PL/SQL :: How To Set The Default Long Datatype

Jul 12, 2013

Query that I want to run: 


 result:  E;;45;45 ;45 ;45 ;S 45 

I am not sure but may be I need to set long size before running above query. But when I try to set long size gives below error. "The output from DBMS_METADATA.GET_DDL is a LONG datatype. When using SQL*Plus, your output may be truncated by default. Issue the following SQL*Plus command before issuing the

DBMS_METADATA.GET_DDL statement to ensure that your output is not truncated:"SQL> SET LONG 9999error: Unhandled SET statement:  "SET LONG 9999"

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Long Datatype In Where Clause

Sep 1, 2010

Can we use long data type in where clause of the query ?

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PL/SQL :: Illegal Use Of LONG Datatype

Aug 31, 2012

I've this problem:

create table t1 ( x long );
Table created.

create table t2 ( x long );
Table created.

insert into t1 values ( 'test long type' );
1 row created.

insert into t2 select * from t1;
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-00997: illegal use of LONG datatype

How can I issue this error, I need use also dblink with long type.

I do not want to use the copy command.

I know that you can solve this problem with a stored procedure or anonymous block.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Convert From LONG To BLOB Datatype?

Feb 1, 2012

I have a source data in a column with LONG datatype. I want to insert that data into a separate table in a column which has BLOB datatype.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Two Columns Can Have Long Datatype In Table?

Apr 27, 2010

I have question related to LONG datatype. Actually from google and get to know that one table can have only one LONG datatype when i searched for reason . i got these resons:-

With 9i (I believe) and later versions, Oracle deprecates using the long datatype in favor of the lob (clob, nclob and blog) datatypes. It is only supported for backward compatibility.

Restriction:- It can not be used in create type as an attribute of the defined type.

It can not be used in where conditions.

There can be no indexes on long columns.

Regular Expression are not possible.

long can not be returned from a stored function.

SQL can not call functions that have an attribute of type long.

And even more restrictions.

So I want to know that is only reason because of that Oracle doesn't allow us to make two Column or is there any strong reason which make it more logical Like storing of data in Row blocks or some thing else.

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ORA-00997 / Illegal Use Of LONG Datatype

Aug 13, 2013

We also face the same in oracle 9i version. we tried to re-org some tables for performance issue.But our tables have long and long raw datatype. then we approached the traditional way i.e 1. Export tables.2.Truncate tables.3.import tables.(use ignore=y).4.check the index validation.5.gather stats. Above was successfully done in our production environment.but some application downtime is required. 

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Replication :: ORA-00997 / Illegal Use Of LONG Datatype

May 5, 2010

I've got a dblink between two Oracle databases. There are one view that I specify a join between four remote tables.

One of the tables does have a column defined as a long raw. I do not need that column; the query doesn´t make reference to it.However, when I specify the query, I get this error: ORA-00997; illegal use of LONG datatype.

"how can I accomplish this query, over a dblink, given that one table has a long raw that is not part of my query ?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Find All Partition Names - Illegal Use Of LONG Datatype

Mar 5, 2012

I need to find all the partition names below or equal given value.

table_name = 'RB' and
HIGH_VALUE <= 1234

Above Query is giving error "ORA-00997: illegal use of LONG datatype"

Any other alternative ? (I know its because of LONG Datatype of HIGH_VALUE ) ...

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Application Express :: ORA-00997 / Illegal Use Of LONG Datatype

Jul 26, 2012

I am trying to copy structure of table through database link but getting an error while running the command :

SQL> create table TOAD_PLAN as select * from TOAD_PLAN_@db_link where 1=2;
create table TOAD_PLAN_TABLE as select * from TOAD_PLAN_TABLE@to_paceview where 1=2
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-00997: illegal use of LONG datatype

how can i create it through database link or through any other utility.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Find Constraint Name From User Table - Illegal Use Of LONG Datatype

Apr 30, 2010

I want to find the constraint name from User_Constraints table using the following query:

Select * From User_Constraints Where Table_Name='CHARGECODE' and Constraint_Type='C' And Search_Condition = '"PERCENTAGE" IS NOT NULL';

Then it shows "ORA-00997: illegal use of LONG datatype" error.

Is there any way to compare with long type value.

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PL/SQL :: Conversion Of BLOB Datatype To CLOB Datatype

Aug 17, 2012

I would need to convert the column datatype from BLOB to CLOB. currently in the table, the BLOB column has the data. the requirement is to convert this column from BLOB to CLOB datatype.

How to convert from BLOB datatype to CLOB datatype ?

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Semantic Technologies :: Can Bind LONG Value Only For Insert Into LONG Column

Dec 22, 2012

I got an exception when I was using sesame adapter to dump a turtle file which contains long texts as objects into oracle semantic database. The exception information is:

org.openrdf.repository.RepositoryException: org.openrdf.sail.SailException: java.sql.SQLException: ORA-01461: can bind a LONG value only for insert into a LONG column

ORA-06512: in line 1
at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CTTIoer.processError(
at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CTTIoer.processError(
at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4C8Oall.processError( ...

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ORA-01461 - Can Bind LONG Value Only For Insert Into LONG Column

Sep 26, 2012

resolve problem with move lob objects ? I move table partition and lob (BLOB) from one tablespace to another :

able EBIF.APO_T_VER_DISP_ACC_RESP MOVE PARTITION have : pbeb_ap1.SYS>select partition_name , tablespace_name from dba_lob_partitions where table_name='APO_T_VER_DISP_ACC_RESP';

P1M20110901          |TD1M20110901
P1M20111001          |TMP
P1M20111101          |TMP
P1M20111201          |TMP
P1M20120101          |TD1M20120101

I used skrip to generate move :

select 'alter table '||table_owner||'.'||table_name||' MOVE PARTITION '||partition_name||' LOB('||COLUMN_NAME||') STORE AS (TABLESPACE TD_PART_RW) PARALLEL 4;'

from dba_lob_partitions where tablespace_name='TMP';

when I started loadink into dis table I get : ORA-01461: can bind a LONG value only for insert into a LONG column

when I recreate this table ALL work ok , but new table is not partitioned .

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Default Values / Distinguishing Between Passed And Default Nulls

Nov 16, 2010

I was looking for a way to see if a default value for a procedure was passed NULL or it got NULL by default. [URL]

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PL/SQL :: Which Datatype Should Take Instead Of Time

Oct 4, 2012

i was using sql server there is time keyword but in oracle which keyword i should take instead of time keyword?

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Get Exact Value Without Changing Datatype?

Nov 23, 2011

I created a table of Number(20,4) column. I inserted an amount value 999999999999999.5555 but this value is rounded off to 1000000000000000.0000 automatically in Oracle. How to avoid this? I tried for less number of digits and I am getting the exact value. Is there any way to get the exact value without changing the datatype?

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PLS-00904 And Anchored Datatype

Jul 20, 2011

I am using Anchored datatype wheere the table_name which lies in another schema and the current scheam has select insert update delete access on the the said table of the schema.

Example in current schema LL_TAR

I have defined a varaible in a script/procedure

V_TAG LL_TMR.TAG_DETAILS.TAG_VAL%type where TAG_VALUE column lies in a table TAG_DETAILS which lies
in LL_TMR.

During compilation it gives me an error PLS-00904 saying insufficient privilege. This issue and still use anchored datatype.Or anchored datatype of tables which lie in different schema on the same database server is not allowed? Cause i had read that on some websites that it is allowed for a table which resides on a different schema on a database.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Change Datatype From Object

Dec 8, 2010

I have created an Object Type and this Type is mapped to a column datatype in a table.This Table has values inserted.

create or replace
type column_type as object (
col_name varchar2(30),
col_comment varchar2(4000)

ORA-02303: cannot drop or replace a type with type or table to resolve this issue without having to delete any column from the table?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Date Datatype Being Stored As DD:MM:YY HH:MI:SS?

Feb 21, 2012

I have a table in my database with a column called theme_night_date that i want to store just a date and no time.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Datatype Of Some Columns Is NVARCHAR2

Feb 21, 2010

I have a table which have almost 90000 rows.

1. The datatype of some columns is NVARCHAR2. I want to change it to VARCHAR2 and NUMBER for some.

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PL/SQL :: Get Particular Value From Column Which Is BLOB Datatype?

Jul 31, 2013

on this query. I need to get a particular value from a column which is a BLOB datatype. Here is the sample

data ID                           TESTDATA1                            Best Buy
00001234 12222 30 00 2                           
Lowes 00001234 12222 100 00 3                           
Walmart 00001234 12222 129 00 4                           
abc 00001234 12222 5000 00 5                           
Toshiba 00001234 12222 21 00 6                           
abcdefghij 00001234 12222 49 00  

Where '00001234' is the Invoice , '12222' is Netamount field and highlighted in red is the $ amount for that invoice.

The only data i need query to return 12222 (netamount)= $amount. I tried using substr  select substr((TESTDATA),19,26)test from TABLEA; But this gives me the only the first row but not other amount which have different positions.

Here is the desired output

OutputID                            TESTDATA 1                          
12222 30 2                            12222 100 3                           
12222 129 4                            12222 5000 5                           
12222 21 6                            12222 49 

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SQL Statement With Varchar Datatype Size

Dec 21, 2010

The below table and functions are examples, but issue is like this.

i have one issue while forming below sql , Application will form this query at run time wih required inputs
it is failing because the application will not support the clob datatype.

Table : T_E (similar to EMP table structure)

This table has data similar to emp but bulk data around 10k records.

Query formed

select empno,ename, get_employees(deptno)
from t_e;

This sql query this is failing when function return varchar2 string more than 4000 size.Because in sql query size should not exceed 4000 for varchar2 data type , function return size can be upto 20000

Function which
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION get_employees (p_deptno in emp.deptno%TYPE)
RETURN varchar2
l_text varchar2(32767) := NULL;
FOR cur_rec IN (SELECT ename FROM t_e WHERE deptno = p_deptno) LOOP
l_text := l_text || ',' || cur_rec.ename;
RETURN LTRIM(l_text, ',');

I can try this with clob but application doesn't support i tried with using clob in above function , after that while returning to application i want to conver the clob to char and return the entire string

select empno,ename, to_char(substring(get_employees(deptno),1,4000)) -- first 4000 characters
, to_char(substring(get_employees(deptno),4000,8000)) -- next 4000 characters
from t_e;

But this is failing how to return the entire string in above sql

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Updating A Table Column Which Is XML Datatype

Nov 1, 2011

I am updating a table column which is xml datatype and am getting above error.Below is the process what i did. since the xml is too large i split them into small chunks.

conditionXML CLOB;
ls_xml_2 Clob;
ls_xml_3 clob;
ls_xml_4 Clob;
ls_xml_5 Clob;
ls_xml_6 clob;
ls_xml_7 Clob;

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Update Using CLOB Datatype In Oracle

Aug 16, 2010

how can i update CLOB values in Oracle? I am passing string values to Clob datatype from .Net Eg '13223311','12122112','122125552'

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Fetch Value Which Column Has Timestamp Datatype

Oct 14, 2012

i am running one query which is here

INSERT INTO shiftsample (Empid, PPDate, Inpunch, outpunch)( SELECT Emp_ID, PDate, In_Punch, Out_Punch FROM ProcessDailyData WHERE PDate = to_char(2012-10-15,'yyyy-MM-dd') AND Emp_ID = '00000001' );

in this query pdate has timestamp datatype and in shift sample ppdate column has date type. so i am not able to insert value from process daily data table.

getting this error.

SQL Error: ORA-01481: invalid number format model
01481. 00000 - "invalid number format model"
*Cause: The user is attempting to either convert a number to a string
via TO_CHAR or a string to a number via TO_NUMBER and has
supplied an invalid number format model parameter.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Insert Value In Column Which Has Date Datatype?

Oct 12, 2012

i am having one column name pdate with date datatype

i am updating here value like this

update table1 set pdate='15-10-2012' where id=1;

but showing error: not a valid month.

how to update this.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Finding MAX And MIN Value From Varchar Datatype Field

Mar 13, 2013

How to get max and min value from a varchar2 datatype column?


I've to find the max and min weight from this data.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: BLOB Datatype - Copy From One Column To Another

Mar 11, 2011

I have two tables with BLOB datatype. I am trying to copy from one column to another column , i am getting errors

CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE update_blob_lob_copy(
v_id in integer,
v_string in varchar
auditlob lobdemoaudit.theblob%type;
sourcelob lobdemo.THEBLOB%type;

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Passing IN Parameter Of Datatype Varchar2

Feb 16, 2010

I have a stored proc which takes IN parameter of datatype varchar2.When I am trying to run the proc it is throwing error that "input buffer too small".The datatype assigned to IN parameter is of varchar2(200) but actually the length of the parameter passed is around 500 characters.the way to increase the length of Input parameter to 500 characters??

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Number Datatype Size Can't Decreased

Mar 22, 2010

In my table there is column with number datatype of size col1 number(15,3) and my data in column is like


and i am changing its size to number(10,3) by alter table command but it not allowing. why?????? as my data in that column still satisfy the the changes.

and even when i modify the char column to varchar2 column by alter table command and changing the size of that column,it is not allowing me to change it why?

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