I want to link to blocks using description as there is no relation , for example i have two tables with one field in common called description, and i want to link this field in two tables using like operator.
create table item ( item_code varchar2(12),item_name varchar2(30)); insert into item VALUES('A','HEA160'); insert into item VALUES('B','HEA180'); create table stk (sl_item varchar2(12),sl_desc varchar2(30),sl_qty number); insert into stk VALUES ('X','HEA160X1000',12); insert into stk VALUES ('X','HEA160X2000',4); insert into stk VALUES ('Y','HEA180X3000',10);
Suppose i click on item block item_desc with value on HEA160 all the items similar to that should appear in stk block like 'HEA160X1000' ,'HEA160X2000' , if i click on 'HEA180' on item then 'HEA180X3000' it should come.
I am working on forms 6i. I have set where condition in pre-query of a trigger, my requirement is, in post-query, i want to delete the where condition.
set_block_property('HEADER_S',default_where,'STATUS IN (select meaning from XXSMCQSS_LOOKUP_VALUES where lookup_type=''CONCESSION STATUS CODES'' and primary_flag=''N'' )');
post_query: I want to delete this where condition, i just want make execute query normal by removing the where condition.
If i enter something in FIND window, by clicking FIND button, it will populate data in MAIN window.I have below query in WHEN BUTTON PRESSED TRIGGER.
declare cursor c1 is select empno, ename, job, sal from emp where empno=nvl(:FIND.empno,empno) and ename=nvl(:FIND.ename,ename)
begin --here i am populating data into MAIN window block end;
It's working fine.
REQUIREMENT: i want to pass where statement dynamically. Let us say if i pass only empno in FIND window, i want to pass 'WHERE empno=:FIND.empno' to existing select statement [I will keep select statement same without where condition]
If i pass empno and ename both, i want to pass 'WHERE empno=:FIND.empno and ename=:FIND.ename.
How to pass where condition to existing select statement based on parameters we pass in FIND window.
I have master detail datablocks. Master block is course and detail block is trainee. students can schedule their courses in a location at particular time.
lets assume student1 has scheduled course A1 in location LA1 from 9am to 12 pm. Now second student shouldn't be able to schedule same course at same time in same location. He can schedule at different time duration. or else same time duration but different location. Or same time, same location but different course.
so, what i did is, i wrote code in when-validate-record of trainee block to display a message saying " cannot schedule course.choose another time." if he try to insert same time duration or same location .
when i am trying to insert a record with time which is already scheduled and in same location, it displays the message but it is also saving the record. i don't want to save the record.
how should i do this? i tried to give ROLLBACK in this trigger but it doesn't accept. i tried pre-insert trigger also but it is also displaying message but saving the record
my code in when-validate-record is:
declare cursor c1 is select start_time,end_time,loc from trainee where cname=:course.cname; [code].......
In form i call a record from database table through execute_query. i have lov on ITEM_NO
i want to display on that form, no. of records of ITEM_NO which i select from the list. like if i have 10 records with item_no which i select from list is must show 1/10.
if i press the down arrow it should show next record of the same item_no.
I'm using forms 9i. Let's say I have a Block in the form B1. It has two items I1 and I2. I have a table called T1 that has a column say C1. The data in the only record in T1 is 'NAME_IN(''B1.I1'') = 1 OR NAME_IN(''B1.I2'') = 2'..In forms I need to execute the following at POST-QUERY trigger of the block:-
As you could see that the IF statement is wrong. But I get the condition (for IF condition) as a string value from some database table.
,i have a table called travel detail from which i have retrieved few rows based on 1 condition by using LOV and on next few rows modification is allowed. The rows are getting modified but it is also allowing me to enter in next blank row and insert any data in that row.how can i retrieve only that data which is based on the given condition. Further blank rows should not b displayed.
I'm trying to create a relation from child block to the master block that I've created . Foreighn key is there from child to parent table.The error I get is below:
FRM-15004: Error while parsing join condition
The join condition is correct, but I'm still clueless as to what it could be.Is it a form bug?
i want to update record that is fetched based on join condition on form
1. made a block manually :::: EMPSAL 2. Query DATA SOURCE NAME :::: EMP a, Sal b 3. Where Clause :::: a.empid = b.empid 4. DML DATA Target Type :::: Table 5. DML DATA Target Name :::: EMP a, Sal b 6. All Columns are marked a.empid, a.empname, b.sal, b.date etc
I receive a "FRM-15004 Error while parsing join condition" when attempting to create a relation between block1 (parent table) and block2 (child table). If I do a simple straight join the statement is accepted but if I use a Decode then it results in an error. How to successfully use a decode or a nvl in a join statement of a relation?
I have made a travel booking system which comprises of 3 forms
1)Travel Booking form 2)Reservation Form 3)Cancellation Form
Under one booking number i can add multiple users in which they can have there multiple travels.
Users can cancel there individual travels under a prescribe booking number which on doing the Cancel flag turns to 'Y'.
What i want is, If a user is cancelling his/her travel under any booking number then while retriving the records in Travel Booking form, the travels which are cancelled should not be in enable mode.
For one user there can be 4 travels out of which 2 are cancelled, how can i track only those records whoes cancel flag is set to Y. some logic to find it out. Else can i use :system.cursor_record. If yes, How to use it for this system.
I need to get create_user_id for different sale_location_id.Also create_user_id field will be having different values.This is part of my big query.I need to add this stmt in that.So taken that part and figuring it out.
create table it(sale_location_id number,create_user_id varchar2(10)); table IT created. insert into it values(1,'ISRA') 1 rows inserted. insert into it values(2,'USFA') 1 rows inserted.
select a.sale_location_id,decode(a.sale_location_id,1,a.create_user_id like 'IS%',a.create_user_id like 'U%') create_user_id from it a
given error as:
ORA-00907: missing right parenthesis 00907. 00000 - "missing right parenthesis"
I have a table in SQL , I am creating a column Of name in it , i want to restrict user to enter name in Capital only ,and i want to create this at table level . I tried Check Operator but failed .
1) Can we set a different symbol other than '' for escape operator. 2) If yes, how to see the current escape operator symbol. 3) How to find out the below name with escape operator?
I have a requirement in SQL that I have to number each row. Hence I thought of using ROWNUM. But the sql query I'm using uses UNION operator. Hence I used like this
select a,b,rownum as 'field1' from table1 union select c,d,1 as 'field1' from table2
Query - SELECT * FROM sysadm.ps_tmtl_post_vw a WHERE a.month_prepared_for = 'JUNE,2012' AND a.ca_status = 'P5 CUST GO AHEAD'
When I try for the SQL-Tuning sets its throws error that
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION SECTION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - The optimizer could not merge the view at line ID 2 of the execution plan. The optimizer cannot merge a view that contains a set operator.
I read earlier forum where it says that optimizer unable to interpret the conditions like order by etc etc.Now there is one view which is getting used in the query when I did select * from vw it took more than 16 hrs to complete. (bad view).
Attached File(s)
exec_plan.txt ( 2.06MB ) Number of downloads: 1 view_def.txt ( 14.12K ) Number of downloads: 2