SQL & PL/SQL :: FIFO Method Calculation

Jun 11, 2010

I have three table for the stock calculations. The structure are like this

product_id number,
product_name varchar2(30),
company_id number(3),
rate_per_unit number(14,4)

trans_date date
product_id number,
company_id number(3),
quantity number(14,4),
rate_per_unit number(14,4)

trans_date date
product_id number,
company_id number(3),
quantity number(14,4),
rate_per_unit number(14,4)

trans_date date
product_id number,
company_id number(3),
quantity number(14,4),
rate_per_unit number(14,4)

trans_date date
product_id number,
company_id number(3),
quantity number(14,4),
rate_per_unit number(14,4)

I need to find out the valuation on particular sales date at FIFO method.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Calculating Stock Using FIFO

Jul 12, 2011

How can I calculate (by SQL) outstanding stock on a First In First Out basis per month?

Table A
Month Oustanding Stock Sales Expired Stock
January 200 0 0
February 100 100 0
March 100 0 0
April 50 150 0
June 50 0 100
July 50 0 0

Desired Results

Month Outstanding Stock
January 0
February 0
March 50
April 50
June 50
July 50

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SQL & PL/SQL :: FIFO Store Consumption

Apr 25, 2013

I need a query to divide the total consumption of an item into parts as it was stored in store on the basis of FIFO. The item that was stored first it will consumed first.

My sample data is given below.

no NUMBER(4),
vdate DATE,
code VARCHAR2(8),
clqty NUMBER(8,3),
dept_id NUMBER(4)

SQL>select * from store_stock
2 order by dept_id,vdate,no;

---------- --------- -------- ---------- ----------
359 21-JUL-12 012-042C 1050.1 19
2144 14-NOV-12 012-042C 990 19
1876 23-OCT-12 012-042C 1010 34
4006 12-MAR-13 012-043D 515.425 34
4086 15-MAR-13 012-043D 870 34
4495 13-APR-13 012-043D 498 34

6 rows selected.

SQL>select * from store_issue;

-------- --------- ---------- ----------
012-043D 24-APR-13 34 1650
012-042C 24-APR-13 19 990

Required Output will be

---------- --------- -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------
359 21-JUL-12 012-042C 1050.1 19 990 0
2144 14-NOV-12 012-042C 990 19 0 0
1876 23-OCT-12 012-042C 1010 34 1010 640
4006 12-MAR-13 012-043D 515.425 34 515.425 124.575
4086 15-MAR-13 012-043D 870 34 124.575 0
4495 13-APR-13 012-043D 498 34 0 0

The total consumed against code '012-042C' is 990 for dept_id 19 and we have stored qty 1050.1 against goods receipt no 359 dated 12-jul-12. So have issued the whole qty against no 359 and balance is 0. For item code '012-043D' the total issuance is 1650 and we have issued it against 03 goods receipt nos.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: FIFO Base Query

Sep 30, 2010

select code,inv_date,inv_co_code,inv_co_name,inv_fnd_code,inv_fnd_name,inv_amount,inv_nofu
from retreport order by inv_co_code, inv_fnd_Code,inv_date

----- ------ -------- ----------- ------------ -------------- ---------------------- ----------------------
I 28/06/2010 117 13 CAD 1 MCB 15104708.75 148375.7308
I 01/07/2010 13 CAD 1 MCB 2804.7464
I 30/08/2010 117 13 CAD 1 MCB 700000.00 6882.2380
I 30/08/2010 117 13 CAD 1 MCB 9500000.00 93401.8018
R 31/08/2010 117 13 CAD 1 MCB 39315.8646
R 08/09/2010 117 13 CAD 1 MCB 24515.9089

6 rows selected


I need FIFO Query First in Fist out (INV_NOFU)

----- ------ ----------- ----------- ------------ -------------- ---------------------- ---------------------- ------------
I 117 13 CAD 1 MCB 15104708.75 148375.7308 148375.7308
R 117 13 CAD 1 MCB 39315.8646 109059.8662
R 117 13 CAD 1 MCB 24515.9089 84543.8773
I 13 CAD 1 MCB 2804.7464 87348.6237
I 117 13 CAD 1 MCB 700000.00 6882.2380 94230.8617
I 117 13 CAD 1 MCB 9500000.00 93401.8018 187632.6635

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Adjust 2900 Against Certain Amount From Table On FIFO Basis?

Jun 16, 2010

I want to adjust 2900 against certain amount from table on fifo basis.


Can i do it using SQL. I know that it can be done using PL/SQL but i just wanted to confirm if its possible using SQL.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Fastest Method For One To One Update

May 9, 2013

We have a requirement to update one column as given in the below mentioned pl/sql block.The challenge is to update the a large volume of data every day.Generally this kind of one to one update will takes long time (45 min approxmately) We need a solution that will be able to update 10 million records in few minutes.

for i in (select t3.event_id, t1.header_id from
table_1 t1, table_2 t2, table_3 t3
where t1.header_id=t2.header_id and t2.entity_id = t3.entity_id)
update table_1 set event_id = i.event_id
where header_id =i.header_id;
end loop;

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Novalidate Constraint Method

Mar 4, 2011


Below is the step i gone through:

1) CREATE TABLE mutu (id NUMBER, text VARCHAR2(20));

2) INSERT INTO mutu SELECT rownum , 'mutu' FROM dual CONNECT BY LEVEL <= 10000;

3) Insert Duplicate row.


5)Create a NON-UNIQUE INDEX's CONSTRAINT as below.

6) Insert Duplicate row.

7) ERROR at line 1:
ORA-00001: unique constraint (SYS.ZIGGY_PK) violated

Why it shows the error. Even though I had created a NON-UNIQUE INDEX's Constraint only.

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Fast Method To Drop Many Users

Oct 21, 2010

I have 2 tests Oracle instances (a 10g and a 11g) in which somebody added many users (almost 50k), every user having a TEST table with no rows in its schema.

I have to drop these users without recreating the instances, but DROP USER username CASCADE is taking almost 1 minute for each user. This will take me to almost a month.

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Oracle 8i Best Method To Reduce DB Size?

Apr 3, 2008

i got a table and it had 5000 rows of data...ive deleted around 2000 to decrease the db size but i have no success. My harddrive is still showing the same size with no increase in mb.

I've looked at shrink etc methods but some are not compatible with 8i.

I take it the db is still reserving that those deleted rows thinking it may be used again which is the reason for no increase in space.

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How To Check Status Of Import (old Method) Job

Aug 23, 2011


How to find out the status of the import job(how much work is done, ETA), i have started the job few days back it still running on the server. i am using import not datapump, because i got the dump which took with export. DB version is

for datapump i know i can use the following queries, but these are not giving any output l think these are only for datapump

select sid, serial#, sofar, totalwork from v$session_longops;
select sid, serial# from v$session s, dba_datapump_sessions d where s.saddr = d.saddr;

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Access Method To Retrieve Single Row

Sep 15, 2010

Which Oracle access method is the fastest way for Oracle to retrieve a single row?

a) Primary key access
b) Access via unique index
c)Table access by ROWID
d)Full table scan

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Gratuity Calculation?

Mar 16, 2012

i have attached the .csv file for gratuity calculation.

In the given criteria you can see if number of years 1 then he can get 1 salary if years 1.5 then 2 salary and so on also we need to take care about the leap year.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: For Ratio Calculation?

Sep 14, 2011

,i had given the sample data below

create table ex (sno number,ename varchar2(10),job_code char(4),sal number);
insert into ex values(101,'John','Java',21000,'IT');
insert into ex values(102,'Michel','BI',25000,'IT');
insert into ex values(103,'Johny','Java',30000,'IT');


My expected output is attached in a text file

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Best Method To Populate Calendar Entries On A Table

Jun 2, 2011

I have a table :


and I was wondering if there is a quick method of populating it with calendar data so it would look like the following:

Product Year Month
A 2008 Jan
A 2008 Feb
A 2008 Mar
A 2008 Apr
A 2008 May
A 2008 Jun
A 2008 Jul
A 2008 Aug
A 2008 Sep
A 2008 Oct
A 2008 Nov
A 2008 Dec
A 2009 Jan
A 2009 Feb

This would be done for all products for 4 years.

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Windows :: Select Installation Method Does Not Display?

Feb 11, 2013

I have installed oracle 10g in D drive .

The instalation says it is succeessful, without asking the database name or the password .

I have followed the steps given in the attached file .

However it is not asking the databse name or password ( no configuration set up is appearing for the user to interact with the system ) .

So, after installation I can not give the username and password .

The tnsnames.ora file is given below

# tnsnames.ora Network Configuration File: D:DevSuiteHome_1
etworkadmin nsnames.ora
# Generated by Oracle configuration tools.


The files from where I installed is ds_windowx86 disk1 and disk 2.

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Forms :: Any Method On WHEN-BUTTON-PRESSED Trigger

May 9, 2012

I have a form of a user feedback with SMS Sending. which I gave to my all clients when ever my any client enter a feedback they press send SMS button so I got SMS if they press the button 2 times I got 2 same sms and if press the button 3 times I got 3 same sms and so on I want to restrict them and allow them to send only 2 sms of that feedback.any method on WHEN-BUTTON-PRESSED Trigger.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Solve Equation With Newton-Raphson Method

Feb 25, 2010

Is it possible to solve an equation with the newton-raphson method with sql?

I have an equation f(x)=1-a/x**2, f(x)'= 2a/x**3
and want to solve x for several a's

The newton-raphson methos uses the derivation as next approximation:

xn2 = xn1 - f(x)/f(x)'

The result should be like this:

create table temp_res (a integer, res number);
insert into temp_res values(1, 1);
insert into temp_res values(2, 1.41421288939285);
insert into temp_res values(3, 1.73205078513617);
insert into temp_res values(4, 1.99999999999617);
insert into temp_res values(5, 2.23606797658102);
insert into temp_res values(6, 2.4494897130809);
insert into temp_res values(7, 2.64575095945042);
insert into temp_res values(8, 2.82842712474403);

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Does Oracle 11g Support Host Naming Method

Jun 30, 2013

DB: & OS: RHEL5 Easy Connect Naming method enhances the host naming method by allowing for a port and service specification. My question is does Oracle 11g support Host naming method?

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Security :: Encryption Method (password Starts With 06)?

Aug 29, 2013

Our Audit Company has given us a recommendation:"Old DB Link encrypted Passwords: The password of the Oracle databases links are encrypted using DES (password starts with 05). This encryption methord is known and users can decrypt the passwords using a simple SQL query. Please recreate the database links to use the new encryption method (password starts with 06)."What does it mean and how can we perform this recommendation?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Convert Rows To Columns Using Pivot Method

Mar 16, 2010

I tried to convert rows to columns using the pivot method.But i am not able to do that.This is what i tried:

SQL> desc pt
Name Null? Type
----------------- -------- ------------

As you can see from the above output i am not getting as expected.

Expected output:
---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
1993 3000 1340 8700
1991 1000 1500 1250
1992 2000 1200 2323

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Field Name Based On Calculation

Apr 19, 2010

I want to display Week No as the heading.So, I have these:

define week_no=number
column week_col new_value week_no
select to_number(to_char(sysdate, 'ww')) week_col from dual;

I have tested it and it is working as the way I expected: select 'to display week no as column' "Week &week_no" from dual;

The output:
Week 16
to display week no as column ...So how do I display Week 15, Week 17 etc based on the calculation of &week_no e.g. &week_no+1?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Calculation On A Time Field?

Jul 5, 2012

I have time fields that have been converted from a 12hr clock to a 24hr clock and these fields hold only the time...no date.

I need to be able to determine the difference between column A and B eg.

Column A: Column B:
11:00 14:00

I can remove the ':' by using the replace command, but as I need to run on a actual 24hr clock I am not sure how to tackle the calculation as it is not the full oracle datetime format.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Cumulative Calculation In Oracle?

Feb 24, 2011

Is it possible to calculate cumulatively in oracle sql queries, i.e. using the results of the last row for calculating the values in the current row?For example I want my query to return the following:

Month col1 _ col2 _ col3
jan 1 _ 100 _ 100 * 1
feb 2 _ 200 _ 100 * 2 + 200
mar 3 _ 300 _ 400 * 3 + 300
apr 4 _ 400 _ 1500 * 4 + 400
may 5 _ 500 _ 6400 * 5 + 500

In col3 above, for feb I want to use the result returned for jan ((100 * 1)*2+200), for mar I am using the result returned for feb((100 * 2 + 200) * 3 + 300) and so on.

i.e. I want to use the previous value of column3 to derive the current value of column3. Like using the LAG function but on the analytically derived column itself.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Time Zone Calculation

May 30, 2010

Check the following

SELECT FROM_TZ(CAST(TO_DATE('1999-12-01 11:00:00',
AT TIME ZONE '+05:30' "Time at Time zone"

Time at Time zone
01-DEC-99 PM +05:30

My requirement is that

I want to add 2 hours to DateTime i get here i.e. add two hours in result and display the resultant date and tine in time zone '+05:30'. I also want to check that the resultant time falls in business hours (9 am to 6 pm).

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Number Of Years Calculation

Mar 16, 2012

for making the query for following data,when we give start and end date then query need to calculate number of years.

if less than one year then return 0
if exact one year then return 1
if exact 1.5 years (18 months) then return 2
if exact 2 years (24 months) then also return 2
if exact 2.5 years (30 months) then return 3
if exact 3 years (36 months) then also return 3
if exact 3.5 years (42 months) then return 4
if exact 4 years (48 months) then also return 4
and so.

also we need to add leap year 1 day if exist in start and end date.


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Forms :: Calculation When Add Numbers

Feb 5, 2011

I am developing a form where I need to add Numbers.In fact we have a bag of Cones that contain 24 cones.In normal calculation when I add numbers for example

5.24 Plus 5.24 it will give the result 10.48

I Need the appropriate method to calculate if I add these two numbers it should give the result 5.24 Plus 5.24 the result should be 12

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Forms :: Time Calculation

Oct 20, 2011

Currently I am working on payroll system where I have to calculate employees working hours/late coming hours/early going hours against its roster which is defined in the beginning of every month/week.

In roster form user define shift of every employee like

Code Name Shift
7 Saad Nafees A - 09:00 17:00
492 Muhammad Nasir Shahzad B - 17:00 01:00
243 Muhammad Tahir C - 01:00 09:00

Roster table structure

code varchar2
name varchar2
Shift date
Remarks varchar2

shift table structure

code varchar2
timein date
timeout date
latetime date
Hdaytime date

Oracle stores both date and time information in date data type, suppose today user change shift timings from 17:00 to 17:30 or user change timein/timeout in attendance form then oracle will store current date with user define timings.

Now this is the main problem which I am facing because whenever you calculate difference between timein and timeout or compare with its roster then output comes wrong because oracle returns total no of hours whenever you minus two dates.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Date And Time Calculation

Jun 10, 2011

T1 = 06-Jun-2011 4:00PM
T2 = 10-Jun-2011 11:AM

Calculation is Required.

If at the end of Day Hours of T1 > 6 hours then it should calculate 1 Day.

same with T2. hours of T2(from begining of Day till end Time (11AM), it should again caculate if >6 hours then 1 Day.

remaining will be date calculation. this is how T2 - T1 should give us 5 Days.

06-Jun-2011 4:00PM to 06-Jun-2011 12:00AM (8 hours > 6 = 1 Day)
06-Jun-2011 12:00AM to 07-Jun-2011 12:00AM = (1 Day)
07-Jun-2011 12:00AM to 08-Jun-2011 12:00AM = (1 Day)
08-Jun-2011 12:00AM to 09-Jun-2011 12:00AM = (1 Day)
09-Jun-2011 12:00AM to 10-Jun-2011 12:00AM = (1 Day)
10-Jun-2011 12:00AM to 10-Jun-2011 11:00AM (11 hrs > 6 = 1 Day)

this is how 5Days calculation is required.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Annual Leave Calculation

May 29, 2012

We want to calculate Annual leave the scenerio is as follows

1. Employee service more the one year
2. if joining date is 07-04-2008 than on 07-04-2009 completed one year and on 07-04-2010 completed two years and so on. day and month of date must be the same.

so we need YEAR*14. e.g. if 1 year completed then 1*14 if two years completed then 2*14 and so on. by this we will get the opening of Annual leaves.

We have another table where we entered the leave day by day in whole year, if he avail 10 leaves in first year then 4 will be remaining and we can say it is the closing of first year and opening of second year. so on second year he will entitled 14 more leaves so 14 + 4 = 18 should be opening of next year.In year Caclulation Day and Month must be the same for example 07 day, 04 month for every year. 14 Annual leaves are fix for each year

following are columns for output.

empid, ename, date of joining, sysdate, leave opening, leave avail, closing balance,
1, jone, 29-05-2009, 29-05-2012
2, herry,29-05-2008, 29-05-2012
3, bell, 29-05-2006, 29-05-2012

between two dates (date of joining and system date)

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PL/SQL :: Calculation On Sql Column Layer

Aug 31, 2012


I want to calculate on column-layer of a sql-query:

select a "column1", "column1" + 1

from ...but it does not work...

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