Server Administration :: Setting Up ASM Using ASMLib On Native Linux Multipath Mapper?

Nov 8, 2010

I've been trying to setup ASM disks for two node cluster using ASMLib. It's a multipath environment

Quote:multipath -ll
mpath2 (36842b2b000528f8d0000029b4ccead44) dm-1 DELL,MD32xx
[size=280M][features=3 queue_if_no_path pg_init_retries 50][hwhandler=1 rdac][rw]
\_ round-robin 0 [prio=100][active]
\_ 1:0:0:1 sdc 8:32 [active][ready]
\_ round-robin 0 [prio=0][enabled]
\_ 1:0:1:1 sdl 8:176 [active][ghost]


I've been following Metalink note 602952.1, 309815.1 and 605828.1

metalink note 602952.1 states Quote:Note: Keep in mind for ASMLIB disks you will need to use the /dev/dm-* disks instead of the /dev/mapper/mpath* devices since they are present in the partition table ==)> /proc/partitions and ASMLIB will look at that file during the disk discovering phase. If you do not use the disks located at /dev/dm-* then ASM will not be able to discover them. and to create ASM disks with Quote:/etc/init.d/oracleasm createdisk DISK1 /dev/dm-<disk><partition> Also further stating Quote:NOTE: When scanning, only the device names known by the kernel are scanned. With device-mapper, the kernel sees the devices as /dev/dm-XX. The /dev/mapper/XXX names are created by udev for human readability. Any configuration of ORACLEASM_SCANORDER or ORACLEASM_SCANEXCLUDE must use the dm prefix.My environment is RHEL5 and towards the end of the note it says Quote:Note: On release RH 5 the /dev/dm-N devices are not persistent, starting, these devices are no longer created by udev. So release RedHat 5 you can create the ASMLIB disks on the /dev/mpath/<partition> or /dev/mapper/<partition>


# /etc/init.d/oracleasm createdisk VOL1 /dev/mpath/sata01p1


# /etc/init.d/oracleasm createdisk VOL1 /dev/mapper/mpath2p1

Therefore I created a ASM disk using /dev/mapper path and it is only visible on the node it was created. Even after scandisks on other node it is still not visible when listdisks/oracleasm-discover

I've also tried creating the asm disks with dm-12 option and the same, disk get created but not visible on the other node.

Moreover if I restart the oracleasm restart the disk disappears from the node that it was visible Quote:

[root@db2 ~]# /etc/init.d/oracleasm createdisk vol1 /dev/mapper/mpath6p1
Marking disk "vol1" as an ASM disk: [ OK ]
[root@db2 ~]# ls -l /dev/oracleasm/disks/*
brw-rw---- 1 oracle dba 253, 12 Nov 8 10:22 /dev/oracleasm/disks/VOL1
[root@db2 ~]# /etc/init.d/oracleasm scandisks
Scanning the system for Oracle ASMLib disks: [ OK ]


But disk lable is there and could be seen from both nodes on the same partition Quote:

head /dev/mapper/mpath6p1

My suspicion is on multipath configuration. I've tried both (not at the same time) combinations given below.

ORACLEASM_SCANEXCLUDE="mpath mapper sd sda sdb"


ORACLEASM_SCANEXCLUDE="mpath dm sd sda sdb"

But still the problem is there, (disks disappears when asm is restarted and never visible on the "other" node).

View 8 Replies


Server Administration :: What Are ASMlib Devices And How To Find Group Permission Of It

Jan 18, 2013

what are ASMlib devices and how to find the group permission of it ?

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Server Administration :: Setting Up 11g Express

Aug 8, 2012

I got the attached issue in Win 08 server when setting up 11g express.

Have you ever encountered the same?

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Server Administration :: Setting Up UTL_MAIL

Apr 9, 2013

Using UTL_MAIL package.

My server version is:-
Here is the INIT Parameter file.

My question is, how it will affect if I configure the UTL_MAIL package by executing the Scripts ("utlmail.sql" and "prvtmail.plb")? And setting the Parameter SMTP_OUT_SERVER=''?

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Server Administration :: Database Sessions - Setting Value Of Parameter

Mar 26, 2013

I have a simple question about database sessions. The value of parameter "sessions" is set to 500 and the users connect to database through an application server(Jboss). There are more than 500 users connect to the database through application.

My question is, how more than 500 users can connect to the database without any issue, if we set the value of "sessions" parameter to 500?

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Server Administration :: Oracle Shutdowns While Setting The RESOURCE_MANAGER_PLAN

Jun 10, 2010

The Oracle Instance gets down while setting the Resource_manager_plan with internal error in trace file:

ERROR at line 1:
ORA-03113: end-of-file on communication channel

Trace File Log:
error 600 detected in background process
ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments:
[kkkdplr:!efn], [1279729], [], [], [], [], [], []

Where as same is working in other server.

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Server Administration :: Nvarchar (4000) With Setting Characterset To UTF8

Apr 22, 2010

Users are reporting that are unable to use the NVARCHAR(4000) due to the character set which is set in the database.

Currently NLS_CHARACTERSET is set to AL32UTF8

They want me to change both the character set to UTF8, so that they can use the NVARCHAR2(4000) datatype in their tables.

As UTF8 is the subset characterset and I did the cs scan and this found characterset can't be modified to UTF8 and there may be the data dictionary corruption.

Is there any other way so that users can use the NVARCHAR(4000) as datatype. And the reason why NVARCHAR2 is required is, users are trying to import the data from other database which is using NVARCHAR(4000) as one of the field.

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Server Administration :: How To Set ORAENV In Linux

Oct 3, 2007

Every time when i open terminal, I have to set ORAENV variable in linux. I tried to find out .bash_profile but i can't find where it resides.

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Server Administration :: Upgrade From To Patchset On Linux X86-64 Version?

Oct 1, 2010

I am testing upgrade from to patchset on linux X86-64 version. And facing the following component related issue.

The following components cannot be upgraded as the corresponding upgrade scripts are missing:

OLAP Analytic Workspace ( /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome_3/olap/admin/apsdbmig.sql )
OLAP Catalog ( /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome_3/olap/admin/amddbmig.sql )
Spatial ( /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome_3/md/admin/sdodbmig.sql )
Oracle OLAP API ( /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome_3/olap/admin/xoqdbmig.sql )

If you want to upgrade these components, you must first install them, using the OUI, and then re-run the Upgrade Assistant. Do you want to continue with upgrade? Note: If you continue, the above components will not be considered as part of the upgrade process.*

Following is the status of the specified components from

APS OLAP Analytic Workspace VALID

Should I install these components while installing patchset prior upgrading? I was unable to find any component installation on OUI.

Also DBUA pre-upgrade asked to remove existing UltraSearch from prior upgrading. Though I removed it, but not sure is that going to hamper the upgraded DB, as I'm not sure of the usage of this component as well.

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Server Administration :: Installation Steps For Oracle 10g 10.2 On Linux 6 Using Vmware

Mar 16, 2012

A link which describe step by step with screen shots how can i install oracle 10 r2 on oracle linux server release 6.1 using vmware workshop actual os is windows server 64 bit in this in install vmware 8 and i install oracle linux server release 6.1 32 bit now i want to install oracle 10g r2 or oracle 11g r2 on this .

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Server Administration :: Not Ping Linux Install On Vmware From Host Os Win 7?

Sep 12, 2012

my host os is win 7 ,,,,i install vm ware and install linux on i want to ping linux from win i can do it... firwall is disable.

[root@lnxdb ~]# cat /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0
Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] 79c970 [PCnet32 LANCE]


i want to ping the guest os linux install on vmware to os win7 host

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Server Administration :: Oracle Ocfs2 Not Working In Enterprise Linux 6.2

Mar 29, 2013

RPMS needed by OCFS2 for oracle enterprice linux 6.2,Since we unable to mount through OCFS2 console.

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Server Administration :: Configure Watchdog For Oracle DB 11g On Redhat Linux

Jan 28, 2011

I need to configure a watchdog (or any other) utility which will constantly monitor database health. And if something goes wrong with the database, the utility should restart the DB instance.

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Server Administration :: Sizing Undo Tablespace And Setting Undo-retention?

Jan 30, 2004

regarding sizing undo tablespace and undo_retention parameter.we have to implement the database in production system with 40 users but how much space should be allocated to undo tablespace is there any propotions related to virtual memory and the
parameter.i have gone thru oracle doc's and some related sites.its an ERP aplications that contains 20 modules .I am an new one to this dba level

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Automatic Storage Management :: Execute Multipath -ll Command Not Display All 5 Path

Aug 3, 2012

When I execute multipath -ll command that time display only 3 path (orafra2,oradata2 and oradata1), not display other 2 path (orafra1 and data1). I have configure 5 path in /etc/multipath.conf file. What is the reason behind it.

[root@reuxeuls003 ~]# multipath -ll
orafra2 (360060160a71e2100de29aae7f4f9de11) dm-10 DGC,RAID 10
size=200G features='1 queue_if_no_path' hwhandler='1 emc' wp=rw
|-+- policy='round-robin 0' prio=1 status=active
| |- 1:0:1:3 sds 65:32 active ready running

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PL/SQL :: Native Dynamic Sql

Jan 8, 2013

find the below scripts .

drop table test_arp;

create table test_arp
first_name varchar2(1000),
last_name varchar2(1000)


when i select the above table ,i will be getting the result as shown

first_name , last_name

I need  to make a table which will be having the following data and structure

col1            col2          col3

.i.e , depending on the number of not null values in the first column (first_name), i will be creating a table dynamically ,which is going to have as many columns as the number of values and the naming convention is col1,col2,col...........

I designed the below procedure to CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE ARP



But when i execute this code , i get the below error

ORA-00984: column not allowed here
ORA-06512: at "ARP", line 17
ORA-06512: at line 1

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Automatic Storage Management :: Is ASMLIB Supported By RHEL6

Jan 29, 2013

Standalone Server

I'll install a Oracle Database 11gR2 with ASM on RHEL6 (standalone, not RAC).

Is ASMLIB supported by RHEL6?

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Translating PL/SQL Into SQL 2000 Native Language?

Sep 14, 2007

I would need to translate the Oracle PL/SQL procedure to SQL Server 2000 SP4.

This is a package (body) that needs to be translated into a form that SQL server 2000 can unserstand it.

FUNCTION object_name_fix (sobjectstring IN VARCHAR2)


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Automatic Storage Management :: Prepare ASM Disks Using ASMlib And Oracleasm

Jun 28, 2012

Normally ASMlib/oracleasm is used to prepare the disks for ASM. I just wonder, besides this tool, is there any other GUI based tool to use for preparing the ASM disks?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How Does DBMS_SQL Differ From Native Dynamic Code

Aug 13, 2012

Let me the difference between the DBMS_SQL and Execute immediate .

*) Which one is faster ?
*) Where to use DBMS_SQL and Execute immediate (correct usage of both)?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Setting Session Variables From Application Server

Feb 23, 2012

We are running a brower based client application in a J2EE container on weblogic, connecting to the database using proxy authentication from a connection pool.

We want to set the logging level in the front end, which should set a PL/SQL package/session variable to the respective value.

Any subsequent calls to the DB layer (stored procs) would then log appropriate messages depending on what the logging level has been set to.

The trouble is that the calls to be database are not persistent and in different sessions, and therefore the second call (i.e. the call to the stored proc) would not 'know' what the first call (to set the package variable) has done.

Alternatively we can change all the stored procedures to accept an input parameter denoting the logging level, but I am sure there are other better options.

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Data Guard :: Setting Up Physical Standby On Server With Different Structure

Jun 28, 2012

I am having a few issues trying to set up a physical standby database.

The primary database has a different naming structure than the standby and they are at different sites.

Physical is /var/hpsrp/ctrorp03/oradata/u0x/<DB_NAME>/<DB_UNIQUE_NAME> and standby is /var/hpsrp/drforp03/oradata/u0x/<DB_NAME>/<DB_UNIQUE_NAME>.

I have set db_file_name_convert to '<PRIMARY PATH>', '<STANDBY PATH>' times the number of paths as pairs. I have created a blank database for standby and having taken a full backup of primary with control file and standby control file.

Now I hit the issues:

The DB incarnation numbers are different. When I try and do a normal restore e.g. set dbid, restore controlfile; mount; it fails as it is trying to find files in the primary structure and not standby structure. When I try renaming via set newname or auxname it can't find files to restore I guess due to the incarnation id's. If I set the incarnation id and try to restore backup it fails as the incarnation id's don't match.

I have tried looking through various forums and the documentation but can't find a solution, probably can't see the wood for the trees though as there is so much.

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Multiple Databases In Linux Server?

Jun 16, 2013

while using top command it shows multiple processes usage.Actually we have 3 databases in the same to find out which database process and user session hogging the cpu resources

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Oracle RAC 11g R1 On Linux Using VMware Server

Jun 15, 2011

During installation of Oracle RAC 11g r1 on Linux using VMware server for Two Nodes, all the pre cluster installation test was successful, and execution of on node 1 was successful too, but whenever I run the script on the second node I get error message "Failure at final check of oracle CRS stack. 10"

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Install RAC Cluster Onto Linux Server

Apr 1, 2011

What I wanted to know was the steps to place a RAC cluster onto a brand new Linux server.

Step 1 - Install Cluster Software , CRS & Voting Disks
Step 2 - VIPCA - VIP Config (VIP, GSD, ONS) Resouce Apps
Step 3 - Create ASM Instance
Step 4 - Install Grid Infrastructure
Step 5 - Install RAC
Step 6 - Create Cluster DB - using DBCA with Enterprise Manager

This will be a 2 node RAC cluster going onto a Redhat 5 Linux box

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Install Oracle 10g And 11g In Same Linux Server?

Jul 19, 2012

Looking to install oracle 10g in same server where i have installed already oracle 11g,

: i have looked at how to install oracle 11g and 10g on same linux server.but didn't quite get it ....

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Datapump Error On Import To Linux Server?

Sep 27, 2011

have 2 Oracle server. One with Suse Linux (Oracle and one with Windows 2003 Server x64 (Oracle
I made a mistake by installing Oracle 11 x32 on a x64 server. Nevertheless it works for about half a year. Then my backups
with datapump don't work. I changed the SGA_TARGET down to 1024M and the datapump works again. Now I want to renew the Windows server and want to import the datapump schemes to the Linux server.




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Server Utilities :: To Use Sqlldr In Fedora Linux

May 12, 2011

Im trying to use sqlldr in Fedora Linux but it doesnt work

The message:

Message 2100 not found; No message file for product=RDBMS, facility=ULMessage 2100 not found; No message file for product=RDBMS

export ORACLE_HOME=/usr/lib/oracle/xe/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/server/bin
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib/oracle/11.2/client/lib:/usr/include/oracle/11.2/client:/usr/share/oracle/11.2/client
export ORACLE_SID=zxin
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/lib/oracle/xe/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/server/bin

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Enterprise Manager :: How To Start OEM 12c Agent On Linux Server

Feb 8, 2013

how to start OEM 12c agent on Linux server ?

Note:Its a RAC server .

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Server Utilities :: Statspack Report In Windows And Linux?

Jan 31, 2011

I am in need of collecting statspack report programatically in windows and linux.

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