SQL & PL/SQL :: To Pin A Query In Shared Pool

Feb 10, 2011

we want to pin a sql query in shared pool so that it doesn't need to be re parsed. How to do that

dbms_shared_pool_keep() do for the functions and procedure does it also do for sql queries if yes then how?

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Performance Tuning :: Pin Sql Query In Shared Pool?

Jun 25, 2010

We are facing performance issues on our production instance 10g( 32-bit OELinux 5.3 2GB SGA. The performance is mainly related to one of the table which is sized about 32Gb. We have rebuild the indexes as well but problemstill persist. We are considering to pin SQL statement in shared pool which is hitting the same table frequently. But as far what we have find, is that we can only pin procedures or function in shared pool. True/false?If we can, then how to pin SQL statement in shared pool?If we can not, then is there any other way?

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Performance Tuning :: SGA-TARGET And Shared Pool?

Aug 25, 2011

If I have specify the SGA_TARGET, do I still need to specify the amount of memory for SHARED_POOL_SIZE? I thought once the SGA_TARGET, auto memory management is in place and SHARED_POOL is not neccessary.

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Performance Tuning :: Shared Pool Utilization?

Jun 14, 2010

we are running a 2 node rac database of oracle in aix 6.3. The shared pool utilisation goes up when we run our jobs and sql statements. But it does not come down. It been 2 gig for over 3 days without any processes running.

Is there a threshold time period after which oracle will release the space utilisation from the shared pool????

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Server Administration :: SGA SIZE (Increase Shared Pool)

Jun 4, 2013

I want to increase my shared pool. my SGA values are as under below.


Database Buffer 4.8125
Redo Buffers 0.0782623291015625
Variable Size 19.0000001564622
Fixed Size 0.00208648294210434

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Server Administration :: Shared Pool Free Percentage Greater Than 100

Jul 5, 2010

value of "Shared Pool Free %" in v$sysmetric is larger than 100%
SQL> select value, group_id from v$sysmetric where metric_name = 'Shared Pool Free %';
186.45107 2
186.4685382 3

SQL> show parameter shared_pool

-------------- ------------ --
shared_pool_reserved_size big integer 832149913
shared_pool_size big integer 0

SQL> show sga

Total System Global Area 1.0155E+11 bytes
Fixed Size 2163880 bytes
Variable Size 8.1068E+10 bytes
Database Buffers 2.0401E+10 bytes
Redo Buffers 79310848 bytes

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Application Express :: Possible To Avoid Hard-coding Item In Shared Select List Query

Sep 4, 2012

I created a "Select List" in the Shared Components area as follows:

My goal is to create a shared select list that can be used on any form for a particular Field.

'select col_description, col_code_pk
where col_active_ind = ''Y''';

Which works great, but how can I make the select list work for the same column on a different form? Because :P10_FK_RSTA_CODE is hard-coded in the function, I can't reuse this Function from a different form. (I could rename the Field on every form to the same name, but I'm hoping there is a better way.)

Is there a way I can pass in a variable from the Field Item to make this dynamic where I can use it on any form?

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ODP.NET :: Oracle Connection From Pool?

Jun 22, 2012

How do i test if a OracleConnection came from the pool or was created for the first time?

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Client Tools :: Limit Of Max Pool Size

May 9, 2012

i want to know the limit of " max pool size" attribute in connection string. and at what basis it should be set. and i am using oracle

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Performance Tuning :: Keep Pool In Buffer Cache

Jan 15, 2011

I have some confusion about Keep Pool in Buffer Cache.

1. What is the reasoning for placing a table in the KEEP buffer pool because if it is frequently accessed, it will be around when needed (ie if it is constantly being accessed it will not age out) .
2. Would the table be still in the Default Pool if the Keep Pool is not sized and the command is being issued alter TABLE SCOTT.EMP storage (buffer_pool keep) ?
3. If the database is restarted will the table be wiped out of the Keep Pool and again be pinned to the Keep Pool ?

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Server Administration :: ORA-04033 / Insufficient Memory To Grow Pool

Jun 9, 2011

Oracle (user or developer getting error for not able to allocate ora 04031.

I am trying to do alter system shared_pool_size = 250M but it says

ORA-02097: parameter cannot be modified because specified value is invalid
ORA-04033: Insufficient memory to grow pool

I checked the show parameter sga_max_size = 376 M

the set upin the init.ora for pools:

# Pools
From show parameter sga;


no rows selected

OS Linux. this was the message in alert.log;

ORA-04031: unable to allocate 88 bytes of shared memory ("shared pool","select /*+ rule */ bucket_cn...","sql area","opn: qkexrInitOpn")

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Client Tools :: Alter Session Of Connections In JBoss Connection Pool

Aug 23, 2012

We have a Data Source with min_pool_size (10) and max_pool_size (20). A Data Source is by default a connection pool. By starting a transaction we are retrieving a connection from the pool (i.e., opening it to retrieve data, perform queries, inserts and updates). Our application server is JBoss. An application workflow uses many transactions to build a product. The same connection is not used by the application for the entire workflow; but, it uses and returns them to the connection pool. We do not use Java syntax like "rs.close():"... this is performed by iBATIS.

On the Linux side when we execute a "ps" command (ps -elf|grep -i ora) we see all the Oracle processes. A further refinement of that command (ps -elf|grep -i local=no)shows a list of the "waiting" connections in the connection pool. The DB may be queried with the following syntax:

SELECT schemaname, sid, serial# FROM gv$session where schemaname = 'APP_USER' order by SID;

A list of connected sid and serial numbers is returned, identifying which connections are in use. From here we are able to force the connection to trace by executing the following:

exec dbms_monitor.session_trace_enable(249, 6595, TRUE, FALSE); ! 249 and 6595 being SID and Serial# from query above

There should be no need to execute the inverse, since the connection is returned to the pool when the transaction is committed or rolled back.

exec dbms_monitor.session_trace_disable(249, 6595);

We are trying to trace in order to use the Quest Benchmark Factory. Their instructions request the following syntax be applied to each session:

alter session set events '10046 trace name context forever, level 4';

and again, the inverse should not be necessary.

alter session set events '10046 trace name context off'

When it became too cumbersome to alter each session as it appeared, we issued an "alter system" to monitor (trace) everything. The trace files filled the disk, and four hours of testing was stopped two hours in. Doing a system level trace is probably not a good idea.

My first inclination was to create a post-logon trigger to set trace in the session; however, these connections, coming from an JBoss connection pool, do not logon each time, and I presume that they are not all the "same session".

We opened a support ticket with Quest last Friday and do not have an answer yet. This was the third ticket with them, the first to get Benchmark Factory installed (the original installer did not work). The second ticket was to setting up a shared directory on Linux with a folder on Windows, a setup configuration required by their tool. The third ticket to address this issue.

They needed to contact "the developers" to answer the last two questions. Their latest suggestion is to fix ticket two so we "won't need to trace" anything. How do I set trace in these connections?

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Maxtor Shared Storage For RAC?

Aug 29, 2013

In one of the book (Personal Oracle Real Application Clusters: Create Oracle 10g Grid Computing) I have seen the detailed explanation to configure Oracle 10g RAC on external disk- MAXTOR A01A200.

Is it possible to configure Oracle 11g Release 2 RAC with two node using MAXTOR disk?

or Is there any other external disk available which I can use it as a shared storage?

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Shared Storage For RAC Setup?

Aug 9, 2013

I wanted to setup a two node 11g RAC with ASM at my home for learning purpose. I have read many documents to configure shared storage using NFS, Openfiler, VMsetup etc. Is there any hardware available (something like maxtor disk) which is not much expensive to setup a shared storage ?

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AMM On HP-UX V3 Shared Memory Deallocation?

May 13, 2013

When investigating memory usage on HP-UX V3 for my oracle database which use AMM, it seems to me that system is not shifting shared SGA memory to private PGA memory when needed but it allocate other memory.The shared memory don't shrink all the memory_target id allocated. VSZ = RSZ

To test i have used this script which will allocate memory in process PGA.

create or replace package demo_pkg
            type array is table of char(2000) index by binary_integer;
            g_data array;


I have done the same test on a linux machine (Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 6.3) and the size of the POSIX shared memory switched (/dev/shm) to the PGA like demonstrated by Tanel Poder in his blog [URL]...

Related conf :

pga_aggregate_target     0
sga_target     0
memory_target     5553258496
memory_max_target     5553258496

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Oracle RAC Shared Storage Dilemma

Jul 26, 2013

Some shops run Oracle RAC using "conventional" storage, like emc, netapp, etc. Some shops run Oracle RAC using JBOD, just bunch of disks, all redundancy is managed by ASM.

How would you distinct these two approaches? JBOD approach sounds cheaper, so why serious enterprises are still using traditional conventional storage, like netapp and emc?

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(TNSNAMES) Shared For All Oracle Clients?

Jun 19, 2012

Way to share or manage the TNSNAMES.ORA file for all oracle clients in same place?I already have a TNSNAMES.ORA configured and running in the machines (locally).The problem is that any change done( ip, port etc), imply in update all files in all the Oracle clients

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Reset Sys Password With Passwordfile Set To Shared?

Aug 29, 2012

Just trying to figure out a way to reset a lost sys password.The Customer has a database that were configured by the application provider.They were however kicked out and did not leave any kind of documentation behind

they also configured the passwordfile to disable OS (oracle) user to login to the DB.Is it possible to change the password file with orapwd to set a new password for the sys user?I some how recall that it can only be done if the passwordfile is set to exclusive and not as in this case set to shared.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Read CSV File From Shared Location?

Aug 30, 2013

I want to upload csv file from share location(another host) & store data in table

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Dedicated Vs Shared Server Mode

Sep 17, 2013

Why for dedicated server mode session memory is alloted from PGA and same in shared server mode by SGA ??

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RMAN Backup To Shared Network Drive?

Feb 20, 2011

I scheduled a RMAN backup job to take FULL database backup to a shared network drive.

RMAN Script used:

RMAN> run
2> {
3> allocate channel ch1 device type disk format '\\BACKUP1635\X$\ARC%U';
4> backup database plus archivelog;
5> release channel ch1;
6> }

Environment: Windows server 2003 OS and Oracle

Iam facing below error.

RMAN-00571: ===========================================================
RMAN-00569: =============== ERROR MESSAGE STACK FOLLOWS ===============
RMAN-00571: ===========================================================
RMAN-03009: failure of backup command on ch1 channel at 02/20/2011 18:19:46
ORA-19504: failed to create file "\\BACKUP1635\X$\ARC1BM55JL8_1_1"
ORA-27040: file create error, unable to create file
OSD-04002: unable to open file
O/S-Error: (OS 5) Access is denied.

I checked shared network drive and found READ/WRITE access for me. I am able to take RMAN backup in local system without any issue.

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Unable To Allocate Shared Bytes Of Memory

Sep 21, 2010

How to overcome from the below error.

Database Error-ORA-04031:unable to allocate 76320 bytes of shared memory("shared pool","SELECT/*+Norewrite*/DIST...","sql area","kkmevw:view_txt")

Here I attached that error.

Attached File(s)

Disco_Error_1.jpg ( 49.03K )
Number of downloads: 3

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Unable To Allocate 104 Bytes Of Shared Memory

Mar 9, 2012

When i try to extract create statement of table i get below error message.

SQL> set heading off
SQL> set pagesize 0
SQL> set long 1000000
SQL> set feedback off
SQL> select
2 dbms_metadata.get_ddl( 'TABLE','CATALOG_TBL','JACK')
3 from
4 dual
5 /


ORA-04031: unable to allocate 104 bytes of shared memory ("shared pool",

/*+rule*/ SYS_XMLGEN(...","SQLA^fc8f5280","qecsub : qkxrPXformQbc")
ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_METADATA", line 2625
ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_METADATA", line 2668
ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_METADATA", line 2983
ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_METADATA", line 3897
ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_METADATA", line 5678
ORA-06512: at line 1

I am executing this command from another user 'DEMO' which has got DBA privilege.

how to fix this error and extract the create table statement.

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Server Administration :: Shared Memory Realm

Jan 25, 2010

I am facing a problem as listed below:

$sqlplus /nolog
SQL>conn /as sydba
SQL>conn upt/upt

not connected
ora-01034 not available
ora-27101 shared memory realm doesntnot exists
linux error-2 no such file ...


UPT is the user in which our data resides.

wat cud be the problem??????

I tried increasing sizes in INIT.ORA.... listener,tns is OK

.bash_profile of ORACLE user is also correct.

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Sqlplus - Error While Loading Shared Libraries

Nov 20, 2012

In my database server i am not able to login to the database via sqlplus and exp/imp also having error as below. But i am having permission to the this executable. I am falling under other user catagary

export ORACLE_HOME=/dboracle/orabase/product/

Error:sqlplus: error while loading shared libraries: libsqlplus.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Permission details.

testuser@sgh3001:/dboracle/orabase/product/> ls -lrt sqlplus
-rwxr-x--x 1 oracle dba 12924 2007-03-27 10:21 sqlplus

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RAC/ASM Clusterware Installation :: Shared Storage In Windows

Aug 6, 2012

I am trying to install Oracle RAC 11g on Oracle Linux via Virtual Box. My host server is windows. How to create shared storage on windows?

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XE :: ORA-27101 / Shared Memory Realm Does Not Exist

Mar 8, 2013

I download Oracle Database Express Edition 11g EX.install in my windows XP laptop.run SQL command (following the start guide)

try to connect to database.

I go the error message.

ORA-01034: ORACLE not available
ORA-27101: shared memory realm does not exist
Process ID: 0
Session ID: 0 serial number: 0

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Row Lock Contention - Trace File Shared

Nov 19, 2012

I am having enq: TX - row lock contention in top wait event. it is occurring between 10pm - 2am.

We are having sqlloader job running every one hour(conventional path). But for the specific period of time i am getting "Global Enqueue Services Deadlock detected". Between 10-5. I analyzed related trace file it is make me little confusion.I found there are four insert query culprit for this locking. out of four sql , tow of them are ran by same SID, other two insert ran by same id. I got confused because how same sid locking them self. trace file below. during this period oracle maintenance window is active.

Trace file:

*** 2012-10-09 03:40:31.135
user session for deadlock lock 0x15365e060
sid: 1104 ser: 22256 audsid: 8797820 user: 49/iurth flags: 0x45
pid: 71 O/S info: user: oracle, term: UNKNOWN, ospid: 8601
image: oracle@sgh0909
client details:

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Oracle 8i Shared Realm Memory Error

Jul 2, 2012

My environment is Windows XP PC

Ram - 1 GB
Oracle version

Enter user-name: sys as sysdba
Enter password:
ORA-01034: ORACLE not available
ORA-27101: shared memory realm does not exist

Even i start the Oracle service through the services.msc there are no new entries seen in alert log file of the database.I even changed the init DBNAME. ora file but that file is not being read. what is the normal procedure used by oracle 8i while starting the DB ? Which file should be edited if i come across shared realm memory error.

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Unable To Allocate 264 Bytes Of Shared Memory

Jan 13, 2013

I'm getting the following error when i shutdown or startup the db,

SQL> shutdown immediate;

ORA-00604: error occurred at recursive SQL level 1
ORA-04031: unable to allocate 264 bytes of shared memory ("shared pool","unknown object","PCUR^18465427","kglob")

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