PL/SQL :: Bitmap Index On Number Column X Char Column?

Jul 23, 2013

is there some performance/access difference between a bitmap index on a number column and char(1) column? Both columns are not null with a default value.My application has a querie like this:  

select ass.column20,  ass.column30from table_a pucinner join table_b asson ass.column1 = puc.column1where pc.column_char = 'S'and ass.column_char02 = 'P'    

If I create a bitmap index on column "column_char", the access plan is not changed. But changing the column datatype to number(1) and obviously the values, the index is accessed and the cost decreases.This table has 4.000.000 rows. Oracle

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PL/SQL :: Verify The Number And Char Column

Oct 12, 2012

From a list of values from a number column, I need to verify is there any values not satisfying number(3).

Ex- I have a column col1 where we have following values


Can I write a query to check the value not satisfying number(3) datatype.Eg the query should return


as the above two will not fit in to number(3) datatype columns

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Composite Index Having Varchar2 Number And CLOB Column

Feb 25, 2012

I need to create a composite unique index on varchar2, number and CLOB column. I haven't used such index before that have the CLOB column indexing. I found the below link related to CLOB indexing...


Links from where I can get related info. Also I would like to know the impact of such index on performance. I have to store and process around 50 million records in such a way, will it be beneficial to use this index?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Dynamic Column Creation / Create Column Based On Number Of Child In Hierarchy

Oct 15, 2013

I have one hirarchical query which return the parent to child hirarch level data. it has 11 level child data. i want to create column based on number of child in hirarchy. though i know it is 11 but it can change also.Is there any way i can create the column dynamically


500171960000022000Managing Director - LUL500169965/00000001/50000001/50017588/50016996/50017196
502894940000021241Knowledge Management500018377/00000001/50000001/50017588/50016996/50017196/50001837/50289494

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Application Express :: Column Link Where Column Number Changes With Query

Feb 11, 2013

We are using Oracle 11g with Apex 3.2 on AIX. We are reporting data from customer satisfaction surveys. I'm using the following sql to create my report

<code>select * from(
select month,'Overall Satisfaction' as q_group, 1 as srt,Overall Satisfaction,site,
case when count(*) < 31 then '*' else
round((sum(ttos)/count(*))*100,0)||'/'|round((sum(bfos)/count(*))*100,0)||'/'||count(*) end ospct
from v_XXX_report a,(select distinct month_dt month from v_XXX_report) b
where Overall_Satisfaction is not null and year_dt = 2012


The problem is that site is not allways present and sometimes I have other variables in addition to site. This creates a situation where the month columns will not allways appear at the same column number. For example, When I run this query as is then the "JAN" column is Col3 (first column is a break, col2 is not shown). When I run this query without site then "JAN" is the second column. I would like to create column links for the "JAN" - "DEC" columns but not for any other columns.

Another issue - in the column link creation screen I can create up to 3 variables that I can pass to the next page. Since my query is a pivot I'm uncertain how to pass the column heading or the row value (for col2)

Overall Satisfaction JAN FEB MAR APR MAY ...
Overall Satisfaction 12/12/200 12/12/210 12/12/220 12/12/230 12/12/240...
Recommend 12/12/200 12/12/210 12/12/220 12/12/230 12/12/240...

So if I clicked on the values at Recommend:FEB how can I get "Recommend" and "FEB" into variables that I can use on the next page? I've tried #column_name#, #month#, #q_name# and #APEX_APPLICATION.G_F10# but no luck.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Row To Column / Column Data Can Be Varied From 1 To Any Number Of Words

Mar 21, 2013

I have a table where i have description column which free text column, the data in description column is seperated and i want to corvert 1 row data in multiple rows dependeing on the number of words.


id description
78664 Pumps Alarm from CAMS RTU154

In the above example this column has 5 word so i want data in 5 rows like below

78664 Pumps
78664 Alarm
78664 from
78664 CAMS
78664 RTU154

This column data can be varied from 1 to any number of words.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Converting Number Column To Date Column

Dec 25, 2012

I have a partitioned table with ~50 million rows that was setup with a number(10) instead of a date column. All the data in the table is ALWATS in this format YYYYMMDD


some sample data

---------- ----------
990 20121225
991 20121225
992 20121225
993 20121225
994 20121225
995 20121225
996 20121225
997 20121225
998 20121225
999 20121225

When I use the exchange partition method the parition is able to move the data from "monthly" table to "mth" table.

desc t1.mth; ### my temorary table
Name Null? Type
----------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------

Than when I try to alter my temp table "mth". I get an error table must be empty to change column types.

alter table n546830.mth modify (DAY_DK date);

Next I tried making my temporary table "mth" a date column. When I an the exchange partition command I get the following error:

alter table t1.monthly exchange partition DEC_2012
with table t1.mth without validation;
alter table n546830.monthly exchange partition DEC_2012 with table n546830.mth without validation
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-14097: column type or size mismatch in ALTER TABLE EXCHANGE PARTITION

Method I can use to convert a number(10) to date column and keep the information in a table. Note, I don't care about HH:MM:SS as I never had that information to begin with and would be happy to set that part of the date column to all zeroes "00:00:00"

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Server Utilities :: Extra Space - Length Of Column Showing 4 Char

Feb 28, 2010

I have one issue while loading the value through sql*loader the last column data is SG1 and when its loaded , it is length of this columns is showing 4 char. Unable to understand, how to find this extra space. Though used TRIM but does not work.

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Bitmap Index Not Getting Used

Oct 20, 2012

I am using ORACLE 11gR1.

I was running a test on a huge table with a bitmap index on one of the columns. But bitmap index is not getting used. Below are the test details.

create table test (col1 number, col2 number);

for i in 1..1000000
if mod(i,2) = 0 then
insert into test values(i, 'Y');
insert into test values(i, 'N');
end if;
end loop;

The intention here is to have only two distinct values in the entire table. Based on these values I will not build BITMAP index on col2.


Now when I run the below query, it doesn't uses BITMAP index. Instead the explain plan shows a full table scan.

select * from test where col2 = 'Y';

Now when I force ORACLE to use index through hint, the cost is too high while using the bitmap index(probably why the ORACLE chose not to use the index at the first stage).

I have read somewhere, that BITMAP index is useful when we have more than 1 or 2 bitmap indexes on other columns of the same table as well And the query should be like

select * from table where col1 = 'Y' and sex = 'F';

In this case oracle will use BITMAP but not in the case where there is only one column that has BITMAP index.

Considering all the factors stated above, is there any way I can fine tune my original query?

select * from test where col2 = 'Y';

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Bitmap Or B-Tree Index?

Apr 9, 2010

I was executing following query and it was taking about 20 sec's to execute before i decided to create B-Tree(Normal) index on column DeliVery.



After creating B-Tree index on Column Delivery the execution time has been reduced to one second ,thats what i wanted. But If i create Bitmap index on the same column then execution time is not getting reduced and is still same around 20 sec.I think theoratically "Delivery" column is the right candidate for Bitmap index? whether should i create bitmap index or stick with B-Tree index?

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PL/SQL :: Create Bitmap Index?

Jan 27, 2013

i want to create a bitmap index,but getting the error shown below..i created primary key on column dname of dept and unique constraint on empno of emp.

SQL> create bitmap index bindx on dept d(d.dname) from emp e,dept d where e.deptno=d.deptno;
create bitmap index bindx on dept d(d.dname) from emp e,dept d where e.deptno=d.deptno
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-25954: missing primary key or unique constraint on dimension

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SQL & PL/SQL :: What Is Cluster / Bitmap And Functional Index

Dec 26, 2011

index types like cluster,bitmap,binary tree,functional. Specify the differences between these types

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SQL & PL/SQL :: To Create A Bitmap Index On Partition Key

Dec 3, 2012

I have an IOT table with partitioned on list. I have p1,p2 and p3 partitions. Now I would like to create a bitmap index on partition key.


But getting the below error,

ORA-28660: Partitioned Index-Organized table may not be Moved as a whole.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Bitmap Index Rebuild - Getting ORA-00054

Nov 15, 2012

oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
PL/SQL Release - Production
"CORE Production"

I have a procedure that is run weekly to load the data, for which it calls another procedure. This weekly procedure, disables the index, load the data, and rebuilds the index. During rebuilding of index, its giving ORA-00054: resource busy and acquire with NOWAIT error. I dont have privileges to look for session id, and kill the session. How to avoid this error.

create or replace
p_event_id IN NUMBER

As you can see, after the procedure wc_upload, COMMIT is issued, and then the rebuilding of the index is starting. So dont know what is causing the table to lock.

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ORA-00439 Feature Not Enabled - Bitmap Index

Jul 11, 2012

I am using Oracle 10g XE (express edition). If I try to create a bitmap index, I get an error

ORA-00439 feature not enabled: Bit mapped Indexes

How do I solve this problem and create a bitmap index?

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Select Statement Gives Different Results Using Bitmap Or Normal Index

Jan 10, 2012

we have a strange symptom in a database Oracle EE. Following question comes from our application developers.

The following SQL statement:

sum(v.f_s) "REV_S",
sum(v.f_f) "REV_F",
sum(v.f_c) "REV_C",

gives different result when we exchange the index ksr_valid_until_i on table kreditkarten_sets_rs. For some reasons we changed the index from bitmap to normal and are getting different results. Switching back gives us the same results as before. When we avoid the usage of this index in the statement than we are getting the same results as when we are using the normal index.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Converting Char Into Date With Column Having Non-date Formats

Aug 16, 2010

i have a table with the following description

create table gl_periods(period_name varchar2(10),transactions number (2) );

with the data as :

period_name transactions
------------ --------------
JAN-10 12
FEB-10 12
MAR-10 8
APR-10 23
ADJ_TOM-10 25
MAY-10 37
JUN-10 41
JUL-10 10
PHY_JAY-10 6
AUG-10 14
SEP-10 22

My requirment is to find out the period names and transactions which are in valid date formats and are less than sysdate and the non date formats are adjustments made by different users for their transactions

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PL/SQL :: Insert Number Into Column With Type  NUMBER(10,0)

Sep 28, 2012

my column type is NUMBER(10,0) ,it accept the input value from text field I using TO_NUMBER(?) to insert value into table, is the a way to handle if the input is 'aaaaaaaaaa' not digit?

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Index On Null Column

Oct 31, 2012

I have a table with column A which contains very few null values. I need to select these rows. I am considering two options:

a) create function based index on NVL(A, 0) and use this in where clause NVL(A, 0)=0 (column doesn't have values 0)
b) create function based index on NVL2(A, 0, NULL) and and use this in where clause NVL2(A, 0, NULL) = 0

First idea was option A. But I realized in option B the index will be much smaller, because most of values of column A isn't NULL so NVL2 will return NULL and index will not have as much leafs as in NVL. It is good idea to use NVL2? Is there any against to use option B instead of A?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Add Column In Unique Index

Jan 17, 2011

I have created one unique index on one column of my table. Now i would like to add one more column in the same index without dropping the index.

2 (
7 );

Table created.

SQL > CREATE UNIQUE INDEX index_debug1 ON debug_table (SLNO);

Index created.

ERROR at line 1:


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PL/SQL :: Make Index On Column?

Oct 5, 2013

If my query is under execution and I want to make an index on a column which is very much needed by my query. Will a simple index solve the purpose or is there any extra keyword required ?

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PL/SQL :: Index On Date Column

Aug 2, 2012

Is the index suggested on the date column.

Here is the nature of the date column in my case:

1. The table populates with 1000's of records every day with date being always incremental (current date).

2. The search criteria from the weba application (ADF) is based on the date, user gives the range.

3. From ADF I am referring to it as sql.Timestamp when building the query.

Does Index suggested on the date column here and if so what type of index ?

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Creating Index On Hashed Column

Sep 23, 2010

I currently have a 5 column index on a table with over 2 billion records (paritioned on created_date (weekly) that is not very effective.I am contemplating replacing this 5 key index and creating a new single column index made up by hashing of all the 5 five columns.

Is this a wise stratgey? How can I implement this so it is most effective and I dont shoot myself in the foot?

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Multi-column Index - Low Cardinality?

Oct 13, 2011

I have a table with, for example, three columns: A, B,C.

I execute on this table only one select: CODESELECT * FROM TABLE WHERE A = :1 AND B=:2

Column A has a lot of distinct values (numbers), but B can have only two values: 'Y' or 'N' (cardinality about 50%/50%). It is worth to create index on two columns: A, B? Does query using index on A column will be much slower than using index on A, B?

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Creating A Multi Column Index

Jan 24, 2012

I have in my database (OLTP-System) a table with about 6000000 records and a zise of about 2GB.

the way to create multi_column indexes on the table?

What are the rule to define the best-position of a column in an index?

index_1(col_1,Col_2,col_3) and not [ (col_1,Col_3,col_2) or (col_2,Col_3,col_1) or (col_2,Col_1,col_3) or (col_3,Col_2,col_1) or (col_3,Col_1,col_2) ] ?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: ORA-01408 Index Already Exist On The Column

Apr 15, 2010

I am creating an index in program and then drop the index at the end of the program. Some times due to some problem if the index could not be dropped and the user again runs the program then we get the error

ORA-01408 Index already exist on the column.

how I can get away with this error or how I can check whether the index with the same columns exits prior to creating an index.

Is there any command like

Create or replace index.....

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Can Index Be Created On Virtual Column?

May 17, 2011

what my issue is with this virtual column

col1 VARCHAR2(30 BYTE),


Lastly, can an index be created on a virtual column? I am thinking no since it calculated?

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Multi Column Index Select Performance

Dec 11, 2012

explain slow performance of multicolumn indexes on oracle 11g R2 observed in the following scenario? A multi-column index (b-tree index) not partitioned, not unique, not reversed with 3 columns.

A series of queries are run using all 3 columns. The performance hit comes when the first order column values changes. So, maybe after 10 select queries the value changes. The 2nd and 3rd order columns are changing throughout the series of select calls, but no performance bottleneck it hit then.

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Performance Tuning :: Derived Column Index

Apr 2, 2011

here is my query

|| ','


in this query I am concatenating tow columns , I use this query as a sub query in my other queries and filter the results with and CURRENTSTEP = ?

here is how I use it



I saw adding this as a subquery with the filter and CURRENTSTEP = ? is slowing my query very much , as this is a derived column i cannot add index then how to improve performance for this subquery ?

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PL/SQL :: Oracle Index On Timestamp Column Not Used When SYSTIMESTAMP Used

Oct 23, 2012

I have a table A with a column B timestamp(6). The tables contains around 300000 rows..I have created index 'idx' on the column B.When i compare column 'B' with systimestamp, it does not use the index, whereas if i compare 'B' with sysdate it uses the index.

Eg :
select count(*) from a where b<=sysdate;

The above used the index 'idx' and executed in 1 second

select count(*) from a where b<=systimestamp;

The above does not use the index and executed in 19 seconds.

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