Where Server Side Procedures Are Stored

Jun 2, 2009

Where are the server side procedures are stored? Where are the server side procedures are visible??

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Client Tools :: How To Convert SQL Server Stored Procedures

Sep 3, 2013

In SQL server 30 stored procedures are there how to convert all the stored procedure from SQL server to Oracle 11g..

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SQL & PL/SQL :: IF ELSE ENDIF On Stored Procedures?

Apr 8, 2011

I come from a Microsoft SQL background and am having trouble adjusting to the PL/SQL syntax. I'd like to build this up to pass back a certain value back into a web form.


I'm having trouble writing values out at the moment

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Stored Procedures Using Oracle Tables

Jul 22, 2010

Let us say there is an oracle table A. How do i find out what stored procedures/packages/views are using this table A.

Reason to know: When some DDL changes happen on table A, how do i know what are the impacted sp/pkg/views which should also be modified. Is there any query with which i can find this?

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PL/SQL :: Trapping Errors In Stored Procedures?

Feb 27, 2013

I have to run queries on a gov't computer. There are errors in some of the stored procedures that will NEVER go away. Fact of life, and I have to live with it (I'm just a data analyst--not the developer of the procedures)So I do this, in the hope of trapping the error

run_stored_proc (my_cursor, my_id, param3);
WHEN OTHERS THEN DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('ERROR IN ID (' || my_id || '). The error was ' || SQLCODE || ' -ERROR- ' ||SQLERRM);
END;Well, it can still crash.
SQL> @c:mysql
ERROR IN ID (2692). The error was -20100 -ERROR- ORA-20100: Exception occurred in some_other_stored_procedure

ORA-01422: exact fetch returns more than requested number of rowsSo it looks like run_stored_proc calls some_other_stored_procedure which is having issues. I was hoping that by trying to capture the error in the top level procedure, it would also capture the error in a lower-level "sub-procedure". This is the way a TRY-CATCH in java works. If an error happens anywhere along the way inside the TRY-CATCH, it is caught. Sure, PL/SQL ins't java, but is there a way for me to catch a lower level error and not have this code crash?

Fortunately for me, it actually doesn't crash that often. But I have to put this code in a loop, and run it for many different my_id's. And when it does crash, it isn't significant from a data analysis standpoint. I can't do without a small percentage of the data. But I'd love to be able to just run my script and not have to watch it for unexpected crashes.

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PL/SQL :: Java Stored Procedures And Triggers

Oct 31, 2012

I want to to use Java stored procedures and triggers within the Oracle 11g XE ?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Why Do Stored Procedures And Functions Improve Performance

Feb 10, 2012

Why do stored procedures and functions improve performance?

A. They reduce network round trips.
B. They reduce the number of calls to the database and decrease network traffic by bundling commands.
C. They reduce the number of calls to the database and decrease network traffic by using the local PL/SQL engine.
D. They allow the application to perform high-speed processing locally.
E. They postpone PL/SQL parsing until run time.

I think the answer should be A and B but i came across answers as B and E Can u explain me what is the difference between option A and B and does it postpone parsing till run time?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Bind Variables / Developing Stored Procedures In Developer

May 16, 2010

Am using Oracle 9i and developing stored procedures in SQL Developer. Have a situation where one stored procedure A is calling another B. Stored proc B builds the SQL based on parameters passed in. For one of the parameters i would like to use a bind variable in the SQL that proc B builds. The bind var is passed back to proc A as a part of the SQL string. In proc A, i then try to bind that variable to a parameter(value), however, the bind does not seeem to work.

The SQL string contained in v_SQLStatement defined as VARCHAR(4000) that is passed back to proc A looks like:

SELECT em.event_title AS event_name,
e.start_date AS start_date,
e.end_date AS end_date
FROM d_event_ml em
inner join d_event e
ON em.event_id = e.event_id
WHERE em.language_id = 46
AND e.end_date >= SYSDATE
AND e.stream_id IN ( :v_x1 )
AND e.event_id IN (SELECT event_id
FROM d_events_seas

and o_EventList is defined as REF CURSOR. i'm experiencing is that :v_x1 stays as :v_x1 and does not change.This is my first attempt at using bind vars. URL....

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Call Stored Procedures Or Functions From A Database Trigger

Oct 14, 2011

How to call stored procedures or functions from a database trigger?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Pass Table As Input Parameter In Stored Procedures?

Feb 22, 2011

i need to pass table as input parameter in stored procedures. during the run time, i am getting error

CREATE OR replace TYPE emp_type IS OBJECT (
id NUMBER(4),
ename VARCHAR2(10));
CREATE OR replace TYPE emp_type_tab
CREATE OR replace PROCEDURE Test_proc (in_emp_type IN EMP_TYPE_TAB)
FOR i IN 1.. in_emp_type.COUNT LOOP

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Advantages / Differences Of Methods Defined Types Over Stored Procedures

Aug 31, 2011

We are trying to use the methods/constructors in the object types and find it more similar to the procedures and functions in the packages. I am wondering how they are different from stored procs and functions and what are the advantages?

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.NET Stored Procedures :: How To Send Execute String To Oracle Database

Oct 31, 2013

I would like to send a raw command to the Oracle server. from .NET (System.Data.OracleClien), but I got invalid statement (ORA-00900) exception

.Excecute string:string SQL = "EXECUTE SP_THREADFILE_INSERT('" + Guid.NewGuid() + "','" + filename + "',utl_raw.cast_to_raw('" + content + "'))";

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Printing Tables Side By Side

Mar 8, 2012

Here i am displaying the multiplication tables by given number...the problem is the tables are displaying one after another...i need to print it by side by side like..

1*1=1 2*1=2 3*1=3
` ` `
` ` `
` ` `
1*10=10 2*10=20 3*10=30

the written code is

a number:=1;


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PL/SQL :: Updating 2 Tables Side By Side

Apr 4, 2013

sqlplus experts,

How do I update Table2(idno) with values of Table1(idno)? By the way there are other columns which i do not want to be touched. This is just to create a match parent-child table test data.





any no
any no
any no
any no

I want all idno values in Table2 to be identical with Table1. It can be any order as long as the value is 1 to 1. I just want it populated for test data purposes.

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Reports & Discoverer :: Calling Reports From Stored Procedures?

Feb 23, 2011

Is there a way to call an oracle report (version 9i) from a stored procedure?

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Upgrade Server-Side - Oracle DB JVM?

Sep 28, 2012

how to upgrade Oracle SERVER jvm version

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RAC & Failsafe :: Load Balancing At Server Side

Oct 28, 2010

I've configure TAF and Load Banalcing, both of server side some days ago. And now, I find Node 2 is accessed more than node 1. I upload some images here, anything you need to clarify information more, I can give.

Node 2 is often at 40%-55%, some time to 77%.

Node 1 is often 5-12%

Service TAF was configured

Show TAF service by crs

The remote listener

Were I wrong?

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Monitoring Script From Client Side (no Access To Server)

Sep 12, 2012

We are on oracle on Solaris 10. I dont have acces to the db server but connect to the db from the client side using sqlplus. though I have dba privilege (at oracle level) but no access to db server at os level. I also dont have access to enterprise manager console where such information is available.

I want to set up monitoring so that I can get a mail when the space falls below some threshold like say tablespace is 90% full. Is it possible to get mail from pl/sql script for example?

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Server Administration :: Ora / 1043 User Side Memory Corruption

Nov 20, 2002

I'm using Oracle8i, with VB6 as front end When i try to connect Oracle using RDO in VB i get an error message from Oracle It is S1000:Oracle ODBC.ora Ora:1043 User Side Memory Corruption.

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Server Utilities :: Procedures To Import A Dump From 9i To 11g Directly?

May 31, 2011

I tried to import a dump in 11g that was taken in oracle 9i. The import started but it hangs after some time. Exactly say it check only the character set of the DB's then it hangs. let me know if there are any specific procedures to import a dump from 9i to 11g directly.

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Server Utilities :: Export Only Procedures As Proc File

Aug 17, 2012

I have to copy all the procedures in database to local folder and extension( or file type) of each procedure is ".proc".

I did tried with dbms_metadata but as there are 300 procedures it consuming time & I want separate file for each one.

dbms_metadata.GET_DDL('PROCEDURE',u.object_name), u.object_name
user_objects u
object_type = 'PROCEDURE'
AND object_name in( 'P1');

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Server Utilities :: Syntax For Exporting Only Procedures Of Particular User

Mar 7, 2011

What is the syntax for exporting only the procedures of a particular user.

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Server Utilities :: Procedures / Triggers And Other Object With Character Changed

Nov 12, 2012

Procedures, triggers and other object with character changed.

Every character was replaced by ã? the content of procedures and other objects after importing a schema for production approval.


p_msgerro := p_msgerro ||
' Erro na selec?o da Unidade Administrativa. ' ||

The character (?) deveria ser (ã)

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Server Utilities :: Will Schema Export All Roles / Procedures / Packages / Synonyms / Functions And Triggers

Sep 21, 2010

i want to do a schema export from Database A. There are hundreds of users under this schema.I have to import this schema into other database say B. My question's are:

1) Do i need to pre-create only schema user or all the users under it.

2) Will the schema export all the roles,procedures,packages,synonyms,funsctions and triggers?

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Forms :: Run Adobe Acrobat In Client Side Using 10g

May 10, 2010

How i can run adobe acrobat in the client side and maximize it ?

Note: i am using oracle 10g.

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Security :: Query Regarding Client Side Wallet

Jul 11, 2012

I need few clarifications regarding oracle wallet.

db version: (Enterprise Edition)

We have a requirement to run shell scripts calling stored procedures for specific activities, which are run on database server. We do not want to store passwords in shell scripts and decided to use Secure External Password Store for hiding passwords instead of os authentication method. need few clarifications on the below.

1) Currently, we are creating oracle wallet entry on db server and making modifications in sqlnet.ora file accordingly. Is it good to use like this or we should do this only on a client machine?
2) Do we need any licensing to use this option?
3) Any knows issues with using oracle wallet?
4) Can we use orapki for creating oracle wallet instead of mkstore?
5) Any knows issues we face during startup and shutdown of db activities?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: TRIM Function - Remove Symbol Only From LEFT Or RIGHT Side

Feb 22, 2011

Is there any possibilites to remove the symbol '*' only from LEFT or RIGHT side, instead BOTH the side.

select '>' || trim (both '*' from '***removing stars at both sides***') || '<' "Stars removed" from dual;

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Oracle 10g On Linux System - ORA 12560 Error On Client Side?

Jan 2, 2011

i have installed oracle 10g on linux system. and i am using xp as a client when i use this

cmd>conn scott/tiger@database at client side i receive ora-12560 error

while my database is up and listener and tnsping also working at server side.

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Networking And Gateways :: TNS 12537 - Connection Closed On Client Side

Jan 12, 2011

I am getting below error while tnsping from client

C:Program FilesMicrosoft Visual Studio 9.0VC>tnsping xpcdev

TNS Ping Utility for 32-bit Windows: Version - Production on 12-JAN-2011 21:35:03

Copyright (c) 1997, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.

Used parameter files:

Used TNSNAMES adapter to resolve the alias
Attempting to contact (DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS_LIST = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = = 1524))) (C
TNS-12537: TNS:connection closed

on server side listener is up also I am able to tnsping without any error.

contents from sqlnet.ora


I am getting below error on listener log file

Quote:12-JAN-2011 10:04:56 * 12546
TNS-12546: TNS:permission denied
TNS-12560: TNS:protocol adapter error
TNS-00516: Permission denied

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Application Express :: How Vertical Left Side Menus Created

Jun 11, 2012

I was keen on creating left side vertical menus instead of using a tab for every page to organize my application better. An example is


I tried creating a list and attaching it to a page. Did not work. Still investigating this. Specifically, what list option that person is using. Not sure, if its really a list or maybe the vertical navigation bar?

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