I have a column "empno" in EMP table and "deptno" in DEPT table . I want to update both the columns with single UPDATE statement. With out a creation of stored procedure or view(updating it through view).
I have two table master and detail i want to update both tables with update command in master i want to update voc_date and in detail i want to update item_code in one command but i am not understand how to control this query for example when i use this command
1). update master set voc_date=sysdate it works very well 2). update detail set item_code='12345' it also work very well but i want to update master,detail table in one query pls guide me with some query example
i am reading the columns value from different table but i want to update it with single update statement. such as how to update multiple columns (50 columns) of table with single update statement .. is there any sql statement available i know it how to do with pl/sql.
Updating multiple ROWS with different values using single statement. Requirement is to update one column in a table with the values in the other table.
Each MEMBER has CORPORATE PROFILE which in turn is associated with CORPORATION. Now I need to update MEMBER table with CORPORATION identifier for members who belong to corporations with identifiers say 'ABC' and 'DEF'.
MEMBER table contains column 'CORPIDENTIFIER '. CORPORATEPROFILE table contains MEMBERID and CORPORATIONID,this will associate a member with the corporation. CORPORATION table contains ID and CORPIDENTIFIER.
Using the below query I am getting error,ORA-01427:single-row subquery returns more than one row
Sub query in the above query returns multiple rows and hence it is throwing the error.More than one members are associated with Corporations ABC and DEF. Is there any way possible to update all the rows in single query with out iterating the result set of sub query.
how does this query execute? what kind of a query is this called?
mysql> select ename,(select dname from dept where deptno=e.deptno ) as dname -> from emp e;
+--------+------------+ | ename | dname | +--------+------------+ | SMITH | RESEARCH | | ALLEN | SALES | | WARD | SALES | | JONES | RESEARCH | | MARTIN | SALES | | BLAKE | SALES | | CLARK | ACCOUNTING | | SCOTT | RESEARCH | | KING | ACCOUNTING | | TURNER | SALES | | ADAMS | RESEARCH | | JAMES | SALES | | FORD | RESEARCH | | MILLER | ACCOUNTING | +--------+------------+ 14 rows in set (0.00 sec)
select order_number, (select decode(hcp.contact_point_purpose,'ABC',hcp.email_address,'CDE',hcp.email_address,null) from hz_contact_points, hz_parties hz WHERE hz.party_id=hcp.owner_table_id) Email FROM oe_order_headers_all h WHERE h.order_number='102' .................... ..............
Actually the problem i am facing is the inner select query is returning multiple row , so my main query is erroring out, i need to capture the multiple row.
In the above example the inner decode statement returning two mail address, I need to capture that, but while executing the whole query it is erroring out as saying single query returns multiple values. capture multiple values
Using Oracle 11gR2 on windows 7 client. I have a question on calculating sum() on multiple columns on different columns and store the results in a view. Unfortunately I could not post the problem here as it keeps on giving error "Sorry, this content is not allowed", without telling where or what it is! So I had to post it in the stack-overflow forum, here is the link: [URL] .........
i have to update a single column(x.c) in x table.here the condition is x.a is not null and x.b is not null x.d is null then update x.c=x.b for each row.
The structure is like this may contain multiple records like Comp_id, Comp_name, ISIN will be same, but column_name will contain the column_name to which its corresponding column_value needs to be populated to.
Now I need to start with the employee 1 . As we can see the emp 1 is mapped to dept A and also with multiple dept. Similarly dept id is mapped to multiple emp.
I need the output as below (many to many I.e. cross referencing)
EMPID DEPIDGroup 1A A1 2A A1 2B A1 1B A1 4A A1 5B A1 5A A1 6C B1 -- new group as the emp and dept are not mapped previously 7A A1 8D C1
How to merge multiple rows into single row (but multiple columns) efficiently.
For example
IDVal IDDesc IdNum Id_Information_Type Attribute_1 Attribute_2 Attribute_3 Attribute_4 Attribute_5 23 asdc 1 Location USA NM ABQ Four Seasons 87106 23 asdc 1 Stats 2300 91.7 8.2 85432 23 asdc 1 Audit 1996 June 17 1200 65 affc 2 Location USA TX AUS Hilton 92305 65 affc 2 Stats 5510 42.7 46 9999 65 affc 2 Audit 1996 July 172 1100
where different attributes mean different thing for each Information_type. For example for Information_Type=Location
Attribute_1 means Country Attribute_2 means State and so on.
For example for Information_Type=Stats
Attribute_1 means Population Attribute_2 means American Ethnicity percentage and so on.
I want to create a view that shows like below:
IDVal IDDesc IDNum Country State City Hotel ZipCode Population American% Other% Area Audit Year AuditMonth Audit Type AuditTime 23 asdc 1 USA NM ABQ FourSeasons 87106 2300 91.7 46 85432 1996 June 17 1200 65 affc 2 USA TX AUS Hilton 92305 5510 42.7 46 9999 1996 July 172 1100
When I execute the query, it returns the data (approx - 40,000 rows) in 1 min.But when I try to insert this data into another table (or create a table of this data) it takes me about 2 hours.
Tried using Materialized view, its again the same the refresh takes 2 hours.Basically here, what I am trying to do is the data from the above query is used to update the values in another table.What ever the procedure I am trying it takes 2 hours.
I don't understand why the custid is the same for each customer, and why it's selecting every customer and not just those with more than 150 gallons ordered.
For this one use the oil tables that you set up and use a subquery. Select the minimum average fall use from the house table. Then show all customers whose number of gallons delivered times two is greater than the minimum.
I want to insert multiple records in a single row. Example: I have a below query
select '"'||c1||'","'||c2||'","'||c3||'"'from (select 'ABC' as C1,'ZYX' as C2,'TEST' AS c3from dual unionselect 'A1' as C1,'a2' as C2,'A3' AS c3from dual)
And I want to insert the above 2 records in table T1 as a single row as below:
I am facing some problem, while fetching the result that I want to. I have a table with name "test", there are two columns:
"id" type int "text_data" type varchar2(2000)
Sample Data: ID TEXT_DATA ------- ------------ 10 Hi Deepak, My designation id is dsha21. Thanks Rohit
Now I tried to replace the value for "Deepak","dsha21" and "Rohit" using nested replace function and I succeded but that was for static. Now while creating SQL procedure where I am going to make the values of "Deepak","dsha21" and "Rohit" some static variables. I want to pass the values to be replaced with static parameter.
If I give you simple example of my requirement that would be example of a sms send to all customers by a telephone company. Content is same only the Name of customer is replaced everytime.
CREATE TABLE T1 ( id NUMBER, START_date DATE, end_date DATE, end_date1 DATE, end_date2 DATE, end_date3 DATE, LEVEL1 number ) /
I have data in the first table as mentioned above I need to insert multiple rows into the second table for the same ID depends on the level, If it is level 1 then two rows for same ID first reocrd start_date as the start_date and end_date as end_date from the table t1 for second record start_date is end_date in t1 and end_date for this record is end_date1 column in table t1.
If the level is 3 then the table t2 should have four records for one id and the phase is the value for each record for one ID for example in level 3 we have 4 records for one id and phase should be 1,2,3,4.
writing the sql, to transform a single row into multiple rows. I am trying to create multiple rows based on a value of a column in the table.In the below example, I am trying to create the rows based on the 'Col2' values. find the below example:
Original table data:
Col1 Col2 Col3 Col4
Row1 a1 a,b,c 01 ON Row2 b1 d,e,f 02 OFF Row3 c1 g,h 03 ON
I want the above table to be transformed into below:
Col1 Col2 Col3 Col4
Row1 a1 a 01 ON Row1 a1 b 01 ON Row1 a1 C 01 ON Row2 b1 d 02 OFF Row2 b1 e 02 OFF Row2 b1 f 02 OFF Row3 c1 g 03 ON Row3 c1 h 03 ON
I have a scenario where the requirement is to create a "SEQ NO". Based on the 'Tasks' & it's creation date. Where there are multiple 'tasks' for a single SR.
The following example will make it clear SR TASK Created on SEQ NO 11009 2345 14/10/1988 12:15:17 1 11009 2346 14/10/1988 12:15:57 2 11234 - - -
If there is a SR which has no task then the SEQ NO should be 0. And the seq no should be in the order of the created on field & if 2 tasks are created at the same time i.e suppose 2345 & 2346 have the same time stamp then the SEQ no should be 1,2 respectively n not both as 1.