SQL & PL/SQL :: Using 2 Union Operator

Jun 28, 2010

I have an query i.e.

I want 3 lines input in 1 line using 2 union operator like

'i love playing
football and

i want the output like:-

"i love playing football and volleyball"

solve query using 2 union operator?

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PL/SQL :: Rownum In UNION Operator

Feb 18, 2013

I have a requirement in SQL that I have to number each row. Hence I thought of using ROWNUM. But the sql query I'm using uses UNION operator. Hence I used like this

select a,b,rownum as 'field1' from table1
select c,d,1 as 'field1' from table2

Will the above query solve my purpose?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Using Union Operator And Sort By Month?

Jan 10, 2012

i got the data like

select * from Table1
101 A Mar
102 B Jan
103 C Feb
104 D Apr
105 f May
106 G Jun

Select * from Table2

107 H Dec
108 I Aug
109 J Oct
110 L Jul
111 M Sep
112 N Nov

select * from table1 union select * from table2 order by 3

The B_MONTH column is in Varchar2. Expected output should be



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SQL & PL/SQL :: Is It Better To Use UNION (or) UNION ALL With DISTINCT

Apr 22, 2010

Is it better to use UNION (or) UNION ALL with DISTINCT,Which one will improve performance.


SELECT deptno FROM emp
SELECT deptno FROM dept


SELECT deptno FROM dept)

I mean to say query1 is better (or) query2 is better,which query improves the performance.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Decode With Like Operator

Jul 12, 2013

I need to get create_user_id for different sale_location_id.Also create_user_id field will be having different values.This is part of my big query.I need to add this stmt in that.So taken that part and figuring it out.

create table it(sale_location_id number,create_user_id varchar2(10));
table IT created.
insert into it values(1,'ISRA')
1 rows inserted.
insert into it values(2,'USFA')
1 rows inserted.

select a.sale_location_id,decode(a.sale_location_id,1,a.create_user_id like 'IS%',a.create_user_id like 'U%') create_user_id from it a

given error as:

ORA-00907: missing right parenthesis 00907. 00000 - "missing right parenthesis"

How to write this.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Uses Of Check Operator

Sep 16, 2010

I have a table in SQL , I am creating a column Of name in it , i want to restrict user to enter name in Capital only ,and i want to create this at table level . I tried Check Operator but failed .

create table my_tab
(U_name varchar2(30) ,
constraint ck_check (U_name = upper(m_name))

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Alternate To Like Operator

Mar 15, 2013

Any alternate to the following query.

select * from emp where ename like upper(NVL('%mi%',ename));

Basically I want to search based on string or null.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Minus Operator And NULL

Feb 12, 2013

I have a two tables with same column name , I wanted to find different record in table1 when compared with table2

create table table1(col1 number,col2 number,col3 number,col4 number,col5 number);
create table table2(col1 number,col2 number,col3 number,col4 number,col5 number);

insert into table1 values(1,2,NULL,NULL,NULL);
insert into table2 values(1,2,NULL,NULL,NULL);

select col1 from (select col1,col2,col3,col4,col5 from table1 minus select col1,col2,col3,col4,col5 from table2);

no rows selected

how come i get no rows selected when col3,col4,col5 is having null values but NULL could be anything so

NULL-NULL cannot be equal to zero how is it possible

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Forms :: Use Like Operator With If Condition?

Jan 19, 2013

i want to know that how can i use like operator with if condition. i m using oracle10g form builder and it's for search purpose .

for example ...

if search string=string2 then
message('Record found');
end if ;

i want to use like '%search string%'.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Escape Operator Symbol?

Feb 28, 2011

1) Can we set a different symbol other than '' for escape operator.
2) If yes, how to see the current escape operator symbol.
3) How to find out the below name with escape operator?

Employee name ----> rama_krishna_raj

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Difference Between IN And EXISTS Operator

Jan 10, 2012

what the difference between IN and EXISTS operator. Why should we use EXISTS operator?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Oracle 10g Quote Operator

Sep 7, 2011

I have a issue on running the query with quote operator . When I am executing the SQL query I am getting error "Quoted String not properly Ended".

select q'[Oracle's world ]'
from dual

But The following query works.

select q'[It's Oracle's world ]'
from dual

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Optimizer Cannot Merge A View That Contains Set Operator

Jul 18, 2012

Query -
FROM sysadm.ps_tmtl_post_vw a
WHERE a.month_prepared_for = 'JUNE,2012'
AND a.ca_status = 'P5 CUST GO AHEAD'


When I try for the SQL-Tuning sets its throws error that

- The optimizer could not merge the view at line ID 2 of the execution plan.
The optimizer cannot merge a view that contains a set operator.

I read earlier forum where it says that optimizer unable to interpret the conditions like order by etc etc.Now there is one view which is getting used in the query when I did select * from vw it took more than 16 hrs to complete. (bad view).

Attached File(s)

 exec_plan.txt ( 2.06MB )
Number of downloads: 1
 view_def.txt ( 14.12K )
Number of downloads: 2

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Error ORA 920 / Invalid Relational Operator

Jul 30, 2010

The following runs no problem



However, when I try to add extra conditions to the status' in the sub select i get the error. This is one way I tried:



I've tried repeating the sub select for each of the extra status parts but everytime i hit the same problem.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Replace The Like Operator To Increase The Performance

Jul 16, 2012

How to replace the like operator for increase the performance. Because it is taking more time and not using the index.

FROM emp
WHERE ename like '%AL';

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Difference Between Concat Function And (||) Operator?

May 6, 2013

Want to understand difference between Concat function and "||" operator. I am getting the same result for both. Below is the test case for your reference.

Select 'H '||' S' From Dual;
--Output H S

Select Concat('H ',' S') A From Dual;
--Output H S

Select Length('H '||' S') A From Dual;
--Output 6

Select Length(Concat('H ',' S')) A From Dual;
--Output 6

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Forms :: How To Compare Two Text Boxes With IN Operator

Jun 12, 2012

How we can compare IN operator between two text boxes in form

I have two text boxes on form
control.txt1 - 003

control.txt2 - 001,002,003

On button pressed

if :control.txt1 in (:CONTROL.TXT2) THEN



All the time Message is 0 .

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Select From Dual Versus Equals Operator?

Mar 14, 2011

I have a package function which is wrapped and I cannot see the code.The package function raises an user-defined exception when :


But it does not raise any exception and the query works absolutely fine generating desired results when :


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Forms :: Details On Mouse Click Using Like Operator?

Jun 9, 2013

I want to link to blocks using description as there is no relation , for example i have two tables with one field in common called description, and i want to link this field in two tables using like operator.

create table item ( item_code varchar2(12),item_name varchar2(30));
insert into item VALUES('A','HEA160');
insert into item VALUES('B','HEA180');
create table stk (sl_item varchar2(12),sl_desc varchar2(30),sl_qty number);
insert into stk VALUES ('X','HEA160X1000',12);
insert into stk VALUES ('X','HEA160X2000',4);
insert into stk VALUES ('Y','HEA180X3000',10);

Suppose i click on item block item_desc with value on HEA160 all the items similar to that should appear in stk block like 'HEA160X1000' ,'HEA160X2000' , if i click on 'HEA180' on item then 'HEA180X3000' it should come.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Select Query Like Operator Getting Wrong Data

Dec 25, 2012

I am using the following query with like 'T_%', i am getting 80 rows out of which the first table_name doesn't even have a beginning part 'T_%'.

the first table name has not started with 'T_', why is it appearing.

SELECT 'Truncate table epic500.'||table_name
FROM user_tables where table_name like 'T_%' order by table_name;
Truncate table epic500.TEMP_ENC_DEL
Truncate table epic500.T_ACCOMMODATION_CODE

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PL/SQL :: REGEXP_LIKE ORA-00920 Invalid Relational Operator

Apr 18, 2013

I am trying to use the REGEXP_LIKE and I am getting ORA-00920: invalid relational operator.

I have run very simplified code to try to sort it out but no success:

SELECT id, address
FROM test_lob_tab
WHERE REGEXP_LIKE(address,'^A');

select 1 from dual where regexp_like('123', '^[0-9]$');

same result from both.

I am using Oracle 11 and freetoad 11.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How Does Operator Works For Varchar2 Datatype Columns

Nov 22, 2011

I have a table called Student and a column as name now if i write a Query

select * from student where name < 'BRIAN D'

How does the comparison will be done.

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PL/SQL :: Using Regexp_instr In A Where Clause - Invalid Relational Operator

Oct 23, 2013

Whey I try to run this query in TOAD I get an ORA-00920: invalid relational operator error. It's part of a 10g stored procedure. When I highlight it and run it it prompts me for the missing values and then the error pops up. The AND in line 4 is highlighted. 

select CRIME_CLASSIFICATION_ID, crime_type, nvl(count(CRIME_CLASSIFICATION_ID),0) as CRIMECNTFrom vaps.vw_offenses where  regexp_instr(valoc,to_char(location_id)) AND ( fromdate is null or offense_date between to_date(fromdate, 'mm/dd/yyyy')  AND to_date(todate,'mm/dd/yyyy'))group by crime_classification_id, crime_type

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Using Minus Operator To Get Changed Data Info Between Two Tables

Feb 14, 2013

I am using the below query to show the difference of data between two tables using minus operator.

teh result is correct, but is there a way can it show with a flag with new rows and updated rows something like "N" for new row and "U" for updated row.


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Application Express :: How Does Filter Operator Contains Work On Interactive Reports

Jul 30, 2012

I'm creating Tool Tip definitions for the Operators in the Filter on the Interactive Reports. I was looking for a definition for the 'Contains' operator and from what I've found this operator is used to do a text search and it returns a relevance score for every row selected.

I've also read that in order for that score to be determined that the column(s) need to be indexed with a CONTEXT index. Non of the columns in the tables are indexed with a CONTEXT index, however, when I put a value in the Expression box for a column I get a record returned.

If I run the same query in PL/SQL Developer like:
SELECT <column>
FROM <table>
WHERE contains(<column>,<search text>,1) > 0;

I get an error that the column is not indexed, so how does it work in APEX?

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Application Express :: Version 4.1 Interactive Report Filter On Date Column Has No (=) Operator

Aug 17, 2012

if on an interactive report, you try and filter on a date column, then the "=" operator disappears.You get other (not so useful) operators like "in the next", "not in the next" ">", ">=" etc. - but no "=" to be found.

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UNION ALL Vs 2 Queries

Nov 12, 2012

is there any difference between

- returning from the procedure 2 ref cursors containing result set of 2 queries
- returning from the procedure 1 ref cursor containing result set of that 2 queries as one (with UNION ALL)?

Will 2nd option be faster or similar to 1st?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Union Run In Parallel

Sep 30, 2010

I have a query which has 5 unions, each clause of the union takes 1 hr to run and query results come back in 5 hrs, Is there any way I can make these clause to run in parallel?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Union Condition?

Aug 23, 2012

I am facing an issue in union clause

Below is my query Issue faced is that based on union I want to limit the result and does not want second query to give duplicate result as both queries deal with same table



select null ID,null crncy_code,TAB2.SCHEME_CODE ,


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SQL & PL/SQL :: Query Without Using A UNION?

Aug 17, 2011

I'm just trying to see if there is another way of doing this query without using a UNION. The only way I can see is using a UNION but maybe I'm missing something or a way to do it without a UNION.


Select any customer within the user_states table who lives in "MO"
Select any customer within the user_cars table who lives in "MO" and has a "White" car
Select any customer within the user_plates table who lives in "MO" and has a plate of "A" or "B"
Join to the user_names table to display the customers name

So, the result would be any customer who lives in "MO" who owns a "White" car and any customer who lives in "MO" who has a plate of "A" or "B".


select b.customer_id,


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