Application Express :: JSON Error When Trying To Redirect To Another Page In Same Application?
Jul 23, 2013
I'm trying to set up a PL/SQL dynamic action that is triggered by clicking on a button. The dynamic action sets two values in a table and then I would like to redirect to another page. Setting the values works fine. The code is below:
declarel_information varchar2(255) := :P94_FILENAME;BEGINcommit;UPDATE VDI_METADATASET CREATEUSERLISTNAME = l_information, CREATEUSERLISTON = sysdate();commit;htp.init;owa_util.redirect_url('f?p=&APP_ID.:81:&APP_SESSION.::NO:::');END; The redirect fails with the following eror: "Error: parseerror: JSON.parse: unexpected non-whitespace character after JSON data"
how to redirect to a page from within PL/SQL . None of them result in success.
I am new to APEX and I am developing an application to manage Oracle database user accounts. I have a page (8) that has text items for the username and the database name. I have a submit button (this works fine) that will issue the ALTER USER... statement to reset the user's password and unlock the account. I have another button that should:
get the value of the username - P8_USERNAMEassign it to an application item - FIND_USER_IN_DBredirect to page in application - to page 11
The issue is that FIND_USER_IN_DB does not get populated and page 11
which is a simple report with the following query:
Oracle XE 11g Apex 4.1 which was upgraded from 4.0 long ago. Win 7
I've changed the "Require HTTPS attribute" to Yes on the Security Settings page in Oracle Application Express Administration Services[URL]...and after applying the change, going to the DEV or administration pages [URL]...results in a redirection to [URL]...(again, respectively), and a redirect loop error.
When going to[URL]..., the browser redirects to[URL]...and gets the old-known "Application not found" error (which is OK, I guess - the error, not the redirect address).And the most strange thing - when going to the app I developed directly[URL]..., it works OK (no edit buttons, though, although I log in as admin).
I am trying to redirect to different pages based on user inputs. I have a form in which I have one text item and a submit button. For example consider text item to be empno; So once the user enters a empno and hits submit button; I need to redirect to different pages based on this job.
For Ex:
if user inputs empno whose job is 'ANALYST' then redirect to page 1
if user inputs empno whose job is 'MANAGER' then redirect to page 10
For this scenario. i wrote a pl/sql process for the submit button; but no luck -- its not at all redirecting instead its in the same page. Below is the process.
declare v_job varchar2(20); begin select job into v_job from emp where empno = :P9_EMPNO_R; if v_job = 'ANALYST' then OWA_UTIL.REDIRECT_URL('f?p=&APP_ID.:1:&SESSION.::&DEBUG.::', TRUE);
I have completed the installation of APEX and HTTP server on an instance. But while configuring , I got the following error in the login page.
Service Temporarily Unavailable. The server is temporarily unable to service your request due to maintenance downtime or capacity problems. Please try again later.
Oracle-Application-Server-10g/ Oracle-HTTP-Server Server at y0319t345 Port 7777 Access log has the following error:
The database was on Solaris recently we upgraded to and migrated it to Linux. I have tried [URL]... and the metalink note 1289136.1 with no success.
I am doing a simple AJAX call test with the emp table. In my page I have a search field and a report and a button. You put in a text and click search and you will get the result which all works.
I have a requirement where if you click the button and there is no matching search you will get redirected to another page, else just reload the report to display the result as usual.
So I took the AJAX route where I am running a concurrent search when user enters a text and clicks the button. If the search count(*) > 0 then return return count else return 0.
The code for application process is:
DECLARE begin CCOUNT number; begin Select count(*) into ccount [code]......
The code for my Java script (still working on this) is :
function search_count() var get = new htmldb_Get(null,null,'APPLICATION_PROCESS=SEARCH',0); get.add('F_SEARCH_RESULT', $v('P1_ENAME')); var gReturn = get.get(); [code].......
i am testing this code in Firebug and when I do a console.log(gReturn) on the output of the AJax call I am getting this error which stops me from processing the result of gReturn and finish off the code. The error looks like:
<html><body> <h1>Error occurred while painting error page: ORA-01403: no data found</h1> </body></html>I have tried adding exeption when no_data_found but with no luck. Still throws the same error. My APEX version is 4.2,
How do I center a button within a region? I tried 'align="center"' but this seemed to be ignored. The button is at the left of the screen. Also, what are the 'display points' (Page Template Region Position 1-8) used for, and why is there a specification for column position of 1-9? Could these be attributes that will allow my button to be centered on the window instead of on the left?
We are using Application Express on Wondows XP and Oracle version is 10g. I've created a report in APEX and the user is insisting on putting a header on each page in PRINT of the report which should contain the "from date" and "to date", which are present on the select criteria on top.
Can I somehow add from_date and to_date items in Title so that when they print the report, they'll see the from and to dates in the title?Or is there someother way to do this. The report is an interactive report with a control break and user prints the report with file->print.
I have different public page (page1) and different page for authorized user(page5).Upon successful login after process validation ,computation it should navigate to authorized user page 5 but the branching does work it keeps on going to page 1 .
APEX 4.0 Sometimes, I am getting the below error when I tried to logging into APEX workspace (after giving workspace name, User name and password), Expecting p_company or wwv_flow_company cookie to contain security group id of application owner.
ErrorERR-7621 Could not determine workspace for application (:) on application accept. I found some threads related to this but in different way not exactly when I am getting this error.
After 2 or 3 times, this error will not come and I can able to logging into workspace What is the cause for this issue??
Unless I'm not understanding this error it means that it can find the ACTION part that is attached to the WHAT part of this Dynamic Action? The Dynamic Action does work when the application is run (in Development)also, there are 3 others that are similar to this one. The export was created by the export utility in the Application Builder.
If I export only the page and import that into Production the import is successful and the page runs correctly. This is error is happening only when I try to import the entire Application.There are many other changes made which is why I was trying to do an Application export/import instead of individual pages.
I am using Apex 4.2. On a click of button a Dynamic Action is written, which calls a DB Package. The DB package has exception handlers and also the package has two output parametersError Code and Error MsgSo in my code(Dynamic Code) i make a call to the package and checks the value for Erroc Code.
Begin Package call...... If v_error_code <> '0' Then Raise SC_Error; End if;Exception When SC_Error Then RAise_Application_error(v_err_code, v_err_msg);End;
But when i run the page and I click I get an Internal exception errorOutput from Debug -- I am not sure what the Cell in Red colour means, because the package is returning a correct message (before the red line).AJAX call returned server error ORA-20003:
Customer has already been matched for Execute PL/SQL Code.4......is_internal_error: true4......apex_error_code: APEX.AJAX_ SERVER_ ERROR4.. ora_ sqlcode: -200034......ora_sqlerrm: ORA-20003: Customer has already been matched4......error_backtrace: ORA-06512: at line 41 ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_SYS_SQL", line 1926 ORA-06512: at "SYS.WWV_DBMS_SQL", line 973 ORA-06512: at "SYS.WWV_DBMS_SQL", line 999 ORA-06512: at "APEX_040200.WWV_FLOW_DYNAMIC_EXEC", line 830 ORA-06512: at "APEX_040200.WWV_FLOW_PLUGIN_UTIL", line 2304 ORA-06512: at "APEX_040200.WWV_FLOW_DYNAMIC_ACTION_NATIVE", line 442 4......component.type: NATIVE_EXECUTE_PLSQL_CODE4.
Execute Error Handling Callout defined on Page or Application Level4...Execute Statement: begin declare l_error wwv_flow_error_api.t_error; begin l_error := wwv_flow_error_api.g_error; wwv_flow_error_api.g_error_result := apx_error_utils.handleerror ( p_error => l_error ); end; end;4......Values changed by callout:4..
An unexpected internal application error has occurred. Please get in contact with your system administrator and provide reference# for further investigation. 4..display_location: ON_ERROR_PAGE4Stop APEX Engine detected4Final commit4-1 - 59
We just upgraded from Application Express to Application Express We are using one common application to authenticate and redirect to other applications.
URL....The upgade from 4.0 to 4.2 went fine, existing applications work, Builder works fine. But none of the packaged applications install, all of them fail with that error. Is there some post-upgrade step to complete to get this to work?
Also, it doesn't appear like we can select the application id when installing these applications! Our environment has a convention, of sorts, for application ids. Is there a way to over-ride the app id?
Need to create a report based on date ranges and for this created a interactive report and two page item datepicker fields P15_fromdate and p15_todate. Report works fine with this criteria.But user wants one more field quarter(P15_quarter), When they select the quarter the range values has to get reset and as to get applied to report.
Issue here is unable to find a way to set the page range item values based on the quarter field selection
I have "After header" process (with PL/SQL code) in "Page Rendering" section and want to navigate to some page after this process has been completed. I created a branch (On Submit: After Processing) with Target Type: URL. But this branch is executed only after "Page Processing", not after "Page Rendering". Maybe , there is any APEX API functions for pages navigating..
I created a page with 2 tree regions. Both trees use different items and different queries. The first tree is displayed correctly. But the second one just contains the first item, if I don't display the first on via customizing the page or if I change the order of the trees the previoulsy invalid tree is shown correctly, but I didn't find a way to display both correct at the same time.
When I create a new page item via copying from existing page item it fails with the below error code, if there is > or < character in the source of the existing item.Error Source contains <, > or " which are invalid characters. It works fine if I create new item using wizard and then have the same source. I use div tags in the source of my display only items.
it is possible to have two Validations one Page Item. Also I need to execute them one by one. If one is passed then go to the other and validate that one.
Example:P20_FORM_ACTIONP20_REOPENP20_REASON Validation 1: P20_REASON != 0 with condition P20_FORM_ACTION = CLOSEIf Validation 1 is passed then go to Validation 2Validation 2: P20_REASON != 0 with condition P20_REOPEN = YES
If Validation 2 is passed, then submit the form otherwise get error. is possible in Application Express I tried to put the validations as described above into my application, but it did not work. Only one Validation was executed.
I have javascript code i want to move from standard report page to page zero, well page 0 doesn't have html header/page attribute section so how to i achieve this?
i m using apex 4.1, and want to submit page when page load. i tried dynamic action but it continuously refreshing page. is there any other javascript or anything else from which i submit page on load
dynamic action used, event on load and action submit page but it continuously submitting page.