Rollback Segment Number 2 With Name _SYSSMU2$ Too Small
Nov 3, 2010
While taking backup of schema using Expdp, I got the following error on one of the tables in the schema due to which export for this table could not be done.
Re: ORA-01555: snapshot too old: rollback segment number 2 with name "_SYSSMU2$" too small.
Undo retention time is 14400 sec and Undo Tablespace is Auto Extensible. Table to be exported contains 100 crore rows.
One of the users received the error ora-01555: rollback segment too small
I have read about the error and saw that it is caused by transactions made upon same data, filling to maximum one of the UNDOTBS rollback segments.It happens only once in a while, each time on a different Rollback Segment.
I've read that i should do a few things to enlarge those segments, such as bring a 1. segment offline, 2. drop it and then 3. create it with a bigger size & possibly a bigger extent setting
i've also read that those actions aren't relevant if you have the parameter UNDO_MANAGEMENT set on AUTO, which is actually the that why when i execute ALTER ROLLBACK SEGMENT RB_SEG_NAME_11$ OFFLINE;
1. How do i solve my issue with the Rollback segment being too small to contain the snapshot with the requested SCN?
2. what does the parameter UNDO_MANAGEMENT mean? should i change it, in order to adjust my Rollback Segments attributes, to prevent my error of re-occurring?
i have a problem that i have run a script in a database which is generated after taking diff from another same structured database and exit normally from sql prompt then is there anyway in oracle to rollback this whole script(means want to make database as it was before running script) or not?
Having PL/SQL procedure and calling sys dba procedure to alter rollback segment to online and after that to set the transaction to this rollback. The rollback altered to online but transaction still running on available rollback and not the one I was meant to. The user have executing grant on the sys dba procedure.
when i enter a sql * plus session an do a rollback; (without performing anything), always a "rollback complete" message appears even if there is nothing to rollback.
I have found one interview question no.7 @ [URL] According to that it can be rollbackQuote:The truncate command is a DDL operation and just moves the high water mark and produces few rollback data.
But, I read That is not true in the case of oracle but it is true in the case of SQL Server.
User got ORA-01555 error , And My database is runnong with rollback segments ? User got following error ? ORA-01555 'UNABLE TO EXTEND ROLLBACK SEGMENT RBS_O4'
After that I try like this :
What I have to do? means complete command ?
On a huge transaction the buffer cache gets fulled and on that case oracle automatically writes to the data files. And as such when we issue commit statement it does not take more time. It only writes the dirty buffers to the dirty buffers to the datafiles.
When we rollback does the data gets erased from the datafile. What is the mechanism of rolling back ? It should be clearing the dirty buffers for sure.
I need to do the following via the sql plus command prompt :
1. Execute a large ".pls" script file which does various inserts and updates to a table. 2. Spool the output of "select * from updatedtable;" to a text file to see the changes made. 3. Rollback all the updates and inserts in the script.
I have a standard workflow process which was started but got completed without performing all the process.The process had to generate two(Comments & Approval) notifications but generated only one & as the user responded to the notification it got completed without invoking the approval process.Now I need the workflow to be rolled back to the initial step to restart the whole process again.
I have a 10g database and on a specific day of everymonth, a query appears to cause a performance issue. As i have analyzed, there are two small tables of 11MB in size and the query goes for higher number of executions/gets/reads/elapsed time etc. So as the tables are very small in size, i am planning to pin both of these tables in SGA buffer pool keep memory. I need few clarifications...
*These tables are Dynamic in nature and the row data tends to change everyday. If i pin these objects in Keep buffer pool, will this dynamic changes to the table made also be reflected in the pinned buffer pool?
*Will this have any adverse effect?
*My SGA_TARGET is set equal to SGA_MAX_SIZE which is 1532MB. Do i need to change any memory setting before pinning these objects?
*On every restart of the database, do i need to again execute the pin commands for these objects.
I did some google searches about large number of extents and ASSM. I see bits and pieces on the web. This is something I need to look at while testing an application. Not looking to go into 'why' I would use smaller extents, I just want to make sure I have what I need to look for during testing..Issues with massive numbers of extents:
1. DBA_EXTENTS query is really slow. 2. issues truncating tables (due to having to read lots of extents) 3. issues splitting maxvalue partitions and with dropping partitions. 4. if I stay away from ASSM, would this reduce these issues? Are there any other performance issues or other issues I need to know about to check when I do tests?
Any issues with query or insert wait time? The tables that would get smaller events would have thousands of partitions/sub-partitions . Most of these sub-partitions will be rather smaller.I just want to test for a variety of different cases. The 'why' will come out during testing.
I read the Website URL....and searching now for an alternative way for a small Oracle DB around 120 - 250 GB Data.I cant find any DRAM SSD that seems to suite the needs of such a small amount of data to a valuable price.
The only Hdd i found is URL... but im not sure if thats the right thing and if its possible to still buy such a device.where do we get such a device in Europe(swiss) and what would be the price for such a device?
Do i need to make a special setup within oracle (11g R2) to get the maximum out of such a DRAM SSD?
I'm trying to create a table with a select statement. I want to populate this new table with the aggregated value from a VIEW. Following is the code used for creating the VIEW,
create or replace view FINAL_WEB_LOG as select SESSION_ID, SESSION_DT, C_IP, CS_USER_AGENT, tab_to_string(CAST(COLLECT(web_link) AS t_varchar2_tab)) WEBLINKS from web_views_tab group by C_IP, CS_USER_AGENT, SESSION_DT;
I want to create a table with WEBLINKS and SESSION_ID which is a sequence from another table.
This now gives me the following error,
SQL Error: ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character string buffer too small
This has to do with the field, Weblinks, it does have longer values.
How can i increase the sga_target in this case.Im unable to create a pfile.
SQL> startup ORA-01078: failure in processing system parameters ORA-00821: Specified value of sga_target 2048M is too small, needs to be at least 4112M SQL> startup nomount
The $ORACLE_HOME/dbs location has a spfile.
more initQR01MRA1.ora SPFILE='+DB_DATA/QR01MRA/spfile'
I am working to understand the space allocation of table with the value we provided with the data type. For that I have created a table with varchar2 and length 50. Size of table created is of 65536 Bytes. This is when we don't have any insertion in the table. Later when we insert some rows, total size if the segment still remain same that is 65536 bytes.
Now again when I created table with varchar2 and length this time is 500 but still it is created with same size that is 65536. So can you just explain, on what values segment size depends on and how the length effect the size & space allocation.
"This is just for testing 123. This is just for testing 45654. This is just for testing 5567876. This is just for testing 53456547. This is just for testing 123423. This is just for testing 98090. This is just for testing 099473. This is just for testing. This is just for testing. This is just for testing 3. This is just for testing 34983245983. This is just for testing 6432."
I need to divide this sting after every 100 characters, as the length of column to insert is 100. And i do not want to modify the column as it has great impact. I need to divide the string, such that it should be less then 100 characters also the string is not cut in between.
like: first string: "This is just for testing 123. This is just for testing 45654. This is just for testing 5567876."
then 2nd string: "This is just for testing 53456547. This is just for testing 123423. This is just for testing 98090."
then 3rd string: "This is just for testing 099473. This is just for testing. This is just for testing. This is just for testing 3."
Version: 10.2, 11.2Platform : Unix, Linux flavours
Question1. From googling , I gather that ASSM ( Automatic Segment Space Management ) is a new method used by Oracle to manage space inside data block. If this is the case, then it should have been named 'Automatic Block Space management' . Right ?
Question2.What was the most notable advantage in your opinion in using ASSM as opposed Manual Segment space management ?
Does It can not shrink in manual space managment tablespace?
I was confused by the error ORA-10637: The segment does not exist
create tablespace test_manual datafile 'd:oracleoradataorcl est_manual.dbf' size 100m segment space management manual create user test_man identified by hxl default tablespace test_manual; grant create session to test_man; grant resource to test_man;
I noticed my DB is generating a lot of "small" .arc files and I am usure why. As you can see from the v$log query my log file size is set to 50MB. But yet BLOCKS*BLOCK_SIZE never adds up to 50MB.
Is there anything else I can look into to see how to make the .arc files larger?
am using Oracle on win 2008 server SP2. I would like to know if we can set the Segment Space Management feature to AUTO for RBS and Temporary tablespaces. As the data is not permanent in these tablespaces, will it manage automatically?
Presently its Segment Space Mgmt is manual for System, RBS, Temporary tablespaces.