When I execute the query, it returns the data (approx - 40,000 rows) in 1 min.But when I try to insert this data into another table (or create a table of this data) it takes me about 2 hours.
Tried using Materialized view, its again the same the refresh takes 2 hours.Basically here, what I am trying to do is the data from the above query is used to update the values in another table.What ever the procedure I am trying it takes 2 hours.
I need to generate a select query in runtime and store the results of it into a file.Each time the column name and table name in the query will differ.Now im able to generate the select query through for cursor but problem is to store the results to the file.I tried using plsql table,im able to get the values to that table and store the results to a file,but the results of the query is more then 10000 lines (it might increase also)where only 4000 characters where able to store in the plsql table.so rest of them are not stored in the file.
I have a table called 'price' and want to update it with a table called 'update'. See workbook in the attachment.
The idea is to update the table 'price' with values from 'update' as long as the values from 'update' are different then the values in 'price' or the value in price with 'enddat' empty is not present in 'update'. you can still follow this...
Enddat for df_location 4 from 'price' is empty and df_location 4 is not present in 'update' so 'enddat' for this df_location should be filled with any date from 'update' (there is always going to be just one distinct date).
I have tried something like this:
proc sql; insert into work.price (enddat) where enddat = '' select (date) where df_location not in (select df_location from work.update); ; quit;
Well this obviously doesn't work. I'm trying to pass 2 criteria (when enddat is empty and df_location is not present in 'update') but I'm not sure where to put them...
I have a large table and want to calculate just a few values. Therefore, I don't want to create a new table, I want to update the table. Here an example:
I want to calculate the VALUE_LAG with ID = 4 only (-> two values).
create table zTEST ( PRODUCT number, ID number, VALUE number, VALUE_L1 number );
I tried this, but obviously, windows functions are not allowed in the update statement.
update zTEST set VALUE_L1 = lag(VALUE) over (partition by PRODUCT, order by ID) where ID = 4
I have two tables lets say TAB_A and TAB_B. I altered table B to include a new column from table A I wrote a merge statement as follows to merge the data
I know INSERT is for inserting new records UPDATE to my knowledge is to modify currently existing records (loosely) MERGE is one I rarely used, until this particular scenario. The code works perfectly fine, but I was wondering how could I write an update statement? Or in this scenario should I even be using an update statement?
I want to UPDATE the field DCR of the table TEST1 with the VALUE of the field DCR2 of the table TEST2.At the end, after the update, the table TEST1 would be like that:
The current update store procedure that I have updates a list of input provided, but it there are fields that are left blank, they are being updated as null in the database.
I'm having a trouble creating a store procedure that will just update the provided fields only.
i am trying to update multiple records using store procedure but failed to achieve
for example my source is
emp_name sal abhi 2000 arti 1500 priya 1700
i want to increase salary of emp whose salary is less than 2000 it means rest two salary should get update..using stored procedure only
i have tried following code
create or replace procedure upt_sal(p_sal out emp.sal%type, p_cursor out sys_refcursor) is begin open p_cursor for select sal into p_sal from emp; if sal<2000 then update emp set sal= sal+200; end i;f end;
and i have called the procedure using following codes
set serveroutput on declare p_sal emp.sal%type; v_cursor sys_refcursor; begin upt_sal(p_sal,v_cursor); fetch v_cursor into p_sal; dbms_output.put_line(p_sal); end;
the program is executing but i should get o/p like this after updating
I have table called test script for table is given below
create table TEST ( col1 Number );
For these values Query is not returning values(3 and 4). So i want generic query to get this result. I am working on it but not able to generate proper query.
I have two table master and detail i want to update both tables with update command in master i want to update voc_date and in detail i want to update item_code in one command but i am not understand how to control this query for example when i use this command
1). update master set voc_date=sysdate it works very well 2). update detail set item_code='12345' it also work very well but i want to update master,detail table in one query pls guide me with some query example
I don't understand why the custid is the same for each customer, and why it's selecting every customer and not just those with more than 150 gallons ordered.
For this one use the oil tables that you set up and use a subquery. Select the minimum average fall use from the house table. Then show all customers whose number of gallons delivered times two is greater than the minimum.
i want to store xml in database. i have following questions,
1) in which col should i keep xml . 2) right now i am keeping it in blob columns, how can i insert update a record in blob col from query, which can be run from worksheet.
select distinct event_number from events_total WHERE event_id = 16395493 minus select distinct event_number from event_details_ford WHERE event_id = 16395493
result of which is : 6L2Z-7861693-AAC 6L2Z-7862187-CAC
i want to put this in dynamic sql where clause :
where event_number in ('6L2Z-7861693-AAC','6L2Z-7862187-CAC'). and if the result of the query is only one number, then where event_number in (6L2Z-7861693-AAC) result of the query can be NULL also. but i think i can use IF condition for "SELECT ..WHERE event_number in " query
so how can i put the results of query in one line, so that i can use it in where clause.
Structure is like above. There is a Head Quarter (HQ1) under which we have different division like (DIV1 and DIV2). Under division we have different location where our shopping stores are operating and transactions are done (LOC1, LOC2 for DIV1) and (LOC3 for DIV2) respectively.
DESIRED OUTPUT User can generate reports at two levels i.e. Head Quarter level and Division Level.
When user wants report at Head Quarter Level : Page 1 (Should Display as below) HQ1 DIV1 LOC1 450 HQ1 DIV1 LOC2 400 HQ1 DIV2 LOC3 600
I have this query that returns results that contain duplicates(somewhat). I only want either the FIRST or LAST (either one is fine). Here is the query:
select unique PLLA.attribute4, PLA.item_description from po_lines_all PLA, po_line_locations_all PLLA where PLLA.po_line_id = PLA.po_line_id and PLLA.attribute4 is not null
So my output is something like this:
RCE12 This is an item for AUL1 RCE13 This is an item for PWEILL RCE14 This is an item for AUL1
I just want either the RCE12 or RCE14 record and not both since they both have the same description.
I am new to writing queries for an oracle database and I was giving a bit of challenge. Here's the situation. I have 3 tables I am using. 2 of the tables are being used to transpose people's names from rows to columns by account number (there are multiple people associated with each account). The last table is a pretty straight forward query. I can run each query by itself and I get the results I want. But when I try to compile the two together, I start getting a variety of errors. Below is the two queries:
Ideally, I want to join these two queries on ACCOUNT and ACCTNBR. I have tried working my first query into my second query, but the best I get with that, is the 570 or so accounts, not all the accounts.
CREATE TABLE tmp_guid ( c1 raw(16) not null ,c2 raw(16) not null ); begin
It seems that a combination of a unique index and extended stats are to blame. Removing any one of them causes the query to also produce correct results.Extended stats basically captures the fact that despite being unique, c1 depends on c2.
But it is not returning any results because of the "having" clause. I know it should return results because all I want it to do is in one column have the V_ATT for the current time period, and in the 2nd column, have the V_ATT 24 hours ago. I've checked the data and I should get results back but can't seem to figure out why this is not working...
I have a need to query a real time production database to return a set of results that spans a three day period. When the three days are consecutive it's easy but sometimes there is a 1 or two day gap between the days. For example I'm querying results from a group of people that work between Tuesday and Saturday. On a Wednesday I need t produce a set of results that spans Tuesday of the current week, and Saturday and Friday of the previous week; on Thursday I need to produce a set of results that that spans Wednesday and Tuesday of the current week and Saturday of the previous week.I'm using SQL Developer to execute the code.