SQL & PL/SQL :: Build Parametric Queries - Input Date Field At Run-time

Aug 24, 2012

When working in MS Access, I can build parametric queries, where I can input the date field for example at run-time. How can I do something similar in SQL Oracle


SELECT Sector.Date, Sector.RNC, Sector.Site, Sector.Cell,Sector.PSC
FROM Sector
WHERE Sector.Date=[Enter Date];

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PL/SQL :: Entire Date / Time Value In A Date Field

May 21, 2013

I am having problems with the XMLTable function. I cant get it to see the entire date/time value in a date field. This wont work

select x1.* from XMLTABLE('/DOCUMENT' passing xmltype('<DOCUMENT><STR>abc def ghi</STR><NUM>1234</NUM><DT>2013-02-17T04:24:02</DT></DOCUMENT>') columns STR varchar2(25), NUM number, DT date) x1;

However if I change the DT tag to just the date only "2013-02-17" it works. Why wont Oracle see the entire date/time format even if its ISO 8601 compliant?

Oracle DB:

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Concatenating Date And Time Field

Jan 25, 2012

I have a field (called Date_Time) which displays for example 1/31/2005 12:00:00 AM. I would like to run a query that converts that value to '200501' in a created field.

I tried the following below but I keep having problems.

select Account_Number, Date_Time,
concat(year(Date_Time), month(Date_Time)) as Date_Time_Modified
from table
where Account_Number = xxxx

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Forms :: Date Field With Time

Feb 16, 2010

I have a display item form field. The field's data type is date. It is also a database field that corresponds to a date field in the table.

I have set the format mask on the form field to

I can populate that field with sysdate in when-new-form-instance.

However, if I try to get the date and the time in the field, it just populates the date with the time of 00:00:00.
(02/16/2010 00:00:00 for example).

I have tried several to_char and to_date variations but can't seem to get the current time into that field.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Build Query To Retrieve Records Between Dates With Same Field?

Mar 17, 2010

i have a doubt in building a query.

I have a table with fields

job_no activity Date
101 anchorage 20/01/2010
102 berthing 25/01/2010
103 sailing 29/01/2010

If i want to know the status of the ship on the date '22/01/2010' It has to show as 'anchorage', becoz on '25/01/2010' only it came to berthing from anchorage. How to write a query to achieve this.

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PL/SQL :: Retrieve Date Range From 2 Search Input Date Fields

Aug 16, 2012

I would like to inquire how do I code my select statement if my user enter a search date range(search startDt: 01/08/2012 and search endDt :30/09/2012) and I will like to retrieve only the 7records out from my table as shown below ?

01/08/2012 01/08/2012
01/06/2012 31/12/2012
01/08/2012 01/08/2012
01/09/2012 01/09/2012
01/09/2012 31/12/2012
01/07/2012 01/07/2012->not retrieved out
01/08/2012 01/08/2012
01/01/2012 31/12/2012

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Created Registration Form With Input Field Of Email Address

May 30, 2011

i have created a registration form with an input field of email address. now i want if a new user register, it should automatically receive a confirmation mail.

i have done some coding but i am unable to define what to write on place of highlighted text.

public void sendConfEmail(){
Properties props = null;
if (props == null) {
props = System.getProperties();
props.put("mail.smtp.host", "<server host name>");
Session session = Session.getInstance(props, null);

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Updating A Date Field With Field From Another Table?

Nov 14, 2011

I have a table called Customer_Type with following fields

Customer_type ,Active_date, Inactive_date

Tbale 2:Customer


What i wnat is to update the Customer_inactive_date with the Incative_date field from Customer_type based on their Customer_type... So james and Jill would have their rows updated in this scneario ..How can i achive this in pl/Sql

I have teh code using merge function..I want something in traditional old fashion..

The sql statements are below

type_code VARCHAR2(10),


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How To Get Total Elapsed Time Of Multiple Queries

May 7, 2013

I am executing below two SQL's at a time in a .sql file and I want the total execution time of these two queries:-

set timing on;
select 1 from dual;
select 2 from dual;

The output of the above sql file is returning the results like below which is expected:-


Elapsed: 00:00:00.01


Elapsed: 00:00:00.00

I want the total execution time of the two SQL queries at a time, I mean post execution of the two queries I want to know the total execution time, in this case is execution case will be 00:00:00.01.

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Application Express :: Unable To Set Default Date Value For Tabular Form DB Date Field?

Dec 3, 2012

Version : 4.1.1, I have a tabular form on a DB table. One of the columns is a date field. When the user hits the "add Row" button on the tabular form, I want the Date field to be defaulted to sysdate. Here is what I have tried so far,

1. Created a "hidden" item P1_SYSDATE and populated the default value with sysdate. After this, under the DB tabular report date field, I used default type - Item/application on this page and entered P1_sYSDATE

2. Instead of populating the default value of the P1_SYSDATE hidden item, I created a before regions process and added

:P1_SYSDATE := sysdate

and added P1_SYSDATE to default type of the tabular date field with default type as "ITem/application on this page.

I get the error

ORA-01790: expression must have same datatype as corresponding expression

I tried to_Char(sysdate,'dd-mon-yyyy') and then converting it back to to_date. still no luck.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Use Date As Input Parameter

May 13, 2013

How to use date as an input parameter,im supposed to use varchar2 as the data type

CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE mail1 ( recievers VARCHAR2 ,p_date in varchar2 )
sender VARCHAR2(30) := 'xyz@gmail.com';
mailhost VARCHAR2(100) := 'host address';
mail_conn utl_smtp.connection;


cursor c1 is

--select activity_date,procedure_name,status_message,error_desc from staging_activity_log where rownum between 1 and 10 ;
select activity_date,procedure_name,status_message,error_desc from staging_activity_log where error_desc is not null and trunc(activity_date) >= to_date(p_date,'DD-MON-YYYY') ;


when i execute i get

BEGIN mail1 ('xxx@gmail.com,yyy@gmail.com,'28-jan-2008'); END;
Error at line 1
ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error
ORA-06512: at "MAIL1", line 27
ORA-06512: at line 1

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SQL Queries Taking Long Time After 11g Data Migration

Sep 14, 2010

I have upgraded oracle database from 9i to 11g using export and import utility. After migration we are facing performance issue in report generation, We have observed that First execution of report is taking very long time and when we generate the same report 2 -3 times there is considerable change in the execution time and it is more better than the first execution.

2 days back I have restarted the database and found the same issue. There are around 300 Reports and it is not possible to generate all the reports 2-3 times every time we restart the database.

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Selecting All Queries Executed Between Given Date And Now

Oct 26, 2010

Is information in v$sql enough to select all queries executed between given date and now? When the queries are removed from v$sql?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Removal Of Time In Input Parameter In Stored Procedure?

May 15, 2011

I'm creating a stored procedure wherein I'm the field wherein I will use for date input parameter is having a datetime format.

The format that we need for user's to input is 'DD-MON-YYYY' (without the minutes and seconds.)

how should I proceed with the creation of stored procedure for this?

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Converting Date Field To Datestamp (Epoch Date)

Apr 11, 2013

I have a small prolem thats best described like this....

a table called TONY with a field named VISITED (date as YYYYMMDD).

We want to populate the field TIMESTAMP (Last visited timestamp, 18 digits) using midnight or 00:00:00 on VISITED value.

Something like:

UPDATE TONY SET TIMESTAMP = �(whatever the formula is involving VISITED).

but i cannot figure out the best way to derive the TIMESTAMP value...

it's a date to epoch conversion, and i can find many examples of Epoch to date, but thats the wrong way around for me i'm afraid!

Oracle 11gR2 by the way...

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Forms :: Date Field Gets Disabled When Date Format Is Given?

Oct 3, 2012

A field named xxx_date is a text item which we have to enter manually so as to update a record in that particular date. This is a mandatory field without which we cannot continue the data entry..

I am getting this error while trying to update the record

FRM-40509 :Oracle error :unable to update record

I have kept the enabled = yes
data type=Date.. in the property pallet

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PL/SQL :: Input Parameter - Date Format

Aug 5, 2013

i have below requirement in one program date is input parameter. but that should work whatever date format like DD/mon/yyyyyyyy.mm.dd what shd i do input parameter from dateand to date

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Performance Tuning :: How To Find Out Queries That Are Executed In Particular Range Of Time

Sep 9, 2011

here we have an scenario where we want to find out all the sql statements that are executed in a particular time. The sql statements are executed via our application. I tried in awr report but it shows only the sql query which has taken long time to execute. and i even tried in V$session and V$sqlarea. how to view the executed sql statements in a particular session/current session

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Find Queries Bases On Elapsed Time From Window Of 3 Months

Nov 19, 2012

how to find out queries bases on elapsed time from the window of 3 Months


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PL/SQL :: Oracle Dictionary View 2 / Find Queries Run And Its Execution Time

Feb 6, 2013

Is there any oracle dictionary view which captures the queries being run by users on the database and time taken to execute those queries?We need to find out the OS user not the database user since we have to identify the users who are executing long running queries.We require this basically to monitor the long running queries on the database.

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Multiple Queries To Reflect A Date Change

May 29, 2009

I need to create probably two subqueries in which to reflect when a date changes. For instance, an account has a code and I need to reflect the the date the code changes...see sample below:

Account Date Code Date Changed
123 1/1/2009 ABC 1/1/2009
123 2/1/2009 ABC 1/1/2009
123 3/1/2009 XYZ 3/1/2009
123 4/1/2009 XYZ 3/1/2009
123 5/1/2009 ABC 5/1/2009

I have the one query which will return all of the dates, but I believe I need another query that will return only the dates that changed....can't seem to get that one to work at all. I believe once I do this then I can join the two queries together.

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JDeveloper, Java & XML :: Date Time Omits Time Part

Jun 4, 2012

When I try to extract the date tag value from XML data, the time stored in 20120602153021 format i.e., YYYYMMDD24HHMISS format. The following statement extracts only date as 02-JUN-12 however do not extract the time part.

If I try the same in SQLplus with to_date it works however fails in PL/SQL.

XML data:
<?xml version="1.0"?>

PL/SQL Extract:

CURSOR c_xml_record
SELECT extract(value(d), '//ACTIVATIONTS/text()').getStringVal() AS REGTIMESTAMP,
FROM t_xml_data x,

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Performance Tuning :: Hierarchical Queries - Run Jobs Within Stipulated Time Frame

Nov 17, 2011

We have a big hierarchical query which is now running for a long time (around 6 hours. earlier it was running for 3 hours). We have to tune this query so that we run the jobs within a stipulated time frame.

The query below inserts around 42 million records in to the table WK_ACCT_WSTORE. I have attached in the text file.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Date Query - Input Year In Specified Range

Dec 26, 2012

Getting problem with below query.

select to_date('30-DEC-00','DD-MON-YYYY') from dual

Error starting at line 1 in command:

select to_date('30-DEC-00','DD-MON-YYYY') from dual

Error report:

SQL Error: ORA-01841: (full) year must be between -4713 and +9999, and not be 0 01841. 00000 - "(full) year must be between -4713 and +9999, and not be 0"

*Cause: Illegal year entered
*Action: Input year in the specified range

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Getting Date Gaps From Data Of Date Field

Sep 24, 2011

I have a date field that should be filled everyday with today's date and I need to get the days that were not entered.

i.e. :


INTO TRY_F VALUES (to_date('01/01/2011','DD/MM/YYYY'))
INTO TRY_F VALUES (to_date('02/01/2011','DD/MM/YYYY'))
INTO TRY_F VALUES (to_date('04/01/2011','DD/MM/YYYY'))
INTO TRY_F VALUES (to_date('05/01/2011','DD/MM/YYYY'))
INTO TRY_F VALUES (to_date('06/01/2011','DD/MM/YYYY'))
INTO TRY_F VALUES (to_date('08/01/2011','DD/MM/YYYY'))
INTO TRY_F VALUES (to_date('10/01/2011','DD/MM/YYYY'))
INTO TRY_F VALUES (to_date('14/01/2011','DD/MM/YYYY'))

I need a smart way of getting the dates that were missed in DAT.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Convert As Procedure Based On Input Date Parameter

Dec 12, 2012

i have the below query

select to_char(report_date, 'YYYY MM Mon'), count(1) no_of_times
from (
select to_date('&&YYYYMMDD', 'YYYYMMDD')+rownum report_date
, mod(rownum,14) mod_result
from all_objects


need to convert as procedure based on input date parameter.I will pass the input date from java environment and need to see the sql query output in front end.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Calculate Balance For Last Two Cooperative Years On Input Date

Aug 24, 2012

I need to calcuate balance for last two cooprative years on input date.


if input date is-->"01-AUG-2012" if (month >=7) -->then i need to calculate from 01-july-2010 to 30-june-2011 and 01-july-2011 to 30-june-2012 and 01-july-2012 to input date.

if input date is-->"01-june-2012" if (month<7) -->then i need to calculate from 01-july-2009 to 30-june-2010 and 01-july-2010 to 30-june-2011 and 01-july-2011 to input date.

how to achieve this logic

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Server Utilities :: How To Get Date And Time In Date Column While Sqlldr

Jun 6, 2012

I am not able to load complete date along with time in the date column. here is my table desc

Name Null Type

my control file is like this


the data gets loaded, but it appears like this in the table


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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Insert Parametric Rows

Oct 14, 2010

I have to insert many computed rows (not coming from a select...where...) into a target table.

I wrote a code like the following example; it works but it seems to me not efficient:

WHILE l_data < l_dt_end
l_value := MY_FUNCTION( l_data );
l_color := MY_COLOR( l_data );
( value, color )
VALUES( l_value, l_color );
l_data := l_data + 1;

ROLLBACK;Which is the best way to write this?

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Application Express :: Page Input Item Label Conditional Style At Run Time

Feb 6, 2013

We have an issue after migrating to apex 4.2.1. We have a select list and use another couple of dummy items to be used as its label instead of giving the text value to the LABEL control. Only one of the dummy items is shown as a label for the select list conditionally based on another value. It was working fine with the earlier versions upto 4.1, but with the introduction of grid in 4.2, its now displaying the select list on a new row (ie the lable in one row and the select list on the next row).

However, we really would like to solve this by having a way to display the label of the select list either in "required format style" or as an "optional style". The display style should be determined only at runtime.

Example. Say P100_MY_SELECT_LIST is the select list

The label for this item is "My Select List Label"

I have another dummy item P100_DUMMY

if P100_dummy = 1 then the label "My Select List Label" should be displayed in red and with an * *My Select List LabelOtherwise it should be in black and without * My Select List Label.

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