SQL Performance Analyzer Link Disabled

Apr 10, 2012

Oracle Enterprise Manager 11g, navigating to the Performance tab for our test database. The "SQL Performance Analyzer" link is not apparent (as is all the other links).

I checked the "setup", in particular, the Management Pack Access ... all of these have checks by them ...

Database Change Management Pack
Database Configuration Management Pack
Database Diagnostics Pack
Data Masking Pack
Database Tuning Pack
Provisioning Pack
Pack Access Agreed.

Also, checked the value of the "control_management_pack_access" which reads "DIAGNOSTIC+TUNING"

How to get the "SQL Performance Analyzer" link enabled? Apparently, according to one of my colleagues, they used it about a month ago, so I don't know what could have happened between then and now.

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Statspack Analyzer Report

Mar 1, 2011

I would like to know about this Buzz around the High and Low parameter values in Statspack analyzer. How come you decide a particular parameter value is high or low. Is there any bench mark given by oracle on basis of which Statspack analyzer make any decision.

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Server Administration :: To Find Out The Database Is Using Cost Based Analyzer

May 23, 2012

How to find out the database is using Cost based analyzer?

Currently database is set to ALL_ROWS.

SQL> show parameter optimizer_mode

------------------------------------ ----------- -----------
optimizer_mode string ALL_ROWS

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Why Database Trigger Can Became DISABLED

Apr 30, 2013

We have an application, using ddl database trigger on oracle database.Trigger depends on package and several tables, package depends on user defined function.It works on different customer sites well, but for one customer (11g?), sometimes (cannot determine when and why), trigger became disabled.

I know, that trigger can became invalid, when its dependencies changed (i think in this situation oralce probably try to re-compile it). I understand that it can changed to be invalidwhen dependencies are not valid.I know I can alter trigger to became disabled manually.

But when it can became disabledwithout explicit alter statement be run!? Are there some conditions / circumstance when Oracle changed the trigger to be disabled?We'll ask the customer DBA team to enable audit on trigger, but it will take time to be done..

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How To List Disabled Database Instances

Nov 2, 2011

Currently, the only way I can find of doing so is to try to disable an instance, and if it is already disabled, it warns you that its disabled. This is not exatly an ideal solution! How do I simply run a query or issue a crs command to list all disabled database instances.

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Forms :: All Block Fields Are Disabled

Dec 11, 2011

I am using Forms 6i in Application. In Form, After i enter the data and saved then,if i retrieve the data by using Ctrl+F11, all the fields of data block turns to be disabled (insert not allowed, update not allowed) of course i am getting the data.If i close the application, and open freshly it works good (insert allowed, update allowed).

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Save Password Disabled In Login Screen

Dec 6, 2011

I have Toad 9.6.1 already installed on my machine and have now installed Toad 10.6 . unfortunately the Save Passwords option on the Connection screen is disabled. how do I enable that option.

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Query Tablespace For Flashback Enabled / Disabled

Jun 16, 2011

Since tablespaces can be enabled/disbaled for flashback is there a query that can tell me the flashback status of each tablespace in my DB.

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Forms :: Fields Not Getting Disabled In Mouse Click?

Apr 11, 2011

I am using the below code to disable forms field in fdtlblk.mdt_rqr = 'NO'

but I can go there with mouse click ( for tab and enter it is working fine ) .

but for mouse click it is not working .

if (:fdtlblk.mdt_rqr = 'NO') then


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Forms :: A Button Has To Be Disabled In Query Mode (F11)

Apr 3, 2012

Am developing a custom form. I have a block with 5 Items and one button(SUBMIT). When I go in query mode (F11), SUBMIT button to be disabled. How do i achieve this.

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Server Administration :: Disabled Triggers And Constraints

Oct 29, 2010

What should I do with those disabled CONSTRAINTS (most were those file starts with LOGMNR) & TRIGGERS found on our production dB? Are there any impact once I enable those?

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How To Audit When A Constraint Is Disabled / Enabled Or Dropped

Sep 3, 2013

Is it possible to audit when a constraint is disabled, enabled or dropped? Sometimes I wonder why some constraints are missing. To make sure someone is dropping I would like to audit that action. Further, I would need to compare schemas to realize if some constraints are missing. As it names are generated automatically by oracle, how could I easily run a select to compare the constraints that does not match between schemas?

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Forms :: Disabled List Item Will Be Enabled Accordingly Just By Clicking

Feb 4, 2013

I have a problem in oracle forms. I have a block that displays five records in list item. On load, it will query two data in my table. So the list item (poplist) one and two enabled. (The default of oracle forms - List item one and two are enabled and the rest are disabled because one and two have data).

My problem was, what work around will I gonna do so that if I pressed the mouse in the third list item it will automatically enabled (for a new record) and if I pressed the list item one or two the third item will stay disable (even the fourth and fifth) because simply the user wants to update the item one or two in the list.

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Forms :: SUBMIT Buttons Which Is Disabled / Gets Enabled Automatically

Apr 3, 2012

I have a scroll bar in my form. When i scroll the bar, one of SUBMIT buttons which is disabled gets enabled automatically. Do we have any triggers on scroll bar where i can disable the button again.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: ORA-01994 - GRANT Failed / Password File Missing Or Disabled

Apr 5, 2012

When I create the orapwd file the sys user is not in the file,The problem started when I tried to grant sysdba privileges to sys

[oracle@bg2mo08i3 dbs]$ sqlplus / as sysdba
SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Thu Apr 5 18:47:06 2012

Copyright (c) 1982, 2007, Oracle. All rights reserved.
Connected to:
Oracle Database 11g Release - 64bit Production

SQL> grant sysdba to sys;
grant sysdba to sys
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-01994: GRANT failed: password file missing or disabled

SQL> shutdown immediate;

From the postings I read I shutdown the DB and I created a new orapwd file:
$ orapwd file=$ORACLE_HOME/dbs/orapwSID password=password entries=30 force=y

SQL> startup;

Started the DB, verified that the password parameter is set to EXCLUSIVE.

SQL>show parameter password;
------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------
remote_login_passwordfile string EXCLUSIVE

SQL> select * from v$pwfile_users;
no rows selected

Shouldn't the sys user be listed in the v$pwfile_users?

[oracle@bg2mo08i3 dbs]$ ls -l ora*
-rw-r----- 1 oracle oinstall 1536 Apr 5 18:02 orapwSID

Are these permissions and ownership correct?

I can connect using sys's password: SQL> connect sys/sysPASSWORD as sysdba Connected

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Forms :: Date Field Gets Disabled When Date Format Is Given?

Oct 3, 2012

A field named xxx_date is a text item which we have to enter manually so as to update a record in that particular date. This is a mandatory field without which we cannot continue the data entry..

I am getting this error while trying to update the record

FRM-40509 :Oracle error :unable to update record

I have kept the enabled = yes
data type=Date.. in the property pallet

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RAC/ASM Clusterware Installation :: Candidate Disks Disabled During Installation?

Nov 17, 2013

We're trying to utilize Oracle RAC 11.2. We want to have two servers in our grid. These two server are installed on a VM using Hyper-V software.

common storage for asm is also developed on a VM using FreeNAS software.Now, when we try to install Grid Infrastructure the disk that is recognized as a extra drive in both servers are disabled and we can't select it as ASM storage. The OS we're using is Windows Server 2008 R2.I have to say the IP requirements are considered and the servers have two IPs.

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Performance Tuning :: How Length Of Column Width Effects Index Performance

Sep 30, 2010

How the length of column width effects index performance?

For example if i had IOT table emp_iot with columns:
(id number,
job varchar2(20),
time date,
plan number)

Table key consist of(id, job, time)

Column JOB has fixed list of distinct values ('ANALYST', 'NIGHT_WORKED', etc...).

What performance increase i could expect if in column "job" i would store not names but concrete numbers identifying job names.
For e.g. i would store "1" instead 'ANALYST' and "2" instead 'NIGHT_WORKED'.

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Performance Tuning :: Fragmentation Can Reduce Performance In Query Times

Jun 16, 2010

I have a question about database fragmentation.I know that fragmentation can reduce performance in query times. The blocks are distributed in many extents and scans process takes a long time. Oracle engine have to locate the address of the next extent..

I want to know if there is any system view in which you can check if your table or index has high fragmentation. If it's needed I will have to re-create, move or rebulid the table or index, but before I want to know if the degree of fragmentation is high.

Any useful script or query to do this, any interesting oracle system view?

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PL/SQL :: Database Link From 11g To 10g?

Jul 5, 2012

I am trying to create a database link from the 11g database to the 10g database using:
create database link ORCL10R2 connect to <username10g> identified by <password10g> using <db10g>;

It Returns
Database link created.

select sysdate from dual@ORCL10R2 returns error:
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-12504: TNS:listener was not given the SERVICE_NAME in CONNECT_DATA

what changes I need to make to tnsnames and listener at both servers.

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Performance Tuning :: Performance Standard Edition Without Partitioning?

Jun 16, 2011

How many records could I have in a single table without performance degradation with Standard Edition without partitioning with cutting-edge server (8 or 12 cores, 72 GB RAM, FC 4 Gbit, etc...) and good storage?

300 Millions in only one table with 500K transactions / day is too much?

Simple database with simple schema.

How many records begin to be too many?

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Performance Tuning :: Procedure Performance On New Database Import?

Nov 15, 2010

Testing our 9i to 11g upgrade, we've imported the entire DB into the new machine.We've found that certain procedures are really suffering performance problems. BUT, we've also found, that if we check out a production copy of the procedure from our source code control, and reinstall it, the performance issue goes away. Just alter the procedure and recompiling does NOT work.

The new machine where the 11g database exists is slightly different than the source, but it's not like we have this problem with every procedure. It's only a couple.

any possible reason that we'd have to re-install a procedure to correct a performance problem?

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Performance Tuning :: Checking Delete Performance In Package

Apr 12, 2013

I need to check the package performance and need to improve the package performance.

1. how to check the package performance(each and every statement in the package)?
2. In the package using the delete statement to delete all records and observed that delete is taking long time to delete all the records in the table(Table records 7000000). This table is like staging table.Daily need to clean the data before inserting the data into it. what can I use instead of Delete.

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Performance Tuning :: Query Performance Gain Using Statistics?

Aug 9, 2010

Somewhere I read that we should not use hints in Oracle production environments, but we can use hints in the development environment and on achieving the desired execution plan we can adjust the 'statistics' to follow that plan without hints.

Q1. If it is true what statistics do we adjust for influencing the execution plan and how?

For example, I have the following simple query:

select e.empid, e.ename, d.dname
from emp e, dept d
where e.deptno=d.deptno;

emp.empid, emp.deptno and dep.deptno columns have indexes and the tables have the standard structure as found in the basic oracle examples.

If I look at the execution plan of the above query then I see that the driving table is empand the driven table is dept.Also the type of join that is taking place is 'Nested Loop'.

Questions: With respect to the above query,
Q 2. If I want to make dept the driving table and emp the driven table then how can I adjust the statistics to achieve that?
Q 3. If I want to use hash join instead of a nested loop join then then how can I adjust the statistics to achieve that?

I can put the ordered and the use_hash hint to effect this but again I have heard that altering statistics is a more robust way to control an execution plan as compared to hints.

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Performance Tuning :: How To Improve The Performance Of Export Job (expdp)

Dec 6, 2011

I have an issue with export(expdp).

When i exporting an user using expdp utility, the load the on the server is going up-to 5. The size of the database is 180GB. Below is the command that i use for export.

expdp sys/xxxx directory=dbpdump dumpfile=expdp_trk_backup.dmp logfile=expdp_trk_backup.log exclude=statistics schemas=trk

Do i need any look into any memory parameters for this?

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Database Link Not Active

May 15, 2013

I am newbie to oracle database.

I am using oracle 9i version and in EMCA satndalone application . I have created database links.

The database links have been created, and three databases are local.

When i am pressing the test button in emca . It gives notification database link not active.

What should i do?

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How Long Will It Take To Get Download Link

Mar 24, 2011

i just bought the oracle scripts from rampant. any know how long will it take for me to get the download link. for these scripts...

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Forms :: 6i - How To Link Different Form

Oct 22, 2010

the following problem. am using oracle forms 6i on windows 2003 server.

I have two tables Loan and deduction

loan_number number(5)unique not null,
loan_name varchar(15)not null,
loan_type varchar(15)not null,
actual_amount number(10)not null,


Both have loan_number columns as the primary key.

I created two separate forms using loan table and Deduction table.

Also according to requirement, when commiting in the loan form ,if 'loan_purpose' is 'PERSONAL' THEN deduction form SHOULD BE OPENED.


WHAT I WANT IS when deduction form pops up, it should have a matching loan_number as in loan form What shall I do to achieve this???.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Transpose Function In Link

Jul 5, 2010

my table is like this.

1 ON1 Abc
2 ON2 Bcd
3 ON3 Xyz
4 ON4 Bcd
5 ON5 Abc
6 ON6 Pqr

I want to write select query to get result in below format:

User Ordnum
Abc ON1,ON5
Bcd ON2,ON4
Xyz ON3
Pqr ON6

I am using Oracle 8i, I tried transpose function in the link URL.....

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Using A Database Link In A Scheduled Job?

May 12, 2010

A procedure in a package uses a database link. The database link is defined without a username and a password. The user that uses the database link is supposed to be present in the opposite database as wel.

When the procedure is started in SQL*Plus or TOAD it runs perfect. But the procedure has to run in a scheduled job. And that doesn't work. The procedure fails because of: ORA-01017 invalid username/password. The user that is used to run the scheduled job is the right one.

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