JVM :: How To Extract Java Class Objects From Oracle Database

Jun 26, 2013

How to Pick / Extract the java class files from the database.? We have not maintained the latest codes in the oracle application server where java class code is residing.

All the Java Classes are available only in database. So we need to pick the latest java class code from production environment. In TOAD we tried but all class objects are listing at the left side but we are unable to take the code. So how can we take the latest codes(java classes) from the Production Database as a backup. 

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JVM :: Download Jar / Java Class From Database

Mar 28, 2013

I have database with one procedure that calls some java class loaded in database. Unfortunately I don't have source code of that java class or whole jar that was loaded into database.I would like to download it from database and try to decompile it.

how can I download some java classes from database? Everything I know is only the name of some java class that is used in one PL/SQL procedure (CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE ..... AS LANGUAGE JAVA).

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Forms :: Java Class Import In Oracle?

Sep 22, 2013

when I import java class from oracle forms (import java class ->> FFileChooser) appeared FFileChooser package but i don't know how use it how use OPEN_DIALOG or other function .

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Use A Java Class File Into Oracle Code

May 16, 2010

I am using Developer 10g R2. I have a form with two fields named input_value and output_value and a button named ok. I have a java class named Factorial which return the factorial of the input value. Now i want to use this class into pl/sql in ok button.

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Forms :: Import From Java Class Into Oracle?

Apr 12, 2010

I need to add one validation in one form. The form is not getting run locally because of some imported java classes which was already there. From application server it works fine. When i run locally it gives ORA_JAVA.EXCEPTION_THROWN. Actually some trigger calls a procedure from this imported java class. Some path is specified in JNI.NEW_OBJECT(). That patg may not be in local system. If those files are included in our oracle home directory

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Invoking Java Class From Oracle Server?

Jun 7, 2013

I need to invoke a JavaMail code from oracle server. Conditions are :

On insertion of a row in a table a TRIGGER is to be run. This trigger would invoke a java code, that shoots an email, with desired credentials and login.

The code to send email, is based on JavaMail API, and is compiled on JVM version, 1.6.

The javaMail code can be loaded in oracle server using:

loadjava -user scott@TESTDB SendMailSSL.class

Another code doscmd.class is written and loaded in oracle, that is compiled in java 1.5. It is intended to call the SendMailSSL.class

import java.util.Properties;
import javax.mail.Message;
import javax.mail.MessagingException;
import javax.mail.PasswordAuthentication;
import javax.mail.Session;
import javax.mail.Transport;
import javax.mail.internet.InternetAddress;


Is there a way to invoke SendMailSSL.class, without upgrading the oracle Java version

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Oracle 11g - Java Virtual Machine Could Not Find Main Class Program Will Exit

Jul 26, 2013

In my Organization I am trying to install oracle ODTwithODAC112030 but one Error showing that is java virtual machine could not find main class program will Exit. 

Server Configuration Dell power Edge r510 Windows 2003 64 bit serv PAck 2 Citrix Presentation server 4.5 .

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JDeveloper, Java & XML :: Using PL/SQL Function To Execute Java Class?

May 20, 2013

i`m trying to use pl/sql function to execute java class. I created 2 tables with around 100 values and java class with simple functionality. I need to create function to loop through my table1 and get with each iteration one value from table and pass that value as parameter to java class.

table1 is something like this:

1 name1
2 name2
3 name3
. .
. .
100 name100

table2 is empty with same columns as table1 ( table2 is for data obtained from java returns ) I created in sql+ java class.

import java.io.*;
import java.util.*
public class myClass {
public static String fun(String strName)


Then i wanna make a pl/sql function for:

1)For i = 1 Obtain first value from table1 (column name) and pass it throught java class then return value and save it in table2 with the same id as id from table1

2) change i=1 to i=2 and do that same

3) end if i=101

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Forms :: Calling Java Class Files From PLSQL?

Jun 19, 2007

I have imported a java class file that inturn gets content from a webservice. One of the functions on that imported class file is as follows ...

Funtion getcontent(A1 JOBJECT,A2 JOBJECT, A3 String) return JOBJECT ....

In my PLSQL package ...How do I invoke this class file ?

So far I have done this ...

xxx VARCHAR2(25);


I am getting an error saying the object type is wrong .... I would like to know how to assign a hardcoded value to the JOBJECT just to test before I continue.

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Forms :: Adding Image Manipulating Java Class?

Jul 13, 2012

Our system stores images on the unix filesystem. We scan full page images.

Our image specs are:

black and white: tiff, group4 compression, 300dpi. so files are about 40-80k compressed

photograpshs/gray scale: jpeg/jpeg compression 256 gray scale. Some images can be 2megs...but most of them are about 400-700k

We build a demo with forms10G/application server 1 year ago and performance was really bad. Took about 10-15 seconds to generate a report with 1 image of it...compared to about 1-2 secs using forms 6i. We just installed weblogic 11G (10.3.5) with forms 11gr2. I'm guessing performance will still be an issue but we will still be testing it.

Our users currently use nfs to access images on the unix server. So that would not changed.

- read_image from filesystem (c: unc path //server/images/.../1.jpeg)

- zoom in, zoom out (having vertical/hori scroll bars to move around...or best would be panning)

- save_image on filesystem

- fit to window/cancas

- always keeping aspect ratio

nice to have options, but not needed at this time

- save in blobs

- editing capabilities (mostly just select an area to delete, like black borders...some speckles here and there)

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Reports & Discoverer :: Java Class For BarCode Failed To Initialize While Running At Web?

Aug 27, 2011

<jsp:useBean id="BC" scope="page"class="oracle.apps.barcode.util.BarCodeConstants" />
<jsp:useBean id="BM" scope="page" class="oracle.apps.barcode.BarCodeMaker" />

This code makes me unlucky while run that jsp report on web and comes up with orror no out put for the job.RegEdit REPORTS_CLASSPATH set to my oraclebarcode.jar with others jar files.

At Report builder web layout works fine [With Barcode generation] but not through Report server.

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JDeveloper, Java & XML :: Best Driver For Java To Oracle Database Connection

Jul 30, 2012

Which is the best driver for java to Oracle database connection ?

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JDeveloper, Java & XML :: Extract Data From XML

Dec 20, 2010

I want to retrieve values from a XML data stored on CLOB data type and store it in different table.

Retrieving data from Soap Envelope and Soap Body?

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

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JDeveloper, Java & XML :: How To Extract All Namespaces

Oct 24, 2012

I have many XML files with multiple namespaces. Is where a way to extract all namespaces? This is one of my XMLs

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<form:Documents xmlns:form="test1" xmlns:addData="test2">
<Paklausimas:_Uzsienio-biuro-paklausimas addData:DocumentState="Correct" addData:ImagePath="C:UsersPublicData.pdf" xmlns:Paklausimas="test3">


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JDeveloper, Java & XML :: Extract Name And ID From File

Jul 23, 2012

Trying to extract name and ID from the below XML File using XMLTable but it is returning no data

XML File is - please check attachment

Query I am using:

select p."uid",p."uname" from warehouses w,
passing w.warehouse_spec
columns "uname" varchar2(100) PATH '/name',"uid" varchar2(100) path '/id'
)p where warehouse_id = 6;

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JDeveloper, Java & XML :: How To Extract XML Data Having Namespace

Mar 18, 2013

Below is the XML i have :

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
- <Transaction xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns="http://schemas.test.com/Support/Services/test1/2012" xsi:schemaLocation="http://schemas.test.com/Support/Services/test1/2012 Support.test1.v1.xsd">
- <Request>

I want to extract the element values :

The below code will be useful when i have no namespace , what must be done in order to work with namespace and extract element value

v_string_xml :=
' //Request[' || TO_CHAR (counter_xml) || ']/Memid/text()';
v_ssp_table (v_ssp_table.COUNT).memid :=
p_xml_in.EXTRACT (v_string_xml).getnumberval ();
v_string_xml :=

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JDeveloper, Java & XML :: How To Extract Data Using XSD File

Feb 9, 2012

How to extract the data from XML using the xsd file. attached files.

Explanation: first check the EmailMessage tage from order_conf.xml compared with Email.xml(<xsd:element name="EmailMessage">) if exists then go to next node.
EmailMessage(exists tag in order xml file)
->next <ns1:emailNotificationype> this tag should be follow under the EmailMessage tag(<xsd:element ref="emailNotificationype">) in Email.xml
->next <ns1:orderNotification> -> check this tag in <xsd:element name="orderNotification"> in Email.xml.
-> next <ns1:templateFormatInfo> -> it should follow under <xsd:element name="orderNotification"> in Email.xml.
-> next <ns1:templateFormatInfo> -> it should follow these tages <xsd:element name="templateFormatInfo"> <xsd:element ref="templatecode"/>
<xsd:element ref="templateversion"/>

i have to extract the value in between tags.

templatecode -> ORDCONF
templateversion ->1.0

Finally i have to load the data into table.

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JDeveloper, Java & XML :: Duplicate Records After XML Extract

Mar 5, 2011

I've got a table with XML code (CLOB column) and I need to read and write every of parameter(blue marked below) and value (red marked below) record from that.

For example:

create table tmp_mape
(msisdn varchar2(100),
xml_params CLOB )
insert into tmp_mape values
'<parameters xmlns="http://datalan.sk/webreporting/params/v1_0"><parameter name="id"><value>410</value></parameter><parameter name="isDropped"><value>true</value></parameter></parameters>' );

I tried to read this every values of xml code by select below:

extractValue(value(x),'/parameter/@name', 'xmlns="http://datalan.sk/webreporting/params/v1_0"') b,
extractValue(value(x),'/parameter/value', 'xmlns="http://datalan.sk/webreporting/params/v1_0"') a,

This select returns a duplicate records because of more the one parameter and value records from XML column.

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JDeveloper, Java & XML :: Extract Value Of InternalID Into A New View

Jun 19, 2012

I have a xml clob field in a table and I want to extract the value of the <SampleInternalId> into a new view and have each value for the <SampleInternalId> in its own row. I am using the following sql statement to extract the data

SELECT m.messagecontent.extract('//SampleData/Samples/Sample/SampleInternalId/text()') .getStringval() as "InternalID",
m.messagecontent.extract('//SampleData/SampleGroupId/text()') .getStringval() as "GroupID",
m.messagecontent.extract('//SampleData/SampleGroupId/text()') .getStringval() as "Printdata",
FROM pasx.ifarchivedmessage m
WHERE m.messagetype = 'SLDT';

The issue I am having is the statement above is putting all the values for <SampleInternalId> into one field, e.g 232297232298232299. Is it possible to have 3 rows the Internal ID split out.

CLOB Field

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


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Server Administration :: How To Extract License / CSI In Oracle Database

Jul 6, 2012

11:53:51 SQL>select * from v$version
11:53:55 2 /

Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
PL/SQL Release - Production
CORE Production
TNS for Solaris: Version - Production
NLSRTL Version - Production

All, I have an infuriating problem and I'm hoping for some advice. Well actually it is a number of problems but I'll use one example as a microcosm.I'm going to use as the example:

| Id | Operation | Name | Rows | Bytes |TempSpc| Cost (%CPU)| Time |
| 0 | SELECT STATEMENT | | | | | 912K(100)| |
| 1 | HASH JOIN | | 3412K| 940M| 826M| 912K (1)| 03:02:28 |
| 2 | HASH JOIN | | 3412K| 787M| 699M| 748K (1)| 02:29:39 |
| 3 | HASH JOIN | | 3610K| 657M| 557M| 560K (1)| 01:52:07 |

Now then, this query runs perfectly and as expected (direct reads/DB scattered reads) until it hit step 13 in the plan (FTS of T6). At step 13 it basically enters into a (rather fatal) process of reading almost nothing but undo exclusively.

Now then, I wonder why this might be. Of course the natural reaction is to say "they data is changing, its read consistency (optional rookie insult)". Now, I found this hard to believe that the volume of data could be so extensively changed, keeping in mind its a good sized table and it's doing a full access.

I checked the DBA_HIST_SEG_STAT(DB_BLOCK_CHANGES_DELTA) view for the period and in the run up, i.e. the explain plan steps 2-12 took approx 20 minutes. In this window, less than 1% of the blocks in the table T6 were changed (approx 3-4k out of a 500k block table).Nearly every access of this table is reading undo, yet since this query started, 99% of the table is unchanged. But the query is behaving as if everything it reads has altered since it began.

To be clear, I understand the read consistency etc and expect it, what I DONT expect is the virtually the ENTIRE table scan operation routing via undo when I'm accessing the full table, yet hardly any blocks are altered after I start running.

Note this query/application seems to fetch the rows in blocks of 1k, its almost as if its re-executing for each fetch, but I wouldn't have expected that.

In summary:
>Query starts
>hits final table
>almost exclusive undo reads
>under 1% of block changes in read table since query began

Is there any other way anyone knows of that might cause a session to read into undo beyond a session changing data after the query executed?

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JDeveloper, Java & XML :: Extract Data From Clob Field Using Regular Expression

Oct 6, 2011

I want to extract the data from the Clob field. I have the following table,create table test123(col1 char(24), col2 clob); And following data,

Insert into test123 (col1,col2) values ('ABCDE','<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Attribute DataType="Text-40" DisplayName="DropDirectory"
IsNotDeletable="Y" Modifiable="Y" Name="DropDirectory" Value="${Dir1}"/>
<Attribute DataType="Text-40" DisplayName="PrinterAlias"
IsNotDeletable="Y" Modifiable="Y" Name="PrinterAlias" Value="\Printer3Printer4"/>
<Attribute DataType="Text-40" DisplayName="PrintServerHostName"
IsNotDeletable="Y" Modifiable="Y" Name="PrintServerHostName" Value=""/>
<Attribute DataType="Count" DisplayName="PrintServerPort"
IsNotDeletable="Y" Modifiable="Y" Name="PrintServerPort" Value="2723"/>

The data will be available like this only, The same XML tag is used everywhere.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Access Attributes Of Objects Of Nested Table In Member Function Of Oracle Database

Nov 17, 2011

I have created two types and a list of the first type:

create type type1;
create type type1_list as table of ref type1;
create type type2;

I have now just created the two types as follows:

create type type1 as object(
id# number
create type type2 as object(
attribute1 type1_list,

Ok, I've created the tables (I don't know if it's necessary to point out my problem)

CREATE TABLE type1_table OF type1;
CREATE TABLE type2_table OF type2
NESTED TABLE attribute1 STORE AS nested_type1_list_table;

And what I wanted to do now is to implement the member function1 and check something of the attributes of type1 in the list of attribute1... And that's where my question occurs, how does it work, I can't figure it out. I tried something like this:

create or replace


But I don't get the right way, it doesn't work

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Database Time Spent Waiting % For Event Class Concurrency

Dec 4, 2012

Most of my day to day work involves the support of DB2 on AIX and z/OS. I support the database infrastructure for one business system that runs on the Oracle RDBMS. The application is Oracle Transportation Management. The non-production environments don't get much traffic. If I sign into the TEST or DEV Enterprise Manager DB Control screen, the following warning is almost always listed on the main page:

Metrics "Database Time Spent Waiting (%)" is at 44.00384 for event class "Concurrency"

Enterprise Manager reports that this metric is continuously fluctuating above and below the warning threshold of 30% of db time when the environment is idle.To investigate(and I am no oracle expert, far from it), I ran the following:

SELECT * FROM v$session_event
WHERE WAIT_CLASS='Concurrency'

By far, the top two entries in the result are the following:
124os thread startup12041423733.5218
359os thread startup150653433.5521

Does this indicate a possible problem with the operating system?

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JVM :: Java 1.6 App In Oracle Database

Jan 24, 2013

is it possible to run a Java 1.6 application in a oracle database?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Version Of Java Supported By Oracle Database 11g And 10g

Feb 22, 2011

what version of java is supported by Oracle Database 10g and 11g. Actually i am writing a User Defined Function in Java and was asking this question to know which version of java i need to compile the source file before uploading the jar.

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Server Administration :: How To Check Oracle Database Uses Java Or Not

Jul 23, 2010

Actually in our environment , sysadmins are upgrading java versions on Unix (HP & Solaris) Machines and they have asked the query whether oracle database uses Java or not?

If it uses then all the databases need to be shut down for their planned activities and if not no need to shutdown the databases.

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JDeveloper, Java & XML :: How To Select Node From Oracle Database

Jun 10, 2012

Bla bla bla...............


I wish to generate in my html form like..

PREVENTION: bla bla bla....

Is there any simple way to query out ?

I try

"SELECT T1.root_cause_analysis.query('/RCA/PREVENTION') as RCAXML from Submission_Record.............."

set rx=server.createobject("adodb.recordset")
rx.open sqlxmltest,con,1,3
while not rx.eof

<td ><% response.write rx("RCAXML")%></td>

BUT IT GIVE ME AN ERROR... [ORA-22806: not an object or REF]

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JDeveloper, Java & XML :: Kill Oracle Database Session From Javascript

Feb 24, 2013

how could we kill oracle database session from javascript/java application.

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JDeveloper, Java & XML :: Migrating Database From Oracle 9i To 10g - Parsing Failed

May 2, 2011

We are in process of Migrating our database from Oracle 9i to Oracle 10g.

I am getting below error while parsing XML in 10g.

ORA-31011: XML parsing failed
ORA-19202: Error occurred in XML processing
LPX-00601: Invalid token in: '//soap:Envelope/soap:Header/coHeader/company/text()'

Same code works fine in Oracle 9i database with same XML. Is there any difference in XML TYPE functionality in Oracle 9i and 10g?

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Installation :: Oracle 11g - After Select System Class - Installer Just Closes Out?

Apr 16, 2013

Having trouble installing Oracle 11g. After I select system class, the installer just closes out. I have re-download the software from the Oracle and made sure both files were unzipped into the same folder correctly. Searching around this forum found same problems, none of the solutions have worked so far. Tried setup -jreLoc (Location of Java), tried using it with different versions of java. If it tries to start the installer it gives an error about not being able to locate java runtime.

Specs: Windows 7 Ultimate x64
8GB Memory
930GB Free (on drive i want to install oracle on)

Files Download:

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