:

UNIT # :         123456
ADMISSION #: 2012101510         DISCHARGE DATE:                 ADMISSION DATE:
FIRST NAME:   JON                     LAST NAME: DOEFIRST NAME, LAST NAME and UNIT # are all "Display Only" item type.

What I'm trying to do is to move "FIRST NAME" underneath "LAST NAME" and "UNIT #" next to "LAST NAME" This part is very simple. However, the issue I'm having is as soon as the "UNIT #" is moved next to "FIRST NAME", the data for "FIRST NAME" and "LAST NAME" simply disappear

This is how it looks
ADMISSION #: 2012101510         DISCHARGE DATE:                 ADMISSION DATE:
FIRST NAME:                             UNIT #: 123456

I have played around for hours and even created from scratch a new page with a new form using SQL statements to pull the data for each field, only to get the same result.

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Application Express :: IR Does Not Recognize The Application Item Content Correctly

Aug 22, 2013

I have an application item that receives a web service result. This result is like 'MARIA','JOSE','JESUS'. I'm using this string into the parameters of the interactive report, but this is not recognized. I'm showing the content of the application item into a pl sql region and the content is 'MARIA','JOSE','JESUS', when I include this application item into the query, the IR shows me 'MARIA','JOSE','JESUS' 

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Application Express :: Button Placement On APEX Application Page?

Mar 6, 2013

How do I center a button within a region? I tried 'align="center"' but this seemed to be ignored. The button is at the left of the screen. Also, what are the 'display points' (Page Template Region Position 1-8) used for, and why is there a specification for column position of 1-9? Could these be attributes that will allow my button to be centered on the window instead of on the left?

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