SQL & PL/SQL :: Querying Active Directory From Oracle Database
Apr 16, 2012
I have a table in Oracle with a column userid and i have a userid column in Active Directory. based on this i want to query the Network ID and update in one of the Group in the Active Directory. how to get the results?
I'm checking the possibility to use Active Directory to log on the our Oracle databases. But only for dba's and developers, not application users. We use Oracle (and soon 11g) As OS on the databaseserver we use AIX5L 5.3
Is it possible to implement Active Directory on databases running on AIX ? If it is possible, what must be done to get it to work, software ... etc ?
I have oracle 10g up and running on Solaris 10, from windows I would like to connect to sql plus through windows authentication, for that I have already made sure that remote_auth = true and have created user in oracle with OPS$. But still I cannot connect.
I have the same setup but with oracle on windows server, the os authentication from windows clients works just fine.
does oracle 10g on solaris 10 supports windows os authentication?
I've Googled several times but the result is 50% null ^_^
How can I use the Active Directory to route the clients request to the Oracle Database server so that I can do the basic operation on the Oracle DB remotely.
What two Active Directory services are stopped when you install Active Directory before Oracle 10g? I know the error message for that and I know why it happened but I just need to know the two services so I can start them again. I think it happened because I installed Active Directory first so when I installed Oracle second it stopped two services and I just need to know them. The error message is:
Active Directory is missing binaries, please restart and try again
I have task to integrate AD users with oracle ebs r12 . Is there any mechanism to do it directly without OID between oracle ebs and Active directory during login to ebs or i have to install OID to finish that task .
I have one question. Is there any way to get some users data from active directory? I already have authentication scheme wich interact with AD, but now I need to get e-mail address from user who will login into application. Our Apex version is 4.1.
Oracle Database 64bitI have followed most steps of this link and I came to a stop at the point where I use the Network Configuration Assistant.I have selected the following
1) Directory Usage Configuration> 2) Microsoft Active Directory> 3) Operation (2nd): Select the directory server you want to use, and configure the directory server for Oracle usage.> 4) Input my AD hostname> 5) Then it displays a message that "The directory contains an older version of the required Oracle Schema. Directory usage configuration cannot continue without the correct Oracle Schema. If you have authorization to create the directory schema then you can upgrade the Oracle Schema now. Would you like to upgrade the Oracle Schema? I have selected: Yes, I want to upgrade... and thereafter I get the errors:
The Assistant is unable to create or upgrade the Oracle Schema for the following reason:
ConfigException: Could not upgrade the Oracle Schema: oracle.net.config.ConfigException: TNS-004409 Directory Service Errorcaused by: oracle.net.config.DirectoryServiceException: TNS - 04431: DirectoryService: no entries foundcaused by: oracle.net.ldap.NNFLException.You may need to upgrade the directory schema from a specific computer which directly supports your directory type.
Command Line Error Response ConfigException: Could not check for the Oracle Schema: oracle.net.config.Config Exception: TNS-04409: Directory service error caused by: oracle.net.config.DirectoryServiceException: TNS-04431: DirectorySe rvice: no entries found caused by: oracle.net.ldap.NNFLException
We are using oracle database 11g R2 on REL 5 and i have an SQL server database used by one of our application. In my Oracle database, i want to query one table in my SQL server database and to link it in a table in Oracle database to compare data.
Is there a way like database link or something else to do this need. Send a link or pots here step by step the way on how to accomplish my query.
our DB machines time is one hour ahead of Active Directory, as we sync our time with AD, is there any contribution of Database in the wrong time of solaris machines ? and for the resolution of problem, what can be checked at DB side.
I have installed unixodbc 2.3.1, postgres odbc driver (psqlodbc-07.03) and dg4odbc 11.2..On querying : select sysdate from dual@dblink_postgresql, the following error occurs:
ORA-28500: connection from ORACLE to a non-Oracle system returned this message: [unixODBC][Driver Manager]Can't open lib '/oracle/psqlodbc/lib/libpsqlodbc.a' : file not found {01000} ORA-02063: preceding 2 lines from DBLINK_POSTGRES
Similar error appears in the trace file as well.
[unixODBC][Driver Manager]Can't open lib '/oracle/psqlodbc/lib/libpsqlodbc.a' $ isql -v postgresql postgres postgres@2012 [01000][unixODBC][Driver Manager]Can't open lib '/oracle/psqlodbc/lib/libpsqlodbc.a' : file not found [ISQL]ERROR: Could not SQLConnect
However the file is present in the location and has no permission related problems.
$ pwd /oracle/psqlodbc/lib $ ls -lrt total 2952 -rwxr-xr-x 1 oracle oinstall 663 Mar 25 15:28 psqlodbc.la -rw-r--r-- 1 oracle oinstall 731419 Mar 25 15:28 libpsqlodbc.a -rw-r--r-- 1 oracle oinstall 12215 Mar 25 22:11 win_md5.o -rw-r--r-- 1 oracle oinstall 18100 Mar 25 22:11 options.o [code]....
I'm trying to set up Active Database Duplication between 2 Oracle 11g servers. Each server is identical, with the following characteristics:
- OS: Windows Server 2008 - Version: Ora11R2 (64 bit) - DB Name: orcl - Filesystem: asm (using grid infrastructure)
In addition, each server has been configured with the same sys passwords. The databases themselves were configured during installation (so the setups are about as basic as you can get.)
Now, I've done all sorts of research into how to do this. I've found plenty of good sources, but they seem to all have differences in the details.Here's what I've done so far:
- The TNSNames.ora file on each server has an entry for 'src' and 'dest' (sourca and destination) respectively - I created an entry named 'SID_LIST_LISTENER' in the listner.ora file on the source machine. However, should the sid_name in this entry refer to the source or destination machine? Or does this listener entry belong on the destination machine instead? - A lot of the examples require the setup of a new password file and spfile. Are these entries necessary if I'm using the same file structures/user names/etc. on both servers?
I am using SQL Developer.I am self-teaching myself PL/SQL. What I am trying accomplish is to run a select query across many database links at runtime and to insert that query onto a local table. So far, I have only gotten as far as querying the database link names. I am stuck at where my variable calls the database link name. It does not recognize the database link name, and I can't quite grasp the reason why. Below is the first part of my script which does retrieves the column values no problem:
If I break the script down to the bare select query, it will query absolutely fine.If I run the script in its entirety, it will not pick up the variable dbl as a dynamic database link. 02019. 00000 - "connection description for remote database not found"
If I comment out line 031 and prevent the looping of querying of database links (which will only fetch the first value of db_link from dba_db_links), the script will complete and I will have a row inserted into my local table.
I am suspecting it's the looping that is incorrect but I understand it is not going to do anything beyond line 059.
I'm having truble by querying a column in Oracle 10g. This is my situation I wrote a standard Oracle Query to show only the domain name of user's registration. The column's alias is called MAILS so far so good, the main problem is when I tried to shortener the result to show only Gmail, Hotmail and Yahoo.
Also I had the same issue when I tried to use GROUP BY the field "MAILS", but when I use the order by clause with that field it run perfectly. I think a test case is not necesarry because there are common mails address.
SELECT SUBSTR(SUBSTR(mail,INSTR(mail,'@',1)+1,50),1, INSTR(SUBSTR(mail,INSTR(mail,'@',1)+2,50),'.',1)) "MAILS", COUNT(SUBSTR(SUBSTR(mail,INSTR(mail,'@',1)+1,50),1, INSTR(SUBSTR(mail,INSTR(mail,'@',1)+2,50),'.',1))) "TOTAL" FROM USER_REGISTRATION WHERE TRUNC(FECHAALTA) BETWEEN TRUNC(TO_DATE('01/01/2012','DD/MM/YYYY')) AND TRUNC(TO_DATE('31/12/2012','DD/MM/YYYY'))
GROUP BY SUBSTR(SUBSTR(mail,INSTR(mail,'@',1)+1,50),1, INSTR(SUBSTR(mail,INSTR(mail,'@',1)+2,50),'.',1)) ORDER BY MAILS DESC;
creating the standby database from Active database using RMAN and getting the below issue after i executed the duplicate command.
Version of Database:11g( Operating System:Linux 5 Error: RMAN-00571: =========================================================== RMAN-00569: =============== ERROR MESSAGE STACK FOLLOWS =============== RMAN-00571: =========================================================== RMAN-03002: failure of Duplicate Db command at 12/21/2012 17:26:52 RMAN-03015: error occurred in stored script Memory Script RMAN-04006: error from auxiliary database: ORA-12514: TNS:listener does not currently know of service requested in connect descriptor [code]....
provide any work arounds to proceed further in creating the standby database.
The script has successfully created on standby db all controlfiles and also has copied 2 data files DATA01.DBF and DATA02.DBF into the correct location. Then the errors above kicked in and stopped the rman dup process.
I am getting starting with rac environments. I need to configure a two nodes active/active with rac and I need to know if always using rac both nodes will be active or if I have to do that at some point when installing. I have reading some docs from oracle and others authors about rac and its configuration process but that is not understood for my yet.
I've got a physical standby database and I'm now licensed for Active DataGuard. I would like to automate the ALTER DATABASE RECOVER MANAGED STANDBY DATABASE DISCONNECT FROM SESSION command to be executed right after the STARTUP command so that whenever the database is started by our DBSTART script, it activates READ ONLY W/APPLY immediately after start without manual intervention. This is probably simple, but I figured I'd ask before starting to pore through documentation.....!
I have a active data guard database which is copy of my production database. can i backup the active database using RMAN? The ADG is a read only and dont know, if RMAN can backup an read only database.
I'm trying to set up active database duplication between 2 Oracle 11g servers.
Both servers were set up with identical configurations (same directory structures, file systems, SIDs, and sys passwords.) Both oracle instances were created at the time of software installation.
Here is how things are configured: - Version: Ora11gR2 - Oracle service name: orcl - File system: ASM - OS: Windows Server 2008
I've done some research and found several sources giving instructions on how to set up active database duplication (including a blog engry by rajabaskar on this site), but each site seems to have different details.
So, here's what I have so far:
- Set up entries in each TNSNames file... each has an entry 'src' and 'dst' (for source and destination)
- A new listener has been added on the source machine
- on the destination machine, run the 'oradm' to create a new SID. However, is this really necessary? Since the service names are already the same
- I'm also supposed to create a password file on the destination machine using orapwd. Again, is this necessary, if I'm using the same passwords on both machines?
Am I on the right track? Should I have created an actual database on the destination machine or should I have started with just the software installed?
Server: Windows 2008 R2 x64 Oracle Database 11g Release Standard Edition
I recently applied the Oracle® Database Server Version Patch 16 I have several databases running on this box with the same application.Since then I've had lots of customers complaining about slow systems. The server has plenty of RAM availableI also have several other servers all on the same versions, same patch, running the same application with no issues.
Looking at v$session there are often lots of active sessions that have a sql_address of "00". I've never seen this before and I regularly look at v$session, as you can see for below these have been running for a while. The sessions do drop off but I am at a loss as to what is happening.
select username, last_call_et, sid, serial#, user#, status, sql_address, sql_hash_value from v$session where username is not null and status = 'ACTIVE' order by last_call_et desc, sid
I like to duplicate the database DATABASEA to DATABASEB and need to be run in same server. I tried to bounce the listener & databaseb instance multiple times but no lucky.
Step 1 : The instance DATABASEB is in Nomount stage
Step 2 :
==> tnsping DATABASEB TNS Ping Utility for Linux: Version - Production on 11-SEP-2012 07:36:54 Copyright (c) 1997, 2010, Oracle. All rights reserved.
Used parameter files:
Used TNSNAMES adapter to resolve the alias Attempting to contact (DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = client )(PORT = 1521)) (CONNECT_DATA = ( SERVER = DEDICATED) (SERVICE_NAME = DATABASEB)(UR=A))) OK (10 msec)
Step 3 :
==> rman target sys/*****@DATABASEA auxiliary sys/********@DATABASEB Recovery Manager: Release - Production on Tue Sep 11 07:37:50 2012 Copyright (c) 1982, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. connected to target database: DATABASEA (DBID=1723462779) RMAN-00571: =========================================================== RMAN-00569: =============== ERROR MESSAGE STACK FOLLOWS ===============
We are using oracle as database in our application. For high availability we have a cluster of multiple nodes and the data is replicated using oracle streams. All the nodes in the cluster are active. We do not have any concept of stand-by.
Now we are planning to use oracle RMAN for backup and recovery. RMAN user's guide doesn't recommend any strategies for such deployments. It mainly focuses on primary/stand-by deployments.
On last week we have migrated our oracle database from 9i to 10g through imp utility ,but now i have facing one small issue where as new have our old live database with us and suppose we have fired
to check directory name and valus then in output its shown name:-utl_file_dir and valus:-E:RAB but in our new database its does not shown any value like E:RAB in migrated database as i have recreated that directory in new database but still that issue persist .