Client Tools :: How To Convert SQL Server Stored Procedures

Sep 3, 2013

In SQL server 30 stored procedures are there how to convert all the stored procedure from SQL server to Oracle 11g..

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Client Tools :: Cannot View 2 Procedures Simultaneously

May 6, 2010

I have problem viewing 2 procedures at the same time... e.g. i open procedure A, edit it, not close it. then i open procedure B from the left pane, and then i cannot see the procedure A... If i look at the File Menu on top left, it has the option of SAVE ALL, and not just SAVE.. that means both the procedures are open. but then why am i not able to see them?

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Client Tools :: How To See Specs / Body Of Package Procedures

Jan 27, 2011

1- I do not have access to TOAD for Oracle yet
2- I can connect to SQLPLUS: Release
3- We have many stored procedures in packages that are available from the TOAD for Oracle interface
4- I need to be able to see the specs/body of some packages containing some procedures.
5- I am connected to the appropriate DataBase1 (for example), but from here what to do from SQLPLUS command prompt ?

For example: SchemaName1.PackageName1.ProcedureName1

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Where Server Side Procedures Are Stored

Jun 2, 2009

Where are the server side procedures are stored? Where are the server side procedures are visible??

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Client Tools :: How To Execute Stored Procedure With Cursor Within PL/SQL

Apr 5, 2011

To keep things simple: lets say that this is my procedure:

create or replace procedure testSp(x out sys_refcursor )
open x for
select 1 from dual;

how would i be able to execute this from with in sqlTools to see the result ??? i have tried everything...

my goal is in the end to execute this from Magic 8 (to those who herd of it). p.s this needs to work in oracle 8

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Client Tools :: How To Pass Ambersand (&) As Input Parameter To A Stored Procedure

Oct 26, 2010

i have a stored procedure whose input parameter is a varchar2 datatype.i created this procedure for an interface and tibco would be calling my procedure by passing input problem is when there is a input string with & (ambersand) then its not working.

even i tried to pass the parameter with & in TOAD, it asks me to enter value for string.look at the sample code below which i wrote for testing purpose:

procedure is:

create or replace procedure testproc(p_in in varchar2)

i pass parameter as given below:

testproc('abc & def');

if i run above script, it asks me to input some string value as it sees & in the string. attached is the image that shows up in TOAD. if i run below script it works. but i dont know how many &'s will be there in the input parameter. hence i cant do. and also TIBCO cant modify the input paramter while calling the procedure.

testproc('abc &'||'def');

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Client Tools :: Convert Incorrectly Imported Data Into Proper Unicode Format?

Mar 26, 2012

how can I convert incorrectly imported data into it's proper unicode format.



The first record is incorrectly imported and the second is how it should be looking like, if it has been properly imported.

NLS parameters are:


In the example above, full_name is of a NVARCHAR2(100) type but the same problem applies to columns with VARCHAR2 type.

Is there a function or a peace of code I could use to convert value of the first record to be look alike of the second record?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: IF ELSE ENDIF On Stored Procedures?

Apr 8, 2011

I come from a Microsoft SQL background and am having trouble adjusting to the PL/SQL syntax. I'd like to build this up to pass back a certain value back into a web form.


I'm having trouble writing values out at the moment

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Client Tools :: Can Use Oracle Client Version To Create A Database In That Server

Jan 13, 2011

can we use oracle client version to create a database in that server.

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Stored Procedures Using Oracle Tables

Jul 22, 2010

Let us say there is an oracle table A. How do i find out what stored procedures/packages/views are using this table A.

Reason to know: When some DDL changes happen on table A, how do i know what are the impacted sp/pkg/views which should also be modified. Is there any query with which i can find this?

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PL/SQL :: Trapping Errors In Stored Procedures?

Feb 27, 2013

I have to run queries on a gov't computer. There are errors in some of the stored procedures that will NEVER go away. Fact of life, and I have to live with it (I'm just a data analyst--not the developer of the procedures)So I do this, in the hope of trapping the error

run_stored_proc (my_cursor, my_id, param3);
WHEN OTHERS THEN DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('ERROR IN ID (' || my_id || '). The error was ' || SQLCODE || ' -ERROR- ' ||SQLERRM);
END;Well, it can still crash.
SQL> @c:mysql
ERROR IN ID (2692). The error was -20100 -ERROR- ORA-20100: Exception occurred in some_other_stored_procedure

ORA-01422: exact fetch returns more than requested number of rowsSo it looks like run_stored_proc calls some_other_stored_procedure which is having issues. I was hoping that by trying to capture the error in the top level procedure, it would also capture the error in a lower-level "sub-procedure". This is the way a TRY-CATCH in java works. If an error happens anywhere along the way inside the TRY-CATCH, it is caught. Sure, PL/SQL ins't java, but is there a way for me to catch a lower level error and not have this code crash?

Fortunately for me, it actually doesn't crash that often. But I have to put this code in a loop, and run it for many different my_id's. And when it does crash, it isn't significant from a data analysis standpoint. I can't do without a small percentage of the data. But I'd love to be able to just run my script and not have to watch it for unexpected crashes.

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PL/SQL :: Java Stored Procedures And Triggers

Oct 31, 2012

I want to to use Java stored procedures and triggers within the Oracle 11g XE ?

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Client Tools :: Oracle Client 32 Bit On Windows Server 2008 R2 64 Bit

Jul 20, 2012

Can i install Oracle 10g Client 32 bit on our Windows Server 2008 R2 64 bit?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Why Do Stored Procedures And Functions Improve Performance

Feb 10, 2012

Why do stored procedures and functions improve performance?

A. They reduce network round trips.
B. They reduce the number of calls to the database and decrease network traffic by bundling commands.
C. They reduce the number of calls to the database and decrease network traffic by using the local PL/SQL engine.
D. They allow the application to perform high-speed processing locally.
E. They postpone PL/SQL parsing until run time.

I think the answer should be A and B but i came across answers as B and E Can u explain me what is the difference between option A and B and does it postpone parsing till run time?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Bind Variables / Developing Stored Procedures In Developer

May 16, 2010

Am using Oracle 9i and developing stored procedures in SQL Developer. Have a situation where one stored procedure A is calling another B. Stored proc B builds the SQL based on parameters passed in. For one of the parameters i would like to use a bind variable in the SQL that proc B builds. The bind var is passed back to proc A as a part of the SQL string. In proc A, i then try to bind that variable to a parameter(value), however, the bind does not seeem to work.

The SQL string contained in v_SQLStatement defined as VARCHAR(4000) that is passed back to proc A looks like:

SELECT em.event_title AS event_name,
e.start_date AS start_date,
e.end_date AS end_date
FROM d_event_ml em
inner join d_event e
ON em.event_id = e.event_id
WHERE em.language_id = 46
AND e.end_date >= SYSDATE
AND e.stream_id IN ( :v_x1 )
AND e.event_id IN (SELECT event_id
FROM d_events_seas

and o_EventList is defined as REF CURSOR. i'm experiencing is that :v_x1 stays as :v_x1 and does not change.This is my first attempt at using bind vars. URL....

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Call Stored Procedures Or Functions From A Database Trigger

Oct 14, 2011

How to call stored procedures or functions from a database trigger?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Pass Table As Input Parameter In Stored Procedures?

Feb 22, 2011

i need to pass table as input parameter in stored procedures. during the run time, i am getting error

CREATE OR replace TYPE emp_type IS OBJECT (
id NUMBER(4),
ename VARCHAR2(10));
CREATE OR replace TYPE emp_type_tab
CREATE OR replace PROCEDURE Test_proc (in_emp_type IN EMP_TYPE_TAB)
FOR i IN 1.. in_emp_type.COUNT LOOP

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Advantages / Differences Of Methods Defined Types Over Stored Procedures

Aug 31, 2011

We are trying to use the methods/constructors in the object types and find it more similar to the procedures and functions in the packages. I am wondering how they are different from stored procs and functions and what are the advantages?

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.NET Stored Procedures :: How To Send Execute String To Oracle Database

Oct 31, 2013

I would like to send a raw command to the Oracle server. from .NET (System.Data.OracleClien), but I got invalid statement (ORA-00900) exception

.Excecute string:string SQL = "EXECUTE SP_THREADFILE_INSERT('" + Guid.NewGuid() + "','" + filename + "',utl_raw.cast_to_raw('" + content + "'))";

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Client Tools :: Oracle Connection To SQL Server

Mar 2, 2011

I am using dg4msql to connect to SQL server from Oracle(, with AIX 5.3).

#from my laptop sqlplus (

SQL>select count(*) from table1@mssql; #works
SQL>select * from table1@mssql; #ERROR

ORA-28500: connection from ORACLE to a non-Oracle system returned this message:
[Oracle][ODBC SQL Server Driver]String data, right truncation
{01004}[Oracle][ODBC SQL Server Driver]String data, right truncation {01004}

#from my laptop, TOAD
Both queries works fine.

i have compared

"select * from nls_session_parameters;" values , TOAD and sqlpus gives same result.

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Client Tools :: Create Database On Server

Mar 30, 2012

If i create database on server(remote desktop connection) and try to some R&D like shutdown or startup command it will effect my other database or not.

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Client Tools :: How To Insert Data From SQL To Oracle Server

Dec 13, 2012

I have problem: I have 1 sql server already setup SQL Server 2012 Express and 1 Oracle Database server 10g. Now i want to insert data from SQL server to Oracle database through link server.

Some step i already make:
1. Setup oracle database 10g and configure listener (Finished)
2. Setup Sql server 2012 express on Windows 7 (Finished)
3. Setup ODTwithODAC1020221 on PC already setup SQL server (Finished)
4. Make Linkserver from SQL server to Oracle database (Finished), and can select data from Oracle Database on SQL server through Linkserver.

However when i insert data from SQl server to Oracle Server not success.


After i run above script, result is OK
With: "QVHKTEST" is alias of Link server from SQL to Oracle server
: "QVSYSTEM" is a table on Oracle database, that table we want to get through Linkserver on SQL server

Both Server Database contain same name table is "QVSYSTEM"
values('VNF4619829','3227B002CA','L1068','01','2012/09/26 03:18:11');

If i run script above directly in SQL Window query can insert OK. This is code in trigger at table on SQL server:

-- =============================================
-- Author:<Author Name: Phuong Do Minh >
-- Create date: <Create Date: 10/12/2012>
-- Description:<Description: After data insert into table qvsystem on SQL server
-- This trigger will fire and insert that data into table qvsystem

But when i make trigger after insert on table in SQL Server to insert data From SQL server to Oracle server, however not success and SQL server raise error below:

OLE DB provider "OraOLEDB.Oracle" for linked server "QVHKTEST" returned message "New transaction cannot enlist in the specified transaction coordinator. ".
Msg 7391, Level 16, State 2, Procedure Insert_data, Line 16

The operation could not be performed because OLE DB provider "OraOLEDB.Oracle" for linked server "QVHKTEST" was unable to begin a distributed transaction.

I don't know how to configure them.

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Client Tools :: Load Tables From SQL Server To Oracle

Jan 31, 2013

best method (easy and efficient) to load tables from sql server database to oracle database.

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Server Utilities :: Which Client Need To Use Data Pump Tools

Feb 13, 2012

I'm installing a new application-testing server, i have installed 11g r2 instant clients & SQL* Plus client.

when i'm trying to run an expdp command, i get this:

'expdp' is not recognized as an internal or external command

Now, i understand this is because i don't have the Bin directory of a client installation in my Path of the OS. My question is, which one exactly i need for using data-pump utility, and where to download it?

I've found lots of posts of people that had issues with defining the ORA_HOME$in in the $PATH, or having a client incompatibility issue throughout the web, but no answer to my specific question.

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Client Tools :: Connection From Oracle SQL Developer To MS SQL Server

Jun 8, 2010

I'd like to make a connection from Oracle SQL Developer to a MS SQL Server DB. How can I do that?

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Client Tools :: No Server Option In Oracle SQL Developer?

Jan 31, 2013

Using SQL Developer I am able to login using oracle credentials but I dont see any option for SQL Server. I see both Oracle and Access. Why I am not able to see the SQL Server option in SQL Developer tool? I need the SQL Server option because I want to transfer some tables from SQL Server database to Oracle database.

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Client Tools :: How To Migrate Data From SQL Server To Oracle Database

Jun 13, 2013

how to migrate sql server database to oracle database?

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Client Tools :: How To Sync Oracle 10g Database With SQL Server 2005

Jun 27, 2013

i have my oracle 10g database on my windows 7 and i install sql server 2005 on my windows server 2003 .now i want to sync my oracle 10g database with my sql 2005 means whenever i make any changes in my oracle table its automatically effect in my sql server also.

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Client Tools :: Oracle Services For Microsoft Transaction Server?

Apr 2, 2012

I want to use SSIS,when i use oracle 10g as a data source to SQL Server 2008 as Destination, it gives error ora-01017 invalid username/password logon denied, i did normal oracle installation and give full privileges(sysdba or sysoper) to the user(sys,system...),when i check connection it shows test connection succeeded but when click on next it gives above error.

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Reports & Discoverer :: Calling Reports From Stored Procedures?

Feb 23, 2011

Is there a way to call an oracle report (version 9i) from a stored procedure?

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