Extended Statistics Causes Incorrect Query Results?
Nov 2, 2012
I have the following DDL:
drop table tmp_guid;
CREATE TABLE tmp_guid (
c1 raw(16) not null
,c2 raw(16) not null
It seems that a combination of a unique index and extended stats are to blame. Removing any one of them causes the query to also produce correct results.Extended stats basically captures the fact that despite being unique, c1 depends on c2.
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Jul 20, 2011
We just upgraded to 11g and have run into incorrect results for some of our LEFT JOINs. If the table, view, subquery, or WITH clause that is being LEFT JOINed to contains any constants, the results are not correct.
For example, a test (nonsensical) view such as the following is created:
create or replace view fyvtst1 as
select spriden_pidm as fyvtst1_pidm,
'Sch' as fyvtst1_test
from spriden
where spriden_last_name like 'Sch%' ;
When I run the following query, I get correct results; that is, only those with "Sch" starting their last name are listed.
select spriden_pidm, spriden_last_name, fyvtst1_pidm, fyvtst1_test
from spriden
join fyvtst1 on fyvtst1_pidm = spriden_pidm ;
However, when I change the JOIN to a LEFT JOIN, the last column contains "Sch" for all rows, instead of NULL:
select spriden_pidm, spriden_last_name, fyvtst1_pidm, fyvtst1_test
from spriden
left join fyvtst1 on fyvtst1_pidm = spriden_pidm ;
We've discovered other quirky things related to this. A WITH clause with similar logic as the above view, when LEFT JOINed to a table will also cause the constant to appear in each row, instead of NULL (and only the value where there is a join). But when additional columns are added to the WITH, it behaves correctly.
This is easy enough to rewrite - but we have WITHs and views containing constants in numerous places, and cannot hope to track down every single one successfully before the incorrect results are used.
Finally, the NO_QUERY_TRANSFORMATION hint will force the query to work correctly. Unfortunately, it has a huge negative performance impact (one query ran for an hour, vs. 1 second in 10g).
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Jun 20, 2011
nlsb> select file_name,bytes from dba_data_files where tablespace_name='ARIAN_DATA';
------------------------------------------------------------ ----------
/data950/nlsb/nlsb/datafile/o1_mf_arian_da_6wf27lcn_.dbf 5368709120
/data950/nlsb/nlsb/datafile/o1_mf_arian_da_6wf1txnm_.dbf 8589934592
/data950/nlsb/nlsb/datafile/o1_mf_arian_da_6wf1tr6v_.dbf 8589934592
/data950/nlsb/nlsb/datafile/o1_mf_arian_da_6wf1tonc_.dbf 8589934592
dbms_metadata is giving me code that will create more datafiles than the original, and furthermore won't run: firstly, because two files are named with a null string, and secondly because it includes RESIZE commands which won't work because they nominate OMF file names. Or is dbms_metadata unreliable?
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Jul 2, 2012
My problem is I have 3 tables (TEST_TBL1, TEST_TBL2, TEST_TBL3). TEST_TBL2 and TEST_TBL3 are in remote database and I use database link to join them. The following query returns incorrect result (I seems that it ignore the where clause)
I am on 11R1 (
Local database:
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Feb 1, 2012
I have the following Union All query. It throws the following error in SQL plus
ERROR at line 27: ORA-01789: query block has incorrect number of result columns
After doing some google for the above error it suggests there are incorrect number of columns in the Union All query.I could not figure out the exact location well SQl Plus says error is on line 27 at the first opening bracket like
(Select distinct c.contact_code
Following is the SQL query
||'.'||contact_name contact_name,
[Code] ......
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Oct 19, 2010
I have created a table: INDEX_SIZE_TRACKING with the following attributes
Index Name: name of the index. Type: VARCHAR(255). This is the primary key of the table.
Allocated Space: the memory space (in bytes) allocated to the index. Type: NUMBER
Used Space: the memory space used by the index. Type: NUMBER
Last Update: the time when index details are updated to this table. Type: VARCHAR(255)
I want to write a PL/SQL script to query index statistics data and update tracking entries in the INDEX_SIZE_TRACKING table. If there is no existing entry for the index, create a new one; otherwise, update the existing one. have a PL/SQL statement that can do this in oracle XE?
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Apr 23, 2007
Is there anyway to pivot the results of a query?
so if i have:
SELECT GROUP, count(*)
And it give the following output:
A 10
B 50
c 24
Is there anyway to put into this format?
10 50 24
I am doubting that there is and that i am going to have to handle this in my code later, but it never hurts to ask!
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May 19, 2010
I have this query:
select distinct event_number from events_total WHERE event_id = 16395493
select distinct event_number from event_details_ford WHERE event_id = 16395493
result of which is :
i want to put this in dynamic sql where clause :
where event_number in ('6L2Z-7861693-AAC','6L2Z-7862187-CAC'). and if the result of the query is only one number, then where event_number in (6L2Z-7861693-AAC) result of the query can be NULL also. but i think i can use IF condition for "SELECT ..WHERE event_number in " query
so how can i put the results of query in one line, so that i can use it in where clause.
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May 27, 2008
I have this query that returns results that contain duplicates(somewhat). I only want either the FIRST or LAST (either one is fine). Here is the query:
select unique PLLA.attribute4, PLA.item_description from po_lines_all PLA, po_line_locations_all PLLA
where PLLA.po_line_id = PLA.po_line_id
and PLLA.attribute4 is not null
So my output is something like this:
RCE12 This is an item for AUL1
RCE13 This is an item for PWEILL
RCE14 This is an item for AUL1
I just want either the RCE12 or RCE14 record and not both since they both have the same description.
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Apr 10, 2013
I am new to writing queries for an oracle database and I was giving a bit of challenge. Here's the situation. I have 3 tables I am using. 2 of the tables are being used to transpose people's names from rows to columns by account number (there are multiple people associated with each account). The last table is a pretty straight forward query. I can run each query by itself and I get the results I want. But when I try to compile the two together, I start getting a variety of errors. Below is the two queries:
Query 1 (returns about 1,500 rows):
Query 2 (returns about 570 rows):
Ideally, I want to join these two queries on ACCOUNT and ACCTNBR. I have tried working my first query into my second query, but the best I get with that, is the 570 or so accounts, not all the accounts.
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Apr 22, 2013
I have the following query:
But it is not returning any results because of the "having" clause. I know it should return results because all I want it to do is in one column have the V_ATT for the current time period, and in the 2nd column, have the V_ATT 24 hours ago. I've checked the data and I should get results back but can't seem to figure out why this is not working...
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Feb 22, 2010
I have a query like this -
When I execute the query, it returns the data (approx - 40,000 rows) in 1 min.But when I try to insert this data into another table (or create a table of this data) it takes me about 2 hours.
Tried using Materialized view, its again the same the refresh takes 2 hours.Basically here, what I am trying to do is the data from the above query is used to update the values in another table.What ever the procedure I am trying it takes 2 hours.
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Dec 10, 2011
I have a need to query a real time production database to return a set of results that spans a three day period. When the three days are consecutive it's easy but sometimes there is a 1 or two day gap between the days. For example I'm querying results from a group of people that work between Tuesday and Saturday. On a Wednesday I need t produce a set of results that spans Tuesday of the current week, and Saturday and Friday of the previous week; on Thursday I need to produce a set of results that that spans Wednesday and Tuesday of the current week and Saturday of the previous week.I'm using SQL Developer to execute the code.
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May 9, 2013
this is procedure to send email to multiple receipents
sender VARCHAR2(30) := 'mailid';
i got procedure sucessfully created
execute mail('hi','mail id1,maildi2');
when i execute the procedure i get the following error
Error at line 1
ORA-29279: SMTP permanent error: 554 5.5.1 Error: no valid recipients
ORA-06512: at "SYS.UTL_SMTP", line 17
ORA-06512: at "SYS.UTL_SMTP", line 98
ORA-06512: at "SYS.UTL_SMTP", line 271
ORA-06512: at "SUPPLIER.MAIL", line 47
ORA-06512: at line 1
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Jun 2, 2010
There are several stages for sql processing in 10g2 database concept document.The following stages are necessary for each type of statement processing:
■ Stage 1: Create a Cursor
■ Stage 2: Parse the Statement
■ Stage 5: Bind Any Variables
■ Stage 7: Run the Statement
■ Stage 9: Close the Cursor
Optionally, you can include another stage:
■ Stage 6: Parallelize the Statement
Queries (SELECTs) require several additional stages, as shown in Figure 241:
■ Stage 3: Describe Results of a Query
■ Stage 4: Define Output of a Query
■ Stage 8: Fetch Rows of a Query
Stage 3: Describe Results of a Query The describe stage is necessary only if the characteristics of a query's result are not known; for example, when a query is entered interactively by a user. In this case, the describe stage determines the characteristics (datatypes, lengths, and names) of a query's result.
Stage 4: Define Output of a Query In the define stage for queries, you specify the location, size, and datatype of variables defined to receive each fetched value. These variables are called define variables. Oracle performs datatype conversion if necessary.
I still don't understand what's Stage 3: Describe Results of a Query and Stage 4: Define Output of a Query.
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Aug 15, 2011
I need to generate a select query in runtime and store the results of it into a file.Each time the column name and table name in the query will differ.Now im able to generate the select query through for cursor but problem is to store the results to the file.I tried using plsql table,im able to get the values to that table and store the results to a file,but the results of the query is more then 10000 lines (it might increase also)where only 4000 characters where able to store in the plsql table.so rest of them are not stored in the file.
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Jul 22, 2013
I have an application connected to Oracle 11g that sends its own querys to the db based on what the user is clickng on. The applicaiton is connected via one user id and I was wondering, is there a way that I can capture the tiem each query starts, the sql itself, and the amount of time it took to fetch the data?
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Sep 17, 2010
Table A
Id Country city
1 US
2 US Boston
3 Boston
4 US Newyork
5 London
6 Japan Tokyo
Im looking for a query which returns results based on both city and country passed.
If i pass country US and city Boston it should return row2 with US and Boston row
If i pass country null and city Boston it should return row3
If i pass country UK and city Boston it should return row3
If i pass country UK and city London it should return row5
i.e. If country/city combination exists in DB return that row Else city row should be returned.
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Aug 9, 2010
Somewhere I read that we should not use hints in Oracle production environments, but we can use hints in the development environment and on achieving the desired execution plan we can adjust the 'statistics' to follow that plan without hints.
Q1. If it is true what statistics do we adjust for influencing the execution plan and how?
For example, I have the following simple query:
select e.empid, e.ename, d.dname
from emp e, dept d
where e.deptno=d.deptno;
emp.empid, emp.deptno and dep.deptno columns have indexes and the tables have the standard structure as found in the basic oracle examples.
If I look at the execution plan of the above query then I see that the driving table is empand the driven table is dept.Also the type of join that is taking place is 'Nested Loop'.
Questions: With respect to the above query,
Q 2. If I want to make dept the driving table and emp the driven table then how can I adjust the statistics to achieve that?
Q 3. If I want to use hash join instead of a nested loop join then then how can I adjust the statistics to achieve that?
I can put the ordered and the use_hash hint to effect this but again I have heard that altering statistics is a more robust way to control an execution plan as compared to hints.
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Aug 24, 2010
I have a database in which DB extended auditing is enabled but there are no audit specifications in privileges or statements or objects. So what will be audited in that case.
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Jan 27, 2011
I have requirement to convert the extended ascii to character. Is there any function available .
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Sep 19, 2013
I have a table like mentioned below
create table test1( test_no number, test_description varchar2(100));
insert into test1 values (1,'ABC£¥');
insert into test1 values (2,'BCD£¥');
Now I am selecting from the above table and the expected rest it should have shown is as shown below
1 ABC£¥
2 BCD£¥
But instead of showing the extended ascii characters, it is showing some different characters as shown below
select * from test1;
I have an requirement where i need to fetch the exact ascii characters for £ and ¥ instead of L and Y respectively.
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Mar 5, 2013
We use extended RAC 11gR2 on two servers in two different server rooms.Data are stored on ISCSI devices, mounted from "storage" linux hosts on a network called "SAN".Third voting disk is also stored on a ISCSI device mounted from a "quorum" linux host on our "PUBLIC" network.The RAC interconnect link is on a separate "PRIVATE" network.
During tests, when we totally disconnect the "SAN" link between the two servers, clusterware has an undefined behaviour.Sometimes (more often) it crashes, sometimes one node stays alive.At this moment, each RAC server is able to access only the ISCSI storage in its own server room, and the two servers are able to access the third voting disk (because it is on a separate network).
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Mar 15, 2013
I'm trying to create star schema via extended analytic from work space but getting below error
'Invalid Extn Analy templete label. Please provide a valid template label. '
I followed all steps provided on
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Nov 29, 2012
i am trying to replicate sdo_geometry datatype object using oracle11gr2 streams but the capture process didnt capture the change made on the table.
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Jul 26, 2010
i'm facing a problem while i'm inserting millions of record from table to table that undo tablespace reach 100% full and execution aborted. , how can free the undo tablespace ??? many of extendes are offline. will it flush automatically ??? or what i should do
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Dec 11, 2012
I am having 2 data centers within 1/2 km distance. And we kept each vote disk in once site. In case of site failure, the cluster needs a 3rd set. We don't have 3rd site.
Last open world, Oracle announced that oracle storage on cloud as announced. If I get the small space on the cloud, can i put my 3rd vote disk on the cloud?
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Apr 8, 2011
Consider the statement below:
Update employee e
set e.dept_id = (select d.dept_id
from dept d
The above is not the exact code which I am executing but an exact replica of the logic implied in my code.
Now, when i display the value of 'rows_updated' it returns a value greater than 0,i.e 3 but it should ideally return 0
since there are no records matching for the condition:
(select d.dept_id
from dept d
where e.dept_name = d.dept_name)
So, I executed the statement:
select count(*) from employee e
where emp_id = 1234
and exists
(select 1
from emp_his ee
where e.emp_id = ee.emp_id)
and the result was 3 which is the same value returned by %rowcount.
why this is happening as I am getting incorrect values in %rowcount for the number of rows updated.
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Sep 24, 2013
I currently have around 560 rows of bad data where
GL_Encumbered_Date and TO_CHAR(PRD.GL_ENCUMBERED_DATE,'YYYY' display correctly.
The problem lies in
PRD.GL_CANCELLED_DATE which displays correctly (example: 30-APR-10) but TO_CHAR(PRD.GL_CANCELLED_DATE, 'DD-MON-YYYY') for the same row displays as 30-APR-0010.
I have separated out the incorrect year with:
to_char(prd.gl_cancelled_date,'YYYY') where each of the 560 rows display 0010 instead of 2010. I am unsure if arithmetic with dates is allowed within SQL- but am curious if the operation date + number will result in a date.
If this is so, how could one go about taking 0010 as a date and add 2000 to create 2010 for: PRD.GL_CANCELLED_DATE.
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Sep 25, 2013
Would like to ask expert here, how could I insert data into oracle table where the value is 03 ? The case is like that, the column was defined as varchar2(50) data type, and I have a csv file where the value is 03 but when load into oracle table the value become 3 instead of 03.
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