SQL & PL/SQL :: Calculation On A Time Field?

Jul 5, 2012

I have time fields that have been converted from a 12hr clock to a 24hr clock and these fields hold only the time...no date.

I need to be able to determine the difference between column A and B eg.

Column A: Column B:
11:00 14:00

I can remove the ':' by using the replace command, but as I need to run on a actual 24hr clock I am not sure how to tackle the calculation as it is not the full oracle datetime format.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Field Name Based On Calculation

Apr 19, 2010

I want to display Week No as the heading.So, I have these:

define week_no=number
column week_col new_value week_no
select to_number(to_char(sysdate, 'ww')) week_col from dual;

I have tested it and it is working as the way I expected: select 'to display week no as column' "Week &week_no" from dual;

The output:
Week 16
to display week no as column ...So how do I display Week 15, Week 17 etc based on the calculation of &week_no e.g. &week_no+1?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Time Zone Calculation

May 30, 2010

Check the following

SELECT FROM_TZ(CAST(TO_DATE('1999-12-01 11:00:00',
AT TIME ZONE '+05:30' "Time at Time zone"

Time at Time zone
01-DEC-99 PM +05:30

My requirement is that

I want to add 2 hours to DateTime i get here i.e. add two hours in result and display the resultant date and tine in time zone '+05:30'. I also want to check that the resultant time falls in business hours (9 am to 6 pm).

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Forms :: Time Calculation

Oct 20, 2011

Currently I am working on payroll system where I have to calculate employees working hours/late coming hours/early going hours against its roster which is defined in the beginning of every month/week.

In roster form user define shift of every employee like

Code Name Shift
7 Saad Nafees A - 09:00 17:00
492 Muhammad Nasir Shahzad B - 17:00 01:00
243 Muhammad Tahir C - 01:00 09:00

Roster table structure

code varchar2
name varchar2
Shift date
Remarks varchar2

shift table structure

code varchar2
timein date
timeout date
latetime date
Hdaytime date

Oracle stores both date and time information in date data type, suppose today user change shift timings from 17:00 to 17:30 or user change timein/timeout in attendance form then oracle will store current date with user define timings.

Now this is the main problem which I am facing because whenever you calculate difference between timein and timeout or compare with its roster then output comes wrong because oracle returns total no of hours whenever you minus two dates.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Date And Time Calculation

Jun 10, 2011

T1 = 06-Jun-2011 4:00PM
T2 = 10-Jun-2011 11:AM

Calculation is Required.

If at the end of Day Hours of T1 > 6 hours then it should calculate 1 Day.

same with T2. hours of T2(from begining of Day till end Time (11AM), it should again caculate if >6 hours then 1 Day.

remaining will be date calculation. this is how T2 - T1 should give us 5 Days.

06-Jun-2011 4:00PM to 06-Jun-2011 12:00AM (8 hours > 6 = 1 Day)
06-Jun-2011 12:00AM to 07-Jun-2011 12:00AM = (1 Day)
07-Jun-2011 12:00AM to 08-Jun-2011 12:00AM = (1 Day)
08-Jun-2011 12:00AM to 09-Jun-2011 12:00AM = (1 Day)
09-Jun-2011 12:00AM to 10-Jun-2011 12:00AM = (1 Day)
10-Jun-2011 12:00AM to 10-Jun-2011 11:00AM (11 hrs > 6 = 1 Day)

this is how 5Days calculation is required.

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Performance Tuning :: Time Calculation In AWR Report

Dec 12, 2011

Till statspack we had

elapsed time = time spent on waits + time CPU was used

Total time during snaps = Elapsed time + (may be) time waited for CPU...In AWR is it possible to draw such equation? I can see that the AWR report has following elements

1) End Snap time - Begin Snap time
2) DB time - as mentioned at the top of AWR report
3) DB CPU - in "Top 5 Timed Foreground Events" (I assume this is 'CPU used by sesson timing' in statspack)
4) Total of time for all Statistics in "Time Model Statistics"
5) BUSY_TIME + IDLE_TIME - "Operating System Statistics"

Time between 2 snapshots? or what else? Also for which seconds to multiply to 'DB Time(s)' per second and 'DB CPU(s)' per second in Load Profile to get the db time and CPU time?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Time Calculation - Make Varchar To Timestamps But Caught With Round Up / Down?

Apr 12, 2011

calculating values of A & B

(both these fields a_std and a_time are coming as varchar from the parent table in a cursor.(basically they are time period and actual arrival time respectively)

i was juggling with the attempt to make varchar to timestamp or date..but caught with Round up /Round down)

Formula ->

A = Round down [A_TIME - A_STD]
B = Round up [A_TIME) - 10 minute + A_STD]


A_TIME VARCHAR2(8) N Time (Format" HH:MM AM/PM") eg "3:50 PM"
A_STD VARCHAR2(5) N Standard time (Format" HH:MM") eg "1:00"

Allowed values for A & B after round up/down = multiple of 10 ( 11:00,11:10,11:20 etc.)

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Summation Of Time Field?

Sep 18, 2012

I have a table with 2 columns storing information on start time and end time and i want to find out the time difference between them and i want a total for this , how can i get the summation on this calculated duration field.

create table ot_job (jh_no number,jh_start_01 date ,jh_end_dt date,jh_st_time varchar2(30),jh_end_time varchar2(30));
insert into ot_job values (1,'01-SEP-2012','01-SEP-2012','11:30','11:50');
insert into ot_job values (2,'01-SEP-2012','01-SEP-2012','08:15','14:00');
insrt into ot_job values (3,'01-SEP-2012','02-SEP-2012','23:00','23:00');
SQL> SELECT jh_no, jh_end_time, jh_st_time,
2 (TRUNC ( ( TO_DATE (SUBSTR (jh_end_time, 1, 5), 'HH24:MI')
3 - TO_DATE (SUBSTR (jh_st_time, 1, 5), 'HH24:MI')
4 )* 24 )


-- i want to add a total for this duration column .

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Concatenating Date And Time Field

Jan 25, 2012

I have a field (called Date_Time) which displays for example 1/31/2005 12:00:00 AM. I would like to run a query that converts that value to '200501' in a created field.

I tried the following below but I keep having problems.

select Account_Number, Date_Time,
concat(year(Date_Time), month(Date_Time)) as Date_Time_Modified
from table
where Account_Number = xxxx

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Forms :: Validate Time On Field

Aug 22, 2010

I have a varchar field and user will enter the time in that field as per the format HH:MI HOURS:MINUTES.Actually there is no control on this field and user is making mistakes like instead of HH:MI he is entering HH;MI.

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Forms :: Date Field With Time

Feb 16, 2010

I have a display item form field. The field's data type is date. It is also a database field that corresponds to a date field in the table.

I have set the format mask on the form field to

I can populate that field with sysdate in when-new-form-instance.

However, if I try to get the date and the time in the field, it just populates the date with the time of 00:00:00.
(02/16/2010 00:00:00 for example).

I have tried several to_char and to_date variations but can't seem to get the current time into that field.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Build Parametric Queries - Input Date Field At Run-time

Aug 24, 2012

When working in MS Access, I can build parametric queries, where I can input the date field for example at run-time. How can I do something similar in SQL Oracle


SELECT Sector.Date, Sector.RNC, Sector.Site, Sector.Cell,Sector.PSC
FROM Sector
WHERE Sector.Date=[Enter Date];

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PL/SQL :: Entire Date / Time Value In A Date Field

May 21, 2013

I am having problems with the XMLTable function. I cant get it to see the entire date/time value in a date field. This wont work

select x1.* from XMLTABLE('/DOCUMENT' passing xmltype('<DOCUMENT><STR>abc def ghi</STR><NUM>1234</NUM><DT>2013-02-17T04:24:02</DT></DOCUMENT>') columns STR varchar2(25), NUM number, DT date) x1;

However if I change the DT tag to just the date only "2013-02-17" it works. Why wont Oracle see the entire date/time format even if its ISO 8601 compliant?

Oracle DB:

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Gratuity Calculation?

Mar 16, 2012

i have attached the .csv file for gratuity calculation.

In the given criteria you can see if number of years 1 then he can get 1 salary if years 1.5 then 2 salary and so on also we need to take care about the leap year.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: For Ratio Calculation?

Sep 14, 2011

,i had given the sample data below

create table ex (sno number,ename varchar2(10),job_code char(4),sal number);
insert into ex values(101,'John','Java',21000,'IT');
insert into ex values(102,'Michel','BI',25000,'IT');
insert into ex values(103,'Johny','Java',30000,'IT');


My expected output is attached in a text file

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Cumulative Calculation In Oracle?

Feb 24, 2011

Is it possible to calculate cumulatively in oracle sql queries, i.e. using the results of the last row for calculating the values in the current row?For example I want my query to return the following:

Month col1 _ col2 _ col3
jan 1 _ 100 _ 100 * 1
feb 2 _ 200 _ 100 * 2 + 200
mar 3 _ 300 _ 400 * 3 + 300
apr 4 _ 400 _ 1500 * 4 + 400
may 5 _ 500 _ 6400 * 5 + 500

In col3 above, for feb I want to use the result returned for jan ((100 * 1)*2+200), for mar I am using the result returned for feb((100 * 2 + 200) * 3 + 300) and so on.

i.e. I want to use the previous value of column3 to derive the current value of column3. Like using the LAG function but on the analytically derived column itself.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Number Of Years Calculation

Mar 16, 2012

for making the query for following data,when we give start and end date then query need to calculate number of years.

if less than one year then return 0
if exact one year then return 1
if exact 1.5 years (18 months) then return 2
if exact 2 years (24 months) then also return 2
if exact 2.5 years (30 months) then return 3
if exact 3 years (36 months) then also return 3
if exact 3.5 years (42 months) then return 4
if exact 4 years (48 months) then also return 4
and so.

also we need to add leap year 1 day if exist in start and end date.


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Forms :: Calculation When Add Numbers

Feb 5, 2011

I am developing a form where I need to add Numbers.In fact we have a bag of Cones that contain 24 cones.In normal calculation when I add numbers for example

5.24 Plus 5.24 it will give the result 10.48

I Need the appropriate method to calculate if I add these two numbers it should give the result 5.24 Plus 5.24 the result should be 12

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SQL & PL/SQL :: FIFO Method Calculation

Jun 11, 2010

I have three table for the stock calculations. The structure are like this

product_id number,
product_name varchar2(30),
company_id number(3),
rate_per_unit number(14,4)

trans_date date
product_id number,
company_id number(3),
quantity number(14,4),
rate_per_unit number(14,4)

trans_date date
product_id number,
company_id number(3),
quantity number(14,4),
rate_per_unit number(14,4)

trans_date date
product_id number,
company_id number(3),
quantity number(14,4),
rate_per_unit number(14,4)

trans_date date
product_id number,
company_id number(3),
quantity number(14,4),
rate_per_unit number(14,4)

I need to find out the valuation on particular sales date at FIFO method.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Annual Leave Calculation

May 29, 2012

We want to calculate Annual leave the scenerio is as follows

1. Employee service more the one year
2. if joining date is 07-04-2008 than on 07-04-2009 completed one year and on 07-04-2010 completed two years and so on. day and month of date must be the same.

so we need YEAR*14. e.g. if 1 year completed then 1*14 if two years completed then 2*14 and so on. by this we will get the opening of Annual leaves.

We have another table where we entered the leave day by day in whole year, if he avail 10 leaves in first year then 4 will be remaining and we can say it is the closing of first year and opening of second year. so on second year he will entitled 14 more leaves so 14 + 4 = 18 should be opening of next year.In year Caclulation Day and Month must be the same for example 07 day, 04 month for every year. 14 Annual leaves are fix for each year

following are columns for output.

empid, ename, date of joining, sysdate, leave opening, leave avail, closing balance,
1, jone, 29-05-2009, 29-05-2012
2, herry,29-05-2008, 29-05-2012
3, bell, 29-05-2006, 29-05-2012

between two dates (date of joining and system date)

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PL/SQL :: Calculation On Sql Column Layer

Aug 31, 2012


I want to calculate on column-layer of a sql-query:

select a "column1", "column1" + 1

from ...but it does not work...

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Server Utilities :: Field In Datafile Exceeds Maximum Length For Number Field?

Apr 23, 2010

Even though i am using COL1 CHAR(500) NULLIF COL1=BLANKS, then also i am getting same error for those columns.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Perform Math Calculation Upon Dates?

Feb 9, 2011

I got 4 fields:

event_date (01/01/1900 hh:mm:ss)
team_count (number)
interview_count (number)
duration (01/01/1900 hh:mm:ss) - duration of each interview

The calculation is:

(interview_count * team_count * duration(hh:mm)) + event_date
(3 * 2 * 02:30) + 01/01/1900 08:00:00
= 15:00:00 + 01/01/1900 08:00:00
= 01/01/1900 23:00:00.

all I care about is the hh:mm in the result.How can I preform this calculation in pl/sql?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Conditional Average Calculation Of Column?

Jul 22, 2012

I want to write a sql qeuery to get result similar to expected average column as shown in sheet.

Record can be uniquely identified by columns ID, PRODUCT and OFFICE. I want to calculate average for each date considering the same record does not exists earlier i.e. I want to consider the latest vote while calculating average. E.g.

Average till date 1/1/2011 is Avg (2, 4, 3) = 3 (as no repeating vote value exists)
Average till date 2/1/2011 is Avg (4, 3, 5, 3) = 3.75 (excluding vote value 2 as 122_UK_LONDON was provided his vote earlier, so considered latest vote value i.e. 5)
Average till date 3/1/2011 is Avg (3, 5, 3, 6, 5, 8 ) = 5 (excluding vote value 2 for 122_UK_LONDON and vote value 4 for 967_Europe_London)

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Forms :: Calculation Total In Application?

Mar 16, 2011

I'm getting trouble in getting the sum of all the product's prize present in the form fields of invoice form. For example, I user bought 2 products so I want to get there prize sum in the total box. I first want that I've QUANTITY, DISCOUNT and SELLING PRIZE.

If I multiply Quantity with Selling Prize then I gets the result in Product and Quantity Total Box. However, Now I want to add discount option in it. Means if user is providing 10% discount to his/her customer then Quantity * Selling Prize - Discount% becomes a result in product's solution final prize box.

Here is the pic..

Look...Now here..I've added 22 in quantity.. now if I'll insert 10% in discount then the total will comes in Amount Display Box.

I'm currently using this coding on on Prize Box..

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Forms :: Calculation Mode With Conditions

Sep 24, 2013

I have 2 fields f1,f2

I define f1 a summary in calculation mode

I want to sum f1 where f2 = 5

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Total Records Count Calculation

Jan 14, 2013

We have a front end that is polling the database for some set of data.That set of data is returned by opening a ref cursor and passing it back to the calling environment.Now the problem they also want the count of total number of records that will be fetched by my select statement.One option is execute the select statement once ,get the count and pass it.But in that case i will be executuing the query twice once for count other time while openimng for the ref cursor .

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Select Statement Query Calculation

Sep 28, 2011

I'm unable to create a select statement which calculates & brings the below fields :

- Act_Net_Last_Month (LastMonth)
- Act_Net_Same_Month_Last_Year (LM_LastYear)

My Table :

Acc_ID - Period_Name - Period_Year - Act_Net
000044 - Aug-2011 - 2011 - 4493
000044 - Aug-2010 - 2010 - 4300
000044 - Jul-2011 - 2011 - 4389
000044 - Jul-2010 - 2010 - 4266

Example :

Acc_ID - Period_Name - Period_Year - Act_Net - LastMonth - LM_LastYaer
000044 - Aug-2011 - 2011 - 4493 - 4389 - 4266

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Forms :: Update Field Based On Another Field Checkbox

May 3, 2013

I have a table where i need to update one field values based on another field of the same table , simply as it is.I have done this using one select all check box , on clicking that all check boxes of item_trans table will get selected , then i will un select some of check box and then using one button, i will update the value of the fields which are checked only.

I have put the sample code but when i am updating its taking long time and hanging.I am also attaching the form based on the test case provided.

--tables with insert statement
create table item_trans (trans_item varchar2(12),trans_qty number,trans_act_qty number)

insert into item_trans(TRANS_ITEM,TRANS_QTY,TRANS_ACT_QTY) VALUES ('TREE1',40,NULL);
insert into item_trans(TRANS_ITEM,TRANS_QTY,TRANS_ACT_QTY) VALUES ('TREE2',20,NULL);
insert into item_trans(TRANS_ITEM,TRANS_QTY,TRANS_ACT_QTY) VALUES ('TREE3',20,NULL);

--i want to set the value of trans_Act_qty as trans_qty

--i create one dummy or test block to keep the select all check box. for that table test script is


insert into test (C,B,A) values ('A',1,1);

--code written in select all check box which is created on test.block.


--code written in M_END_YN ( actual check boxes where i will uncheck).

:M_END_ALL := 'N';

--code written on button to update those values which are checked.


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How To Enable And Disable A Field Dependent On Another Field In Apex

May 9, 2013

I am New to Apex. Im using Apex Version 4.2.


The Scenario is depending upon PROJECT NUMBER the Fields are Populated including FUNDS CHECK FLAG .

But the AUTHORIZAION DATE is a MANDATORY field has to be filled by User

The Requirement is to make AUTHORIZAION DATE as MANDATORY only when the FUNDS CHECK FLAG is *"BLANK "* or *ā€œYā€*

If the FUNDS CHECK FLAG is *ā€œNā€* then the AUTHORIZAION DATE to be made OPTIONAL.

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