PL/SQL :: Creating Table With Boolean As Datatype

Dec 1, 2012

I'm trying to create a table 'a' with column name as 'flag' and datatype as 'boolean' ie. create table a(flag boolean);

is it possible in sql or pl/sql in oracle?

If its possible to create a table and also let me now inserting row and what boolean should return.

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PL/SQL :: Conversion Of BLOB Datatype To CLOB Datatype

Aug 17, 2012

I would need to convert the column datatype from BLOB to CLOB. currently in the table, the BLOB column has the data. the requirement is to convert this column from BLOB to CLOB datatype.

How to convert from BLOB datatype to CLOB datatype ?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Function Boolean - Statement Ignored

Aug 28, 2012

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION is_overdue (due_date IN DATE,paid_date IN DATE)
days_between NUMBER (2) := due_date - paid_date;

When i try using this compilation, i am getting error for this program:

SQL> begin
2 dbms_output.put_line(is_overdue('07-nov-1987','01-aug-2012'));
3 end;
4 /
ERROR at line 2:
ORA-06550: line 2, column 7:
PLS-00306: wrong number or types of arguments in call to 'PUT_LINE'
ORA-06550: line 2, column 7:
PL/SQL: Statement ignored

To get output for this program? Show me how to compile.

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Updating A Table Column Which Is XML Datatype

Nov 1, 2011

I am updating a table column which is xml datatype and am getting above error.Below is the process what i did. since the xml is too large i split them into small chunks.

conditionXML CLOB;
ls_xml_2 Clob;
ls_xml_3 clob;
ls_xml_4 Clob;
ls_xml_5 Clob;
ls_xml_6 clob;
ls_xml_7 Clob;

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Two Columns Can Have Long Datatype In Table?

Apr 27, 2010

I have question related to LONG datatype. Actually from google and get to know that one table can have only one LONG datatype when i searched for reason . i got these resons:-

With 9i (I believe) and later versions, Oracle deprecates using the long datatype in favor of the lob (clob, nclob and blog) datatypes. It is only supported for backward compatibility.

Restriction:- It can not be used in create type as an attribute of the defined type.

It can not be used in where conditions.

There can be no indexes on long columns.

Regular Expression are not possible.

long can not be returned from a stored function.

SQL can not call functions that have an attribute of type long.

And even more restrictions.

So I want to know that is only reason because of that Oracle doesn't allow us to make two Column or is there any strong reason which make it more logical Like storing of data in Row blocks or some thing else.

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Datatype Of Column Of A Table In Oracle Or SQL

Aug 6, 2013

a) What if i want to find out the  Datatype of a specific column in the Table. 
b) How do i find the Column Datatypes?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Display Boolean Value Of A Variable In DBMS Print Statement?

May 29, 2012

I want to display Boolean value of a variable in DBMS Print statement. I am able to do it by using simple if condition checking .How to print the value of Boolean variable directly ?

SQL> declare
2 boo boolean := true;
3 begin
5 if boo then
6 dbms_output.put_line('boolean variable value TRUE by checking if condition ');


ORA-06550: line 9, column 24:
PLS-00306: wrong number or types of arguments in call to '||'
ORA-06550: line 9, column 3:
PL/SQL: Statement ignored

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PL/SQL :: Set Boolean Flag To True If Hire_date Is Greater Than 5 Years

Dec 27, 2012

For Just learning purpose This is an example found in text book but while i try to execute it fails..I am trying to set Boolean flag to true if the hire_date is greater than 5 years otherwise boolean flag to false

v_Hire_date date :='12-Dec-2005';
v_five_years BOOLEAN;

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Datatype Modification For Table With Huge Data

Aug 11, 2011

Below is my requirement.

Need to change the precision of a column in a existing table. Statistics about the table

* has over 130 columns
* More than 300 million records
* Column to modify is #121 which has data
* No primary key defined

Since the column has data, it is not possible to modify with a simple Alter.

Second option - create temp column in same table, update from original, put null in original, alter, update back from temp, drop the temp column. This approach is very expensive and time consuming.

Also the Column ID needs to preserved as #121.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Table Column Datatype With %type Attribute

Jun 23, 2011

Is it possible to replace datatype of column of one table with another table's column datatype using %type like below

SQL>create table test1 (v1 varchar2(10));

SQL>create table test2 (v1 test1.v1%type);

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Load Xml File Into Table Having Xmltype Datatype?

Jul 4, 2013

I'm trying to load xml file into table having xmltype datatype, but it is throwing below given error.I even tried to load data by changing '&' into '&' but still getting same error.

Error at line 6
ORA-06512: at "SYS.XMLTYPE", line 296
ORA-06512: at line 1
31011. 00000 - "XML parsing failed"
*Cause: XML parser returned an error while trying to parse the document.
*Action: Check if the document to be parsed is valid.

Version : ORACLE 11g, Windows 7

id NUMBER(5),
xmldata xmltype
INSERT INTO xml_test(id, name, xmldata) VALUES(1,'file1', XMLTYPE(bfilename('SCOTTDIR', 'TEST_XML.XML'), nls_charset_id('AL32UTF8')));

TEST_XML.XML file content:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<!-- excelFolder:"c:CSD'TEST.XSL" -->
<FileSource>Java&Conversion 1.2</FileSource>

insert xmlfile having '&' data into xmltype column.

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PL/SQL :: Created A Table With CLOB As Datatype For One Of Columns

Aug 5, 2013

<ORACLE VERSION :> i have created a table with CLOB as datatype for one of the columns, I am trying to store a string ( I am not sure about the length of the string) , when i am querying on my table for the CLOB column,instead of the actual string "(HUGECLOB)" is coming. How to get the actual string in case the problem is with the SIZE.

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PL/SQL :: Search Of Table Names By Column Datatype

Apr 28, 2013

I have a requirement that i should list out all the table names which are all using timestamp datatype in a specified schema. Is there any way to find those table names by using any system tables.

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PL/SQL :: Table Out From A Function / Invalid Datatype Error

May 9, 2013

I am getting an ORA-00902: invalid datatype error when I am trying call the below function from a select statement. Here I am trying to get a table out from a function.

create or replace package pkg10
type tabletype1 is table of table1%rowtype
index by binary_integer;
function func1 return tabletype1;
end pkg10;create or replace package body pkg10


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Application Express :: Validation - PLSQL Function Returning Boolean Bug?

Mar 12, 2013

Application Express ( plus all earlier versions that I've ever used)

When using the wizard to create a Validation of type "PLSQL Function returning Boolean", why is it mandatory to enter a value in the text field "Error Message" on the screen that follows? This message is never used as the message actually displayed comes from a PLSQL return statement.

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Table Partitioning - Range On Datatype Number (21, 7) And Varchar2

Nov 15, 2013

Database Version : DB : Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit ProductionOS : HP-UX nduhi18 B.11.31 U ia64 1022072414 unlimited-user licenseAPP : SAP - ERP I have to RANGE partition on UPDATED_ON  or PROFILE  either one table which is having below

structure :   Name                Null?    Type
-------------------- -------- --------------------------------


 As per my knowledge, RANGE is better suited for DATE or NUMBER. and INTERVAL partition is possible on DATE or NUMBEr . Column PROFILEIts is of VARCHAR2 datatype. I know still I can partition as Oracle internally convert varchar2 to number while inserting data. But INTERVAL is not possible.  How to RANGE partition on PROFILE ? Column CREATED_ON :It is of NUMBER with decimal

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Find Constraint Name From User Table - Illegal Use Of LONG Datatype

Apr 30, 2010

I want to find the constraint name from User_Constraints table using the following query:

Select * From User_Constraints Where Table_Name='CHARGECODE' and Constraint_Type='C' And Search_Condition = '"PERCENTAGE" IS NOT NULL';

Then it shows "ORA-00997: illegal use of LONG datatype" error.

Is there any way to compare with long type value.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Change Datatype Of Column In Table Online Using DBMS REDEFINITION?

Aug 8, 2011

Is it possible to change the datatype of a column in a table online, using DBMS_REDEFINITION?

If Yes, then which of the options will be used with DBMS_REDEFINITION package?

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Creating SQL Script That Can Update Info From One Table In Dbase1 To Another Table In Dbase2?

May 16, 2013

creating an sql script that can update info from one table in dbase1 to another table in dbase2 that has the same columns and if possible insert date and time in one column when the synchronized is done?

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Application Express :: 4.2 Item - Validation Return Boolean And Return Error Text Are Switched

Oct 17, 2012

In Apex 4.2, the item validation of "Function Returning Boolean" and "Function Returning Error Text"; They seam to be backwards.

Is there a simple statement that can be used to fix this in the apex dictionary?

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Creating Table From Existing Table In Another Schema?

Jan 4, 2009

I am creating a table from another existing table in another schema. The existing table contains data. When I am using the query- create table m _voucher as select * from ipm.m_voucher,I am getting the whole data of m_voucher but I want empty m_voucher table, so what will be the query to get the empty m_voucher table?

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Creating Table With A Constraint?

Oct 16, 2006

how to i insert a constraint of words into the table example below.I am new to this stuff man.

Create table Orders
orderID Number(8) Primary Key,
orderDate Date Not Null,
methPmt Varchar2(10),
custID Number(5),
orderSource Number(2),
Foreign Key(custID) Reference Customer(custID),
Foreign Key(ordersource) Reference OrderSource(ordersource)

The catch is I am required to enter a constraint of the methPmt will only take values of "CASH", "CREDIT" or "CHEQUE" only.

How am I suppose to enter this constraint value into the creation of this table?

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Creating Table In A Directory

May 2, 2013

I have a directory defined as TDM_IN where a directory has been created. There is a table which has been created as

create table abc.IFP_GRP_D_INT


Now how can i select the records from this table?

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Error While Creating Table In Oracle 10g?

Aug 19, 2008

If i create a table in Oracle 10g it givea me the follwoing Error.. what couls be the error...

ORA-00911: invalid character
create table shopper
cShopperId varchar2(30) primary key,
cPassword char(20) not null,
vFirstName varchar2(20) not null,


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Creating A Trigger To Populate Another Table

Jan 4, 2007

Having trouble creating a trigger to populate another table.

The SQL:



I get an invalid trigger specification.

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Returning A Table Without Creating Objects?

May 4, 2010

I'm creating a stored procedure where i get to return (OUT parameter) a cursor that points to a custom table. If I create an object, I could just do something like:

PROCEDURE tmp_proc (...,
out_param_resultset OUT g_cursor_type )
OPEN out_param_resultset FOR
SELECT * FROM TABLE(CAST(tmpObjTbl AS TmpObjTblType));

How do I return the table (referenced by a cursor) without creating objects?

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Getting Random Results Creating Table

Jan 19, 2012

I am trying to create a csv file with summarized data. We have a huge table with claim details that is constantly being updated. I am pulling a subset of records that match my criteria into a tempory table (not technically an Oracle temporary table, a regular table that will only exist until I drop it when I am done). This table has multiple entries per claim with different effective dates, paid dates and amounts paid. The result file needs to have one entry per claim with the oldest effective and paid dates and the total of all of the amounts paid on that claim.

Originally I was doing create table new_table as select claim_nbr,other data...,min(ymdeff),min(ymdpaid),sum(amtpay) from my_table group by claim_nbr,other data...

If I ran a select sum(amtpay) from my_table and select sum(amtpay) from new_table I was not getting the same results... If I ran select count (*) from (select distinct claim_nbr from my_table) and select count (*) from (select distinct claim_nbr from new_table) or select count (*) from new_table I was getting the same number of rows. So I wasn't completely losing claims from one table to the next, just some of the details. So, I tried running this:

select * from
(select claim_nbr,sum(amtpay) paysum from my_table
group by claim_nbr
order by claim_nbr) m,
(select claim_nbr,sum(amtpay) paysum from new_table
group by claim_nbr
order by claim_nbr) n
m.claim_nbr = n.claim_nbr and
m.paysum <> n.paysum;

It came back with the claim number causing the issue. I looked at all the entries in my_table for that claim and every field was identical except the ymdeff, ymdpaid and amtpay. There were 4 records in my_table however the amtpay in new_table was only a sum of 2 of the records... I our admin look over my shoulder to see what was wrong and they wanted me to recreate new_table. So I dropped new_table and ran the exact same SQL to recreate the table. The number of distinct claim numbers was still the same in both tables and the sum of new_table was off but not by the same amount. I ran my comparison to see which claim was off and now there were two claims where the totals didn't match and neither were the same as the claim that was wrong that first time. We dropped new_table and recreated it several times and every time we got different results... No one else knows the name of my_table so no one was messing with it at the same time plus the sum of amtpay in my_table always comes back the same.

Our admin said he thought he remembered there being something "funny" with the min function sometime so he had me remove those fields. Ran the query several times and the total came out correct each time. Well I still need the dates so I came up with another way (very convoluted) using subqueries and ranking. It seemed to work at first then it started losing random numbers of claims (fewer rows in new_table than distinct claims in my_table) or keeping all the claims but dropping detail lines like I had using the min functions.

Here is the backwards way around using min that drops whole claims sometimes but works fine other times:

CREATE table new_table
(select claim_nbr,other data...,amtpay,ymdeff,ymdpaid
(select claim_nbr,other data... ,sum(amtpay) amtpay
from my_table
group by claim_nbr,other data...

[Code] ...........

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Specify Condition While Creating External Table

Feb 10, 2011

While creating external table how can I specify a particular decode condition for a date field that comes in as '2099-99-99' i want to change it to '2099-01-0001', how i can translate it

I already have this in the access parameters..


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Security :: Creating Table In Other Schema

Dec 29, 2011

I have a query ,

I need to create a structure DATABASE=>SCHEMA=>TABLE as

DB=>SC=>EMPLOYEE ...but after connecting database i could create table only user my user schema(own schema)only . I want to create a new schema called SC as public and need to create a table .

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Getting Error While Creating Backup Table?

Oct 17, 2013

While creating temp backup table it shows error ORA-00904 'invalid identifier'

CREATE TABLE xxom_valvelink_vlvs_temp AS
SELECT msie.inventory_item_id,FDFC.application_column_name,


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