I am trying to generate dynamic control file, as the files I want to upload are coming from different source and their name is constantly changing but following a fix pattern and naming convention.
I am able to generate dynamic control file through SQL. But while calling from BATCH file, i am unable to sent the file name as parameter.
All the examples i have searched are for UNIX, how to do it with BATCH File in WINDOWS.
I am using oracle 10g R2. Some how control file is corrupted and database is not open. and there is no backup of control file. Now i need to open the database without recreating the database.
I created a script to make my admin server a windows service. I successfully made it a service but when it starts it then shuts itself down. i ran a debug and found a error. I dont get what to do. I have tried changing the variables in the script and try it over and over again .....here is my script code and here is the error i got from debug output:
SETLOCAL set DOMAIN_NAME=FRClassicDomain set USERDOMAIN_HOME=C:/Oracle/Middleware/user_projects/domains/FRClassicDomain set SERVER_NAME=FRweblogic
And whether I run this from my PL/SQL process (PRO*C) or from a command line, it returns:
TKPROF: Release - Production on Thu Jan 6 11:04:38 2011 Copyright (c) 1982, 2007, Oracle. All rights reserved.
could not open trace file /u00/app/oracle/admin/DB/udump/BITN1234.trc
I have already (from my PRO*C code and from command line)...
- made sure that the file is in the directory. - run this from the udump directory, where the .trc file is...didn't work. - run this from the udump directory, and specifying explicitely the
complete path anyway in the tkprof line (redundant...I know)...didn't work.
- tried to copy the file to another directory in order to run the tkprof,
and it returns:
cp: BITN1234.trc: The file access permissions do not allow the specified
I am recieving errors when trying to load the control file. The errors are as follows:
SQL*Loader-500 Unable to open file (homework.ctl) SQL*Loader-553 file not found SQL*Loader-559 SYstem error: The system cannot find the file specified.
My control file is located directly in the C drive (C:homework.ctl). The control file contains the following
LOAD DATA INFILE 'c:country.dat' APPEND INTO TABLE homework fields terminated by ',' optionally encloded by '"' (country, month, day) WHEN (month='April')
The command I am entering is:
sqlldr system/password control=homework.ctl
I've tried c:homework.ctl, 'c:homework.ctl', and placing the file in the BIN folder of Oracle.
I have had the following problem open with Oracle support since March 2011 (8 months), and still no resolution.
When I export all our schema's on Sunday night it takes about 1 hour 50 minutes. When I export the same schema's on any other night it takes 7 hours. The only difference is that on Sunday at 4:00am we drop all connections in the connection pools and reestablish new connections. Then 19hours later on Sunday at 23:00 we perform the exports which only take 2 hours to complete.
I have also tried recreating the connections in the connection pools during the week, and the exports have then only taken 2 hours to complete. But the following night after the connections have been used during the day, the exports again take 7 hours. So it appears the export speed gets significantly slower when there are many open connections that have been used and not closed.
From the stats pack report I found 2 SQL statements internal to the export command, that had an order of magnitude in difference when looking at the elapsed execution time between the fast export, and the slow export (see below).
How to speed up the exports without having to drop and recreate the database connections in the connection pools each night.
FAST: elapsed_time: 430.90 executions: 161,388 Module: exp@Oracle1 (TNS V1-V3) SELECT COLNAME, COLNO, PROPERTY, NOLOG FROM SYS.EXU10CCL WHERE CNO = :1 ORDER BY COLNO
I use the following export command for each schema: $ORACLE_HOME/bin/exp user/pass file=somefile.dmp owner=$SCHEMA log=somelog.log buffer=9000000
I have an Oracle Standard edition database on 64bit Linux with a 7GB SGA. I currently export (I use exp not datapump because datapump is a lot slower and we can't use parallel processing features of datapump on a standard edition database) approx 200 schema's each night. The export normally takes 1 hour 50 minutes which is approximately 2 schema's exported every minute. When the exports run slowly each export takes almost 2 minutes to complete.
The database has about 20 GB data and 50 GB indexes. The database has also approx 500 connections via toplink connection pools from 8 application servers.
I'm having a problem with SQL loader and the control file. I want to load a delimited file. The script will eventually be automated where the file name is passed in to the script, it's not a static name.
It's a simple SQL loader Unix script that I have created as follows
I'm getting an error when trying to use the new Data Pump Export/Import utility.
I am able to create a directory using SQLPLus, and I get the "Directory Created" message, but no directory actually gets created on the server.
SQL> CREATE DIRECTORY datapump AS 'C:Inetpubdatafiledatapump';
Directory created. But I dont see the directory created on the server.
Then on the server:
C:Documents and SettingsAdministrator>expdp ******/****** FULL=y DIRECTORY=datapump DUMPFILE=expdata.dmp LOGFILE=expdata.log Export: Release - Production on Wednesday, 01 November, 2006 1:51:55 Copyright (c) 2003, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved. Connected to: Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - Production With the Partitioning, OLAP and Data Mining options ORA-39002: invalid operation ORA-39070: Unable to open the log file. ORA-29283: invalid file operation ORA-06512: at "SYS.UTL_FILE", line 475 ORA-29283: invalid file operation
I have a csv file extracted from mainframe which has to be loaded into oracle using sqlldr utility.The numbers are in the format +0000003333, -0000003232.44 etc
I have to convert it to 3333 and -3232.44 and insert into the table.
I have used syntax like
Load file....append into table (t_num expression "to_number(':tnum,'99999.999')")
I tried a lot to load data to table from excel(.csv) using sql*loader the oracle version of sql*loader doesn't support the control file created using notepad(.ctl).Though i given a filename with extension as .ctl it seems as a .txt file. Is there any alternate way to create it?
I am loading data using sqlldr command in UNIX to an oracle table and want to concatenate timestamp to a file name in the "create_file_name" column in the code below.
I have the below code within the control file..
The load fails with SQL Loader error: "Expecting valid column specification, ",", ")", found keyword EXPRESSION found instead of column. How the timestamp to a filename can be appended?
I am using perl script to dynamically generate the control file.If I have data in the control file as well as in the datafile, how would i write the control file in that case. Is the below one correct?
load data INFILE '*' INFILE '/export/home/test/test.csv' INSERT INTO TABLE EMP fields terminated by "," optionally enclosed by '"' trailing nullcols ( empno, empname, sal, deptno ) [code]....
Is there any way that if my control file contains half of the data and my data file contains the other half of the data can i club this data into a logical record in the control file to populate the DB?
My exact 2nd requirement is, my DB contains 5 cols and for 1 col the data is common(countryName) which i have to pass to the control file dynamically and the .csv file contains the data for the other four cols. How could i combine these in the ctrl file and populate the DB?
so if the DB contains CountryName, empid, ename, sal and dept..I will get the CountryName to the ctrl file and csv contains the data for empid, ename, sal and dept. How would i combine these data into a logical record and populate the DB?
how to create control file and how to load the data through command window in our database using sql * loader.i am having structure in my database and .csv file in my desktop.
i load data to this table from a file using sqlldr.
what is the proper data type should i use in control-file for both the fields.? i dont mention any datatye in ctl file which is working fine with given dataset.
create table revenue ( person varchar2(23), month varchar2(3), rev_amt number )
and i have data in a file like below
Person Jan Feb Mar Apr Mai Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dez -------------------------------------------------------- Schnyder,345,223,122,345,324,244,123,123,345,121,345,197 Weber,234,234,123,457,456,287,234,123,678,656,341,567 Keller,596,276,347,134,743,545,216,456,124,753,346,456 Meyer,987,345,645,567,834,567,789,234,678,973,456,125 Holzer,509,154,876,347,146,788,174,986,568,246,324,987 Müller,456,125,678,235,878,237,567,237,788,237,324,778 Binggeli,487,347,458,347,235,864,689,235,764,964,624,347 Stoller,596,237,976,876,346,567,126,879,125,568,124,753 Marty,094,234,235,763,054,567,237,457,325,753,577,346 Studer,784,567,235,753,124,575,864,235,753,864,634,678
i want to load it into the table in the following way.
Person Month Revenue ------------------------- Schnyder Jan 345 Schnyder Feb 223 Schnyder Mar 122 Schnyder Apr 345 Schnyder Mai 324 Schnyder Jun 244 Schnyder Jul 123 Schnyder Aug 123 Schnyder Sep 345 Schnyder Oct 121 Schnyder Nov 345 Schnyder Dez 197 ........ ... ... How to write control file to load this data into the above revenue table.
Oracle Enterprise Manager 11g Database Control Release Agent is running, dbconsole too. to the database through SQL Developer and SQL Plus connects. when you go to localhost:1158/em opens a BLANK PAGE that contains 2 "squiggles" view"|[ ]]" tried in different browsers, identical. a feeling that most web interface is physically not in folders.
I have created a program to access a oracle database using oracle.data access, .net framework 4, visual studio 2010 in C#. The program runs without any problem. If I try to create a windows service, I receive the error
Service cannot be started. System.BadImageFormatException: Could not load file or assembly 'Oracle.DataAccess, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=89b483f429c47342' or one of its dependencies. An attempt was made to load a program with an incorrect format. File name: 'Oracle.DataAccess, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=89b483f429c47342'
when i execute the command
GlobalVariables.conn = new OracleConnection(oracelString);
TNS-12514: TNS:listener does not currently know of service requested in connect descriptor
When I try to start in services, is returned the OS error 1067. This error starts to occur when I did the follow. I executed a PLSQL command to fill a (big) table with a lot of data. More than 1 day after and while the program still running, I broke the program. After that, Oracle was consuming lot of disk. I broke the process (using taskkill /f) and, after that, the database stopped working.
What I can do to recover my database?Below I list my listener.ora and tnsnames.ora
I've installed oracle 11.2 in Windows 7 - 64 bits. Everything was working fine until suddenly stops working. Oracle Service (OracleServiceORCL) doesn't start and when I try to start manually, returns OS error 1067. Listener starts well. Below I list my listener.ora, sqlnames.ora and sqlnet.ora