I am trying to write a control file that will read information from two INFILES and update two tables with the different information via SQL Loader. I am using Oracle 11g on Linux. i am not sure how to take the result from the first insert query and use it as input to the second insert query. Currently I have the following control file:
INFILE 'table1.dat'
INFILE 'table2.dat'
WHEN tid='1'
(pid "pid.nextval", p_fname, p_lname, tid)
The pid in the second insert query should be taken from the pid generated in the first insert query. However, I do not know how to do this. Does SQL Loader run the first insert query for all entries in the table1.dat file and then the second insert query or will it do one record at a time? Here are my INFILES:
The second field in table2.dat should be taken from the result of creating a record in the table1.dat. Is this something that can be achieved using SQL Loader? The first part of the control file is successful, I can see the table being updated with the contents on table1.dat, but the second query fails.
I am using oracle 9i, and having trouble with updating a table.
I get ORA-00001(unique constraint) Error on executing the sql below; I know sql below is little strange( which use unique key in 'SET' statement) . but It worked on My Oracle Server. but it didn't on Client's.
why this error occurs or why this error did not occur on my PC,
[Update sql](key is CD and SDATE) Update TBL1 set CD = 'A',
Oracle 11.2 - The goal is to create a trigger on table and anytime an update, delete or insert is done on the table, write values to a second table. I have the trigger and it works except it is not loading my col1/PK values. I understand I need to do a new/old value. Col1 is my PK on Table that I want to load anytime there is an update/delete/insert on the table. How do I code the old/new variable?
I am updating a table column which is xml datatype and am getting above error.Below is the process what i did. since the xml is too large i split them into small chunks.
pgit_policy is transaction table having producer code field.
pgith_policy is history table, on that table if any endorsement passed new records created with same polh_sys_id and increment on POLH_END_NO_IDX.
I am trying to update all records of the history table but its updating only higest POLH_END_NO_IDX only. i need to update all producer code.
update pgith_policy a set a.polh_producer_code= (select b.pol_producer_code from pgit_policy b where b.pol_no=a.polh_no --and b.POL_END_NO_IDX= a.POLH_END_NO_IDX and b.POL_END_SR_NO = a.POLH_END_SR_NO and b.pol_producer_code is NOT NULL and b.pol_class_code='10') where a.polh_class_code='10' and a.polh_producer_code is null and a.polh_appr_dt between to_date('01-06-2011', 'dd-mm-yyyy') and to_date('30-06-2011', 'dd-mm-yyyy')
updating the statistics for a table (with GATER_TABLE_STATS) and using NUM_ROWS then. This works fine for me as long as I am the owner of the table, but when someone else is, I always get this error: ORA-20000: Table does not exist or insufficient privileges.what privileges do I need to use GATHER_ TABLE_ STATS on all Tables, which were created by Users?
when I tried to use ANALYZE TABLE TEST_TABLE COMPUTE STATISTICS on a certain table I got the following error: a view is not appropriate here. The strange thing is, TEST_TABLE is not a view (at least it is not listed in ALL_VIEWS and is listed in ALL_TABLES, so it cant be a view right?).
Besides, is there another way to gather Table Statistics (not using Analyze Table or Gather_Table_Stats)?
I have created the following trigger whcich will track all the column changes and insert the row in log table. here i have some doubt while substituting the cursor value.
create or replace trigger historylog_trigger before update on log_dev_test for each row declare PRAGMA AUTONOMOUS_TRANSACTION; in_loamid number(10); in_col_name varchar2(10); in_old_val varchar2(100);
In the above result, We need to go from bottom up and when we hit some value we need to update with the lastest record as below.("Blank" space are considered as null.)
im trying to create a trigger that, when i insert a new song in the songs table, it will check the category of the song (song_cat) and increase the respective cat_total (from table categories) by 1.
here is what i've done so far:
drop trigger countcat; CREATE TRIGGER countcat AFTER INSERT ON songs FOR EACH ROW update categories SET cat_total= cat_total +1 WHERE cat_name = (select song_cat FROM inserted);
What to write in the cat_name = (select ...). I have tried lots of stuff but still nothing. when i use this, i get the error that mydatabase.inserted doesnt exist
this is the correct syntax for updating a table with a select statement included. Table created easily and the alter table ran fine, but the update is running quite a log time.
My ultimate goal is to populate the "children" field with a count of children for each household id.
create table NON_GBC_Members nologging as select distinct hcp.household_master_ID from mrtcustomer.household_child_profile hcp where hcp.child_birth_dt between '31-OCT-2000' and '30-OCT-2011' group by hcp.household_master_id minus
I am trying to learn Oracle and trying to use Visual Basic 7 to connect to an Oracle database, upload a text file to an empty table and then update a second Oracle table based on the info in the first table. I know you can do this with SQL*Loader, but how about VB? I did some research and found this posting: Re: Using Bulk insert or SQL Loader in VB6 I borrowed the code from there and altered it for my application (see below).
Dim con As New ADODB.ConnectionDim rst As New ADODB.RecordsetDim rst2 As New ADODB.RecordsetDim rst3 As New ADODB.Recordset con.ConnectionString = "Provider=OracleDB;User ID=john;Password=doe;Data Source=TestDB;"con.Open 'open the text filerst.Open "C:OracleTestCombinedCombined.txt" 'rst2 is an empty recordset because TempTable is empty at this time.rst2.Open "select * from TempTable", con, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic 'adding rows into TempTable.Do Until rst.EOFrst2.AddNew Array("PACKET", "DATERET"), Array(rst.Fields("PACKET"), rst.Fields("DATERET"))rst.MoveNextLoop rst.Closerst2.Closecon.Close
My second question is this - say I had a second Oracle table in the same DB called "MasterTable", with the same two fields as "TempTable" (PACKET and DATERET). I want to update the DATERET field in "MasterTable" with the DATERET field in "TempTable" ONLY when the "PACKET" field matches in both tables.
I have a situation where there are multiple records for a join criteria. I am trying to find a way to update a particular column for all the records returned by the join criteria. Example :
I have a table A, whose table structure is in the below format.
Table A
ID DESC VALUE 123 A 454 123 B 1111 123 C 111 123 D 222 124 A 123 124 B 1 124 C 111 124 D 44
Now i need to insert the data from this table to another table B, the sturcture of which is as below
Table B
ID A B C D 1234541111111222 124123111144
How do i frame a query to fetch data from table A and insert that into table B? I don't want to use max and decode combination. as it would return only single row for an ID. I need all the id's to be displayed.
I create the sample for master/detail form. In detail for prdcode,rate,qty,amount is there. When select prdcode it fetching prdcode,rate in a record and if you type the qty the amout will come based on formula(property) :qty*:rate.
It is available on screen. But when i store the data, in backend table the amount is be a null.
I have a table EMPLOYEE with columns employee_id and status. I have a requirement that when an employee status is getting changed, then even its linked employee's status also should be changed to the same status value. For this, I need to handle the updating of linked employee's status using a trigger.
Since we get mutating trigger issue when try to update the originating table, I am trying to go with the approach of "in place of a single AFTER row trigger that updates the original table, resulting in a mutating table error, you may be able to use two triggers. The first is an AFTER row trigger that updates a temporary table, and the second an AFTER statement trigger that updates the original table with the values from the temporary table".
But however I am still facing the same issue.
Test case:
Also, any alternate options (rather than using 2 triggers with temp table).
i m doin simple application, in which all data is retrieving from table in to form(all the
field are textbox and button on form) ename,dept,salary,dept_id etc.
i took one textbox field on form which is non table field
(no db field bt linked to another table..via LOV m retrieving value into this textbox which suppose dept_id ) and now after selecting one record from list box into textbox which is non table field.... after immdiately selecting i want to update one field into db field which all other form field contains...
so how to do this??which trigger i hav to use for this?
if :dept_id is not null then begin update dept set loc =:emp.loc where dept_id = :emp.dept_id; forms_ddl('commit'); exception when others then null; end; end if;
it giving error.......if m using commit in this...i hav used post query trigger ...is dere
EBS version is 12.1.3. we need to update the e-mail address in per_all_people_f in Oracle EBS based on a trigger that will fire against a column in Oracle Internet Directory (OID). A trigger will be built against table ct_mail, column attrvalue. When a value is inserted or updated this value will use an api on the EBS database to update per_all_people_f.
Q => Is ct_mail the correct table to use in OID for email addresses? or can you confirm a different table?
Q => If Ok to use ct_mail as the table can you see any problems with using a trigger in OID?
Q => Finally is a database link between OID and EBS database the best way for the trigger to work?
I am trying to update all rows of 100 column of a table with '0'. The column name is sequentially increasing one like EMP_1,EMP_2,EMP_3, etc. I tried using the below code but I am getting ora-06550 and ora-00927 error's.
begin FOR i in 1..100 loop UPDATE EMP_DETAILS SET EMP_'||i||' =0 END LOOP; COMMIT; END;
I want to use java-script to open a prompt to see if the user wants to change the date of a work order (Located in Work_order_info called "opened_date")
What I have so far:
var n = prompt("Is the checklist starting now? (Type either y or n)", "y or n"); if (n == "y" || n == "Y"){ alert("The opened date has now been changed!"); }else if (n = "n" || n == "N"){ alert("The opened date has not been changed!"); }else{ alert("You needed to type either n or y, nothing else!"); }
I'm not entirely sure how to tell the table to change the opened_date to sysdate. I'm sure it's really simple >.
When I run the code below It runs very Long. It updates SUSR5 in the TEMPTABLE3 that has 112000 records. If I Change it when c>m to 2 to test. It runs very fast. The value for m is always between 10000 and 12000. That How many times it must loop to update the correct records.
I have two tables lets say TAB_A and TAB_B. I altered table B to include a new column from table A I wrote a merge statement as follows to merge the data
I know INSERT is for inserting new records UPDATE to my knowledge is to modify currently existing records (loosely) MERGE is one I rarely used, until this particular scenario. The code works perfectly fine, but I was wondering how could I write an update statement? Or in this scenario should I even be using an update statement?
I have more than 100 records in CSV format. I have to import these records to a particular table which already contains data. I have to do a multiple update at a time, based on the condition . ie., if field1 is '1' then update field2 as 'A0001' and if field1 is '5' then update field2 as 'A0007' . The values are not in an order. Is it possible.
Table 1Name Item DateJon Apples 06/11/2013 00:30:00 hrsSam OrangesNish Apples Table 2 - Net countName Item CountNish Apples 10Nish Oranges 17Nish BananaSam Apples 10Sam Oranges 1Sam Bananas 1Jon Apples 8
I need to create a job that checks Table 1 for new records added after last run and then add the count in Table 2 accordingly.how to achieve this using PL/SQl or something similar
Order OrderID Status OrderItems OrderID EAN Amount Store EAN Amount
now,I need trigger that will on updating table Order and changing status to "GoodsReceived" increase amounts in Store according to values in OrderItems.
create or replace trigger order_received_trigger before update on Order for each row begin if (:old.status=4 and :new.status=1) then /* select ean, sum(amount) from OrderItems where OrderID=:old.OrderID group by ean; */ end if; end;
but now i dont know how to apply that select on table Store.
create table test ( f1 varchar2(10), f2 varchar2(10), f3 varchar3(10) ) insert into test values ('d1','d2','d3'); insert into test values ('d10','d20','d30');
I want to update the fields of the table as per need i.e update only one field leaving all the data of the fields as it is. Suppose I want to update only f1 (from d1 to x1) field leaving f2, and f3 as it is. I've written stored procedure to update all the fields but do not know how to do it?
I want to update "A" table using "B" table,the "A" table is having 10,000 records and "B" table is having 6,000 records, one column is the common column in both the tables,if condition matches i have to update the "A" table using "B" table based on the common column condition.