PL/SQL :: Commit Loop - Brought Up As To Max Inserts Per Transactions In 11g?
Nov 2, 2012
I'm running 11.2.0I am looking at tuning a sql statement, and the question was brought up as to the max inserts per transactions in 11g, and if it exceeds 1000.I haven't found a solid answer yet, but I thought that 10g was higher than 1000.
My first thought was to implement a commit loop on every 1000 rows, as that is how things were handled in the past.But I found an article that talks about redo logs and performance and how it's a horrible practice to do the commit loop.
What I haven't found is what is the better methodology in doing this?My scenario could encounter inserts as much as 20,000 at a time.
i made this loop to commit the same item but depend on the count of suppliers to set the same item every time to different supplier . but the problem this code commit only the first sypplier but not any othere one ..
code : { key - commit - trigger } declare var_record_count number ; VAR_p_request number; begin var_record_count:= get_block_property('control',CURRENT_RECORD);
If I am not using data of many partitions in any way, will it affect my performance if I am firing select query that uses other/active partitions data.
How can I check when that partitioned was last accessed, also can I brought those inactive partitions offlie? If we can, what will be the advantages or disadvantages of that?
i have multiple inserts to make in a table that is in an Oracle database...i already try several ways to do it but it always giving erros... how to make multiple inserts at same time.
We have two databases one localdb with user rakdb and another one remotely remotedb with user rakdb .We need to be in sync with data in one table called om_item, where the users are inserting data on daily basis and the user sends us the insert script everday to run it on local databse to insert the new records in local database.I managed to create a file which records all the inserts into one text file in one directory.Can we have a scheduler to pick this text file from the specified folder and send mail using utl_mail.
Procedure created.
I'm on 11.2 DB and need to create an audit table that will be populated by DB triggers of other tables (after Insert,Update and Delete). The triggers will only ever be inserting data into the audit table. I have read that for insert only tables, you should define the 'pctfree' as 0. Is this correct? Do I need to set any other params (like pct_used) for tables only ever being inserted into?
I want to load 10 millions records from staging table to master table.One logic must be take during the load, the logic is rows already present in master table means, we need to update corresponding rows in master table otherwise rows insert in target table.
I have been using bulk collect and forall method to load data. it shows better performance compare then cursor row by row process. As per oracle doucmentation, we cannot use SELECT statements inside FORALL condition so we could not use logic inside the forall condition.
I have a data in one table with 6 columns where user may be updating values in all of these 6 columns or he may enter 3 or 4 columns based on that inserts should take place, this is similar to my previous thread , i am using if condition to check column for null if its not null then i will make a insert , but is there any other easier way to do this.
insert into ot_po values ('ss-po',1,ph_sys.nextval); insert into ot_inspect_head values (inh_sys.nextval,'ss-ins',1,'ss-po',1); commit; select * from ot_inspect_item
--Now if the inspection user issues the update statement , it will delete this row --from ot_inspect_item and reinserts the values with values based on --ii_flex_01,ii_flex_02,ii_flex_03 [code]...
I have prepared shell scripts to do the parallel inserts on my DB table (LEGACY_SYSTEM).
There is a trigger (AFTER INSERT ON EACH ROW) associated with the above table. I am calling a package.function inside the trigger to do the required operation and finally it will insert records into my target table (PRICE_CHANGE).
Expectation: ------------ If I insert 10 rows into LEGACY_SYSTEM table, it should do few updates and finally insert 10 rows into PRICE_CHANGE table.
Result: ------- 10 rows got inserted into LEGACY_SYSTEM. All the updates are successful but I could see only 4 rows in PRICE_CHANGE table. If I run it for the second or third time, all the results will be perfect.
Instead of these shell script, if I insert one by one rows manually into LEGACY_SYSTEM table, I am getting all the expected results and the results are consistent. If you look at my scripts below, you will understand the problem better..
I am calling through the UNIX session and all the records got inserted into LEGACY_SYSTEM table and few rows are missing from PRICE_CHANGE table.
If I remove the '&' symbol and execute, the results are perfect. But the requirement is not to remove the '&' symbol. I have been facing this problem for the past 1 month.
I have a plsql Proc, which accepts a few parameters and inevitably loops through a cursor and runs a bunch of insert statements. With quite a few IF conditions.
Each insert statement has a value which i want to increment by (+1) every time an insert statement is executed in the same loop.. This is for a student housing database and this is for their room preferences so 1 is the first, 2 is there second preference e.t.c.
Please take a look at the code below: in the Insert values() I have put a? Where I want the number to increment from.
There are a lot more inserts which I haven't put below. I hope I have made myself clear as this has been quite difficult to explain. So for example if the 2nd two inserts are run, then I was the first one to insert with a 1 and the second with a 2.
BEGIN FOR rec IN c1 LOOP IF c1%FOUND THEN INSERT INTO table (PK_A, fk_rms_id, application_type, application_person_type) VALUES (NULL, rec.pk_rms_id, app_type, app_person_type) RETURNING PK_APPLICATION_NO INTO x; [Code] ........
I am trying to create a procedure that inserts parameters into a table and then returns the number of rows inserted back to calling block. the procedure is compiling fine but is not returning the number of rows inserted. My code is as follows;
STORED PROCEDURE CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE CarMasterInsert_sp ( registration IN VARCHAR2, model_name IN VARCHAR2, car_group_name IN VARCHAR2, date_bought IN DATE, cost IN NUMBER, miles_to_date IN NUMBER, miles_last_service IN NUMBER, status IN CHAR, rowsInserted OUT NUMBER) [code]....
declare v_amount NUMBER; v_paymentno INTEGER := &sv_paymentno; v_playerno INTEGER; v_payment_date DATE:= SYSDATE; begin select 500 into v_amount from dual; select 44 into v_playerno from dual; insert into penalties values (v_paymentno, v_playerno, v_payment_date, v_amount); end;
I forgot to add the commit statement and now I have hung transaction with dirty data with v_paymentno 27. Is there a way to commit or rollback that transaction?
We found out an error from alert log of our Oracle DB : ==================================== .. Wed Jan 30 16:45:01 EAT 2013 DISTRIB TRAN bea1.67AA54355C4A74ECDEE0 is local tran 6.42.332492 (hex=06.2a.512cc) insert pending prepared tran, scn=8151148567799 (hex=769.d6509cf7) Wed Jan 30 16:45:02 EAT 2013 Errors in file /oradata/sfapdb/bdump/sfapdb_reco_2739.trc: ORA-24756: transaction does not exist Wed Jan 30 16:45:02 EAT 2013 Errors in file /oradata/sfapdb/bdump/sfapdb_reco_2739.trc: ORA-24756: transaction does not exist .. ====================================
There is no useful information from the trace log as shown below: ==================================== Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production With the Partitioning, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options ORACLE_HOME = /ap/oracle10 System name:HP-UX Node name:scvap2 Release:B.11.23 Version:U Machine:9000/800 Instance name: sfapdb Redo thread mounted by this instance: 1 Oracle process number: 18 Unix process pid: 2739, image: oracle@scvap2 (RECO)
*** SERVICE NAME:(SYS$BACKGROUND) 2013-01-30 16:45:01.941 *** SESSION ID:(1749.1) 2013-01-30 16:45:01.941 *** 2013-01-30 16:45:01.940 ERROR, tran=6.42.332492, ose=0: ORA-24756: transaction does not exist *** 2013-01-30 16:45:02.059 ERROR, tran=6.42.332492, session#=1, ose=0: ORA-24756: transaction does not exist ====================================
I also found out there are some records (trans_id = "6.42.332492") in SYS.PENDING_TRANS$/ SYS.PENDING_SESSION$/dba_2pc_pending with "prepare" status.
This transaction is launched from a Weblogic Server via JDBC. Since it is abnormal so I have no choice to force commit/purge this transaction. Is that a bug of Oracle DB ? or Weblogic coding problem ?
I have a problem, we have some datas in a table for example 7500 rows in a table name called table1 upto 11:am today. but after 11:25 am i have only 5500 rows. in that table.
the table can be accessed by many users here. we dont know when the delete happended in that table. is there any query to find the transaction log of this particular table.
the deletion should be happended between 11:00 am to 11:30 am. but we have retrieved the data using timestamp query. but we need to know when the query issued and by which user the query has been issued.
I am running a custom script that creates about 100,000 rows of demo data.
The table I am loading in to is fairly wide (100 columns), and only has about 10,000 rows at the moment.
The script goes really fast for the first 10K rows (100 inserts per second), and then incrementally gets slower. By 20,000 rows it is doing about 1 row per second. At this rate, it will never finish!.
Each insert is a separate statement, using bind variables and wrapped in a single transaction. I've tried dropping the indexes first but it didn't make a difference.
OEM shows it's 100% CPU bottleneck with no other information I can glean.
I need to create a report that will show all activity for the day that the report is run. The report will be run or auto-refreshed throughout the day. So, at 10am, 11am, 2pm, 4pm etc. I just need to display quantities received, shipped etc. for that same day. Since the report will not be run at a fixed time, I can't use sysdate - .5 for example.
CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE IND_MONITOR(P_tab VARCHAR2) is type ind_table is table of varchar2(20); p_ind ind_table; v_sql varchar2(2000); begin select index_name bulk collect into P_Ind from user_indexes where table_name=upper(P_tab); for i in 1..p_ind.count loop v_sql :='alter index '||p_ind(i)|| ' monitoring usage' execute immediate v_sql using p_ind(i); end loop; end;