SQL & PL/SQL :: Sub Query Using Outer Parameter?

Apr 10, 2010

How to give table1 column to subquery with table2 :
(select t1.*, sq.*

from table1 t1,
(select a,b,c from table2 where col1= t1.col1) sq
where ...

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Query Without Outer Join

Nov 2, 2012

I have an attendance table in which we have empno, time_in, time_out..etc.

I want to create a matrix report that should shows all dates of any specific required month in columns and present empno in rows and time_in in cells.

I did it with using a temporary table by filling all the required dates and outer join with attendance table, it works fine, but it takes so long, is there any other better fast way to do it?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Use Outer Join Condition In A Query

Jun 27, 2013

How to use outer join condition in my below query. In the table APPS_JP.GEDIS_OFFER_HEADER goh I have more records in the table APPS_JP.GEDIS_ORDER_BUILDS gob I have less number of records.

I want all the records from APPS_JP.GEDIS_OFFER_HEADER goh including other conditions. I have tried goh.OFFER_NO=gob.OFFER_NO(+) but same result.


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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Refer Result Of Inner Query (analytic Function) In Outer One

Feb 23, 2012

How can I refer the result of inner query - max(t.col3) in the outer query. I tried the 'group by' but it is not performing well

t1.col5, t1.col6
from t1,
(select t.col1

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Write Outer Query Which Will Bring Individual Records Which Don't Sum Up To Zero

May 9, 2011

I have to write a sub query / build a logic for the below.

There are several accounts which should have a zero balance i.e sum of all the amoutns in that account should be zero. If they are non zero , i have to report which amounts make up non zero balance.

If i have amts as +20 , -20 , -30,-10 i.e the sum is -40 indicating a non zero amount. I need the entire details of the records which makes up non zero sum. So in above case details related to -30 aand -10.

I'm using a sum group clause on several fields at which sum is required to be checked ie. date , account , currency . query that will bring individual records that don't make the sum zero.

Is it possible to write a outer query which will bring individual records which don't sum up to zero.

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PL/SQL :: Code_combination_id Doesn't Exist In Outer Query Table

Aug 20, 2013

I have query in which having some issues with outer join.When I run the inner query, I am getting 121 rows and when i put outer query and run it, I am getting 69 rows coz the code_combination_id does not exist in the outer query table.But even when I say ( + ) , its not giving 121 rows..  

SELECT  DISTINCT t1.* --hr3.NAME prj_org --, p.segment1 prj_no, p.org_id --pt.task_number, pt.task_name,  --paei.expenditure_type, pacdl. acct_ currency_code functional_curr from        (    SELECT DISTINCT gll.ledger_id, gljeh.period_name "Fiscal Period", gll.NAME "Company Name", gljeh.NAME "Journal Name ",  gljeh.je_source "Accounting Document Source",  gljeb.NAME "Journal batch name", gljel. accounted_ dr,glcc.code_ combination_ id,glcc.segment1,glcc.segment2,glcc.segment3,glcc.segment4,glcc.segment5,glcc.segment6,glcc.segment7,glcc.segment8,gljel. accounted_ cr  FROM gl_je_headers gljeh, gl_je_batches gljeb,  gl_je_lines gljel,gl_code_combinations glcc, gl_ledgers gll  WHERE gll.ledger_id =

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SQL Server Query - Oracle Does Not Support OUTER APPLY Statement

Feb 1, 2012

INSERT INTO @MainTable VALUES(123, 'Shirts', '10/07/2011', 5000)
INSERT INTO @MainTable VALUES(123, 'Shirts', '10/14/2011', 8000)
INSERT INTO @MainTable VALUES(124, 'Pants', '10/07/2011', 4000)
INSERT INTO @MainTable VALUES(125, 'Shorts', '10/14/2011', 8000)
INSERT INTO @MainTable VALUES(126, 'Shoes', '10/21/2011', 9000);
--select * from @MainTable;

The query works with all the CTEs up to the last select statement. Oracle does not support the OUTER APPLY statement, how should the last piece be written to make it work in Oracle?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Left Outer Join Versus Right Outer Join

Aug 14, 2009

i want to know the difference between Left outer join Vs. Right outer join? Its like which join is safer to use or is there any recommendations to use any join?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Lexical Parameter Slow Down Query?

Feb 16, 2010

All my following query is running fine.



but problem is that when above query is used or oracle reports then and lexical parameter is used then i slows down more than 100 times



above query is copy of top query but differnce is that &P_Unt_Cls lexical parameter is used instead of and Unit in(29,34,35,36,37,38,44,45,60,70,71), I am unable to understand why it slow down query.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Concatenate Parameter With A Column In Query

Sep 30, 2010

SELECT OM.ORG_NAME||' Unit - ':p_unit name
FROM org_mst om

In the above query I want to concatenate Unit number passed by a parameter.

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Any Query Timeout Parameter In Oracle?

Oct 2, 2013

Is there any timeout for sql queries in oracle,  if so what is the timeout parameter.

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PL/SQL :: How To Pass List Of Values In Where Clause Of Query Parameter

Sep 18, 2012

I need to get multiple code values and put it into a variable which later need to pass into the where clause of an sql. But i am not getting any results even i pass those values in the variable of an where clause: below is my Procedure:

TYPE crMain_record is RECORD (
v_code             dummy.v_code%type,
n_no               dummy.n_no%type,


END;"lv_character" is going to hold the multiple code values which i need to pass into whare clause of the above SQL: the totlal number of these mulitipe codes can be more then 50..

And lv_character values are commung from a setup table
lv_character varchar2(32767):= '('||''''||'COMMIS'||''''||' , '||''''||'AGY BUILDING BENS'||''''||')';
--And lv_character values are commung from a setup table.where "lv_character" holdes multipe code values...
And lv_character values are commung from a setup table and upper(d.v_code)in lv_characterif the

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Export/Import/SQL Loader :: Query Parameter And Partitions

Nov 28, 2012

Version :

EMP_DTL table is a subpartitioned table (Range partitioned by MonthID and subpartitioned by COUNTYR_CODE).

It has 40 million records. I just wanted to export 100,000 records altogeter from all partitions for testing purpose.

But when I ran the below expdp with QUERY , it was exporting 100,000 records from each subpartition of the table !!

expdp "'/ as sysdba'" tables = HRTB_CMBH.EMP_DTL dumpfile=EMP_DTL_BKP.dmp DIRECTORY= DATA_PMP1 QUERY=HRTB_CMBH.EMP_DTL:"where rownum < 100001" LOGFILE= exp-partitionedTable.log The log

. . exported "HRTB_CMBH"."EMP_DTL":"TCO_201205"."TCO_201205_IND"  38.48 MB  100000 rows
. . exported "HRTB_CMBH"."EMP_DTL":"TCO_201206"."TCO_201206_IND"  42.51 MB  100000 rows
. . exported "HRTB_CMBH"."EMP_DTL":"TCO_201205"."TCO_201205_HKG"  31.28 MB  100000 rows
. . exported "HRTB_CMBH"."EMP_DTL":"TCO_201206"."TCO_201206_HKG"  32.97 MB  100000 rows


This is not mentioned in the Utitilies document. Is this expected behaviour ?

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Server Utilities :: Syntax Error In Using Query Parameter In Expdp

Aug 17, 2013

I want to take an export of table MESSAGE, and filter it for the day of 17 JUL 2013 (just to limit the size). i used the following expdp command but its not working.

expdp SYSTEM directory=DATA_PUMP_DIR dumpfile=DB_16_08_2013.dmp logfile=FA0001P_BG_16_08_2013.log TABLES=schema.MESSAGE QUERY=schema.MESSAGE:where created_on between to_date('17-July-13 00:00:00','DD-Mon-YY hh24:MI:SS') and to_date('17-July-13 23:59:00','DD-Mon-YY hh24:MI:SS')

But with select query i am able to retrieve the rows for the specific date.

select * from MESSAGE where created_on between to_date('17-July-13 00:00:00','DD-Mon-YY hh24:MI:SS') and to_date('17-July-13 23:59:00','DD-Mon-YY hh24:MI:SS')
Here is the command with syntax error.
[oracle@orcl log]$ expdp SYSTEM directory=DATA_PUMP_DIR dumpfile=DB_16_08_2013.dmp logfile= DB_16_08_2013.log TABLES=schema.MESSAGE QUERY=schema.MESSAGE:where created_on between to_date('17-July-13 00:00:00','DD-Mon-YY hh24:MI:SS') and to_date('17-July-13 23:59:00','DD-Mon-YY hh24:MI:SS')
-bash: syntax error near unexpected token `('

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Application Express :: 4.2 - How To Pass Date Picker Parameter Into Query

Aug 19, 2013

steps to achieve this report I need a Date Column on top of the page Depending on the selected date, Result should be displayed below for e.g. 

suppose i select a date as 14-aug-2013

Enter Report Date ___________________ ( Date Picker)  Location Name      Report Date        Quantity           valueXYS                       14/08/2013          5000            1200000ABCD                     14/08/2013          2000                24000-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------TOTAL                                              7000            1224000 

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Server Utilities :: Query Parameter - Export Subset Of Table Using RowID

Aug 15, 2012

I am exporting using query parameter. I am trying to export subset of table using rowid.

SQL> select rowid , name from tab1;

------------------ ---------------
.................. ....
.................. ....

command given as

exp sam/sam tables=tab1 file=exprwid.dmp query="where ROWID='AAAM0rAAEAAAAGMAAA'" log=log1.log

Export done in US7ASCII character set and AL16UTF16 NCHAR character set
server uses WE8ISO8859P1 character set (possible charset conversion)

About to export specified tables via Conventional Path ...
. . exporting table TAB1
EXP-00056: ORACLE error 911 encountered
ORA-00911: invalid character
Export terminated successfully with warnings.

how can i export this record ?

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Application Express :: Dynamic Reports - Runtime Parameter Passing To Report Query

Jul 27, 2013

I have developed a report using apex shared components (report query and report layout) along with BI Publisher for report printing in pdf format. the Report template is built using Template Builder for Word. I have configured my Apex4.1 env with BI Publisher 11. This report is working fine for hardecode ID ( like REQUEST_ID=10 ).  to make report dynamic i have made following additions in the report 

I have added where clause in report query as WHERE REQUEST_ID = :REQUEST_ID (:REQUEST_ID is the text field in my page).

Added a text field names :REQUEST_ID to get user input at run time.

Create a button and add Repot Query URL in its properties. When i run the report with some valid value in :REQUEST_ID text field  i did not get expected result infect there is no record getting displayed in the PDF file. i think this is not the write way to do this but interestingly im not getting any error. how can i get this functionality in apex this way or the other ?

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Export/Import/SQL Loader :: Expdp Command To Export Table By Specifying Query Parameter

Aug 16, 2013

I am using expdp command to export the table by specifying Query parameter. But i am unable to export the table based on the condition. 

Ex:EXPDP username/password dumpfile=employee.dmp logfile=emp.log directory=DATADIR_EXP TABLES=EMPLOYEE query=EMPLOYEE:"UPDATED_TIME >= '04-JUN-13' AND UPDATED_TIME >= '05-AUG-13'" Estimate in progress using BLOCKS method...Processing object type TABLE_ EXPORT/ TABLE/ TABLE_ DATATotal estimation using BLOCKS method: 3 GBORA-31693: Table data object "<username>"."EMPLOYEE" failed to load/unload and is being skipped due to error:ORA-00933: SQL command not properly endedMaster table "<username>"."EMPLOYEE" successfully loaded/unloaded...Dump file set for <username>.SYS_EXPORT_TABLE_01 is:  E:IMPDPemployee.dmpJob "<username>"."SYS_EXPORT_TABLE_01" completed with 1 error(s) at 12:34:45  Oracle 11g,

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Outer Join On One Column?

Jan 7, 2011

I have two tables A and B

Table A
bill_id number,
bill_line_id number,
month varchar2(12),
year varchar2(4)

Table B
bill_id number,
bill_line_id number,
total_amt number,

For all the records in table B I am trying to get discount information from table A. Each bill_id has one or many billing_line ids.It is not mandatory that all the bill_line_id from table B should be present in table A.in other words: a.bill_id can be 100 and a.bill_line_id = 456 but in table B, for b.bill_id =100 there can be b.bill_line_id = 123 and bill_line_id = 456.

I am joining the 2 tables based on bill_id, bill_line_id, and the start and end date.I am not sure how the outer join is done...Basically for every bill_id i need all bill_line id from table A.I am not sure how to *outer join on only one column*. When i tried it did not fetch all the rows from A.

select *
from table B left outer join table A on
a.bill_line_id = b.bill_line_id
and a.month = TRIM (TO_CHAR (b.sale_begin, 'Month'))
and a.year = extract(year from b.sale_begin)
where a.bill_id = b.bill_id

This is what I need: for every bill_line_id in table B i need discount information from table A if that bill_line_id is not in table A, the discount can be null. But, the bill_line_id in A and B should be for the same bill_id a.bill_id = b.bill_id and the outer join ......

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Inner And Outer Loop In Cursor?

Jul 9, 2013

FOR i IN 1 .. 10


Assume the above is my code; there is inner and outer block.

Currently if inner block is failed, the outer block also going to exception block

But, my requirement is if inner block is failed it should not go to outer block, still the loop should continue and print 1...10 rows

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SQL & PL/SQL :: OUTER Join That Gives No Result

Aug 17, 2012

i have the following problem

select dem.NUM_PCE, memo.comment
from demand dem, dem_comment memo
where CONCAT(dem.NUM_PCE,dem.NUM_DEMANDE) = memo.parentId (+)
and memo.dateCreation = (select MAX(DEM_DATE_CREATION_MEMO)
FROM dem_comment memo
WHERE memo.parentId = CONCAT(dem.NUM_PCE,dem.NUM_DEMANDE))

I should have a result with this request but there's nothing and the problem come from the fact that when the following condition is not met, there are no resulty even if there's an outer join

and memo.dateCreation = (select MAX(DEM_DATE_CREATION_MEMO)
FROM dem_comment memo
WHERE memo.parentId = CONCAT(dem.NUM_PCE,dem.NUM_DEMANDE))

This condition makes Oracle ignores the outer join..I have tried to add this:

select dem.NUM_PCE, memo.comment
from demand dem, dem_comment memo
where CONCAT(dem.NUM_PCE,dem.NUM_DEMANDE) = memo.parentId (+)
and (memo.dateCreation = (select MAX(DEM_DATE_CREATION_MEMO)
FROM dem_comment memo
WHERE memo.parentId = CONCAT(dem.NUM_PCE,dem.NUM_DEMANDE))
or memo.dateCreation is null)

but there are too much records and the result is not consistent

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Outer Join With Cut-off Condition

Mar 10, 2010

Suppose I have two tables



Transaction may have returned transactions. We use outer join to join the tables using TXN_ID. We have a report that shows the following data...The report use the following basic query to check all transactions with returned transactions information...Quote:

SELECT t.txn_id,
return_transaction rt
WHERE t.txn_id = rt.txn_id (+)
100, 2010/03/10, 500
102, 2010/03/11, 501

If user want to check all transactions with no returned transactions, a where clause is appended to the query

SELECT t.txn_id,
return_transaction rt
WHERE t.txn_id = rt.txn_id (+)
FROM return_transaction rt
WHERE t.txn_id = rt.txn_id),0) = 0

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Use Outer Join With Decode

Sep 19, 2012

I need to apply an outer join on following statement.

Select * From Abc A,Def B
Where Decode(A.Fin_Wid,10,A.Gry_Wid,A.Fin_Wid)=B.Fin_Wid;

I used following but error

Select * From Abc A,Def B
Where Decode(A.Fin_Wid,10,A.Gry_Wid,A.Fin_Wid)(+)=B.Fin_Wid;

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Time Bucket Outer

Aug 16, 2012

I need joining the below 2 tables. I had used "between and " for Joining the table by using Inner Bound and Outer bound Key Columns and i use (current date - due_dt) for day calculation

My requirement is to show all the time buckets if at all no days falls in the particular time bucket.as like Outer join on Time bucket table


SNo Due_dt AMT

Time Bucket

TB_IDTB_DESCReserve%Innner Bound outer Bound
1011-72.25 1 7
1028-302.5 8 30
10331-603 31 60
10461-901.75 61 90
10591-1201.5 91 120
106121-1801.25 121 180
107180+0 181 99999

Expected Output


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SQL & PL/SQL :: Using Outer Join Outside To_char?

Apr 1, 2008

I need to use an outer join outside a to_char

to_char(the_date_field,'YYYYWW')(+) = '200815'

This throws up the error ORA-00936 missing expression.

I know it will work if I put the (+) right after the date before the mask but it need to check the week rather than the date.

I have tried using a function based index without success.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Double Right Outer Join

Oct 12, 2011

I have a query which does a double right outer join, and I need it to be rewritten using the newer syntax.

The previous query had the following clause:


Or you can think of it generically as:

T1.T2_FK (+)= T2.ID AND
T2.T3_FK (+)= T3.ID

How would this be written using the newer syntax?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Full Outer Join?

Oct 19, 2011

I am trying to use Full Outer Join, here is the DB version and test case

Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - Production
With the Partitioning, OLAP and Data Mining options
create table tab1 (The_Date DATE, x_ID varchar2(4), x_CODE varchar2(10),
r_qty number(8))
create table tab2 (The_Date DATE, x_ID varchar2(4), x_CODE varchar2(10),
o_qty number(8))

tab1 can have multiple records for key fields The_Date + x_ID + x_CODE
insert into tab1
values (to_date(sysdate)-2, '001', 'ABC', 100)
insert into tab1


tab2 should have unique record for key fields The_Date + x_ID + x_CODE

insert into tab2
values (to_date(sysdate)-2, '001', 'ABC', 1000)
insert into tab2
values (to_date(sysdate)-2, '001', 'XYZ', 1500)


--------- ---- ---------- ---------
17-OCT-11 001 ABC 100
17-OCT-11 001 ABC 100
17-OCT-11 001 ABC 100
17-OCT-11 001 XYZ 1000
18-OCT-11 001 ABC 200


When I tried my SQL statement as below it is not showing what i expected, but where and what it is? this approach is correct or not

devtest@ Test.DB> select a.the_date,
2 a.x_ID,
3 a.x_code,
4 sum(a.o_qty) o_qty, sum(b.r_qty) r_qty
5 from tab2 a full outer join tab1 b


I want output as below:

--------- ---- ---------- --------- ---------
17-OCT-11 001 ABC 1000 300 -- here O_QTY should be 1000
17-OCT-11 001 XYZ 1500 1000
18-OCT-11 001 ABC 500 600 -- here O_QTY should be 500
19-OCT-11 001 ABC 500
18-OCT-11 001 XYZ 2000 -- here The_Date, x_ID and x_CODE should appear


devtest@ Test.DB> ed
Wrote file afiedt.buf
1 with data1 as (select the_date, x_ID, x_CODE, sum(o_qty) o_qty
2 from tab2


now only the required is values of THE_DATE, X_ID and X_CODE of Last Record.Still asking about, is it correct approach ?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Insert And Outer Join

Aug 13, 2011

I am working on a query that has outer joins. The result of this query has to be stored into a table. When i execute this query alone (without INSERT command) it works absolutely fine but when i put the INSERT statement it gives me the error message "ORA-01719: outer join operator (+) not allowed in operand of OR or IN". The thing is I dont have an IN or OR in my query. I am in the middle of something

Attached is the screen shot of both the result and the error message. Query mentioned below:

<INSERT into table query comes here..>
select * from (
SELECT yy.ACCOUNTID, yy.dump_date, yy.balance, yy.Last_30days_activity,zz.GSM_Balance, nvl(yy.SUM_GSM_REV, 0) from


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SQL & PL/SQL :: Outer Join 3 Tables

Jan 23, 2013

I'm wondering what part of this query is wrong because obviously I'm not getting the desired results.

select a.iss_id,C.ISSR_ID
from ft_t_isid a left outer join ft_t_issu b on a.INSTR_ID=b.INSTR_ID
left outer join ft_t_irid c on b.INSTR_ISSR_ID=c.INSTR_ISSR_ID
and a.ISS_ID in ('CA13606ZDD20',


I know that the problem is in the joins. I expect to get 9 rows of result but I get a lot more and they are not even what I'm looking for.

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PL/SQL :: How To Use Outer Join Condition

Jun 27, 2013

How to use outer join condition in my below query.In the table  APPS_JP.GEDIS_OFFER_HEADER goh I have more recordsin the table APPS_JP.GEDIS_ORDER_BUILDS gob I have less number of records.  I want all the records from

APPS_JP.GEDIS_OFFER_HEADER goh including other conditions.I have tried goh.OFFER_NO=gob.OFFER_NO(+) but same result.  [code]SELECT   GOH.ORIG_SYSTEM,           gsp.USER_NAME,           goh.ORDER_NO,           goh.OMEGA_ORDER_NUMBER,           goh.ORDER_TYPE,           gc.CUSTOMER_ID,           gc.OMEGA_CUSTOMER_NUMBER,           CASE WHEN gc.PRIVATE = 'N' THEN gc.CUSTOMER_NAME ELSE ''


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