Server Utilities :: Performance Diff In Exp And Expdp?

Jun 4, 2010

I export a table using exp utility it take 30 mins to complete the export.The same i have done in expdp utility it take 10 mins to complete the export.

How it happens?

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Server Utilities :: Do EXPDP Utilities Does Backup At Block Level As What RMAN Is Doing

May 29, 2013

I have one doubt on Expdp & RMAN. Do EXPDP utilities does backup at block level as what RMAN is doing? Which one is faster, expdp or RMAN?

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Server Utilities :: Export Sequence Using Expdp

Apr 13, 2011

I would like to export specific tables(not entire schema) including metadata. I am using a parameter file for expdp.


Does this also include all metadata or should i also add the below Include in the parfile ?

INCLUDE =Indexes,Sequences,Procedures,Views

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Server Utilities :: Slow Expdp After Upgrade

Oct 1, 2012

We had AIX OS on 570 machine and database We took expdp and it took 2 and hour to complete every night.

Now we upgrade to and 770 machine and now same command takes 6 hours to complete even database and hardware is upgraded

Command is

expdp T24SILK/oracle directory=backup dumpfile=exp_beod_T24_%U_$dt
.dmp logfile=exp_T24_$dt.log EXCLUDE=TABLE:"LIKE '%TRACE'" parallel=6

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Server Utilities :: Expdp Hangs In Oracle 11g?

May 27, 2011

I am trying to export Schema using expdp command. but its going hang after few minutes. it seems that it stucks any where. Even I am trying with normal scott schema it is also hanging.

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Server Utilities :: EXPDP With Query Error?

Jun 3, 2010

While trying to expdp using Query logics, getting syntax related erros shown below:

expdp system/xxxx SCHEMAS=LOG NETWORK_LINK=DBLINK1 INCLUDE=TABLE:"IN('DAILY_LOG')" QUERY=LOG.DAILY_LOG:"where entry_date< to_char(sysdate -1,'yyyymmdd')" DIRECTORY=dump DUMPFILE=log_exp.dmp logfile=log_exp.log

But gives the following error
ORA-31693: Table data object "LOG"."DAILY_LOG" failed to load/unload and is being skipped due to error:
ORA-00904: "YYYYMMDD": invalid identifier

I tried with simple sql with YYYMMDD and it works fine, the entry_date is a char field. in QUERY where i'm doing wrong here?

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Server Utilities :: Excluding Data Of Some Tables In EXPDP

Oct 5, 2013

i want to exclude only data of some particular tables not complete table object when exporting using expdp.

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Server Utilities :: Expdp Displays Output In German

Aug 26, 2012

I have a server configured to German & English. when i connect with SQLPLUS, i have German language server output, but when i do "alter session set nls_language='AMERICAN'" - it solves the issue for me.

I need the same for expdp command, but I don't know how to do this. I have tried to add a parameter nls_language, but expdp doesn't recognize it. Is it possible to somehow see server output of the expdp & writing it to the log file in English?

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Server Utilities :: Data Pump Expdp To ASM Daily?

Jun 16, 2011

i succeeded to expdp to ASM diskgroup such as

create directory asmexpdir as '+RECO/FILTDB/EXPDP';
grant read,write on directory asmexpdir to oraasfs;
expdp oraasfs/oraasfs2301 directory=asmexpdir dumpfile=SBSR_EXP.dmp tables=TM_SFS_CUST_01 logfile=EXPDP_LOG:SBSR_EXP.log


. . exported "ORAASFS"."TM_SFS_CUST_01" 387.2 MB 817684 rows
Master table "ORAASFS"."SYS_EXPORT_TABLE_01" successfully loaded/unloaded
Dump file set for ORAASFS.SYS_EXPORT_TABLE_01 is:
Job "ORAASFS"."SYS_EXPORT_TABLE_01" successfully completed at 03:34:59

And I like to run this daily and delete after 14 days. but it show error, what can be the solution to run this script?

#Script to Perform Datapump Export backup Every Day
#Change History


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Server Utilities :: Syntax Error In Using Query Parameter In Expdp

Aug 17, 2013

I want to take an export of table MESSAGE, and filter it for the day of 17 JUL 2013 (just to limit the size). i used the following expdp command but its not working.

expdp SYSTEM directory=DATA_PUMP_DIR dumpfile=DB_16_08_2013.dmp logfile=FA0001P_BG_16_08_2013.log TABLES=schema.MESSAGE QUERY=schema.MESSAGE:where created_on between to_date('17-July-13 00:00:00','DD-Mon-YY hh24:MI:SS') and to_date('17-July-13 23:59:00','DD-Mon-YY hh24:MI:SS')

But with select query i am able to retrieve the rows for the specific date.

select * from MESSAGE where created_on between to_date('17-July-13 00:00:00','DD-Mon-YY hh24:MI:SS') and to_date('17-July-13 23:59:00','DD-Mon-YY hh24:MI:SS')
Here is the command with syntax error.
[oracle@orcl log]$ expdp SYSTEM directory=DATA_PUMP_DIR dumpfile=DB_16_08_2013.dmp logfile= DB_16_08_2013.log TABLES=schema.MESSAGE QUERY=schema.MESSAGE:where created_on between to_date('17-July-13 00:00:00','DD-Mon-YY hh24:MI:SS') and to_date('17-July-13 23:59:00','DD-Mon-YY hh24:MI:SS')
-bash: syntax error near unexpected token `('

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Server Utilities :: Export Data Using Expdp To Remote Host

Jun 5, 2012

I have to servers 'A' and 'B', On Server there is a schema with the name "test" having a table "t1". I want to import this t1 table to server B.

Is it possible to export dump using expdp to remote host.

I found that there is an option for this like "network_link". for testing this, I created a dblink from Server "B" to "A" named "vxmldb".

When I am using the below command on Server B there I am getting the following error.

C:>expdp directory=data_pump_dir logfile=test.log network_link=vxmldb schemas=test dumpfile=test.dmp

Export: Release - 64bit Production on Tuesday, 05 June, 2012 14:22:07
Copyright (c) 2003, 2007, Oracle. All rights reserved.
Username: system/vxmldb@vxmldb
Connected to: Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options
ORA-39001: invalid argument value
ORA-39170: Schema expression 'TEST' does not correspond to any schemas.

In above command

directory ---> Server "B" location
network_link ----- > dblink name which is created on Server "B" to access Server "A"
schemas ------ > schema name which is to be exported . Exists on Server "A" DB
username/password ---- >> higher level username/password for Server "A".
@connectString ----- >> connecting to Server "A"

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Server Utilities :: Export / Dump With Expdp For Non-privileged Users?

May 29, 2012

We are DB users (not DBAs) and used always exp/imp bevore application upgrade.

Was googling arround and read something like "Oracle Data Pump - Time to let go of Exp / Imp". It seems exp/imp is obsolete.

Our system doesn't have "expdp" command

> find . -name expdp

is this because of too old SQL*Plus?

> sqlplus
SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Tue May 29 16:05:28 2012
(c) Copyright 2000 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
Enter user-name: ^C^C

- does our DBA need to give us privileges to run expdp/impdp?

- is that true that a expdp/impdp dump will be on the Oracle server (not the client machine)?

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Server Utilities :: Using Expdp To Exclude The Stream Objects While Doing Import?

Feb 1, 2012

I am having one prod and one devl with prod having stream setup.

I have to refresh devl with prod , but if i will go by full expdp then db_links also get imported into the devl and may cause problem in devl.

Is there any other way using expdp to exclude the stream objects while doing import.

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Server Utilities :: Error During Expdp On Oracle 11gR2 On Solaris?

Dec 2, 2010

From some day I have this error during export data pump:

Connected to: Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options
ORA-31626: job does not exist
ORA-31687: error creating worker process with worker id 1
ORA-31687: error creating worker process with worker id 1
ORA-31688: Worker process failed during startup.

This error is random, if I retry after few minutes the expdp work correctly.

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Server Utilities :: Expdp Using Remap_schema Will It Also Remap Grants And Synonyms

May 1, 2010

If I would be using expdp using remap_schema will it also remap grants and synonyms ?

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Server Utilities :: Overwrite Existing Dump File In Expdp In Oracle 10g?

Apr 13, 2012

How we can overwrite existing dump file for expdp in oracle 10g because everytime we excute expdp and dmp file exist we get below error

ORA-39001: invalid argument value
ORA-39000: bad dump file specification
ORA-31641: unable to create dump file "C:scott_emp.dmp"
ORA-27038: created file already exists
OSD-04010: <create> option specified, file already exists

We have one feature in 11g reuse_dumpfiles=y ,which doesnt work in 10g, I want something which can overwrite existing dumpfile in 10g?

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Server Utilities :: Using Expdp / Impdp To Migrate 4 TB Database From Solaris To Linux

Aug 4, 2011

I am using expdp/impdp to migrate 4 TB database from solaris to Linux.But the import process is taking forever.

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Server Utilities :: Taking Export Dump Using Expdp Of Some Schema's Of Total Size Is 300GB

Mar 30, 2007

I'm taking export dump using expdp of some schema's of total size is 300GB. This is the par file:

DUMPFILE=expdp_schema01.dmp,expdp_schema02.dmp,expdp_schema03.dmp,expdp_schema04.dmp,expdp_schema05.dmp,expdp_schema06.dmp,expdp_sche ma07.dmp,expdp_schema08.dmp,expdp_schema09.dmp,expdp_schema10.dmp,expdp_schema11.dmp,expdp_schema12.dmp,expdp_schema13.d

here one biggest schema size is 250GB and the total size of all the schema's is 300GB. The file where am taking the dump has 350GB space but even then the expdp failed saying

ORA-39095: Dump file space has been exhausted: Unable to allocate 8192 bytes

why it failed and how to restart it and make sure it runs successfully without error.

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Performance Tuning :: How To Improve The Performance Of Export Job (expdp)

Dec 6, 2011

I have an issue with export(expdp).

When i exporting an user using expdp utility, the load the on the server is going up-to 5. The size of the database is 180GB. Below is the command that i use for export.

expdp sys/xxxx directory=dbpdump dumpfile=expdp_trk_backup.dmp logfile=expdp_trk_backup.log exclude=statistics schemas=trk

Do i need any look into any memory parameters for this?

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Server Utilities :: Want To Convert Exp Script To Expdp Script

Jul 27, 2011

I am having export script which performs normal export operaion on full database. As no I want to convert the same script with expdp (datapump). So what are the changes I need to take care.As per my knowledge I have to perform following task:

1. Create a dicrectory
2. change command from exp to expdp with directory name mentioned.

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Server Utilities :: Import Performance Using Sql Loader

Apr 6, 2010

I have a text file of 175G with the delimeter as '|*'. I want to import it using sql *loader. I know that sql *loader can load data parallely. I can employ two schemes for importing it using sql *loader

a) with the text file being imported all at once using option parallel = true
b) with the single text file being broken down into files of smaller size(say 5G each or more) and then imported in parallel using parallel = true.

I can import it in somewhat powerful server with 128G of ram, 16 intel CPus and abundant hard disk space.Now my question is which option would be better in performance (in terms of time) it takes to import data?I donot have sufficient time to test both of these approaches.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Calculate Time Diff Between LAST_ANALYZED Dates

May 27, 2011

Oracle Version =

How to change the SQL below to include a calculated datetime diff between two consecutive dates?

I believe I should be using what SQL gurus will call hierarchichal/analytical queries? Any good website/link to learn hierarchical/analytical queries.

select last_analyzed, monitoring
from dba_tables where owner = 'TEST'

-------------------- ---
24-MAY-2011 18:25:05 YES
24-MAY-2011 19:15:34 YES
24-MAY-2011 22:21:33 YES
24-MAY-2011 23:10:42 YES
24-MAY-2011 23:51:10 YES
25-MAY-2011 01:43:56 YES
25-MAY-2011 02:39:11 YES
25-MAY-2011 03:10:26 YES
25-MAY-2011 04:15:15 YES
25-MAY-2011 04:23:26 YES
28-MAY-2011 03:58:02 YES
28-MAY-2011 03:58:11 YES
28-MAY-2011 03:58:11 YES
28-MAY-2011 03:58:12 YES
28-MAY-2011 03:58:13 YES
28-MAY-2011 04:00:16 YES
28-MAY-2011 04:04:24 YES
28-MAY-2011 04:04:27 YES
28-MAY-2011 04:04:33 YES
28-MAY-2011 04:04:36 YES

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Date Diff (Month Not Day) Equivalent In Oracle

Jun 16, 2010

I see month aging buckets in the Oracle Application I am using (Keystone time and billing). I need to do a query in directly in Oracle (Toad front end to Keystone database) using month aging buckets . I use the following in Access that matches the results in Oracle, but I need to work directly in Toad because I want to avoid having to bring over all the dates when I want to summarize by buckets.:

2-4 Months: Sum(IIf(DateDiff("m",[invoice date],forms!Reporting_Standard!txtlastdayofmonth) In (2,3),[Outstanding Gross],0))

I know about getting the difference between two dates and that works fine for day aging buckets, but I need months, which can deal with months that are different sizes.

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Server Utilities :: Finding Versions Of Exp And Imp Utilities Of Database Server?

Feb 23, 2012

how to find the versions of exp and imp utilities of database server from windows command prompt?

Note: Currently i have oracle software installed on my local machine.

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Server Utilities :: Intermediate COMMITS When Using Sqlldr Or Imp Utilities

Oct 29, 2013

I want to load lakhs of records into a table. My problem is when after loading the ¼ of records my process is abend due to the size of my rollback segment area. I don't have an option to increase it. So, Is there any way to go for intermediate commits when I am using the imp or sqlldr utilities to load the entire data without abend?

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Server Utilities :: Netca And Netmgr Utilities?

Feb 20, 2012

I am familiar with tool Netca. However there is one more utility exist for the same functionatlty which is netmgrI checked with many DBAs for the exact difference, however I did not get the best answer from them. I also have checked in google but not exactly got the difference. list the exact difference between those 2 tools (netca, netmgr)

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Server Utilities :: How To Execute SQLLDR / Where Data File Reside In Another Server

Mar 24, 2010

How to execute the SQLLDR, where Data File Reside in another Server?

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Server Utilities :: Exported Data Of One User Importing Into Another Schema At Another Server

Sep 15, 2010

I have exported data of one user an importing into another schema at another server. when i am trying to imoport it is working fine for quite no of imports into tables, but after some time it starts giving me below mention error...

IMP-00008: unrecognized statement in the export file:
IMP-00008: unrecognized statement in the export file:
IMP-00008: unrecognized statement in the export file:
IMP-00008: unrecognized statement in the export file:
IMP-00008: unrecognized statement in the export file:

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Server Utilities :: How To Access Local File Residing At Client From DB Server

Nov 23, 2011

I have a requirement to read flat text file(around 15000 lines) residing at a client location from DB server and write into a table in One cell.

I tried UTL_FILE and DBMS_LOB but, i am not able to access client location to read the file as it reads path from Oracle Directory.

my client path is and my DB server is in unix say
file location is: \
So I created One Oracle directory as MY_DIR having DIRECTORY_PATH as '\'.
But both UTL_FILE and DBMS_LOB is not able to access the file.

Error Message:
Unable to process CLOB -22288 ~ ORA-22288: file or LOB operation FILEOPEN
No such file or directory

Few Details for reference:
File Location: \
Unix DB Server location:
Table : Test (filename varchar2(30), Content CLOB)
Oracle Dir: MYDIR
Directory_Path: \

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Server Utilities :: Difference In Character Sets Of Server And Client?

Mar 16, 2011

I've a question regarding difference of character sets, while taking a export(logical backup) of database on directly to server(linux RHEL 2.1 AS) and export on a client (windows xp prof machine, where only a oracle 9i client is installed). On server it seems to fine and okay, but on client node i'm getting following error for almost all tables.

EXP-00091: Exporting questionable statistics.

My question is :

[1] Is it creating any sort of problem, if later on i import the data which was taken from client node.

[2] Why there is a difference(marginal) in dump(.dmp) file size.

[3] Is there any way to overcome it, or it is the natural behave of it. Means not a problem.

[4] If i'm using a long or blob as datatype for some of my table,is they have any problem if i persist like above.

Additional Information about character sets On server node :

Export done in US7ASCII character set and AL16UTF16 NCHAR character set server uses WE8ISO8859P1 character set (possible charset conversion)

On client node :

Export done in WE8MSWIN1252 character set and AL16UTF16 NCHAR character set server uses US7ASCII character set (possible charset conversion)

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