SQL & PL/SQL :: Column Length Versus Column Size

Oct 6, 2011

if one of the columns is given as

ABC varchar2(10)

can we tell anything about the size of the data in bytes that this column going to hold.

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Column Length Versus Size

Oct 6, 2011

if one of the columns is given as

ABC varchar2(10)

the size of the data in bytes that this column going to hold.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Max Length For A Column

Jan 8, 2013

I want to find the max length for a column in oracle, without querying each of the columns. Are these stats stored somewhere?

I have several fields defined as varchar2(4000). Not all of them use up 4000. Instead of querying each one ..max(column name) i want to explore if there is a way, i can find the max size stored somewhere? dba_tab_cols provides size of the field. is there any table that provides max used so far?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Get MAX Length Of Column Value Along With Field Value

Oct 4, 2012

create table test_schema(
col1 varchar2(50)
insert all
into test_schema values ('this_is_a_test')
into test_schema values ('this_is_a_test_test')
into test_schema values ('this_is_a_test_test_xxxx')
into test_schema values ('this_is_a_test_test_aaaaaaaa')
select * from dual;

I want to get the length of the col1 value with maximum length of characters also with that field value.

i.e o/p is

this_is_a_test_test_aaaaaaaa length 28

how can I do it??

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Table Column Name - Maximum Length

Apr 8, 2011

What is the Maximum Charter length can be given as a column name in a table?

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PL/SQL :: Finding Length Of CLOB Column

Jul 11, 2012

I had a varchar2 variable which was storing some data and I could use the LENGTH function to get the length of the data. However, If I change it to CLOB. What is the best way to get the length?

v_clob_size:= (DBMS_LOB.getlength(v_clob)) / 1024 / 1024;
DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('CLOB Size ' || v_clob_size);

another one is
LENGTHB(TO_CHAR(SUBSTR(<clob-column>,1,4000))) But this seems restricted to first 4000 characters only.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Sum Of Length Of Column Data Of All Tables

Jul 24, 2012

i want to add a column data of datatype number of all the tables at a time in a database..

i am trying with the all_tab_columns but i can get only the column info whether it is number or varchar2 or any other data type but i am unable to retrieve the column name and the sum of length of the data present in all the rows in that column...

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Exchanging Partition After Doing Alter Table Modify Column Length?

Mar 11, 2011

We have some tables in our database in which for loading data we have the setup in place to do Exchange partition after data load into staging. Today we did changes to column length to one pair of main and staging table. Post that Exchange partition stop working.

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Direct Path Exported Dump File Contains Illegal Column Length

Apr 28, 2011

I am trying to import the database and i see the following error:

IMP-00051: Direct path exported dump file contains illegal column length imp abruptly stops. my source and destination database is as follows:

Destinatin: 11g-r2.

I used exp with the following options:


Using imp with the following option:


why my imp failing?

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Server Utilities :: Extra Space - Length Of Column Showing 4 Char

Feb 28, 2010

I have one issue while loading the value through sql*loader the last column data is SG1 and when its loaded , it is length of this columns is showing 4 char. Unable to understand, how to find this extra space. Though used TRIM but does not work.

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Export/Import/SQL Loader :: Field In Data File Exceeds Maximum Length For CLOB Column

Jun 18, 2012

I'm loading data from text file separated by TAB and i got the error below for some lines. Event the column is CLOB data type is there a limitation of the size of a CLOB data type. The error is:

Record 74: Rejected - Error on table _TEMP, column DEST.
Field in data file exceeds maximum length

I'm using SQL Loader and the database is oracle 11g r2 on linux Red hat 5. Here are the line causing the error from my data file and my table description for test:

create table TEMP

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Calculate Size Of Table With BLOB Column

Feb 5, 2007

when trying to calculate the occupied space for a table, I'm using DBA_SEGMENTS, which works fine as long as the table does not have a BLOB column.

As far as I can tell, the size of the BLOB data is stored with the SEGMENT_TYPE = 'LOBSEGMENT', but I cannot find a view that tells me which DBA_SEGMENT row belongs to the BLOB column in the table I'm checking.

To give you an example:

select sum(BYTES)
where owner = user
and segment_name = 'MY_TABLE'

returns 262144


SELECT sum(length(blob_column))
FROM my_table

returns 821333

There are entries in DBA_SEGMENTS for my user with the type LOBSEGMENT, but I cannot find a way to map the correct DBA_SEGMENTS row to the table I am checking.

I'm using Oracle on Redhat

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Decrease Size Of Number Datatype Column

May 24, 2012

I want to decrease the size of testid column of number datatype in my "test" named table from size 20 to 15 and the data of maximum size is of 10 digits. but oracle throws an error "ORA-01440: column to be modified must be empty to decrease precision or scale". i cant understand why it is happening?

what is the reason behind it even though new size is maximum than the maximum size of existing data. but when i decrease the size of "varchar2" then oracle does not through any error.

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Performance Tuning :: How Length Of Column Width Effects Index Performance

Sep 30, 2010

How the length of column width effects index performance?

For example if i had IOT table emp_iot with columns:
(id number,
job varchar2(20),
time date,
plan number)

Table key consist of(id, job, time)

Column JOB has fixed list of distinct values ('ANALYST', 'NIGHT_WORKED', etc...).

What performance increase i could expect if in column "job" i would store not names but concrete numbers identifying job names.
For e.g. i would store "1" instead 'ANALYST' and "2" instead 'NIGHT_WORKED'.

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Server Administration :: Get Size Of CLOB Column But Not Getting Any Output

Sep 10, 2012

I'm trying to get size of CLOB column but not getting any output.

Name Null? Type
----------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------

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XML DB :: Find Size Of Table With XML Type Column Store As Binary XML

Dec 21, 2012

I have a table with structure as:


- So HOW do I find the total size occupied by this table. Does BINARY storage work as LOB storage. i.e. I need to consider USER_LOBS as well for this. OR foll. will work

select segment_name as tablename, sum(bytes/ (1024 * 1024 * 1024 )) as tablesize_in_GB
From dba_segments
where segment_name = 'XML_TABLE_1'
group by segment_name ;

- Also if I am copying it to another table of same structure as:

Insert /*+ append */ into XML_TABLE_2 Select * from XML_TABLE_1.

Then how much space in ROllbackSegment do I need. Is it equal to the size of the table XML_TABLE_1?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Exporting Oracle Data Into Excel File With Auto Column Size

Nov 7, 2007

I want to export the oracle data into an excel sheet. I have written the code by using UTL_FILE package. but i am getting the output as shown in the screen shot(without formatting the column size as the width of the data it has). But I want the output column width to be set according to the size of the data automatically.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Dynamic Column Creation / Create Column Based On Number Of Child In Hierarchy

Oct 15, 2013

I have one hirarchical query which return the parent to child hirarch level data. it has 11 level child data. i want to create column based on number of child in hirarchy. though i know it is 11 but it can change also.Is there any way i can create the column dynamically


500171960000022000Managing Director - LUL500169965/00000001/50000001/50017588/50016996/50017196
502894940000021241Knowledge Management500018377/00000001/50000001/50017588/50016996/50017196/50001837/50289494

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Application Express :: Hyperlink Column With Link Parameters As Region Column Values

Apr 10, 2013

On my APEX page i have region which has sql query as source and it displays as HTML table the query result to the user.

I want to display addinonal column with a hyperlink inside, and that hyperlink would have CGI/URL-parameters which contains the other values of the HTML row.

So, let's say my APEX region queryes columns as "select c1, c2, c3, c4 ..." and displays out values "V1, V2, V3, V4" then i want to have addional output column with such hyperlink:

a href="f?p=100:7:13467554876288::NO::c1,c2,c3,c4:v1,v2,v3,v4">My link column with CGI-parameters</aHow can i create such hyperlink?

The overall idea is that the link would forward to a page which loads those values "v1,v2,v3,v4" into form fields and user can proceed from there.


"Application Express"

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Reports & Discoverer :: REP-1241 Circular Column Dependency Originating With Column?

Jul 13, 2010

I receive the error,

REP-1241 Circular column dependency originating with column 'cenvat_opening'

I have the following return statement for a column total_credit;

function total_creditFormula return Number is
Return (return nvl(:cf_cenvat_closing ,0) - nvl(:cf_duty_on_goods_ed,0);

Now i am using this total_creditFormula for the error formula column 'cenvat_opening'

function cenvat_openingFormula return Number is
f_num_opn number(14,2);


here the formula column 'total_credit' has the following return statements;

RETURN Nvl(:cenvat_opening,0) + Nvl(:cenvat_credit_manu,0)

so how can i use this formula column? is there any other option to return the value in the same column.

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Pivot Query In Oracle To Get Years From Column And Make Separate Column For Each

Jul 22, 2009

I'm trying to do a pivot query in oracle to get the years from a column and make a separate column for each. I found an example of the code to use on the internet and i changed it for my own tables but i'm getting errors. Namely a "FROM keyword not where expected" error at the beginning of the 'avg(...' statements.

I have copied the code used in

select stud_id, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009
from (
select stud_id,
avg(case when year=2006 then ((present/poss)*100) else null end) 2006,
avg(case when year=2007 then ((present/poss)*100) else null end) 2007,
avg(case when year=2008 then ((present/poss)*100) else null end) 2008,
avg(case when year=2009 then ((present/poss)*100) else null end) 2009
from attendance.vw_all_attendance_perc
group by stud_id

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Reports & Discoverer :: Value In Table Column Based On Some Existing Column Value Automatically Without User Intervention

May 15, 2011

i have two questions.

(1) how can i fill some value in a table column based on some existing column value automatically without user intervention. my actual problem is i have 'expiry date' column and 'status'. the 'status' column should get filled automatically based on the current system date. ex: if expiry date is '25-Apr-2011' and current date is '14-May-2011', then status should be filled as 'EXPIRED'

(2)hOw can i build 'select' query in a report (report 6i) so that it will show me list of items 'EXPIRED' or 'NOT EXPIRED' or both expired and not expired separately in a single report based on user choice. 'EXPIRED' & 'NOT EXPIRED' can be taken from the above question no. 1.

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Reports & Discoverer :: How To Make Name Of Column Appear As Many Times As Column On Page

Nov 21, 2010

This is what i want to do:

I have a basic report looking like this:

<Column name>
value 1
value 2
value 3
value n

Since the column is small it can fit in a page more then one time. I know how to make it print more then once: i switch the repeating frame to print down and across and i modify the frame that contains it so the horizontal elasticity is variable.

After these changes my report looks like this:
<Column name>
value 1-----------------------value n+1-----------------------value m+1
value 2-----------------------value n+2-----------------------value m+2
value 3-----------------------value n+3-----------------------...
.------------------------------- .
.------------------------------- .
.------------------------------- .
value n-----------------------value m

What i want is my report to look like this:

<Column name>-------<Column name>------------<Column name>
value 1-----------------------value n+1-----------------------value m+1
value 2-----------------------value n+2-----------------------value m+2
value 3-----------------------value n+3-----------------------...
.------------------------------- .
.------------------------------- .
.------------------------------- .
value n-----------------------value m

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Server Utilities :: Mapped 100th Column From CSV File After 5th Column

Sep 10, 2012

I have written the code for sql loader, I have given termination of file is | , i have given five columns name in sequence...My Requirement is that i want to mapped 100th column from Csv file after 5th column how to do it.

OPTIONS (ERRORS=100000000)

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Application Express :: Column Link Where Column Number Changes With Query

Feb 11, 2013

We are using Oracle 11g with Apex 3.2 on AIX. We are reporting data from customer satisfaction surveys. I'm using the following sql to create my report

<code>select * from(
select month,'Overall Satisfaction' as q_group, 1 as srt,Overall Satisfaction,site,
case when count(*) < 31 then '*' else
round((sum(ttos)/count(*))*100,0)||'/'|round((sum(bfos)/count(*))*100,0)||'/'||count(*) end ospct
from v_XXX_report a,(select distinct month_dt month from v_XXX_report) b
where Overall_Satisfaction is not null and year_dt = 2012


The problem is that site is not allways present and sometimes I have other variables in addition to site. This creates a situation where the month columns will not allways appear at the same column number. For example, When I run this query as is then the "JAN" column is Col3 (first column is a break, col2 is not shown). When I run this query without site then "JAN" is the second column. I would like to create column links for the "JAN" - "DEC" columns but not for any other columns.

Another issue - in the column link creation screen I can create up to 3 variables that I can pass to the next page. Since my query is a pivot I'm uncertain how to pass the column heading or the row value (for col2)

Overall Satisfaction JAN FEB MAR APR MAY ...
Overall Satisfaction 12/12/200 12/12/210 12/12/220 12/12/230 12/12/240...
Recommend 12/12/200 12/12/210 12/12/220 12/12/230 12/12/240...

So if I clicked on the values at Recommend:FEB how can I get "Recommend" and "FEB" into variables that I can use on the next page? I've tried #column_name#, #month#, #q_name# and #APEX_APPLICATION.G_F10# but no luck.

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Application Express :: Can Pass More Than 3 Column Values With A Column Link

Jun 19, 2012

I want to pass multiple column values of a row in an interactive report page to hidden items in another page through column link. And I did it successfully. However, I found I need to pass more than 3 columns of a row in this report, while a column link only permits me to pass 3 column value at most. Is there anyway that I can pass more column values to hidden items in another page?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Convert Multiple Column Values Into Single Column

Jul 19, 2013

c1_type VARCHAR2 (10),
c2_type VARCHAR2 (10),
c3_type VARCHAR2 (10),
c4_type VARCHAR2 (10),
c5_type VARCHAR2 (10),
c6_type VARCHAR2 (10),

actual output of the below query, but i want to display in different way

select * from type;

Region_D Region_E Region_F Region_D Region_E Region_D Region_M Region_D Region_E

The expected output should be like this below, how to write a query or which built in function used to get the below result,


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SQL & PL/SQL :: Row To Column / Column Data Can Be Varied From 1 To Any Number Of Words

Mar 21, 2013

I have a table where i have description column which free text column, the data in description column is seperated and i want to corvert 1 row data in multiple rows dependeing on the number of words.


id description
78664 Pumps Alarm from CAMS RTU154

In the above example this column has 5 word so i want data in 5 rows like below

78664 Pumps
78664 Alarm
78664 from
78664 CAMS
78664 RTU154

This column data can be varied from 1 to any number of words.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Trigger Which Changes Content Of One Column Based On Information Within Another Column

Sep 10, 2010

I am trying to create a trigger which changes the content of one column based on the information within another column.

For Example, if the 'ITEMQUANTITY' field drops below 1 then I want the STATUS column to say 'Out Of Stock'.

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PL/SQL :: Bitmap Index On Number Column X Char Column?

Jul 23, 2013

is there some performance/access difference between a bitmap index on a number column and char(1) column? Both columns are not null with a default value.My application has a querie like this:  

select ass.column20,  ass.column30from table_a pucinner join table_b asson ass.column1 = puc.column1where pc.column_char = 'S'and ass.column_char02 = 'P'    

If I create a bitmap index on column "column_char", the access plan is not changed. But changing the column datatype to number(1) and obviously the values, the index is accessed and the cost decreases.This table has 4.000.000 rows. Oracle

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