Server Administration :: Disabling All DBMS-SCHEDULER Jobs?
Jul 13, 2010
When performing test recoveries of a database we often wish to prevent database jobs from running application processes such as (a) sending emails; or (b) logging events to a central logging database. In order to accomplish this, we set the job_queue_processes to zero before opening the database.
This means that no dbms_jobs run on the open instance, but it does not prevent dbms_scheduler jobs from running.How can we prevent any dbms_scheduler jobs from running?
I have looked at setting the MAX_JOB_SLAVE_PROCESSES attribute using DBMS_SCHEDULER.SET_SCHEDULER_ATTRIBUTE, but this cannot be set to zero.
I have scheduled few jobs (scheduled for each day) which has not run today, which was running successfully till yesterday. When I query dba_scheduler_jobs, i could see last_run_date as yesterday's date 6am and next_run_date is still showing today's date and time (it should show tomorrow's date/time).
How to create DBMS_SCHEDULER job for particular instance,we have 3 instance we want to schedule few jobs in Instance 2,how to schedule in Particular instance.
How to pass parameter value to a procedure in schedule jobs ?
--procedure : create or replace procedure updating_temptable(empcode in varchar2) is begin update ts_employee_master mas set mas.last_accessed = sysdate where mas.employee_code = empcode; end;
begin sys.dbms_job.submit(job => :job, what => 'updating_temptable;', next_date => to_date('24-04-2012 00:30:00', 'dd-mm-yyyy hh24:mi:ss'), interval => 'TRUNC(SYSDATE)+1+30/1440'); commit; end; /
How to pass employee_code in the procedure[updating_temptable ] in dbms job scheduler ?
I saw bunch of other posts but I could find the post that exactly explaining about where the value returned as systimestamp / sysdate comes from or impacted Here is my situation I have an access to this db (let me call db A) and when I access it, I get following result. I don’t have full access to this db so I cannot experiment a lot here.
I’m in PST timezone.I have my db which I have full access as well as its host.I can make result like db A on my db if I started up db and its listener while TZ environment variable equal to UTC.Now I saw in other post that someone was trying to retrieve systimestamp value in a job executed via dbms_scheduler.run_job.
So I did that in two ways. 1 with use_current_session = true and 2 is false for the same.On my db, results are the same (both returns time in UTC) but on db A, I got UTC time when use_current_session = true and PST when use_current_session = false.
So questions are: What could be the difference in setup between my db and db A? Is there a query, logfile, or anything I should check to find out what can be the difference?
I tried to find the cause with my db and I could see the same result as db A which is to see UTC time if use_current_session = true and PST time if use_current_session = false by bringing up the db listener after I set TZ environment variable equal to PST8PDT. However this causes systimestamp from sqlplus session become also a PST time.
The reason I’m playing around with the setup and checking systimestamp value is because we are facing the situation where everywhere except pl/sql job submitted by enterprise scheduler service is pointing wrong timezone (PST instead of UTC)
I've written a chain with four programs. The third program is depend on the output of the second. However the third program finishes before the second. How do I wait for the second to finish.
We created a job yesterday which will call the below procedure. if we start this job, it initiates 92 sessions parellely. How it is initiating 92 sessions parelley?
procedure prc_HECTOR_CIDB_IN_PURGE IS cursor CUR_PROC is select rowid from CUSTMODEL.HECTOR_CIDB_IN where PROCESS_FLAG in ('Y','F');
TYPE TYP_CUR_DATA IS TABLE OF ROWID INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER; v_typ_cur_data typ_cur_data; [code]....
I studied the documentation and many websites about DBMS_JOB but I am still confused.How do I schedule a procedure to run i.e. every sunday 10:00 AM ?This is what I tried:
I'm using Oracle DB 10g EE I have created a program to be executed with scheduler. however when I execute the job it fails due to a permissions error.
BEGIN DBMS_SCHEDULER.CREATE_PROGRAM ( program_name => 'Billing_files_organise_prog', program_action => '/home/ora10/data/',
we are facing an issue with the dbms scheduler jobs, which is not processing the synonym which is created via dblink from anthoer schema.
Let me explain the situation.
Table in Schema :APP_COMMON DB: APPL -------------------------------------
Table in Schema :APP_GEN DB: APPL -------------------------------------
-- it returns the value
Table in Schema :APP_GEN DB: REPORT -------------------------------------
This is the different DB (we have 2 DB's, one for report db and one for application DB). here we create the DB link (connected DB menthod) . Since we have the password sync between the databases, we create the DBLINK without user id and password.
SELECT * from TEST_LOG; --it returns the value.
Now in the same DB, we have a scheduler which will run for every min.
Now Scheduler is not selecting this table. Rather not processing the synonym(TEST_LOG). Not able to capture the exception also.
Recently we are planning to migrate oracle 10g to 11g. We are migrating PHASE WISE (Schema wise) as this is a 50TB of Production instance. We are using Oracle Golden gate for this purpose.
Is there is any way that we can migrate oracle jobs from 10g to 11g?
I've just installed an Oracle 64 bit server on my windows 7 machine in order to play around while using attempting to run
exec dbms_stats.gather_table_stats('eii','v2x4e')
I get the following: ORA-20000: Unable to analyze TABLE "EII"."V2X4E", insufficient privileges or does not exist ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_STATS", line 20327 ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_STATS", line 20360 ORA-06512: at line 1
My initial google searches indicate that I need the select any table and analyze any privileges. I don't think that can be right/appropriate - but I've granted them anyway to no avail.
Select * from user_tables
returns tables in the System and sysaux tablespaces, but not my own schema/tablespace?
Why Oracle shceduler is not running.What could be the cause.
CREATE TABLE dept1 AS SELECT * FROM dept; CREATE OR REPLACE procedure update_record(p_deptno number)is BEGIN insert into dept1 values(p_deptno,'xxx','xxx'); end;
I cannot run a Scheduler remote external job on Windows. Here's what I'm doing:
--Check that XDB isinstalled: desc resource_view --Check that MTS is running sho parameters dispatcher sho parameters shared_Server --Setup an http listening port: exec dbms_xdb.sethttpport(8080)
This is the error:
orcl> select job_name, status, error#, actual_start_date, additional_info 2 from user_scheduler_job_run_details where job_name='TRYIT'; TRYIT FAILED -1.074E+09 15-JUN-11 EUROPE/LISBON
I am certain that the communications and the credentials are correct, I've tried variants and get different errors. I think the problem is the job action. I've tried running batch files as well as OS commands, same result. THere is nothing useful in the core dump. Is there perhaps a Windows specific technique for running external jobs? Some way of nominating the batch file, or specifying a command interpreter?
I want to create a schedule as below. But it shows error message which i cant understand.
begin DBMS_SCHEDULER.CREATE_jOB( job_name => 'Alert_monitor',
Here is the error message.
Error at line 1 ORA-06550: line 2, column 1: PLS-00306: wrong number or types of arguments in call to 'CREATE_JOB' ORA-06550: line 2, column 1: PL/SQL: Statement ignored
I had a task to reschedule database jobs to a different date as they were Running Statistics job running during business hours..
I used dbms_job.change procedure for the same On Thursday i.e. 17th June i changed a job as follows exec dbms_job.change(11, NULL, TRUNC(SYSDATE+2), 'TRUNC(SYSDATE+7)');
When i checked the status today querying user_jobsi found that the job was started today at 00:57 hrs.
I checked the alert logs as well but couldn't find any errors. How to proceed with the troubleshooting for this issue.
1) to define a job in oracle9i for solaris 2) to schedule this job
Remember i have prior experience deploying jobs at windows platform but when i try it on (9i for ) solaris, the script does not work as it does not accept a submit job request.
We have a scheduler chain that calls 2 scheduler programs.The chains are controlled by a scheduler job that has job_type as CHAIN.My challenge is how to add email notifications on the failure or success of the programs.
I know about this procedure DBMS_SCHEDULER.ADD_JOB_EMAIL_NOTIFICATION, but this is only applicable to jobs and not programs(i believe). Is there an alternative way to trigger off emails for scheduler programs ?
have a requirement to load .dmp files into existing staging tables and there is package to load the ODS tables from staging.So,I thought of using DBMS_Datapump utility to import the data from .DMP files to the Tables and this need be automated.
--Create Directory CREATE OR REPLACE DIRECTORY test_dir AS 'C:Test'
--grant Access to the User GRANT READ, WRITE ON DIRECTORY test_dir TO scott;
--Script to import DECLARE l_dp_handle1 NUMBER; BEGIN l_dp_handle1 := dbms_datapump.OPEN(operation => 'IMPORT',
ERROR at line 1: ORA-31634: job already exists ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_SYS_ERROR", line 79 ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_DATAPUMP", line 938 ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_DATAPUMP", line 4590 ORA-06512: at line 4
I have a problem with DBMS_DATAPUMP.metadata_filter.Let's suppose that I need to export a huge list of tables (a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i...). Let's suppose that the list is dynamic do NOT want to use
DBMS_DATAPUMP.metadata_filter (handle => h1, NAME => 'NAME_EXPR', VALUE => 'IN (''a'', ''b'', ...)', object_type => NULL);
DBMS_DATAPUMP.metadata_filter (handle => h1, NAME => 'NAME_EXPR', VALUE => 'IN (SELECT a.export_object_name FROM my_export_table a, user_objects b WHERE a.export_object_name = b.object_name AND b.object_type = ''TABLE'')', object_type => NULL );
but it results in error.
Processing object type SCHEMA_EXPORT/TABLE/TABLE_DATA ORA-39125: Worker unexpected fatal error in KUPW$WORKER.GET_TABLE_DATA_OBJECTS while calling DBMS_METADATA.FETCH_XML_CLOB [] ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
I just wanted to know if removing access for management and tuning packs in OEM disbale its access in just enterprise manager or in the database as well, i mean would that disable access to the scripts in the rdbms.admin driectory as well.