SQL & PL/SQL :: Two Columns Can Have Long Datatype In Table?

Apr 27, 2010

I have question related to LONG datatype. Actually from google and get to know that one table can have only one LONG datatype when i searched for reason . i got these resons:-

With 9i (I believe) and later versions, Oracle deprecates using the long datatype in favor of the lob (clob, nclob and blog) datatypes. It is only supported for backward compatibility.

Restriction:- It can not be used in create type as an attribute of the defined type.

It can not be used in where conditions.

There can be no indexes on long columns.

Regular Expression are not possible.

long can not be returned from a stored function.

SQL can not call functions that have an attribute of type long.

And even more restrictions.

So I want to know that is only reason because of that Oracle doesn't allow us to make two Column or is there any strong reason which make it more logical Like storing of data in Row blocks or some thing else.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Find Constraint Name From User Table - Illegal Use Of LONG Datatype

Apr 30, 2010

I want to find the constraint name from User_Constraints table using the following query:

Select * From User_Constraints Where Table_Name='CHARGECODE' and Constraint_Type='C' And Search_Condition = '"PERCENTAGE" IS NOT NULL';

Then it shows "ORA-00997: illegal use of LONG datatype" error.

Is there any way to compare with long type value.

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PL/SQL :: Created A Table With CLOB As Datatype For One Of Columns

Aug 5, 2013

<ORACLE VERSION :> i have created a table with CLOB as datatype for one of the columns, I am trying to store a string ( I am not sure about the length of the string) , when i am querying on my table for the CLOB column,instead of the actual string "(HUGECLOB)" is coming. How to get the actual string in case the problem is with the SIZE.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Long Datatype In Where Clause

Sep 1, 2010

Can we use long data type in where clause of the query ?

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PL/SQL :: How To Set The Default Long Datatype

Jul 12, 2013

Query that I want to run: 


 result:  E;;45;45 ;45 ;45 ;S 45 

I am not sure but may be I need to set long size before running above query. But when I try to set long size gives below error. "The output from DBMS_METADATA.GET_DDL is a LONG datatype. When using SQL*Plus, your output may be truncated by default. Issue the following SQL*Plus command before issuing the

DBMS_METADATA.GET_DDL statement to ensure that your output is not truncated:"SQL> SET LONG 9999error: Unhandled SET statement:  "SET LONG 9999"

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PL/SQL :: Illegal Use Of LONG Datatype

Aug 31, 2012

I've this problem:

create table t1 ( x long );
Table created.

create table t2 ( x long );
Table created.

insert into t1 values ( 'test long type' );
1 row created.

insert into t2 select * from t1;
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-00997: illegal use of LONG datatype

How can I issue this error, I need use also dblink with long type.

I do not want to use the copy command.

I know that you can solve this problem with a stored procedure or anonymous block.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Convert From LONG To BLOB Datatype?

Feb 1, 2012

I have a source data in a column with LONG datatype. I want to insert that data into a separate table in a column which has BLOB datatype.

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ORA-00997 / Illegal Use Of LONG Datatype

Aug 13, 2013

We also face the same in oracle 9i version. we tried to re-org some tables for performance issue.But our tables have long and long raw datatype. then we approached the traditional way i.e 1. Export tables.2.Truncate tables.3.import tables.(use ignore=y).4.check the index validation.5.gather stats. Above was successfully done in our production environment.but some application downtime is required. 

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Replication :: ORA-00997 / Illegal Use Of LONG Datatype

May 5, 2010

I've got a dblink between two Oracle databases. There are one view that I specify a join between four remote tables.

One of the tables does have a column defined as a long raw. I do not need that column; the query doesn´t make reference to it.However, when I specify the query, I get this error: ORA-00997; illegal use of LONG datatype.

"how can I accomplish this query, over a dblink, given that one table has a long raw that is not part of my query ?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Find All Partition Names - Illegal Use Of LONG Datatype

Mar 5, 2012

I need to find all the partition names below or equal given value.

table_name = 'RB' and
HIGH_VALUE <= 1234

Above Query is giving error "ORA-00997: illegal use of LONG datatype"

Any other alternative ? (I know its because of LONG Datatype of HIGH_VALUE ) ...

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Application Express :: ORA-00997 / Illegal Use Of LONG Datatype

Jul 26, 2012

I am trying to copy structure of table through database link but getting an error while running the command :

SQL> create table TOAD_PLAN as select * from TOAD_PLAN_@db_link where 1=2;
create table TOAD_PLAN_TABLE as select * from TOAD_PLAN_TABLE@to_paceview where 1=2
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-00997: illegal use of LONG datatype

how can i create it through database link or through any other utility.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Datatype Of Some Columns Is NVARCHAR2

Feb 21, 2010

I have a table which have almost 90000 rows.

1. The datatype of some columns is NVARCHAR2. I want to change it to VARCHAR2 and NUMBER for some.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How Does Operator Works For Varchar2 Datatype Columns

Nov 22, 2011

I have a table called Student and a column as name now if i write a Query

select * from student where name < 'BRIAN D'

How does the comparison will be done.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Extracting Long Raw Columns

Jun 24, 2010

I'm creating a package function that would return the image from the table HR.PER_IMAGES.

Here's the table description of HR.PER_IMAGES

I have also created a simple PL/SQL code that would supposed to extract the value of the IMAGE column and store it in a variable then return it from a function.

SELECT image
FROM per_images
WHERE parent_id = :p_parent_id

However, I'm getting the "ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error" message. I have tried retrieving an specific image using Oracle Reports Developer and when I queried it was able to render the image on the report page.

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PL/SQL :: Conversion Of BLOB Datatype To CLOB Datatype

Aug 17, 2012

I would need to convert the column datatype from BLOB to CLOB. currently in the table, the BLOB column has the data. the requirement is to convert this column from BLOB to CLOB datatype.

How to convert from BLOB datatype to CLOB datatype ?

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Semantic Technologies :: Can Bind LONG Value Only For Insert Into LONG Column

Dec 22, 2012

I got an exception when I was using sesame adapter to dump a turtle file which contains long texts as objects into oracle semantic database. The exception information is:

org.openrdf.repository.RepositoryException: org.openrdf.sail.SailException: java.sql.SQLException: ORA-01461: can bind a LONG value only for insert into a LONG column

ORA-06512: in line 1
at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CTTIoer.processError(T4CTTIoer.java:439)
at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CTTIoer.processError(T4CTTIoer.java:395)
at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4C8Oall.processError(T4C8Oall.java:802) ...

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ORA-01461 - Can Bind LONG Value Only For Insert Into LONG Column

Sep 26, 2012

resolve problem with move lob objects ? I move table partition and lob (BLOB) from one tablespace to another :

able EBIF.APO_T_VER_DISP_ACC_RESP MOVE PARTITION have : pbeb_ap1.SYS>select partition_name , tablespace_name from dba_lob_partitions where table_name='APO_T_VER_DISP_ACC_RESP';

P1M20110901          |TD1M20110901
P1M20111001          |TMP
P1M20111101          |TMP
P1M20111201          |TMP
P1M20120101          |TD1M20120101

I used skrip to generate move :

select 'alter table '||table_owner||'.'||table_name||' MOVE PARTITION '||partition_name||' LOB('||COLUMN_NAME||') STORE AS (TABLESPACE TD_PART_RW) PARALLEL 4;'

from dba_lob_partitions where tablespace_name='TMP';

when I started loadink into dis table I get : ORA-01461: can bind a LONG value only for insert into a LONG column

when I recreate this table ALL work ok , but new table is not partitioned .

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Select All Columns From Table Except Those Columns Which Type In Query

Jan 21, 2011

I have a two question.

Question 1:How to select all columns from table except those columns which i type in query

Question 2:How to select all columns from table where all columns are not null without type each column name which is in empty data

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Updating A Table Column Which Is XML Datatype

Nov 1, 2011

I am updating a table column which is xml datatype and am getting above error.Below is the process what i did. since the xml is too large i split them into small chunks.

conditionXML CLOB;
ls_xml_2 Clob;
ls_xml_3 clob;
ls_xml_4 Clob;
ls_xml_5 Clob;
ls_xml_6 clob;
ls_xml_7 Clob;

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PL/SQL :: Creating Table With Boolean As Datatype

Dec 1, 2012

I'm trying to create a table 'a' with column name as 'flag' and datatype as 'boolean' ie. create table a(flag boolean);

is it possible in sql or pl/sql in oracle?

If its possible to create a table and also let me now inserting row and what boolean should return.

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Datatype Of Column Of A Table In Oracle Or SQL

Aug 6, 2013

a) What if i want to find out the  Datatype of a specific column in the Table. 
b) How do i find the Column Datatypes?

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Datatype Modification For Table With Huge Data

Aug 11, 2011

Below is my requirement.

Need to change the precision of a column in a existing table. Statistics about the table

* has over 130 columns
* More than 300 million records
* Column to modify is #121 which has data
* No primary key defined

Since the column has data, it is not possible to modify with a simple Alter.

Second option - create temp column in same table, update from original, put null in original, alter, update back from temp, drop the temp column. This approach is very expensive and time consuming.

Also the Column ID needs to preserved as #121.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Table Column Datatype With %type Attribute

Jun 23, 2011

Is it possible to replace datatype of column of one table with another table's column datatype using %type like below

SQL>create table test1 (v1 varchar2(10));

SQL>create table test2 (v1 test1.v1%type);

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Load Xml File Into Table Having Xmltype Datatype?

Jul 4, 2013

I'm trying to load xml file into table having xmltype datatype, but it is throwing below given error.I even tried to load data by changing '&' into '&' but still getting same error.

Error at line 6
ORA-06512: at "SYS.XMLTYPE", line 296
ORA-06512: at line 1
31011. 00000 - "XML parsing failed"
*Cause: XML parser returned an error while trying to parse the document.
*Action: Check if the document to be parsed is valid.

Version : ORACLE 11g, Windows 7

id NUMBER(5),
xmldata xmltype
INSERT INTO xml_test(id, name, xmldata) VALUES(1,'file1', XMLTYPE(bfilename('SCOTTDIR', 'TEST_XML.XML'), nls_charset_id('AL32UTF8')));

TEST_XML.XML file content:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<!-- excelFolder:"c:CSD'TEST.XSL" -->
<FileSource>Java&Conversion 1.2</FileSource>

insert xmlfile having '&' data into xmltype column.

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PL/SQL :: Search Of Table Names By Column Datatype

Apr 28, 2013

I have a requirement that i should list out all the table names which are all using timestamp datatype in a specified schema. Is there any way to find those table names by using any system tables.

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PL/SQL :: Table Out From A Function / Invalid Datatype Error

May 9, 2013

I am getting an ORA-00902: invalid datatype error when I am trying call the below function from a select statement. Here I am trying to get a table out from a function.

create or replace package pkg10
type tabletype1 is table of table1%rowtype
index by binary_integer;
function func1 return tabletype1;
end pkg10;create or replace package body pkg10


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Table Partitioning - Range On Datatype Number (21, 7) And Varchar2

Nov 15, 2013

Database Version : DB : Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit ProductionOS : HP-UX nduhi18 B.11.31 U ia64 1022072414 unlimited-user licenseAPP : SAP - ERP I have to RANGE partition on UPDATED_ON  or PROFILE  either one table which is having below

structure :   Name                Null?    Type
-------------------- -------- --------------------------------


 As per my knowledge, RANGE is better suited for DATE or NUMBER. and INTERVAL partition is possible on DATE or NUMBEr . Column PROFILEIts is of VARCHAR2 datatype. I know still I can partition as Oracle internally convert varchar2 to number while inserting data. But INTERVAL is not possible.  How to RANGE partition on PROFILE ? Column CREATED_ON :It is of NUMBER with decimal

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Change Datatype Of Column In Table Online Using DBMS REDEFINITION?

Aug 8, 2011

Is it possible to change the datatype of a column in a table online, using DBMS_REDEFINITION?

If Yes, then which of the options will be used with DBMS_REDEFINITION package?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Update Long String In Table By Command

Jan 23, 2011

I use sqlplus in oracle (linux).I have a table and the string cell have long string .

Like below :

column A Column B


So, I need to edit/update the row A and the value in Column B.But the string in Column B is so long and I only need to edit one character.IF I use update command , I need to type very long string and it is easy to wrong edit .

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Drop Statement On Table Taking Long Time

Sep 20, 2010

We are firing a normal Drop command on our database and the database version is database is running on AIX v5.The command is taking more time than usual .

When i am monitoring the session i can see that a call is being made to procedure "aw_drop_proc".Could i ask you if this is something that is taking more time than usual.

We are not having any partitions on the nested tables .We have a pack of tables and we are dropping this pack through a procedure.The pack comprises of nested tables & normal tables.To drop a nested table it is taking around 6 seconds(Table with no rows) and a normal table(With no rows) it is taking 17 milli seconds.We have a partition on Normal table.

The same operation in windows is taking very less time when compared to AIX.

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