JVM :: Java 1.6 App In Oracle Database

Jan 24, 2013

is it possible to run a Java 1.6 application in a oracle database?

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JDeveloper, Java & XML :: Best Driver For Java To Oracle Database Connection

Jul 30, 2012

Which is the best driver for java to Oracle database connection ?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Version Of Java Supported By Oracle Database 11g And 10g

Feb 22, 2011

what version of java is supported by Oracle Database 10g and 11g. Actually i am writing a User Defined Function in Java and was asking this question to know which version of java i need to compile the source file before uploading the jar.

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Server Administration :: How To Check Oracle Database Uses Java Or Not

Jul 23, 2010

Actually in our environment , sysadmins are upgrading java versions on Unix (HP & Solaris) Machines and they have asked the query whether oracle database uses Java or not?

If it uses then all the databases need to be shut down for their planned activities and if not no need to shutdown the databases.

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JDeveloper, Java & XML :: How To Select Node From Oracle Database

Jun 10, 2012

Bla bla bla...............


I wish to generate in my html form like..

PREVENTION: bla bla bla....

Is there any simple way to query out ?

I try

"SELECT T1.root_cause_analysis.query('/RCA/PREVENTION') as RCAXML from Submission_Record.............."

set rx=server.createobject("adodb.recordset")
rx.open sqlxmltest,con,1,3
while not rx.eof

<td ><% response.write rx("RCAXML")%></td>

BUT IT GIVE ME AN ERROR... [ORA-22806: not an object or REF]

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JVM :: How To Extract Java Class Objects From Oracle Database

Jun 26, 2013

How to Pick / Extract the java class files from the database.? We have not maintained the latest codes in the oracle application server where java class code is residing.

All the Java Classes are available only in database. So we need to pick the latest java class code from production environment. In TOAD we tried but all class objects are listing at the left side but we are unable to take the code. So how can we take the latest codes(java classes) from the Production Database as a backup. 

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JDeveloper, Java & XML :: Kill Oracle Database Session From Javascript

Feb 24, 2013

how could we kill oracle database session from javascript/java application.

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JDeveloper, Java & XML :: Migrating Database From Oracle 9i To 10g - Parsing Failed

May 2, 2011

We are in process of Migrating our database from Oracle 9i to Oracle 10g.

I am getting below error while parsing XML in 10g.

ORA-31011: XML parsing failed
ORA-19202: Error occurred in XML processing
LPX-00601: Invalid token in: '//soap:Envelope/soap:Header/coHeader/company/text()'

Same code works fine in Oracle 9i database with same XML. Is there any difference in XML TYPE functionality in Oracle 9i and 10g?

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JDeveloper, Java & XML :: Convert Complete Oracle Database In Single XML File

Dec 14, 2010

Inspiration of a java program that converts a oracle database to one single XML document?

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JDeveloper, Java & XML :: Using Java.lang.Math In Oracle / ORA-31011 / Parsing Failed

Apr 26, 2013

I am trying to execute an xslt (for XML transformation) using xmltype.transform function.

I can't paste XSLT code here, but below is similar what I am doing.


I have used a reference of random() method of java.lang.Math in xslt file, and it's giving me below error.

ORA-31011: XML parsing failed
ORA-19202: Error occurred in XML processing
LPX-00607: Invalid reference: 'random'.

I doubt, it's because of "Math" class, which is not present in Oracle, how to load standard java classes.

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JDeveloper, Java & XML :: Calling Java Stored Procedure From Oracle

Jun 20, 2011

I am writing a java stored procedure in my package. In the java procedure I want to issue a query to be fired on the user table from which I am calling the java procedure.

Some thing like following:

I am logged in to USER1 and my package is inside USER1. From this package I am calling the Java Stored Procedure. In java procedure I want to make a jdbc connection to USER2. The details of USER2(password, hostname,portno) are stored in a table called 'connection_details' and this table is in the USER1.

My problem is how can I issue the


so that i can get the details..?

Do i need to first make jdbc connection to USER1 and then execute the above query for which i need similar details of USER1. How can i obtain the details of USER1 here.

I am thinking if I am already in USER1 then do I need to make the jdbc connection to USER1 and then execute the query?

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JDeveloper, Java & XML :: How To Pass Any Array From Java To Oracle

Feb 4, 2005

Here is a problem. I have to pass an array e.g ('Account','Marketing',Computer' ) from java to Oracle 9i.

Would I be able to do in Oracle, if yes then how ?

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JDeveloper, Java & XML :: Native Java In Oracle Versus PL/SQL?

Aug 26, 2011

we can you java code natively with Oracle. But I didn't get how to decide when to use native java in oracle and when to use pl/sql.

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JDeveloper, Java & XML :: Connection Between Java And Oracle

Nov 26, 2012

I Program with Java . when we connect oracle by program ,

Get the following error :

'No suitable driver found for jdbc:orcl:thin:@localhost:1521 '

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JVM :: Download Jar / Java Class From Database

Mar 28, 2013

I have database with one procedure that calls some java class loaded in database. Unfortunately I don't have source code of that java class or whole jar that was loaded into database.I would like to download it from database and try to decompile it.

how can I download some java classes from database? Everything I know is only the name of some java class that is used in one PL/SQL procedure (CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE ..... AS LANGUAGE JAVA).

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JDeveloper, Java & XML :: Offline Database - OAF Or ADF?

Oct 25, 2011

I want to create offline database. there is one custom application i designed but for that need to use internet.

some time there is internet fluctuation. so i want offline db concept to implement . In a day once inter net connect data will get upload and centralize. is it possible by using OAF or ADF..?

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JDeveloper, Java & XML :: Update Xml Element In Oracle 10gr1 Without Using Oracle XDB

Jun 27, 2013

I would like to update an XML element without using the function APPENDCHILDXML or INSERTCHILDXML because they are not available in Oracle 10GR1.
In my database, Oracle XDB is not installed.

The following query fail with the following error : ORA-00904: "INSERTCHILDXML" : identificateur non valide

update scl_profile
set profile_data =
where profile_xmltype =
and profile_type =

If i try to use the package DBMS_XMLDOM, i have the following error :

ORA-06550: Ligne 3, colonne 11 :
PLS-00201: l'identificateur 'DBMS_XMLDOM.DOMDOCUMENT' doit etre declare
ORA-06550: Ligne 3, colonne 11 :
PL/SQL: Item ignored

I think it's because ORACLE XDB component is not installed in my database.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Verifying Database Connection From External Java Process?

Apr 11, 2013

Is there any way, in Oracle where I can find out if there is any process from some machine which has been successfully connected database ?

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JDeveloper, Java & XML :: Reset Expired Password On Database?

Jan 2, 2013

I'm trying to write short program to reset password on databases. I'm trying to use OCINewPassword property with following

public void ResetPassword(String sOldPass, String sNewPass) {
this.sCurrent = sOldPass;
this.sNewPassword = sNewPass;
Properties props;
Connection conn = null;


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JDeveloper, Java & XML :: Two Separate Database - Transfer Data

Feb 15, 2011

I have two separate databases, I want to send XML file contains a query from one to the other , that read query and return results to a first via XML file.

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JDeveloper, Java & XML :: Java Stored Procedure Invoking Windows Run Time Process

May 22, 2012

I am trying to invoke program from my local Windows machine (exactly java executor, which is in my environment on c:javajdkinjava) using database package with Java stored procedure.

Everything is fired by SQLPLUS script, this script invokes package with Java stored procedure (jar loaded into Oracle) and that procedure is trying to invoke runtime process (syntax:

c:javajdkinjava -cp

and here ara my classes and main jar) using my local java executor. I added all permissions using dbms_java.grant_permisions (execution forced me to give permissions java.io.FilePermission to <<ALL_FILES>> for execute), moreover I added to my database user JAVASYSPRIV and JAVAUSERPRIV role. Unfortunately, beside this I am still getting error:

C:javajdkinjava not found (Note that lookup with PATH isn't done due to the oracle executable being setuid.)

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JDeveloper, Java & XML :: Java.sql.SQLException - Execute Batch - Exception Equal To 1?

Jul 14, 2011

I was getting java.sql.SQLException: executeBatch, Exception = 1when i tried to use executeBatch().could not understand why i am getting it.

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JDeveloper, Java & XML :: Create Or Replace And Compile Java - Getting Ora 29531?

Dec 21, 2011

I've this java source create or replace and compile java source named "Decodificador" as
public class Decodificador {
public static String decodifica(String codigo)
return codigo;

and this function

create or replace function F_Decodificador(codigo varchar2) RETURN VARCHAR2 IS
LANGUAGE java NAME 'Decodificador.decodifica(String) return String';

when I execute the function the result is:

ORA-29531: no method decodifica in class Decodificador

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JDeveloper, Java & XML :: Call DB Function From Java Hibernate

Feb 10, 2011

I need to call DB function through Java Hibernate.

My Sample XML File looks like.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE hibernate-mapping PUBLIC "-//Hibernate/Hibernate Mapping DTD//EN"
<sql-query name="getchequeno" callable="true">
?:=call cz_nab_mw_fn_gen_ol_chq_no()
I am getting below error while reading the file

"java.lang.RuntimeException: org.hibernate.HibernateException: Errors in named queries: getchequeno"

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JDeveloper, Java & XML :: Using PL/SQL Function To Execute Java Class?

May 20, 2013

i`m trying to use pl/sql function to execute java class. I created 2 tables with around 100 values and java class with simple functionality. I need to create function to loop through my table1 and get with each iteration one value from table and pass that value as parameter to java class.

table1 is something like this:

1 name1
2 name2
3 name3
. .
. .
100 name100

table2 is empty with same columns as table1 ( table2 is for data obtained from java returns ) I created in sql+ java class.

import java.io.*;
import java.util.*
public class myClass {
public static String fun(String strName)


Then i wanna make a pl/sql function for:

1)For i = 1 Obtain first value from table1 (column name) and pass it throught java class then return value and save it in table2 with the same id as id from table1

2) change i=1 to i=2 and do that same

3) end if i=101

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JDeveloper / Java & XML :: Using Input And Output Stream Updating BLOB In Database

Nov 30, 2011

I have little code that's don't really works.

InputStream is = null;
OutputStream os = null;
Connection conn = null;
Blob value = null;

I know that there is 90% of Java code. But I have few questions:

I know that I can insert date using INSERT. But is it possible that I can use SELECT and JAVA will know that it need to update the SELECTED column ?

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JDeveloper, Java & XML :: Reading Data From Database Table That Contains Control Characters

May 1, 2011

I have the following bit of code that reads data from the an Oracle table (Note: This is running on Jdk 1.4.2)

ResultSet message = messageStatement.executeQuery(getMsgSql);
String messageData = message.getString("MESSAGE_DATA");

The data in the MESSAGE_DATA column contains text but also control characters that separate data elements in the message (i.e (char)31, (char)29) and (char)28) . What i am finding is that for some reason message.getString() is sometimes truncating the message. I can read the majority of messages but some of them are truncated. Am i supposed to be reading the data using a different method? If so how?

I have tried to use sqlplus to look at the data in the database and it is all there it is just truncated by the message.getString() method. I saw this when i tried to output the result i.e. System.out.println(message.getString()).

I ran an sql query using the length() function in Oracle and length("MESSAGE_DATA") returns 2032 whereas in java message.getString(1).length() returns 2000.

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Java / Oracle 10g - Securing From SQL Injection?

Oct 15, 2010

Environment: Java, Oracle 10g What is the best and secure way to handle database Password change - especially securing it from SQL Injection.

Requirement is to have a web application user providing old and new password.

Use Stored Proc call, Encyryption with plsql, bind variables, Some other way ...

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Forms :: Java In Oracle Developer 10g R2

May 11, 2010

I am using oracle developer 10g R2. Now i would like to create a java(jar) function or any other type then would like to add this jar file into my oracle form with a button and when i run this and click on this button then display the message from java function.

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JDeveloper, Java & XML :: Grants In Oracle

Jul 22, 2011

whether JAVA grants are needed for JAVA services in Oracle and what are those grants ?

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