Windows :: How To Pass Date Time From PL To BAL / DAL To Database

Apr 24, 2013

1) how to pass date from .net using to oracle database for storage. so that it should not be affected if any one changes os(windows xp or 2003 /2008 server) date formate.

database and application both are on different server and can be on same server also. so if any one keeps different date formate on both OS then it should not get affected.

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Forms :: How To Pass Excel General Value To Database Tables Date Field

Jun 17, 2013

i've following code

flag boolean:= FALSE;
if length(i_vcColumn1) > 0 then


i am fetching data from excel all data is of general type, here i am passing value is VTDATE varchar2(100) but actual database column filed is DATE , How can i pass '13-06-13 05:54:33' to database table.

if i put this condition
vcInsert:=vcInsert|| ','||''''||i_ldata(i).to_char(VTDATE,'DD-MM-RR HH12:MI:SS')
i get the error
to_char must be declare.

if i remove this line

i am getting this error ORA-01843: not a valid month

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Forms :: FRM-40513 / Unable To Get Date / Time From Database

Sep 25, 2013

after spent a lot of time surfing the web looking for this error frm-40513 i did not found any answer about this, So I've removed the date items on my canvas and ran perfectly... after that i opened another copy of the form. In one item there was a initial value $$DBDATETIME$$ .. so that was the error.. i removed that value and i ran my form 11g (weblogic) again and the error has gone.

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Forms :: Setup Form And Database Table For Time Entry Only (exclude Date)?

Feb 19, 2010

I have a form that the user has to enter a time of an event.

The time entered will most likely be in the past and NOT the current time.

What is the best way to set up a form and a database table for time entry only (exclude the date)?

I have tried datetime on the form with format HH12:MM PM and date on the database.

I have also tried the same with a timestamp on the database.

The time always appears to get entered correctly. However, the time is always stored as AM regardless of what is specified by the user.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Pass Date Parameter

Jun 22, 2010

In a procedure i need to pass date parameter, to check how to do this. I create a simple procedure, but it giving

PLS-00049: Bad Bind Variable 'FD'
PLS-00049: Bad Bind Variable 'TD'

How to resolve .......

CREATE PROCEDURE pass_date_parameter
fd VARCHAR2 (10) DEFAULT '01-01-2010';
td VARCHAR2 (10) DEFAULT '01-06-2010';
ffd VARCHAR2 (10) DEFAULT '01-01-2010';
ttd VARCHAR2 (10) DEFAULT '01-06-2010';


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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Pass Date Condition Dynamically

Dec 27, 2012

I have the following control table.


1 wedb Auction_table wedb Arc_Auction_tableAuction_date 15 Days
1 wedb Sales_table wedb ArcSales_table Sales_date 180 Days
1 hr Accounts_table hr Arc_Accounts_tableAccount_date 2 Years
2 concor Concur_table con Arc_Concur_table Last_update_date 4 Months

Like this 1000 entries are there in the control_table.

I want to pass all the columns from my control table dynamically.I am able to pass all the columns dynamically,except the PERIOD_VALUE.I have stucked up how to implement this condition.My aim is to get the data which is <= sysdate-PERIOD_VALUES based on PERIOD_UNIT.

For Example:

For Auction_date column I want to get the data which 15 days old.
For Sales_date column I want to get the data which 180 days old.
For Account_date column I want to get the data which 2 yers old.
For Last_update_date column I want to get the data which 4 months old.

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Windows :: How To Pass Null Values In OracleCommand As Parameters

Jul 19, 2012

How to pass null values in OracleCommand as a parameters

i am doing like this

((OracleCommand)cmdMySql).Parameters.Add(":1" ,Varchar2).Value = DBNull.Value;

Its giving error when dataadapter is going to fill.

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JDeveloper, Java & XML :: Date Time Omits Time Part

Jun 4, 2012

When I try to extract the date tag value from XML data, the time stored in 20120602153021 format i.e., YYYYMMDD24HHMISS format. The following statement extracts only date as 02-JUN-12 however do not extract the time part.

If I try the same in SQLplus with to_date it works however fails in PL/SQL.

XML data:
<?xml version="1.0"?>

PL/SQL Extract:

CURSOR c_xml_record
SELECT extract(value(d), '//ACTIVATIONTS/text()').getStringVal() AS REGTIMESTAMP,
FROM t_xml_data x,

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DBMS_JOB - Pass Date As Parameter To Another Stored Procedure?

Mar 28, 2012

I have created a stored procedure that checks if a file exists and gets a date from the file if it exists. The date is then used as a paramter. See below:

CODEcreate or replace
PROCEDURE                     "P_Load_Stamp" AS
v_exists BOOLEAN;
v_length NUMBER;
v_blocksize NUMBER;


The above codes works perfectly and I scheduled it using SQLPLUS as follows:

CODEvariable jobno number;
variable instno number;
select instance_number into :instno from v$instance;


My problem is that I need to pass the date from the above procedure as a parameter to another stored procedure. So I modified my code as follows (the parts in red):

CODEcreate or replace
PROCEDURE                     "P_Load_Stamp" (vCTIDATE OUT varchar2) AS
v_exists BOOLEAN;
v_length NUMBER;


Now it doesn't strike me as a rights issue since I created it in the schem schema. What could I be doing wrong here?

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Pass Variables For UserID And Password To Sqlplus In Windows From Text File?

Jul 23, 2013

I would like to store user-id, password and the TNS-Entry in a small text file and pass them to a script to log in and execute another script on the database from Windows.

Example of the text file samp.txt that stores user info:


main script main.bat is as follows:

--read the samp.txt do not know how to do it

sqlplus -s &username/&password@&db_sid @db_info.sql

db_info.sql contents:

column tm new_value file_time noprint
select to_char(sysdate, 'YYYYMMDD') tm from dual ;
spool C:\server\DB_Report_&file_time..log
select * from v$instance;
spool off;

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Server Utilities :: How To Get Date And Time In Date Column While Sqlldr

Jun 6, 2012

I am not able to load complete date along with time in the date column. here is my table desc

Name Null Type

my control file is like this


the data gets loaded, but it appears like this in the table


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Application Express :: 4.2 - How To Pass Date Picker Parameter Into Query

Aug 19, 2013

steps to achieve this report I need a Date Column on top of the page Depending on the selected date, Result should be displayed below for e.g. 

suppose i select a date as 14-aug-2013

Enter Report Date ___________________ ( Date Picker)  Location Name      Report Date        Quantity           valueXYS                       14/08/2013          5000            1200000ABCD                     14/08/2013          2000                24000-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------TOTAL                                              7000            1224000 

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PL/SQL :: Reset Date In Specific Format (Date / Time)

Dec 23, 2012

I want to reset my date to this format: 12/31/2012 11:59:59 PM - see code below:

v_latest_close DATE;
v_latest_close := TO_DATE ('12/31/2012 23:59:59 ','MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS');
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('The new date format is : '|| v_latest_close);

the code above displays only : 12/31/2012 instead of 12/31/2012 11:59:59 PM

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How To Convert GMT Date To Local Time Date

Sep 16, 2011

I need to convert the type of GMT to Local time, during data entry. I have a source table and a target table.

To make the insert get the most value, I have no problems:

insert into destination (SELECT * FROM WHERE source pointnumber = (SELECT MAX (pointnumber) FROM source));

But since times are different between the tables, I want to convert the data obtained to GMT -4:30 Time (Caracas - Venezuela), before inserting it.

I can use a function?

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PL/SQL :: Entire Date / Time Value In A Date Field

May 21, 2013

I am having problems with the XMLTable function. I cant get it to see the entire date/time value in a date field. This wont work

select x1.* from XMLTABLE('/DOCUMENT' passing xmltype('<DOCUMENT><STR>abc def ghi</STR><NUM>1234</NUM><DT>2013-02-17T04:24:02</DT></DOCUMENT>') columns STR varchar2(25), NUM number, DT date) x1;

However if I change the DT tag to just the date only "2013-02-17" it works. Why wont Oracle see the entire date/time format even if its ISO 8601 compliant?

Oracle DB:

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Backup & Recovery :: Transfer Database From Windows 2003 32 Bit To Windows 2008 64 Bit

Mar 30, 2011

I want to Transfer Oracle Database 11g Release on windows 2003 32 bit server to Windows 2008 server 64 bit I have Cold RMAN backup. and directory structure of both server are same Do i need to do anything to change datafile to 64 bit or do i need to apply any change to any object

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Windows :: Installing 10g Database Software On Windows 2008 Server?

Sep 28, 2010

I've tried to install Oracle 10gR2 ( on Windows server 2008 (64 bit). I just click on installer and a message appears:

Checking Operating system version: must be 5.0,5.1,5.2 or 6.0

Actual 6.1


Exiting Oracle Universal Installer

Press any key to Exit.

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Windows :: Does Oracle Database (64-bit) Compatible With Windows 2003 R2

Jan 9, 2011

Does Oracle Database (64-bit) compatible with windows 2003 R2 standard X64 edition with Service pack 2.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Get The Date And Time Of Row

Feb 21, 2011

I have one table with 10 rows and its frequently updated now my question is that, how can it get the latest date of updation of that rows?

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Windows :: Set Values For Best Performances In Response Time?

Jun 12, 2013

I need to create a DB on a pc with 4GB (RAM). I can use the assistant but where I need to set correctly a value related to the memory? Is it necessary to set values for best performances in response time?

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Get Current Date And Time?

Apr 24, 2005

I only know to retrieve data (date & time) by the following statement : "select sysdate from ..."

but now I want to make the fields current date and current time separately and put in a adult file with these two fields. how to do it.

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Display Date And Time

Sep 28, 2011

I had a database at microsoft access but i had move it to the oracle database.

When i check the datatype at oracle, date column is at DATE datatype. but it only display date. like in oracle. it display:

 oracle_date.PNG ( 74.61K )
Number of downloads: 4

But when i link it to microsft access. like i will control the oracle from access. the result is at below:

 access_date.PNG ( 136.11K )
Number of downloads: 3

So, my problem is how to display the date and time fully in oracle?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: UTC Date Time Should Be In Format

Mar 1, 2010

iam having a table A where column ABC is a varchar field with varchar2(50).

currently data stored is like this.
02-27-2009 11:01:33
02-27-2009 11:01:46
03-06-2009 09:07:18

now i want UTC Date time should be in format 2010-02-24T17:08:09Z. in the above format.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Retrieval Of Date With Time

Apr 3, 2012

is there possible to retrieve date with its time in oracle ,if we didnot provide time while insertion? like hiredate column of emp table can we get hiredate of each emp with its time of joining. i am using "11g Enterprise Edition Release"

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Separate Date And Time

Nov 1, 2012

I have a question with Oracle sql developer, i've installed oracle 11g express edition, and i want to insert values 'date' and 'time', but i only got the resultat like this:

Who can tell me how can i do to show just date info in 'date' and same for the 'time'?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Date And Time Calculation

Jun 10, 2011

T1 = 06-Jun-2011 4:00PM
T2 = 10-Jun-2011 11:AM

Calculation is Required.

If at the end of Day Hours of T1 > 6 hours then it should calculate 1 Day.

same with T2. hours of T2(from begining of Day till end Time (11AM), it should again caculate if >6 hours then 1 Day.

remaining will be date calculation. this is how T2 - T1 should give us 5 Days.

06-Jun-2011 4:00PM to 06-Jun-2011 12:00AM (8 hours > 6 = 1 Day)
06-Jun-2011 12:00AM to 07-Jun-2011 12:00AM = (1 Day)
07-Jun-2011 12:00AM to 08-Jun-2011 12:00AM = (1 Day)
08-Jun-2011 12:00AM to 09-Jun-2011 12:00AM = (1 Day)
09-Jun-2011 12:00AM to 10-Jun-2011 12:00AM = (1 Day)
10-Jun-2011 12:00AM to 10-Jun-2011 11:00AM (11 hrs > 6 = 1 Day)

this is how 5Days calculation is required.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Date / Time Conversion

Apr 4, 2010

I am converting data from an old paradox table to a new oracle table, one of the problems im having is incompatibility with date and time formats:

some columns contain times in the format : "00:00:00" eg..... "15:00:00"
some columns have date in the format: "dd/mm/yyyy" eg....... "21/08/2000"
some columns have time and date eg.. "05/09/2000 15:49:39"

Currently I have the data held in tables within an access database, and in CSV format.

eg, I have dates like 03/04/2010 which i need to be 03-APR-10....

how I can get the following into Oracle date formats? there is over 1000 records so manual conversion is out of the question

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Formatting Date And Time

Jul 21, 2011

I have the following piece of

SELECT decode(substr('18900607|000000|20110718112109|23972|002',
FROM dual;

When I run the above code I get an incorrect display ie. "18-JUL-11". when I remove the decode I get the correct display ie."2011/07/18 11:21:09 AM"

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PL/SQL :: Date Query - Time In /out

Apr 19, 2013

Create table time_in (
Emp_id varchar2(6),
at_date date,
time_in varchar2(6),
status varchar2(2)


-------------- required restul----------
emp_id    at_date    time_in    at_date    time_out
------    -------    -------    --------   --------
00009     16/03/2013  09:47      17/03/2013  09:45
00009     17/03/2013  09:48      17/03/2013  10:43
00009     18/03/2013  09:57     
00009     19/03/2013  09:38      19/03/2013  05:22
00009     20/03/2013  09:48      20/03/2013  05:24

status 01 = time in
status 02 = time out

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Displaying Date And Time

Aug 17, 2011

SQL> desc guide;
Name Null? Type
----------------------------------------- -------- ----------

when I run this query it only displays the date but no to display it with the date and time?

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