Workflow :: AME Implementation In ADF

Jun 26, 2012

Can AME workflows be implemented in ADF?

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Workflow :: Send Attachments To Requester In AP Invoice Approval Workflow

Sep 4, 2012

We are on 12.1.3 Apps.

We want to be able to send attachments at the invoice header level with the invoice approval workflow email as attachments. The standard workflow does not provide this functionality.

We were able to achieve this functionality using the approach given here:


Basically we added a document type attribute to the notification message, and set a BLOB variable to it inside our custom procedure, which is set as the function for the notification: DOCUMENT_APPROVAL_REQUEST.

Now we are able to see the attachments coming as attachments in approval request emails to the approvers. But the issue is that the first approver on the list, the requester is not seeing the attachments. All the other approvers can see the attachments. We have checked the WF Role for the user and the Notification preference is set as MAILHTML

As far as i can see, same notification and same message is used to send the email to all approvers including requester. Then why only requester is not getting the attachments?

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Workflow :: Error While Deploying A Workflow In OWB

Apr 3, 2013

I am getting the below error while deploying a workflow in Control Center.

ORA-29532: Java call terminated by uncaught Java exception: java.sql.SQLException:

The file /u01/app/oracle/product/ cannot be accessed or has not been properly created on the server XXXXXX. If the file does not exist or if the database owner (normally user 'oracle') does not have the required file permissions or if the file has not been properly created then the file can be recreated by running the SQL*Plus script /u01/app/ oracle/ product/ rtp/sql/ reset_ repository. sql (in a RAC environment the file must be manually copied to each server which is used for OWB). Otherwise if using a 10.2 database instance, then please run the SQL*Plus script /u01/app/oracle/product/

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Workflow :: PO Approval Workflow Change

Sep 17, 2012

i`m new to EBS. steps for following changes in the PO Approval workflow

1.Any new PO that gets processed / approved in the system needs to auto run the PO Print program (to generate the PDF copy of the PO) with the email function switched on.

2.PO Print program needs to be modified to auto email docuclass ( always ( even if email option is switched off) and email both buyer and PM ( if email option is on). Email subject should contain PO# and revision#.

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Workflow :: HRSSA Workflow Errors With 3120 - Activity HRSSA/343959 Has No Performer

Oct 3, 2013

After HRMS RUP6 patch, we overlooked a customization that set the Performer Type and Performer Role on an activity.   Consequently, we have  many workflows that are currently in progress and in an error status with:

HRSSA workflow errors with 3120: Activity 'HRSSA/343959' has no performer.  

We see in the wf_process_activities table that the

PERFORM_ROLE and PERFORM_ROLE_TYPE for activity 343959 have the wrong values. 

Their values are currently, PERFORM_ROLE_TYPE = 'CONSTANT' , PERFORM_ROLE is null.   


This has been fixed for current workflows but the activities in error do not complete successfully on retry.  Is there an API that allows us to set PERFORM_ ROLE and PERFORM_ROLE_TYPE on a specific activity?

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De-implementation Of DBConsole After

Dec 17, 2012

I’m wondering how other sites are going to handle the de-implementation of DBconsole after

Is Oracle's Enterprise Manager Grid the only solution? They seem very vague on what they are going to replace it with.

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PL/SQL :: PLS-00436 - Implementation Restriction

Jul 10, 2012

Currently, I am using oracle 10g and getting foolowing error

"PLS-00436: implementation restriction: cannot reference fields of BULK In-BIND table of records"

When trying to access attribute in record-collection inside FORALL. I know its prohibited in 10g but allowed in 11g. My questions is how can we achieve this in 10g. I will rephrase my problem:

I have three record-collections say rc1, rc2 and rc3 and I need to put all these record-collection inside final record collection say FC using FORALL

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Round Robin Implementation Through Script?

Aug 19, 2010

I have to implement round robin algorothim in sql script for allocation of some items to another entity. Not really sure how to do that and if there would be locks while selecting the one which is already being updated and so...!

how to go about it when the number of users involved would be very high to whom the items would be allocated in round robin function.

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Implementation Of RAC To Non-RAC (Single Instance With Existing ASM-RAC As Storage)

Jan 13, 2013

We have an existing RAC on our Data Center and We have an IBM AIX that is designed to run a Synchronous Peer to Peer Remote copy(PPRC) that used to copy data to a remote site for Disaster Recovery Purposes.

Scenario will be,

Since that our Server from the DR site have a PPRC capability it used a remote copy of our ASM-RAC (from our Data center) as storage.
Is it possible that we install a Single Instance to our DR-Site and used the copy of our ASM-RAC as storage?

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Security :: Oracle Audit Vault And Database Firewall Implementation?

Dec 25, 2012

we are planning to implement Oracle Audit Vault and Database Firewall on 2 node 11g RAC/solaris10

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Implementation Where Data From DB2 Tables Are Moved To Oracle Tables

Sep 3, 2012

I came across an implementation where data from DB2 tables are moved to Oracle tables, for BI solutioning, using some oracle procedures called from MS SQL DTS packages which are scheduled jobs.Just being curious, can this be done using OWB or ODI rather than the above detour. I suppose there are some changes being done in those procedures before the data is being loaded into Oracle tables, can't this be done using OWB/ODI? Can it be scheduled too as jobs using OWB/ODI?

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Notification In Workflow

Jun 6, 2011

My PO notification is showing only 5 lines even PO contains more than 5 lines. new to workflows.

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Workflow :: Activities Which Are Not COMPLETE

Jan 16, 2013

I'm trying to abort some workflow activities which are not 'COMPLETE' and then purge them. I'm using "WF_ENGINE.AbortProcess" to accomplish this task and then purge using "WF_PURGE.Total" to purge the activities. During this process, does any notifications fire?

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Workflow :: How To Set #FROM_ROLE To Sysadmin

Jul 30, 2012

How I can set the #FROM_ROLE to be from 'Sysadmin'?

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Workflow :: How To Find Initialization Variables

May 25, 2013

Where can i find the workflow initiator (initialization of parameters or variables) details/query. like who initiated the workflow in the workflow tables.

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Workflow :: Display Name Coming Up With AMERICAN At The End?

Aug 13, 2012

For a couple of employees created in our system, the workflow display name is coming with 'AMERICAN' at the end which clearly looks like is the language setting for the user. ORIG_SYSTEM for this users in WF_LOCAL_ROLES is WF_LOCAL_USERS.

There is no option called WF_LOCAL_USERS in the Synchroinze WF Local Roles program.

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Workflow :: Update Mail Attribute In OIM / OID

Dec 17, 2012

we are trying to update the Email attribute in OIM followed by OID. we have written a scheduler to copy the username field to email field in USR Table through tc User Operations interface, followed by change email task and update email task to OID.

But it is taking 1 hour for 1000 records to finish the job. we have 200000 Users in Production, Is there any better approach I can fasten the process? we are having an idea to update the USR Table through SQL Querry for OIM Side. And when we tried to update the CT_MAIL table in OID. But it is not showing the values in the front end ODSM.

Now thinking to write a scheduler separately for OID by just connecting to ldapctx, update each records and disconnect finally after updating all the operations.

OIM Version :
OID Version:

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Workflow :: ORA-02289 / Sequence Does Not Exist

Apr 27, 2013

I created simple custom workflow (Start -> Notification -> End).

I got the following error when I run the workflow.

[WF_ERROR] ERROR_MESSAGE=ORA-02289: sequence does not exist ERROR_STACK= FND_SEARCH_EVENTS.On_Object_Change(, 5C84790B967158FFE04400144F23BF3C)

The notification activity returned this error but the notification has been sent to performer.


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Workflow :: Custom AWE Line Level Approval?

Jul 25, 2013

creating custom AWE Line Level Approval? I’m having trouble trying to get the method for line approval to fire. I have header level working so I decided to dig deeper. I added the line keys to the Xref table, Updated the Registry, Configured the Events, and created a new Process Definition using line level (very simple “Always True”). I have seen OnProcessLaunch fire so my routing has begun.

The graphics look good. But when my approver goes in and hits the Approve button, it saves and nothing happens to the approval. Tracing it shows that no methods are firing. How does the system know to fire the line level method vs the header level method?

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Workflow :: Process Stuck In Active Status

Jul 20, 2012

My workflow stuck in Active status and user is not able to proceed further. But it is not happening every time. Sometimes the process activity gets stuck.

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Workflow :: Notification Timeout When Requested For Information?

Feb 21, 2013

We have implemented a approval notification for our customer which on a high level is as follows

requester -> Approver 1-> Approver 2

Once a request is submitted, the 'approval' notification goes to Approver 1 followed by Approver 2. The request is approved when both approves approve the request. If no action is taken by the approvers, the original notifications are cancelled and escalation notification is sent to supervisor of approver 2.

We have a timeout of 48 hours set for the initial approval notifications sent to the approvers (1 & 2). In case Approver 2 requests for more information using the 'Request information' button, the TIMEOUT clock does not seem to reset and the notification is cancelled after 48 hrs even if the notification is in the queue of the requester.

This is causing the escalation notification to be supervisor of approver 2.

The question here is why does the timeout clock not reset when the notification goes back to the requester for additional information. Is this how the standard oracle workflow notification behaves ? Is there a way to customize and achieve this ?

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Workflow :: Run Procedure Manually For Testing Purpose

Oct 23, 2012

i want to run this procedure manually for testing purpose

procedure Reject_Doc(itemtype in varchar2,
itemkey in varchar2,
actid in number,
funcmode in varchar2,
resultout out NOCOPY varchar2 )

what are the possible values for the variables itemtype,itemkey, actid,funcmode?

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Workflow :: How To Make Node To Deferred In Oracle

Aug 17, 2012

How to make node to deferred node in oracle workflow ?

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Workflow :: How To Get Response Of Notification Email From MS Outlook Express

Oct 20, 2012

I have two questions:

1. Our business users had a requirement to approve or reject the Workflow Notification Emails form their Email account on MS Outlook Express. When they perform action from MS Outlook Express it sends email to wfmailer but no action perform in application. The notification inbox in application shows this notification as OPEN notification and the requested function also shows 'Waiting for Approval'.

2. I need to hide Request Information button/link from the email notification send through Workflow mailer to user. There are three actions button available in email notification Approve, Reject and Request Information. I need to have only two button Approve and Reject. How to hide Request Information button.

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Workflow :: Set Up To Open Arabic Version Of File In Builder

Mar 2, 2013

We downloaded Arabic Version of workflow from server using WF_LOAD command.We are able to see Arabic names for item type,attribute,message etc if we open the .wft file in customer PC.But if we open it in our PC,Arabic names are coming as junk. We guess that it needs some setups.

setups to open Arabic .wft file in workflow builder in windows 7? The note id 444068.1 is removed by oracle.

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Workflow :: To Send Notifications To Multiple Supplier Email IDs?

Aug 26, 2013

I have a custom concurrent program which has a SQL query which returns multiple rows. Each row is a for each supplier e.g. 

Supplier1     123     5000Supplier2      456    4000Supplier3      789    3000 

This set is returned based upon some criteria mentioned in the where clause of the SQL.Ultimate aim is to send 1 notification to each of the email id's and those notification should have the corresponding attribute values. 3 notifications fired from a workflow triggered by the concurrent program (which actually returns this 3 rows in a SQL)Supplier 1 to receive  5000Supplier2 to receive  4000Supplier3 to receive  3000 My approach / or the only approach coming in mind is using a cursor for the SQL inside the concurrent program and using a for loop, initiating the workflow each time for a loop iteration i.e for each iteration of loop , workflow procedure will need to be initiated, so item type will be same but item key will of 3 different item key.  is it somehow possible to fire only one instance of workflow and not 3 different instances to send 3 notifications. Ad hoc role creation would not be option here because the number of rows may be large and not just 10-15.

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Workflow :: How To Find Actual Responder Name Displayed In Notification

Feb 13, 2013

Where are the details of the Actual Responder Details stored in the case of the below scenario

If a notification for one user was closed by another user through access to the first user's worklist, the name of the second user, who actually took the action, is displayed as the responder.

I am only able to find the Original Recipeint username in the wf_notifications table.But where will the details of the Actual Responder name displayed in the notification be stored.

When I use the "wf_notification.Responder" function, I get the Original Recipeint username of the user but not the one who acted on the notification. Is there ANY way by which I can get the Actual responder user name who acted on the notification

select responder from wf_notifications where notification_id = <nid> also gives me the Original Recipeint username of the user but not the one who acted on the notification

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Workflow :: When Set Vocation Rule - It Stuck All The Users Notifications

Sep 3, 2012

I am working on Workflow and the issue is When a person leaves for vacation he can set his vacation rules so that someone has to attend / approve his workflow notifications. But when we set vocation rules all notification goes into errors state and this error can resolve by refreshing/Retry this notification. And the error detail is mentioned below An Error occurred in the following Workflow.

Item Type = CONCSPL
Item Key = 086937-15990
User Key =

Error Name = 100
Error Message = ORA-01403: no data found
ORA-01403: no data found
Error Stack =
Wf_Engine_Util.Function_Call(cust_f_test.f_find_approver, CONCSPL, 086937-15990, 180198, RUN)


Bottom line is all notifition should be successfully process and send to dedicated person.

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Workflow :: R12.1.3 Sourcing Award Approval Notification - Email Attachment

Oct 9, 2013

I have a requirement where I have to show attachment in R12.1.3 Sourcing Award Approval Notification.I am able to achieve this by adding #ATTACHMENTS attribute in the message and Attachment appears in the Notification in the E-Business work list but somehow its not appearing in "e-mail notification". 

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Workflow :: How To Revert Back Or Rollback A Process To Its Initial Step

Oct 15, 2012

I have a standard workflow process which was started but got completed without performing all the process.The process had to generate two(Comments & Approval) notifications but generated only one & as the user responded to the notification it got completed without invoking the approval process.Now I need the workflow to be rolled back to the initial step to restart the whole process again.

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