Oracle RAC Shared Storage Dilemma

Jul 26, 2013

Some shops run Oracle RAC using "conventional" storage, like emc, netapp, etc. Some shops run Oracle RAC using JBOD, just bunch of disks, all redundancy is managed by ASM.

How would you distinct these two approaches? JBOD approach sounds cheaper, so why serious enterprises are still using traditional conventional storage, like netapp and emc?

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RAC & Failsafe :: Oracle Rac Raw Device As Shared Storage

Jul 24, 2012

I wish to install 11g r1 RAC on my laptop having linux 4 as platform (on vmware) , for that i prepare 4 partition for that (on node1)

/dev/sdb1 - for ocr
/dev/sdb2 - for voting disk
/dev/sdb3 - for asmdisk group
/dev/sda5 - fro asmdisk group

by assuming external redundancy for ocr and voting disk i kept only one disk

and i configured following in /etc/sysconfig/rawdevices

/dev/raw/raw1 /dev/sdb1 -- ocr
/dev/raw/raw2 /dev/sdb2 -- voting disk
/dev/raw/raw3 /dev/sdb3 -- asmdisk group
/dev/raw/raw4 /dev/sdb5 -- asmdisk group

and my question is how node2 can understat these raw device as shared storage?

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Maxtor Shared Storage For RAC?

Aug 29, 2013

In one of the book (Personal Oracle Real Application Clusters: Create Oracle 10g Grid Computing) I have seen the detailed explanation to configure Oracle 10g RAC on external disk- MAXTOR A01A200.

Is it possible to configure Oracle 11g Release 2 RAC with two node using MAXTOR disk?

or Is there any other external disk available which I can use it as a shared storage?

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Shared Storage For RAC Setup?

Aug 9, 2013

I wanted to setup a two node 11g RAC with ASM at my home for learning purpose. I have read many documents to configure shared storage using NFS, Openfiler, VMsetup etc. Is there any hardware available (something like maxtor disk) which is not much expensive to setup a shared storage ?

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RAC/ASM Clusterware Installation :: Shared Storage In Windows

Aug 6, 2012

I am trying to install Oracle RAC 11g on Oracle Linux via Virtual Box. My host server is windows. How to create shared storage on windows?

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RAC & Failsafe :: Windows 2003 X 64 Using NAS - How To Configure Shared Storage

Aug 14, 2008

we don't have system or storage admin available..I have to create the development environment. I have 2 Dell 2950 Power Edgde Servers and 500 GB Buffalo NAS with Windows 2K3 X64 EE, tell me whether I can install Oracle RAC with this kit.

If yes , how can I configure shared storage and present it to OS so that both nodes can see it.

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Real Application Clusters :: 11gR2 Verification Of Shared Storage Accessibility

Sep 18, 2012

I am trying to apply psu on a 2-node cluster running on RHEL 5.5 vms. Followed ORACLE-BASE examples when installed this laptop RAC. I am not using any ACFS and none of GI and DB homes are shared. But, on node 2, cluvfy THINKS database home is shared.

[oracle@rac1 trace]$ /oracle_grid/product/ comp ssa -t software -s /oracle/product/ -n rac1,rac2 -display_status
Verifying shared storage accessibility

Checking shared storage accessibility...

"/oracle/product/" is not shared

Shared storage check failed on nodes "rac2,rac1"

Verification of shared storage accessibility was unsuccessful on all the specified nodes.

[oracle@rac1 trace]$ /oracle_grid/product/ comp ssa -t software -s /oracle_grid/product/ -n rac1,rac2 -display_status

Verifying shared storage accessibility

Checking shared storage accessibility...

"/oracle_grid/product/" is not shared

Shared storage check failed on nodes "rac2,rac1"

Verification of shared storage accessibility was unsuccessful on all the specified nodes.

[oracle@rac1 trace]$ hostname
[oracle@rac1 trace]$ echo $ORACLE_HOSTNAME
[oracle@rac1 trace]$
[oracle@rac2 trace]$ /oracle_grid/product/ comp ssa -t software -s /oracle/product/ -n rac1,rac2 -display_status

Verifying shared storage accessibility

Checking shared storage accessibility...

"/oracle/product/" is shared

Shared storage check was successful on nodes "rac2,rac1"

Verification of shared storage accessibility was successful.

[oracle@rac2 trace]$ /oracle_grid/product/ comp ssa -t software -s /oracle_grid/product/ -n rac1,rac2 -display_status

Verifying shared storage accessibility

Checking shared storage accessibility...

"/oracle_grid/product/" is not shared

Shared storage check failed on nodes "rac2,rac1"

Verification of shared storage accessibility was unsuccessful on all the specified nodes.

[oracle@rac2 trace]$ hostname
[oracle@rac2 trace]$ echo $ORACLE_HOSTNAME
[oracle@rac2 trace]$

I can not determine any reasons and do not know how to fix.

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Automatic Storage Management :: Oracle ASM With Nimble Storage?

Mar 1, 2013

My organisation is currently discussing different storage options for the database storage. Our production database is nearly 2TB and we do not want to continue with the existing NetApp storage (we use a 2 node RAC running 11.2.02 with nfs filesystem from NetApp filer).

We were looking at different options and came across Nimble Storage, they are very fast growing company aiming mid-range storage customers. The initial talks and demonstration looked very promising in terms of IO performance (they claim 40,000 - 60,000 IOPs for their CS400 series Nimble Storage array) and other options they are providing but we understand that majority of their customers are using it for VDI and other infrastructures.

They have demonstrated us using if for Oracle database with ASM storage over iSCSI LUNs. We are yet to do the POCs and benchmarking.

Has anyone come across Nimble Storage for running Oracle databases?

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(TNSNAMES) Shared For All Oracle Clients?

Jun 19, 2012

Way to share or manage the TNSNAMES.ORA file for all oracle clients in same place?I already have a TNSNAMES.ORA configured and running in the machines (locally).The problem is that any change done( ip, port etc), imply in update all files in all the Oracle clients

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Oracle 8i Shared Realm Memory Error

Jul 2, 2012

My environment is Windows XP PC

Ram - 1 GB
Oracle version

Enter user-name: sys as sysdba
Enter password:
ORA-01034: ORACLE not available
ORA-27101: shared memory realm does not exist

Even i start the Oracle service through the services.msc there are no new entries seen in alert log file of the database.I even changed the init DBNAME. ora file but that file is not being read. what is the normal procedure used by oracle 8i while starting the DB ? Which file should be edited if i come across shared realm memory error.

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ORA-01034 - ORACLE Not Available ORA-27101 - Shared Memory Realm Does Not Exist

Apr 7, 2012

ORA-01034: ORACLE not available
ORA-27101: shared memory realm does not exist

connected as- / as sysdba
Connected to an idle instance.

SQL> startup
ORA-01261: Parameter db_recovery_file_dest destination string cannot be translated
ORA-01263: Name given for file destination directory is invalid
OSD-04018: Unable to access the specified directory or device.
O/S-Error: (OS 2) The system cannot find the file specified.

ORACLE_HOME is - E:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_2
ORACLE_SID is - orcl11

I'm using Oracle 10.2.0 in windows 7.When i installed oralce it worked properly for 1 week, now throwing an error ora-01034 and ora-27101.

I just perform CRUD Operations with database as a java dev by connecting via MYEclipse, but it is not at all allowing me to connect.

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Client Tools :: Run Oracle SQL Script From Shared Mapped Drive?

Jul 17, 2010

I have stored test.sql in shared mapped drive and i don't have previlege to rename but i can read-write access at folder level.

How do i run the below sql script?

@\ind-aaa est est.sql

Here \ind-aaa is the mapped drive name.

I am getting error that \ind not found.

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Client Tools :: ORACLE Not Available - Shared Memory Realm Does Not Exist

Jun 12, 2010

ORACLE was working perfectly on Windows 7 since Jan 2010. A couple of days ago I ran a procedure which was to update a table with 1000 columns. The procedure worked fine till it created a few thousand records and then it slowed down terribly. I closed the SQL Plus command line tool (CTRL C) and tried to restart and then tried to logon to get the following errors-

ORA-01034: ORACLE not available
ORA-27101: shared memory realm does not exist

Then I used the Start Database tool (net start OracleTNSListener), but it showed "System 5 error". So after researching online I created Admin profile for WINDOWS 7 and logged in as an administrator. In the INIT.ORA file I increasd the SGA_TARGET to 5G and PGA to 3G. After doing that the above service is running but I'm still getting the ORA-01034 and ORA-27101.

Using cmd prompt in Windows and entering commands sqlplus -> Username: " / as sysdba" gives an insufficient privileges error.

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Application Express :: Determining Oracle Version From Shared Component

Mar 25, 2013

How can I determine version of oracle database from APEX. Is there any built in table or view is available in APEX? Is it possible from Shared Component?

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Which Command Use To Set File Storage In Oracle

Oct 26, 2006

I am new to oracle which command do I use to set the file storage in oracle? I learnt the we have the option of specifying the storage pattern as per our queries.

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ASM VS Veritas Storage Foundation For Oracle RAC

Nov 16, 2012

I am doing a Trade Study on Automatic Storage Management vs Veritas Storage Foundation for Oracle RAC on Solaris. I am trying to get feedback from individuals on which file system is best for a high OLTP 11gR2 system. I am really concerned about how the to file systems stack-up when compared on their overall performance. Our system admin doesn't trust ASM and is a firm believer in Veritas. I am trying to be objective and find the best solution for our projected upgrade system. We are upgrading from Solaris 890s to T4-2s, 11gR2, Solaris 10 or 11, and EMC storage. I was also concerned that Oracle doesn't have the ASMLIB package for Solaris. We have other system on Linux that use ASMLIB.

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Server Administration :: Inserting Data To Oracle Database - Shared Memory Realm Does Not Exist

Sep 24, 2013

i am continuously inserting data to oracle database after some time like 2 hours oracle disconnects,it creates erros like

ORA-01034: ORACLE not available
ORA-27101: shared memory realm does not exist
Process ID: 0
Session ID: 0 Serial number: 0

after restarting the database with shutdown immediate ans startup if i start inserting records it will show erros like

ORA-01653: unable to extend table SYSTEM.GLT_PROT_TRAFFIC_SUM_VOIP by 8192 in tablespace GLCOMM

but i have created the Tablespace with BigFile Auto Extend and max size unlimited, i am having 400GB disk space created Redo logs with 15gb,i have tried serveral times reinstalling the oracle but problem is not solved.

same problem is happenging with small datafiles also,

operating system: windows server 2008 R2 standard
oracle server : 11g
oracle client : 64 bit

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Automatic Storage Management :: Build ASM In Linux Box Oracle 11g?

Dec 28, 2012

I have a Linux box with the below configurations:-

Linux blrulvremoradb02 2.6.18-194.el5 #1 SMP Tue Mar 16 21:52:39 EDT 2010 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

Last time my UNIX administrator have done a partition in this box. I have 100GB lun allocated to this box which is spilitted in two mount points.

/u01 is having 30GB and /u02 is having 70GB. I want to build a ASM in this box and install Oracle and for that I need raw disk.

Is there any useful links or can you guide me to achieve this... My UNIX admin is on leave for new year and I want to do this by my own..

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Oracle Not Taking Next Extent Value Mentioned In Storage Clause?

Feb 16, 2012

I am creating the below table.but why oracle is not taking next extent value that I mentioned in the storage clause?

create table acs (
timestamp varchar2(19),
source varchar2(19),
message varchar2(35),
sev varchar2(10),


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Oracle 9i Install In Windows Storage Server 2003

Sep 24, 2006

Oracle 9i instalation problems in Windows Storage Server 2003.

I got the error "ORA-12546- TNS:Permission denied" when trying to install ORacle 9i in Windows Storage Server 2003. This error occurs at the time of Creating database.

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Control Existence Shared Library In Memory Space To Define Real Need Of Shutting Down Of All Oracle Instances

Feb 7, 2013

according to article "Installing Netbackup for Oracle agent on Unix". URL.... Shut Down all oracle instances on this client. The reason: sometimes Oracle will take a shared library (such as ours) and place it into its shared memory spaceMy question is how I can control existence shared library in memory space to define the real need of Shuting down of all oracle instances ? I'm usung

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Automatic Storage Management :: Cannot Start ASM On Oracle Database Appliance

Apr 11, 2013

I cannot start ASM on my Oracle Database Appliance.

crsctl status resource -t says:
ONLINE ONLINE node1 Started
ONLINE ONLINE node2 Started

however, if I try to access the ASMCMD it says:
[grid@node1 ~]$ asmcmd
Connected to an idle instance.
ASMCMD> startup
ORA-00304: requested INSTANCE_NUMBER is busy
Connected to an idle instance.

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Automatic Storage Management :: Oracle ASM Create-disk Failed?

Oct 25, 2012

I am using on RHEL 5.4ASM is properly working on my machine. database is running from ASM. I want to configure additional oracleasm devices.command fails saying:

$ oracleasm createdisk ASMDISK08 /dev/xvd8
Writing disk header: done
Instantiating disk: failed
Clearing disk header: done

I am creating asm diskgroup on loopback devicesHere are the configured loopback devices.

[root@host1 ~]# ls -l /dev/loop[1-9]
brw-rw-rw- 1 oracle oinstall 7, 1 Oct 25 14:42 /dev/loop1
brw-rw-rw- 1 oracle oinstall 7, 2 Oct 25 14:42 /dev/loop2
brw-rw-rw- 1 oracle oinstall 7, 3 Oct 25 14:42 /dev/loop3
brw-rw-rw- 1 oracle oinstall 7, 4 Oct 25 14:42 /dev/loop4


I am unable to understand where is the problem.

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Storage Systems Used For Saving Archive And Backup Files Especially For Oracle Databases

Mar 5, 2013

what type of storage systems used for saving archive files and backup files "especially for oracle databases"

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Automatic Storage Management :: Oracle ASM Normal / High And External Redundancy?

Jun 27, 2013

, I have a few doubts in Normal,High and External redundancy levels in ASM concept. External - No failure group. No mirroring. Normal - Two Way Mirroring. One failure group. High - Three Way Mirroring. Two failure group. 1.

above mentioned 3 types in correct.2. My main question is what is the minimum number of disks needed in Disk group creation in Normal and External redundancy??

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RAC/ASM Clusterware Installation :: Oracle Cloud Storage For 3rd Vote Disk For Extended RAC 11gR2

Dec 11, 2012

I am having 2 data centers within 1/2 km distance. And we kept each vote disk in once site. In case of site failure, the cluster needs a 3rd set. We don't have 3rd site.

Last open world, Oracle announced that oracle storage on cloud as announced. If I get the small space on the cloud, can i put my 3rd vote disk on the cloud?

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Automatic Storage Management :: Disk Is Not Displaying - Install Oracle Grid Infrastructure 11r2?

Jul 1, 2012

i try to install oracle grid infrastructure 11r2 on cent OS 4.8 on vmware workstation 8.0.2..ASM disk is not showing ,i had also change disk discovery path to 'ORCL:*'i had already configure ASM disk using /etc/init.d/oracleasm createdisk...successfully..

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OS User Occupying Shared Memory As Oracle User

Dec 11, 2012

we are trying ti implement BMC monitoring tool for our oracle 11g2 RAC/solaris10 environment. for the purpose we create a user called bmcuser in OS level, this user connecting database to monitor, this user occupy shared memory as oracle. Explain why this user taking that much shared memory just to connect database using sqlplus.

oracle taking 55% bmcuser taking 44%,

SQL> show parameters memory

------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------
hi_shared_memory_address integer 0
memory_max_target big integer 3232M
memory_target big integer 3232M
shared_memory_address integer 0
SQL> show parameters sga

------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------
lock_sga boolean FALSE
pre_page_sga boolean FALSE
sga_max_size big integer 3232M
sga_target big integer 0
6449 bmcuser 47M 44M sleep 23 10 0:57:31 0.2% PatrolAgent/1

pga & uga usage sessionwise

252     (null)     oracle (ARC3)     racdev1.     31054584     32168696     181056     181056
227     (null)     oracle (ARC2)     racdev1.     31054584     32168696     181056     181056
177     (null)     oracle (ARC0)     racdev1.     31054584     32168696     181056     181056
576     (null)     oracle (LGWR)     racdev1.     16693544     21281064     181056     181056
326     (null)     oracle (LMS0)     racdev1.     13753080     13753080     181056     181056
376     (null)     oracle (LMS2)     racdev1.     13556472     13556472     181056     181056

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SQL & PL/SQL :: To Pin A Query In Shared Pool

Feb 10, 2011

we want to pin a sql query in shared pool so that it doesn't need to be re parsed. How to do that

dbms_shared_pool_keep() do for the functions and procedure does it also do for sql queries if yes then how?

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AMM On HP-UX V3 Shared Memory Deallocation?

May 13, 2013

When investigating memory usage on HP-UX V3 for my oracle database which use AMM, it seems to me that system is not shifting shared SGA memory to private PGA memory when needed but it allocate other memory.The shared memory don't shrink all the memory_target id allocated. VSZ = RSZ

To test i have used this script which will allocate memory in process PGA.

create or replace package demo_pkg
            type array is table of char(2000) index by binary_integer;
            g_data array;


I have done the same test on a linux machine (Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 6.3) and the size of the POSIX shared memory switched (/dev/shm) to the PGA like demonstrated by Tanel Poder in his blog [URL]...

Related conf :

pga_aggregate_target     0
sga_target     0
memory_target     5553258496
memory_max_target     5553258496

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