SQL & PL/SQL :: Set Transaction Use Rollback?

Aug 31, 2013

Having PL/SQL procedure and calling sys dba procedure to alter rollback segment to online and after that to set the transaction to this rollback. The rollback altered to online but transaction still running on available rollback and not the one I was meant to. The user have executing grant on the sys dba procedure.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Commit Or Rollback?

Mar 26, 2010

, which operator is more costly (Commit or Rollback) in terms of performance?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Rollback A Script

Apr 18, 2012

i have a problem that i have run a script in a database which is generated after taking diff from another same structured database and exit normally from sql prompt then is there anyway in oracle to rollback this whole script(means want to make database as it was before running script) or not?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Rollback After Commit

Mar 23, 2013

How to rollback after commit.

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Rollback In Sqlplus?

Aug 19, 2012

when i enter a sql * plus session an do a rollback; (without performing anything), always a "rollback complete" message appears even if there is nothing to rollback.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: TRUNCATE Can Rollback Data?

Jun 4, 2013

I have found one interview question no.7 @ [URL] According to that it can be rollbackQuote:The truncate command is a DDL operation and just moves the high water mark and produces few rollback data.

But, I read That is not true in the case of oracle but it is true in the case of SQL Server.

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Rollback Segments Goes Offline Often?

Mar 25, 2013

I have an issue that whenever i restart my system, one of my rollback segment goes offline.

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Unable To Extend Rollback Segments?

May 7, 2011

User got ORA-01555 error , And My database is runnong with rollback segments ?
User got following error ? ORA-01555 'UNABLE TO EXTEND ROLLBACK SEGMENT RBS_O4'

After that I try like this :

ERROR at line 1:
ORA-02221: invalid MAXEXTENTS storage option value

What I have to do? means complete command ?

here I am pasting my db information;
2 3 ;


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Server Administration :: Commit And Rollback?

Oct 14, 2010

On a huge transaction the buffer cache gets fulled and on that case oracle automatically writes to the data files. And as such when we issue commit statement it does not take more time. It only writes the dirty buffers to the dirty buffers to the datafiles.

When we rollback does the data gets erased from the datafile. What is the mechanism of rolling back ? It should be clearing the dirty buffers for sure.

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Rollback Segment Number 2 With Name _SYSSMU2$ Too Small

Nov 3, 2010

While taking backup of schema using Expdp, I got the following error on one of the tables in the schema due to which export for this table could not be done.

Re: ORA-01555: snapshot too old: rollback segment number 2 with name "_SYSSMU2$" too small.

Undo retention time is 14400 sec and Undo Tablespace is Auto Extensible. Table to be exported contains 100 crore rows.

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Client Tools :: Spool Output And Rollback

Oct 26, 2011

I need to do the following via the sql plus command prompt :

1. Execute a large ".pls" script file which does various inserts and updates to a table.
2. Spool the output of "select * from updatedtable;" to a text file to see the changes made.
3. Rollback all the updates and inserts in the script.

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Server Administration :: Rollback Segment Too Small ORA-01555

Jan 19, 2012

One of the users received the error
ora-01555: rollback segment too small

I have read about the error and saw that it is caused by transactions made upon same data, filling to maximum one of the UNDOTBS rollback segments.It happens only once in a while, each time on a different Rollback Segment.

I've read that i should do a few things to enlarge those segments, such as bring a 1. segment offline, 2. drop it and then 3. create it with a bigger size & possibly a bigger extent setting

i've also read that those actions aren't relevant if you have the parameter UNDO_MANAGEMENT set on AUTO, which is actually the case.is that why when i execute ALTER ROLLBACK SEGMENT RB_SEG_NAME_11$ OFFLINE;

1. How do i solve my issue with the Rollback segment being too small to contain the snapshot with the requested SCN?

2. what does the parameter UNDO_MANAGEMENT mean? should i change it, in order to adjust my Rollback Segments attributes, to prevent my error of re-occurring?

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How To Check / Find Size Of Current ROLLBACK Segment

Apr 8, 2013

How to check/find the size of current ROLLBACK segment in oracle 10g ?

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Active Rollback Segments Generating Archive Logs?

Oct 25, 2012

I have a active rollback segments. I am not able to drop the undo tablespace of this segment and archive logs are getting created.

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Workflow :: How To Revert Back Or Rollback A Process To Its Initial Step

Oct 15, 2012

I have a standard workflow process which was started but got completed without performing all the process.The process had to generate two(Comments & Approval) notifications but generated only one & as the user responded to the notification it got completed without invoking the approval process.Now I need the workflow to be rolled back to the initial step to restart the whole process again.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: What Is Autonomous Transaction

Jul 28, 2010

what is autonomous transaction

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Client IP Of Previous Transaction

Mar 11, 2013

Is it possible for me as a DBA to find IP address of the client who ran a specific transaction or query in past?

Oracle server version I'm using is 11g.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: DBA Pending Transaction In Database

Jun 16, 2011

application was not starting due to some pending transaction in database.Pending transactions were rolled back by DBA team.To avoid such situations what I thought was, having a job that will call a procedure that will monitor table status everyday and will send the mail. Now that job is working fine for no pending transactions in DBA_PENDING_TRANSACTIONS.

But now I am in doubt if someday there are PENDING TRANSACTIONs in the table DBA_PENDING_TRANSACTIONS, will SELECT * FROM DBA_ PENDING_ TRANSACTIONs query will work as normal or this whole process of monitoring table and sending mail will work fine?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Further Changes To Block By Transaction Not Allowed

Jun 6, 2011

Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bi
PL/SQL Release - Production
TNS for Solaris: Version - Production
NLSRTL Version - Production

We are running a code through informatica and are frequently getting the ORA-08007. The error and the code causing it are mentioned below. (The '?' implies a variable which is supplied by informatica). The source is a flat file.

ORA-08007: Further changes to this block by this transaction not allowed

UPDATE table_20
SET capxuser = ?,
capxtimestamp = ?,
capxaction = ?,


1. Tried initially by reducing the commit interval to commit at 100 rows. But still getting the same error.
2. DBA has installed the patch # 6790768. But it still fails.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Get First Transaction For Every Unique Client

Nov 2, 2010

I have a table called pf_stock_txns which just stores all of a clients transactions

If I do select distinct(client_id) from pf_stock_txns then I get back a unqiue list of all clients.

However, I need a query that will give me the first transaction for every unqiue client.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Commit By Changes In Database After Second Transaction?

Aug 26, 2012

I hv a situation where a webservice interacts with the database.

Here the webservice will first make a request to database for some operation but i dont want the database to commit changes in first request itself. A response will be sent to webservice further a second request will be sent to database for committing the changes. So can that be done?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Retrieve Records Of 2 Way Transaction

Apr 13, 2011

I want Query on this table. EXAMPLE TABLE:


A B 1000
B C 2000
A D 3000
C A 3000
B A 4000
A B 5000
A B 1000
B C 2000
C A 3000
B A 4000
A B 5000
A C 10000

Dynamically I am giving user name A. I want to retrieve the data how much money user B taken from user A and how much money user B given to A lly for C and D.

CONDITION: I want to retrieve the records of 2 way transaction that means user A sent money to user B and user B must sent money to user A. I don't want one way transaction records i.e user A sent money to D but user A didn't get money from user D like this records.


B 12000 8000
C 10000 6000

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Can Use Autonomous Transaction In Procedure

Feb 9, 2011


end procedure1;

i want save the transaction for specific stmt how do i do it

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Distributed Transaction - Ensure Commit

Jun 26, 2013

Query in format Query@DB_Link is sometimes dropping transactions. Move it to a package on target dababase "B" called from DATABASE "A" via package.procedure(varaibles);

Is that all I need to do to get the transaction to always go? I tried a commit in the package body, with repeated attempts if it fails. Btu when I use commit, the package doesn't work. (Compiles fine) Why would the commit fail?

My goal is to make that the transaction succeeds.Code for what I tried below. the COMMIT is commented out - if I uncomment it, the transaction fails. I have done this before calling an oracle SP from SQLServer and it worked


The loop is to avoid an endless cycle..The concept is to perform the update, commit it, if the commit fails, rollback and try again.I'm not sure if I even need a loop, but I don't know if the unresolved transaction would get fixed by the remote DB, or dropped.

vPart_ID varchar2,
vEngineering_Mstr varchar2,
vCommodity_code varchar2,
vDef_orig_country varchar2,
vDescription varchar2,

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Unexplainable Exclusive Transaction Locks?

Aug 23, 2010

I have a job which runs the procedure below concurrently in 4 different sessions; It updates two tables.

PROCEDURE UPDATE_TAB_1_AND_TAB_2( traceIdTab IN pl_sql table,
individualIdTab IN pl_sql table,
fileSeqIdTab IN pl_sql table,


Each session is passed a sequence generated file ID; so the records processed in each session are completely different.

However, everytime this job runs, without failure, ONLY TWO sessions process concurrently, while the other two sessions are blocked. Once the first two have finished, then the remaining two sessions start work.

I have being monitoring the sessions on each run daily, and realized that the first two sessions processing are each holding a transaction exclusive lock on objects; hence blocking the other two sessions.

When I tried to find the objects that the two running sessions have a lock on, I cant seem to find anything by searching DBA_OBJECTS.object_id. However, when I look for the objects that are being waited on, its either a partitioned table or a partitioned index on either table_1 or table_2.

At first, I thought it was an ITL lock and after much analysis, I did not find anything which definitely pointed to an ITL lock. However, just to make sure, I increased the INITTRANS value from 2 to 5, but the problem did not go away.

At this point, I have applied all I know to understand the origin of the TX lock and how I can work around this situation, and decided to ask higher powers in Oracle for advise.

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Oracle Trigger On Transaction Commit

Nov 29, 2007

I am working with an oracle table that is populated by a trigger on another table.. So Table A is an audit of table B. The trigger also uses sysdate to populate a modification Date column on the Audit table.

I was using this modification Date column in a query interface to get changes that happened on the main table after a certain date/time.

The problem is that there is an application that uses transactions to write to table B and sometime this transaction may not be committed for over a minute so the modification Date is not a reliable way to query the table for changes after a certain time.

Is there a way to update the trigger/create a new one where the sysdate that gets written to the audit table is from when the transaction is committed, not when the transaction starts?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Retrieve IP Address For Client Who Do The Transaction

Apr 19, 2011

am using oracle 10g

and i want to retrieve IP address for client who do the transaction

and i try to using some selects like select terminal from v4session but it return the IP for application server

so i think to use commands ipconfig

how can i call windows commands by oracle

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Manage Transaction When Called From Java?

Jun 21, 2010

A Java program would call a sequence of 5 PLSQL procedures, and they all need to participates the Tranasction defined in Java.

What do I do for the transactions inside PLSQL to ensure all 5 pariticpate in the Java transaction? I suppose I just do not specify any COMMIT in the PLSQL, but that probably would not work as PLSQL would COMMIT by default after exiting the proc?

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Transaction To Be Updated To Master Table

Feb 16, 2012

I have approximately 1200 transaction to be updated to a master table. There are other columns in the master table but only one column is being updated. I would like to use sqlloader if possible or any other efficient means. Those 1200 record is stored in an excel spreadsheet. The col1 of the excel spreadsheet have to match col1 of the master table inorder for update col2 from the excel spreadsheet. Here is an example of the data. My operation system is HPUX and database is Oracle 10g.

Master table
col1 col2 col3 col 4
4238 susan 56e
5879 h698c rich 12g
7091 joyce 34b
0876 mike 25n
7501 k956b robert 87c
9498 angela 67r
3645 doris 92y

excel spreadsheet

col1 col2
9498 a784r
3645 a784r
4238 a784r
7091 a784r
0876 a784r

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Transaction Table - Index Recreation?

Aug 3, 2010

There is a transaction table which becomes very slow after 3-4 months in spite on regular weekly analyze and index recreation.

But once we drop the constraint (PK) and recreate it again it becomes ok. The same doesn't happen even when we rebuild the index.

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