SQL & PL/SQL :: Create Oracle Objects (Views) Using Conditional Compilation?

Jun 6, 2011

it is possible to create Oracle objects(Views) using Conditional compilation?

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Objects :: During Compilation - Says Does Not Exist?

Mar 21, 2013

I listed invalid object, but when compile object, say that not exist.

--------------------------------- --------------------

ERROR at line 1:
ORA-04043: object PCK_PIR_NFEL_MILLENIUM does not exist

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Server Administration :: Objects Invalid Due To Auto-compilation

Jun 27, 2012

One of my friends is facing a peculiar problem where objects are getting "Invalid" during execution I suspect it is happening as they are changing system date during their testing (time travel) which can create conflicted last_ddl_time on objects having dependencies

Consider a scenario

[1] system date is 10-06-2012 there are total 10 objects which has status as 'valid'

[2] the system date is changed to 10-07-2012 Now out of 10 Only 5 objects are compiled During execution ORA-04065,ORA-06508, ORA-06512 are observed

[3] the system date is brought back to 10-06-2012 Again during execution ORA-04065,ORA-06508, ORA-06512 are observed

suppose in step 2 objects are compiled whereas there synonyms are compiled in step 1, only thus last_ddl_time for objects will be later to that of its' synonym...

Does database validate last_ddl_time for objects having dependency during execution and then auto-compiles or invalidates the objects?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Create Or Replace - Package Body Created With Compilation Errors

Mar 8, 2012

CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE pkg_mkt_hub_load_collection
PROCEDURE sp_final_load_mkt_hub;
END pkg_mkt_hub_load_collection;
CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE BODY pkg_mkt_hub_load_collection
c_default_limit CONSTANT PLS_INTEGER:=5000;


show error

error code

SQL> @pkg_mkt_hub_load_collection.sql
Package created.
Warning: Package Body created with compilation errors.
-------- -----------------------------------------------------------------
57/4 PL/SQL: Statement ignored
PLS-00306: wrong number or types of arguments in call to 'MULTISET_INTERSECT_ALL'

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Create Dynamic Views

Jun 26, 2010

How to create dynamic views? I need literature on dynamic views.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Create Materialized Views On A Database

Jan 5, 2011

I'm trying to create a materialized view on a database on my local laptop, and when I execute the create it fails with the following error: ORA-06550: line 1, column 60:

PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol ".16" when expecting one of the following: . ( @ ; with the table name highlighted.

select EXTRACTVALUE (rawxml, '/Test.class/@ID') AS col1,
EXTRACTVALUE (rawxml, '/test.class/test.attribute.name') AS col2,
where Type = 'test.classvalue';

The query on its own though executes fine.

select EXTRACTVALUE (rawxml, '/Test.class/@ID') AS col1,
EXTRACTVALUE (rawxml, '/test.class/test.attribute.name') AS col2,
where Type = 'test.classvalue';

Is there something wrong with the table setup? I have tried creating a public synonym and still the error comes up.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Oracle 9i - Conditional Statement

May 9, 2011

The conditional statements should not only be executed in sequence, but also if any of them are true they should not be overridden by any subsequent conditional statements being true.

When actual effort Accepted or Rejected for AST proposals and calculate a flag for "enhance to AST guideline" = Y/N as follows for each employee and display at the employee level

1)If AST eligibility = N AND proposed AST % >0, then "N"
2)Else If AST eligibility = N AND proposed AST % = 0 then "n/a"
3)Else If AST eligibility = Y AND Act Rank = 3 AND proposed AST = 0 then "Y"
4)Else If AST eligibility = Y AND Act Rank = 3 AND proposed AST >0 then "N"
5)Else If AST eligibility = Y AND Act Rank = 2 AND proposed AST = 0 then "Y"
6)Else If AST eligibility = Y AND AST % is greater than or equal to the AST guideline minimum AND less than or equal to the AST guideline maximum, then "Y"
7)Else If AST eligibility = Y AND AST % is less than the minimum guideline OR greater than the maximum guideline, then "N"

I tried the following code but I am not getting the expected result .

if (upper(P_stat)='ACCEPTED' or upper(P_stat) like 'REJECTED%') then
else if NVL(P_elgi,'N') <> 'Y' AND P_prop > '0' then
P_flag := 'N';
else if(NVL(P_elgi,'N') <> 'Y' AND P_prop = '0') then

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Check System Views When Create Table Privilege

Jan 4, 2013

I'm new to oracle DB,i've been given access to Oracle as a user. when i try to create a table under my default schema i get the insufficient privileges error.

How do i check from the system views if i have create table privilege under my own schema?

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Forms :: Create Temporary Objects Through 10g?

Jan 11, 2011

How can be create temporary objects through forms 10g?

In oracle we can create a temporary table so similarly by using forms_ddl can we create a temporary table?

Are there any other temporary objects?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: ORA-04089 / Cannot Create Triggers On Objects Owned By SYS

Oct 10, 2011

now i can log in but here i faced with another erorr, while i am creating a trigger it gives the following erorr:

SQL> ed
Wrote file afiedt.buf
1 create or replace trigger trgr
2 before insert on myTable
3 for each row
4 begin
5 select mySequence.nextval into :new.ID from dual;
6* end;
SQL> /
create or replace trigger trgr
ERROR at line 1:ORA-04089: cannot create triggers on objects owned by SYS

note: i tried and gave different names for the trigger, still it is the same.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Create Two Objects In Different Schemas In A Single Database?

Jul 25, 2010

Is it possible to create two objects in different schemas in a single database.

For example in Schema A, table "T1" is there, is to possible to create a table with the same name "T1" in Schema B.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Create Materialized Views Depending On Sysdate With Enable Query Rewrite Option

Mar 28, 2011

I want to create a materialized view for the last 10 days with the enable query rewrite option.

e.g. i want to create a view with the list of employees who joined the company in the last 10 days.

create materialized view M_Employee
refresh fast on commit
enable query rewrite as
select joining_date , name
where joining_datde < TRUNC(sysdate) - 10

I seem to get the error SQL Error: ORA-30353: expression not supported for query rewrite

30353. 00000 - "expression not supported for query rewrite"
*Cause: The select clause referenced UID, USER, ROWNUM, SYSDATE.

This error is self explanatory , but is there any work around to have a query liek this to list the employees based on sysdate.

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Forms :: Finding Out Port Number And Oracle ID For Compilation?

May 21, 2010

Is there any way i could figure out what is the current port number used in an existing setup of oracle forms in a linux server.

Is there any specific oracle id i should use to compile oracle forms on server?

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Server Administration :: Graphical Analysis Of Dynamic Performance Views (V$ Views)?

Nov 5, 2012

is there some open source or free tool which can graphical display V$ Views. Can TOAD do that in a good maner?

in UNIX there is the "sar" command, but a Java tool "ksar" for displaying the statistics in user friendly fashion.

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Refresh Materialized Views Based On Remote Views?

Aug 4, 2011

I have a created a materialized view which is based on a view on remote database. Now how do I refresh the view.

Materialized view is created by


I am wondering how the refersh happens or how do I specify the refresh clause.REFRESH FAST option is looking for VIEW LOG on the master table but in this case its a remote view, so I cannot create any object on remote db.

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PL/SQL :: Get List Of Materialized Views / Views Using Column Of Table

Oct 17, 2013

I am removing sal column from table tab_emp; i want to check whether any materialized view or view using this column by  querying using data dictionary :- if i use like condition against query column of all_mviews it is throwing error sicne it is long data type. is there a way to search it without creating any function and use it in a query.

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Convert Some Existing Materialized Views (fast Refresh) To Partition Materialized Views

Jul 7, 2010

I have to convert some existing materialized views (fast refresh) to partition materialized views.

Database version is oracle I have decided to use on prebuilt table option to do the partitioning as it minimizes the time to transfer from the master site.

1) stop replication
1) create interim tables with similar structure as the materialized views
2) transfer all data from the materialized views to the interim tables
4) script out the materialized views structure and add in on prebuilt table option in the scripts
5) drop the materialized views
6) rename the interim tables with the same name as the materialized views
7) run the scripts to create the materialized views with on prebuilt table option
8) refresh the newly created materialized views -> it should take a short time since I am using on prebuilt table option

But I am facing one major issue. That is if I drop the materialized views, the materialized view logs of the master tables are purged. When the materialized views are refreshed fast, there are some data missing. the data that are purged out when the materialized view are dropped.

Do you happen to know other ways that existing materialized views can be converted to partitioned materialized views? Do you have any workaround to prevent the materialized view logs from being purged?

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Oracle Materialized Views - Refresh Combinations

Dec 10, 2012

I'd like to set up a new Oracle Materialzed View to automatically default to refresh FAST every hour. I have no trouble setting this up in the CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW statement. However, we will occasionally be performing table maintenance on the table referenced by the MV. At that time I would like to use dbms_mview.REFRESH to execute a refresh ON COMMAND (either F or C depending on the operation weperformed on the table). I have read that this will override the automatic refresh every hour that was set up for the MV when it was created. However - wil the override be permanent? Or will the MV continue to automaticaly FAST refresh every hour after the ON COMMAND refresh is completed?

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Migrate MySQL 5.0 Objects To Oracle 11g

Jan 23, 2013

I`m migrating a mysql 5.0 database to Oracle 11g. I used Oracle's Sql developer and with a workaround i could convert tables, constraints, indexes, some triggers and created sequences.

My question is, what happen with stored procedures and functions, they didn't pass. I've been searching and i found here hey have to be rewritten. Is there any way to convert those objects ? I can't afford to do it manually because the mysql database has almost 400 of them and they aren't small.

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PL/SQL :: Oracle Objects - Insert Particular Attributes

Apr 4, 2013

I'm using the below data base version

Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production.

I have created a pl sql type as object with five attributes as below.Now im trying to insert only 3 attributes with the attribute names ( As like insert into statement with column names).

Create type address_test as object (
              Streetno varchar2(20),
              Locality varchar2(20),
              City varchar2(20),
              Pin varchar2(7),
              Country varchar2(20))

Is that possible to use attribute names in the insert statement of column object type ?

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Loose Coupling Among Objects Within Oracle Schema?

Sep 30, 2010

I am building an information service that manages Suppliers. The suppliers are used by our billing system, tender system and sales system. Though 60% of the attributes of supplier are unique to each system, there are still 40% attributes of Supplier that are shared across the systems.

My objective is to build a flexible system, so that change to one individual system's data, should not impact other systems. For example, if i need to make certain tables offline for upgrading them, it should not impact rest of the systems that need supplier information. What is the best way of achieving this? Should all the different context specific attributes live in one schema, but deployed on different table spaces? Also, the read and update may happen more for one set of attributes than the other. How should i logically represent them via one model, but deploy them in such a fashion that they can evolve independently?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Handle Customer Specific Objects In Oracle?

Nov 25, 2012

the more customers we have for our software solution the more individual oracle objects (Tables, Packages, Functions, etc.) we have in our scheme. Right now we separate these by giving them identifying names like "X_CUSTOMER1_TABLENAME" e.g. (I know ..... )

This is not very practical when keeping our reference clean and when deploying/syncing our reference with a customer db: One customer would receive the objects of other customers on a deploy.

Is there a common solution to this problem? We were thinking about having a separate scheme for each customer. That way we would have our standard, untouched scheme with the basic functionality and the customer schemes with the individual content.

To make it a bit more concrete: We have around 100 basic tables that make the most of the content/functionality of the software. Each customer might have between 1 -5 additional tables with "custom" data that is used in conjunction with the standard objects in individual packages, functions etc. The installations will be made on our customers systems. So I have in mind to have schemes 0001, 0002, etc for each customer IN OUR REFERENCE. But we would then deploy only the scheme for that certain user when installing on their system. So for example for customer 0001 I would deploy the STANDARD and 0001 scheme

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PL/SQL :: When Oracle Invalidates Result_cache Results Without Any Changes In Objects

Jul 30, 2012

On our production servers we have simple function with result_cache, like this:

create or replace function f_rc(p_id number) return number result_cache
ret number;
select t.val into ret from rc_table t where t.id=p_id;
return ret;
when no_data_found then
return null;

/And its results frequently invalidates without any changes in table or function. I found only 2 cases when oracle invalidates result_cache results without any changes in table:

1. "select for update" from this table with commit;
2. deletion of unrelated rows from parent table if there is unindexed foreign key with "on delete cascade".

I test it on,, on solaris x64 and windows. Test cases:


But none of them can be the cause of our situation: we have no unindexed fk, and even if i lock all rows with "select for update", it still does not stop invalidating. In what other cases this happens? Am I right that the oracle does not track any changes, but the captures of the locks and "commits"?

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Convert SQL Server DB To Oracle 10g - Optimizing View And Its Objects?

Oct 8, 2010

I'm converting a SQL Server db to Oracle 10g. So far it's going pretty well. However, I've hit a significant performance snag trying to run queries against the converted view whose SQL is below. In SQL Server it runs pretty quickly, 10-15 secs. This query presently returns about 1.7 million records. code below, and assuming I've done nothing to optimize the database or the objects involved,



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JVM :: How To Extract Java Class Objects From Oracle Database

Jun 26, 2013

How to Pick / Extract the java class files from the database.? We have not maintained the latest codes in the oracle application server where java class code is residing.

All the Java Classes are available only in database. So we need to pick the latest java class code from production environment. In TOAD we tried but all class objects are listing at the left side but we are unable to take the code. So how can we take the latest codes(java classes) from the Production Database as a backup. 

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Access Attributes Of Objects Of Nested Table In Member Function Of Oracle Database

Nov 17, 2011

I have created two types and a list of the first type:

create type type1;
create type type1_list as table of ref type1;
create type type2;

I have now just created the two types as follows:

create type type1 as object(
id# number
create type type2 as object(
attribute1 type1_list,

Ok, I've created the tables (I don't know if it's necessary to point out my problem)

CREATE TABLE type1_table OF type1;
CREATE TABLE type2_table OF type2
NESTED TABLE attribute1 STORE AS nested_type1_list_table;

And what I wanted to do now is to implement the member function1 and check something of the attributes of type1 in the list of attribute1... And that's where my question occurs, how does it work, I can't figure it out. I tried something like this:

create or replace


But I don't get the right way, it doesn't work

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Do Conditional Query

Mar 22, 2010

how to do a conditional range in a query. For example, I have two tables:

table A:
a1 char(1)
a2 char(1)

table B:
b1 char(1)
b2 int

In my query I want to range on a different value in the b2 field depending on what is in the fields in the A table. For example, if the a1 field is Y, I want to look up the record in B with a b2=20. If a2 is Y, I want to look up b2=5. Otherwise I want to look up b2=1. I attempted the following:

select b1 from b, a where b2=(if a1='Y' then 20; elsif a2='Y' then 5; else 1)

but that doesn't work.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Conditional Selection Of A Field

Feb 27, 2013

I'd like to select one of two fields from a table, based on which of them is greater for that row.

e.g. For every row in JOINING_TBL, I'd like to select either JOINING_DATE or REJOINING_DATE, whichever is greater. I do dream about being able to use a Java-like ternary operator in here, something like this:-


However, I understand(through other fora) that this can't be used in here.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Conditional Sequence Usage?

Jan 31, 2013

I'd like to have a conditional that only gets the next value from a sequence is the current (or supplied) value is null.

Here are some trivial examples:


Ideally multiple executions of any of these (or a better one of your design) should return the same value from the sequence, but mine do not.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Conditional Group By Of Rows

May 8, 2013

Task I would like to do in plain SQL rather than PL/SQL.

Given this table:

create table TEMP_TEST
DT_START DATE not null,
DT_END DATE not null,

and these rows:

insert into temp_test (DT_START, DT_END, FIELD)
values (to_date('01-01-2005', 'dd-mm-yyyy'), to_date('31-08-2007', 'dd-mm-yyyy'), 'ML');
insert into temp_test (DT_START, DT_END, FIELD)
values (to_date('01-09-2007', 'dd-mm-yyyy'), to_date('31-12-2007', 'dd-mm-yyyy'), 'MT');


what i want to do is collapse the rows that have same field value, ONLY if the end date of the first one equals start date -1 of the next one.

that being said the result should be

01/01/2005 - 31/08/2007 - ML 01/09/2007 - 31/12/2007 - MT 01/01/2008 - 29/02/2012 - ML 15/03/2012 - 31/12/9999 - ML

I was doing this:

SELECT MIN(dt_start), MAX(dt_end), field
SELECT dt_start,


but it still misses the thing about adjacent time periods

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