I have table A with size 120 Million and two more tables are of size 2 Million on Table B and less than 1 Million size on table C.I had created Partition and Parallel degree 4 on the table A. Created table B with Parallel degree 2 and Created table C with NOPARALLEL.
My query is using above tables with joins and inserting into table D using HINT /*+ APPEND NOLOGGING*/I had executed the explain on the above criteria the cost is showing 20767.
Later created Tables A,B and C with NOPARALLEL. Applied HINT on Table D /*+ APPEND NOLOGGING*/ and als applied HINT /*+ PARALLEL(A, 4) PARALLEL(B C, 2) on select query which uses to insert into Table D.
My question which is best practice on PARALLEL degree creation at table level or query level:
a) Creating table with Paralle (degree 4) b) Applying HINT /*+ PARALLEL (TABLE A , 4) */ at query level
When I hit this query the, numeric value to be displayed in my report should be '16408.80', but when I use LPAD, RPAD the '.80' (zero) gets eliminated/truncated.As per the above query can I get the desired output using LPAD/RPAD or without converting the number to character type For ex. TO_CHAR(12345.60, '99999D99')
If we have not set parallel degree for a table then we can ( try to ) force parallel execution on a table using a parallel hint Does this 'parallelism' works on the index search in the query as well?
In which situations non-parallel non-partitioned table but parallel index (degree>2) will facilitate a query?
i have table with range partition and list sub-partition..can i add one more list sub-partition if it is not possible , i have to drop first sub-partition.
I Know we can create dynamic partitions on table in oracle 11g. Is it possible to create normal partition and sub partition both dynamically.I have to create Normal partition range on date and sub partition list on Batch ID (varchar).
I have a table that partitioned into six partitions. each partitions placed in different table space and every two table space placed it on a different hardisk
when I will do query select with the non-partition keys condition, how the search process ? whether the sequence (scan sequentially from partition 1 to partition 6) or partition in a hardisk is accessed at the same time with other partition in other hardisk. ( in the image, partition 1,4 accessed at the same time with partition 2,5 and 3,6)
Can I add range sub partition to a hash partition table. Example like this.
CREATE TABLE test ( test_id VARCHAR2(10 ) , test_TYPE VARCHAR2(5) , CREATE_DATE date ) partition by hash (test_id, test_type) Partitions 3 SUBPARTITION BY RANGE (CREATE_DATE);
When Tried, I am getting syntax error as invalid option.
Activity1 Structure Which I have Done Partitioning When I insert data from Activity to Activity1 it gives that error ORA-14400: inserted partition key does not map to any partition what I am doing wrong
Insert Statement
I have partition based table one the basis of year month. And we have 8 local indexes on this table. Every month we have to create a new partition and load data into this partition and the volume of the data is around 14million and the load process is taking long time due to indexes. Is it possible to drop the indexes from particular partition?
When I am trying to insert record from tbl_mittal into tbl_temp table. I am facing "ORA-14400: inserted partition key does not map to any partition" error
SQL> insert into tbl_temp select * from tbl_mittal; insert into tbl_temp select * from tbl_mittal * ERROR at line 1: ORA-14400: inserted partition key does not map to any partition
AS tbl_mittal is having hugh number of records so I am providing only few rows from tbl_mittal table as test data.
For the above data set i need to divide into 5 partittions and need to updated the partitonid with the partition number for each partition set,like the below result set
How to find the size pf a partition in a partition table?I guess we need to query views like dba_tab_partitions but I am not very sure. will running dbms_stats.gather_table_stats('schema_name,'table_name,'partition_name')
I think that performance better partition table than non-partition table. How to assure partition table is better than non-partition table at SELECT operation?
I have compare a specific query EXPLAIN PLAN at partition table and non-partition table. both tables data is same. Is it true way or not?
I have a query which has 5 unions, each clause of the union takes 1 hr to run and query results come back in 5 hrs, Is there any way I can make these clause to run in parallel?
CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE EBILL_BULK_UPDATE_SERVICE(in_cycle VARCHAR2) AS v_cnt NUMBER; -----Variable used for checking table is partitioned or not partitioned CURSOR cur_update -----Cursor defined for Updating EBILL tables for service_id is SELECT table_name , cycle_name FROM NNP_EBILL_UPDATE
As our requirement that Execute Immediate should work for 5 or more tables updation parallely at a time.If one table get completed then it should take next table from loop and then start the code till completion of all tables.
I have a partitioned table in which at the first level it is been partitioned based on date column(C1) and within in each partition it is again sub-partitioned based on a column(C1) which is a numeric value now at first level(C1 column level) there are 6 partitions and in the last partition i want to add another partition how can i do that.
I am trying to add partition to table without partition
with following code
ALTER TABLE ACC_LOC1_TAB ADD PARTITION testpart BY RANGE (ALT_AUTHDT) (PARTITION UPTO_2010 values less than (31-mar-2010), PARTITION APR_JUN_10 VALUES less than (30-JUN-2010), PARTITION JUL_SEP_10 VALUES less than (30-SEP-2010), PARTITION OCT_DEC_10 VALUES less than (31-DEC-2010), PARTITION JAN_MAR_11 VALUES less than (31-MAR-2011))
I am using Oracle Oracle Database.I have a table with 10 Million records and it's a Non Partitioned Table.
1) I would like to partition the table (with partition by range ) without creating new table . I should do it in the existing table itself (not sure DBMS_ REDEFINITION is the only option ) (or) can i use alter table ...?
2) Add one partition which will have data for the unspecified range.
On a tab page should be displayed the result of four indifferent queries, each based on a stored procedure.At the moment, the queries are processed serially, by the statements:
I am inserting 50 million records into a table MAIL_LOG. I am using the hint /*+ append parallel (MAIL_LOG, 12) */. But for my table degree is 1.
SELECT table_name, degree FROM user_tables WHERE table_name = 'MAIL_LOG';
I have following clarifications. 1) What degree I should use. 2) On what basis I have to give the degree. 3) Have we use constant degree all the times. 4) How to check my insert statement is using parallel degree. 5) How to find the degree at session level.
i am trying to export table using datapump in oracle 10g, this expdp takes 5 hours time, so i want use use parallel keyword in expdp, my question is how should i know number of parallels can i use...?
oracle: can get this to work, but not the way the docs seem to say. I am wondering if I am reading the docs wrong or missing something.
The docs seem to say to get a query to run in parallel using an index you use the PARALLEL_INDEX hint. This doesn't seem to work for me. I have to do one of the following
1. change the parallel degree with an alter index, then use the PARALLEL hint (parallel index hint does nothing in this case) 2. use both the parallel_index and parallel hint
Just a general query on parallel query. My customer having 4 cpus and running the database in in AIX 5.3(One is in AIX 6.1). Under which circumstances, we can propose to user parallel query options.