when trying to calculate the occupied space for a table, I'm using DBA_SEGMENTS, which works fine as long as the table does not have a BLOB column.
As far as I can tell, the size of the BLOB data is stored with the SEGMENT_TYPE = 'LOBSEGMENT', but I cannot find a view that tells me which DBA_SEGMENT row belongs to the BLOB column in the table I'm checking.
To give you an example:
select sum(BYTES)
where owner = user
and segment_name = 'MY_TABLE'
returns 262144
SELECT sum(length(blob_column))
FROM my_table
returns 821333
There are entries in DBA_SEGMENTS for my user with the type LOBSEGMENT, but I cannot find a way to map the correct DBA_SEGMENTS row to the table I am checking.
I use the oracle 10g database.I am trying to insert and retrive the image.Inserting an image is done.but while retrieving an image iam getting an run time exception in java "java.sql.sqlexception:general error".i am not able to understand this.
The code to insert the image is FileInputStream fi=new FileInputStream(f); int size = fi.available(); System.out.println("j"+size); byte b1[] = new byte[size]; i=fi.read(b1,0,size); System.out.println("i"+i); st.executeUpdate("insert into image1 values('b1',"+k+")"); when i am retrieving the image i tried like this ResultSet rs=st.executeQuery("select imagecolumn from tablename"); here iam getting an exception as i named above.
I need to resize my datafile as i have allocated more space and need to reduce ( i.e.data load completed now). my tablespace is having 11.74 gb free space now. it has 3 datafile.
TABLESPACE TOTAL USED FREE PCT_FREE LARGEST FRAGMENTS ------------------------ ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- CFC_DATA 150528 138780.6 11747.4 7.80412946 1251 992
TABLESPACE_NAME FILE_ID FILE_NAME Size(MB) ------------------ ---------- ------------------------------------------------------- ---------- CFC_DATA 71 +DATA/dedw/datafile/cfc_data.4074.731085435 65535.9688 CFC_DATA 334 +DATA/dedw/datafile/cfc_data.4473.757566557 20480 CFC_DATA 1710 +DATA/dedw/datafile/cfc_data.2012.728095695 64512I used below script to find out HWM in order to resize the datafile. db_block_size is 16KB. [code]....
in TOAD, we have an option, that is "Minimum size" button against each datafile.. Need the SQL which is running behind when we press this button from TOAD ?
I have read following statement from a link [URL]...
Oracle Database XE can be installed on any size host machine with any number of CPUs (one database per machine), but XE will store up to 4GB of user data, use up to 1GB of memory, and use one CPU on the host machine.
calculation of this 4GB size. how can we calculate this size?
by simply going to DBF file and seeing their size? or by exporting dump and seeing the size of that dump?
- So HOW do I find the total size occupied by this table. Does BINARY storage work as LOB storage. i.e. I need to consider USER_LOBS as well for this. OR foll. will work
select segment_name as tablename, sum(bytes/ (1024 * 1024 * 1024 )) as tablesize_in_GB From dba_segments where segment_name = 'XML_TABLE_1' and OWNER = 'SCHEMANAME' group by segment_name ;
- Also if I am copying it to another table of same structure as:
Insert /*+ append */ into XML_TABLE_2 Select * from XML_TABLE_1.
Then how much space in ROllbackSegment do I need. Is it equal to the size of the table XML_TABLE_1?
We will create a new instance in our production server, but this time, part of it's table structure has a BLOB data type (re: <column name> blob(3000)). It's our first time to handle this kind of Oracle data type. What would be my estimate size for it's default tablespace?
My requirement is; I what create new table/view which contains all value of both table and new column called Total Amount. Total amount=SUM(Quantity*Unit_Price+Central_sales_Tax+Service_Tax+ValueAdd_Tax+Entry_Tax+Professional_Tax)
In my real view, the diff calculate column is very long (with case etc...) I must reuse many time the diff calculate column to calculate other columns.I do not want use subquery because there is many join to do in the same query. How can I reuse a calculate column in the same view?
How I can build a query with conditions and calculations? E.g. I've got this table
Start | End | Working Place | Mandatory ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-JAN-13 | 11-JAN-13 | Office | 1 14-JAN-13 | 25-JAN-13 | Home Office | 0 04-MRZ-13| 15-MRZ-13 | Office | 0 11-FEB-13 | 22-FEB-13 | Office | 1
Now if column working place=Office and column mandatory=0 the new column "price" has to calculate: (End-Start)* $25.00 and if working place=Office and column mandatory=1 the "price" column has to calculate: (End-Start)* $20.60 else $0.00
I tried it with the case statement but I didn't know how to calculate my values and display it to the virtual column "price".
Something like case when Working_Place = 'Office' and Mandatory=1 then ... else '0.00' end as PRICE ?????
I have a table with a column of type blob. Now i want to create a procedure which will insert into that table. But I don't like to create a directory. How can i solve this.
I want to insert a row like this:
insert into table x(image) values('d:photo est.jpg');
Now my problem:
In want to delete the blob column(The Content) in Products and the columns, which belong to this column(Filename,Mimetype,Last_update_date). EMPTY_BLOB() doesn't work
Where '00001234' is the Invoice , '12222' is Netamount field and highlighted in red is the $ amount for that invoice.
The only data i need query to return 12222 (netamount)= $amount. I tried using substr select substr((TESTDATA),19,26)test from TABLEA; But this gives me the only the first row but not other amount which have different positions.
I am trying to extract the BLOB column in Oracle Apex and show the contents of it as a popup message.
The files which are stored in the blob column are being zipped using windows zip function in Perl and being inserted in the dataabse using some perl program as follows,
my $zip = Archive::Zip->new(); my $zipfile = $zip->addFile( @$_->[1] ,basename(@$_->[0]));
While extracting the blob column we are using the utl_compress.lz_uncompress_extract() to extract the uncompressed version of file, but we are getting the following error as
"ORA-29294: A data error occurred during compression or uncompression".
I even tried the solution as mentioned in oracle forum
I am using Forms 6i,From my Form, user selects "sno" and upload BLOB image through OAF Upload utility. It stores the rowid of "SNO" and image...into Table "t1"...Now, i want to update the BLOB image into the original table"t2" using rowid..For this , i wrote the rowlevel trigger on Table "t1", in the trigger, i called a Procedure...In that procedure .. i am trying to update the BLOB column..It is not updating the BLOB column..But it is updating the Other values.. except BLOB column.
I want to store a pdf file into a database column of BLOB type. The pdf file on the client system not on the database server. Is there any way i can achieve this?
I have two tables with BLOB datatype. I am trying to copy from one column to another column , i am getting errors
CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE update_blob_lob_copy( v_id in integer, v_string in varchar ) as auditlob lobdemoaudit.theblob%type; sourcelob lobdemo.THEBLOB%type; [code]...
I am trying to insert an image files into a blob column using the following code.
However, I am getting the this error
ORA-22288: file or LOB operation FILEOPEN failed
I've done some tracing on toad and it seems that the file am trying to insert exists yet am unable to open it.
i have to update the blob column in a table with new image.
we have a table with 10 columns in which one column is 'image' as BLOB data type, and one more column with "image_name " and has more than 1000 rows.
I have a 300 images which I need to update in "image" column .
I need to match the given images name with "image_name" column, if row is present in the table than update the "image" column with the given image.
I search and found almost same code to insert the image in new table with a procedure, I mean code is to call the procedure, ( by passing image name and image directory)
Is there any way that we will check all the image given in the directory, if that image_name is present in the table then update the image provide me a sample code for this
vlanke@tank_db> desc filetable; ID NULL NUMBER(6,0) FILE_CONTENT NULL
I am new to Database field.
- I created a table with 2 columns id (datatype as number) and file_content datatype as BLOB. - My question is under desc filetable; query why does it not show me a data type as BLOB. - create table query does not return any error to me. How do I verify that FILE_CONTENT column has datatype as blob.
I have a table that has column with BLOB datatype. I am trying read only the inputted String from the BLOB datatype column. I have used the below query,
SELECT utl_raw.cast_to_varchar2(column1) FROM TAB1 and it gives the result as <H2><FONT color=#cc0000><EM><U>test</U></EM></FONT></H2>
However I would like to extract only the string "test" which is inputted. Is there any build-in function in oracle which will satisfy this requirement?
I have a blob column in one table. I need to show it in my form (6i). If i put an image file in the column, it works (because i show it in a Image item type) but if i put a text file in the blob column, it does n´t work.