Server Administration :: How Partition Can Be Brought Offline

Jan 4, 2012

I have a partitioned table - 128 partitions.

If I am not using data of many partitions in any way, will it affect my performance if I am firing select query that uses other/active partitions data.

How can I check when that partitioned was last accessed, also can I brought those inactive partitions offlie? If we can, what will be the advantages or disadvantages of that?

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Server Administration :: Taking Partitions Offline In Tables

Feb 4, 2012

In an attempt to take older data off line and allow database refreshes to be faster, tablespaces associated with partitioned table data for a given time period was taken off line, leaving only tablespaces that relate to the current time period online. In effect, tablespaces related to 2010 and earlier were taken offline from a table.

1. Without giving a filter on the partition key (the business date) to scan for data greater than the dates in the off lined tablespace partition, we get a ORA-376/ORA-1110 error (data file cannot be read at this time).

2. Materialized views using fast refresh or refresh on commit, will also not work because of the partitions being off line.

Queries directly querying the tables are manageable from an application point of view.But the materialized views failing to aggregate is a bigger problem.

how we can manage this situation? I know that I can move the partitions to a different table in a tablespace to be taken off line. But if possible, we wanted to solve this without doing a move partition.

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Server Administration :: How To Offline Datafile In No Archive Mode

Oct 31, 2011

I want to drop a datafile in my test db which is in no archive mode,at first, i want to offline the datafile,but it failed,is there any way to do it?

SQL> archive log list;
Database log mode No Archive Mode
Automatic archival Disabled
Archive destination USE_DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST
Oldest online log sequence 3237

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Server Administration :: Taking Tablespace Offline / Cannot Read Or Write

Nov 24, 2012

I have created an user named "Raja" with a default tablespace as "Raja_TBS" along with a datafile "rajadata.dbf". I have taken the tablespace offline

SQL> alter tablespace raja_tbs offline;

Tablespace Altered. when I take a tablespace offline, which means I cannot read or write and the tablespace is currently unavailable for users. I am still able to create a table on the "Raja_TBS" while it is offline.

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Server Administration :: Alter Database Datafile File_id Offline?

Dec 29, 2011

when i make a datafile offline,can i add the following option: normal or immediate?

such as like here:


when i try a test ,it occurs an error:ORA-00933.

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Server Administration :: Undo Tablespace 100 Percent Full With Offline Extended?

Jul 26, 2010

i'm facing a problem while i'm inserting millions of record from table to table that undo tablespace reach 100% full and execution aborted. , how can free the undo tablespace ??? many of extendes are offline. will it flush automatically ??? or what i should do

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How To Move Offline Table Partition In Oracle 11gR2

Sep 17, 2012

OS=Windows 2003
DB = 11gR2

We got a request to take offline for few unused partitions and move it to a another drive (lease used).Please set the following partitions offline in PreProd:


Please move the offline partitions to the E disk.How can we do this ?

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Server Administration :: Cannot Use Function In Partition-key

Aug 18, 2011

It cannot use function in partition-key, right?

create table tb_hxl_user_rh
statedate number(8),
provcode number not null,
usernumber varchar2(13) not Null
partition by range (statedate)
partition HXL_USER_20110516 values less than
(to_number(to_char(TO_DATE('2011-05-17 00:00:00', 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),'YYYYMMDD')))

ORA-14019: partition bound element must be one of: string, datetime or interval literal, number, or MAXVALUE

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Server Administration :: Creating Tablespace In Raw Partition?

Aug 17, 2012

i want to create tablespace in raw partion on windows.I have added a hard disk and added extended partition to it. Then created 4 logical partitions of 256 MB with diskpart.exe.I have assigned a drive letter to one of them as X:

However, I am having trouble in creating tablespace on it. I referred to [URL]... I get following error,

SQL*Plus: Release Production on Fri Aug 17 15:32:17 2012
Copyright (c) 1982, 2010, Oracle. All rights reserved.
Enter user-name: SYSTEM
Enter password:

Connected to:
Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - Production
With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing opti

SQL> create tablespace exampletb datafile '\.X:accounting_1' size 100;
create tablespace exampletb datafile '\.X:accounting_1' size 100

ERROR at line 1:
ORA-03214: File Size specified is smaller than minimum required
SQL> create tablespace exampletb datafile '\.X:accounting_1' size 502;
create tablespace exampletb datafile '\.X:accounting_1' size 502


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Server Administration :: Default Partition In Table?

Oct 17, 2011

How can i check whether a partition tbale have default partition?

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Server Administration :: Difference Between Partition Compress?

Nov 11, 2010

I am using compress partition for a large table.During the process I have used the below command for compress---


However I found there are different command as below:-


What is the basic difference between these two as the compression is happening for both command.

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Server Administration :: Move Partition To Cache

Feb 28, 2012

How to move a partition of a table to db_keep_cache ?

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Server Administration :: How To Check A Partition Have Been Compressed

Oct 20, 2011

How can i check a partition whether it has been compressed? just as flowing test,i can not get the information about partition P_L1 whether been compressed.

SQL> Select
2 aa.compression,
3 aa.partition_name
4 From dba_tab_partitions aa
5 Where aa.table_name = 'TB_HXL_LIST';

-------- ------------------------------

SQL> Alter Table tb_hxl_list compress;

Table altered.

SQL> Alter Table TB_HXL_LIST
2 Move Partition P_L1 compress;

Table altered.

SQL> Select
2 aa.compression,
3 aa.partition_name
4 From dba_tab_partitions aa
5 Where aa.table_name = 'TB_HXL_LIST';

-------- ------------------------------

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Server Administration :: Error While Exchanging Partition?

Mar 15, 2012

I am not able to exchange partition by following below steps:

drop table manu_tst_hashed_tbl_org;
drop table manu_tst_hashed_tbl_bkp;
drop table manu_tst_smpl_tbl;
CREATE TABLE manu_tst_hashed_tbl_org


and getting the below erro:

ORA-14097: column type or size mismatch in ALTER TABLE EXCHANGE PARTITION
14097. 00000 - "column type or size mismatch in ALTER TABLE EXCHANGE PARTITION"
*Cause: The corresponding columns in the tables specified in the ALTER TABLE EXCHANGE PARTITION are of different type or size
*Action: Ensure that the two tables have the same number of columns with the same type and size.

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Server Administration :: Disable Partition Feature

Feb 2, 2012

I am using Oracle 10g enterprise edition .

Currently, Partition is enabled in my database.I want to disable it.



the steps to disable the partition feature.

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Server Administration :: Privileges For DROP Partition

Jun 21, 2011

I have one user CD_APP. I have one partition table CD.T_FCDR_DT. User has got ALTER/INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE/SELECT privileges on the table..

Now when I try to drop a partition, I get error as below:
SQL> show user
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-01031: insufficient privileges
Do I have to grant some other privileges for this user.

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Server Administration :: Exchange Partition With Update Indexes

Nov 7, 2011

I exchange a partition with into a normal table with UPDATE INDEXES,but i found the index of both table are marked UNUSABLE?

SQL> Create Table tb_hxl_list_part
2 (
3 statedate Number,
4 provcode Number
5 )
6 Partition By List(provcode)
7 (
8 Partition p_1 Values(1)
9 );

Table created.

SQL> Create Unique Index idx_tb_hxl_list_part On tb_hxl_list_part(provcode) Local;

Index created.

SQL> Insert Into tb_hxl_list_part Values(20111101,1);

1 row created.

SQL> commit;

Commit complete.

SQL> Select status From dba_ind_partitions aa
2 Where aa.index_name = 'IDX_TB_HXL_LIST_PART';


SQL> Create Table tb_hxl_list_part_bak
2 (
3 statedate Number,
4 provcode Number
5 );

Table created.

SQL> Create Unique Index idx_hxl_list_part_bak On tb_hxl_list_part_bak(provcode);

Index created.

SQL> Select status From dba_indexes bb
2 Where bb.index_name = 'IDX_HXL_LIST_PART_BAK';


SQL> Alter Table tb_hxl_list_part
2 Exchange Partition p_1
3 With Table TB_HXL_LIST_PART_bak UPDATE Indexes;

Table altered.

SQL> Select status From dba_ind_partitions aa
2 Where aa.index_name = 'IDX_TB_HXL_LIST_PART';


SQL> Select status From dba_indexes bb
2 Where bb.index_name = 'IDX_HXL_LIST_PART_BAK';


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Server Administration :: Get Script That Create Partition By Auto?

Oct 27, 2011

Is there a script that it create partitions by auto? who can share it?

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Server Administration :: Create Subpartition For Existing List Partition

Dec 14, 2012

We have a table which is already partitioned by list and now we would like to add a subpartition.

Create table Item_mst
ccn varchar2(10),
Flag varchar2(1),
Item varchar2(10),
status varchar2(1)


Now I could like to alter the above table for adding a new subpartition on each partition on status.


Above alter gives ORA-14253: table is not partitioned by composite range method.

However dropping and recreating the table with subpartitions is working fine.

But Dropping and recreating the table in production is very cumbersome as it has huge data and many indices.

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Server Administration :: Partition Exchange In Hash Partitioned Table

Mar 13, 2012

While trying partition exchange feature of Oracle with 2 hash partitioned tables, I come to know that I can't directly exchange partitions between 2 partitioned tables

I have two hash partitioned tables , so to move partition data from one table to another will include-

1) Exchange from partitioned table to non-partitioned table.
2) exchange from non-partitioned table to new partitioned table.

But I am not sure in which hash partition my data will go in new partitioned table (data need to be moved has single key value on basis of which tables are partitioned),

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Server Administration :: Impact On Table Of Partition Truncate / Delete?

Oct 21, 2012

Any impact is there if is do the following:


will there be any lock on the table during this operation? DML operations will work without any issue or not?

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Server Administration :: ORA-14099 / All Rows In Table Do Not Qualify For Specified Partition

Sep 1, 2011

The table tb_hxl_hash have two partitions,when i exchange the second partition,it raise error,why?

SQL> Alter Table tb_hxl_hash
2 Exchange Partition P_HS1 With Table tb_hxl_test;

Table altered.

SQL> Alter Table tb_hxl_hash
2 Exchange Partition P_HS2 With Table tb_hxl_test;
Exchange Partition P_HS2 With Table tb_hxl_test
ERROR at line 2:ORA-14099: all rows in table do not qualify for specified partition

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Server Administration :: Splitting Table Partition Without Making Primary Key Index Unusable?

Apr 8, 2013

splitting a table partition without making its primary key index ar any other indexes unusable.

I think it is possible to do so 10g onwards.

DB Details:
Oracle RDBMS, HP-Ux B.11.31, OLTP

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Mobile Server :: Oracle Lite - Can Be Used To Create Offline Windows (net) Applications?

Jul 31, 2012

I am exploring the options for file based databases for offline applications where there are no overheads of database installations. We have a system which has Oracle database with more than 500 tables. We need to write a lightweight application (offline) in .net which will run from USB drive and write data to USB drive only.

Existing system has a data layer which writes data to Oracle 10g Enterprise Edition database. The offline application will have more or less similar data entry forms and storage structure. In order to reuse data layer of existing system (stored procedures) can the Oracle Lite be used as a database which can run from USB drive?

I understand Oracle Lite has a suport for synchronization with the server (our main database in this case) by which data can be synchronized with minimum overheads. How the Oracle Lite is licenced if I have 300 odd users of this offline applications. I need to use only database part of Oracle Lite and not mobile server.

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PL/SQL :: Commit Loop - Brought Up As To Max Inserts Per Transactions In 11g?

Nov 2, 2012

I'm running 11.2.0I am looking at tuning a sql statement, and the question was brought up as to the max inserts per transactions in 11g, and if it exceeds 1000.I haven't found a solid answer yet, but I thought that 10g was higher than 1000.

My first thought was to implement a commit loop on every 1000 rows, as that is how things were handled in the past.But I found an article that talks about redo logs and performance and how it's a horrible practice to do the commit loop.

What I haven't found is what is the better methodology in doing this?My scenario could encounter inserts as much as 20,000 at a time.

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Performance Tuning :: Cost Of Query Is Brought Down But Taking Same Time

Sep 1, 2010

For an query, cost was 16Lakhs and was taking 30min, I brought down the cost to 1.5lakhs, but still it is taking 30min.

There were many outer joins and same table has been Used(FROM clause) 5 times in the query. I have introduced WITH clause, and brought down the cost.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Dropping Sub-partition / Range-partition And List Sub-partition

May 28, 2010

i have table with range partition and list sub-partition..can i add one more list sub-partition if it is not possible , i have to drop first sub-partition.

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Rollback Segments Goes Offline Often?

Mar 25, 2013

I have an issue that whenever i restart my system, one of my rollback segment goes offline.

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RAC & Failsafe :: Listener Went Offline During Network?

Aug 29, 2013

Recently we had faced network issue due to which node3 server was inaccessible.After the network issue got resolved , node3 was accessbile.So once the issue got fixed , i did a post validation in database and cluster and found listener , on node3 went offline.

When i try to start listener on node3,i got following error.
grid@RAC3 ~]$ srvctl start listener
PRCR-1079 : Failed to start resource ora.LISTENER.lsnr
CRS-2674: Start of '' on 'RAC3' failed
[grid@RAC3 ~]$ srvctl status vip -n RAC3
VIP RAC3-vip is enabled
VIP RAC3-vip is not running
[grid@RAC3 ~]$ srvctl status vip -n RAC2
VIP RAC2-vip is enabled
VIP RAC2-vip is running on node: RAC2
[grid@RAC3 ~]$ srvctl start vip -n RAC3
PRKO-2420 : VIP is already started on node(s): RAC2
[grid@RAC3 ~]$ srvctl status vip -n RAC3
VIP RAC3-vip is enabled
VIP RAC3-vip is not running
[grid@RAC3 ~]$ srvctl status nodeapps
VIP RAC1-vip is enabled
VIP RAC1-vip is running on node: RAC1
VIP RAC2-vip is enabled
VIP RAC2-vip is running on node: RAC2
VIP RAC3-vip is enabled
VIP RAC3-vip is running on node: RAC2
Network is enabled
Network is running on node: RAC1
Network is running on node: RAC2
Network is not running on node: RAC3
GSD is disabled
GSD is not running on node: RAC1
GSD is not running on node: RAC2
GSD is not running on node: RAC3
ONS is enabled
ONS daemon is running on node: RAC1
ONS daemon is running on node: RAC2
ONS daemon is not running on node: RAC3

bring up the listener on node3

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How To See That Opatch Is Applied Or Not On Database (OFFLINE)

Feb 23, 2013

DB : 64bit
OS : RHEL 5.7 64bit

I have applied offline patch *10417948* on my database. How can see that patch applied on database/OH or not? I have applied one online patch few months that i have applied that patch on each database after installing it...using command :

opatch util enableonlinepatch -connectString SID:sys:manager: -id <opacth-id>

when i execute a command opatch lsinventory -details i got the following output :

+Interim patches (2) :

Patch  10417948  : applied on Sat Feb 23 13:42:49 IST 2013
Unique Patch ID: 14586154
Created on 18 Oct 2012, 06:52:32 hrs PST8PDT
Bugs fixed:

For offline patch is it required to enable patch on every database?

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