PL/SQL :: How To Run DBMS_JOB In Parallel And Serial

Jul 26, 2012

I have total 8 procedure to run in parallel . and after that my 9th procedure should run.

below is my job submission procedure

create or replace procedure DURATION_ALARM_WEEKLY as
l_job number ;
dbms_job.submit(l_job,'begin ALARMS_WEEKLY_CALL_OUT ; end;');
dbms_job.submit(l_job,'begin ALARMS_WEEKLY_CALL_IN ; end;');
dbms_job.submit(l_job,'begin ALARMS_WEEKLY_DURATIN_OUT ; end;');

what is the syntax I have to do in my FINALE procedure . using DBMS_ALERT.REGISTER , DBMS_ALERT.WAITANY .....?

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Starting A Function In Parallel Using DBMS_JOB

Jun 30, 2011

We have Data Migration for our application coded in PL/SQL. The DB server has 64 Cores available (Solaris 10 OS) however running the migration code written as a function, utilizes very little CPU and CPU utilization is to max 2%. To utilize CPU power available to increase the speed of migration, we are using DBMS_JOB to schedule this function multiple times.

However scheduling the function 10 times, we are seeing that at any moment only 4/5 oracle processes are active and utilizing the CPU and CPU utilization has gone up to 5-6%. The speed of migration is increased but not to a great extend which I feel would work if we could utilize more CPU.

I see a parameter job_queue_processes is set to 10 currently in the database and am planning to increase this (currently to 25 as I don't have exact count of how many other jobs may be running in the database).

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Forms :: Communication Form Serial / Parallel Port Via Oracle?

Jun 14, 2005

I want to connect a biometric device with my system, through serial port / parallel port. And want to permit only valid users to the system.

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Automatic Storage Management :: Re-Balance Operations Run In Serial Or Parallel

Nov 27, 2012

Background: We are migrating a lot of databases from one SAN appliance to another. We are doing this by adding new disks from the new SAN appliance to the existing disk groups, re balancing, removing the old disks from the disk groups, and then re balancing again.

Question: If I execute two ALTER commands with the same power on 2 or more separate disk groups, do both operations start executing right away? Or do they queue up and execute one after another?

I ask because we would like to queue up several re-balances so we don't have DBAs watching status bars all day.

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Performance Tuning :: Parallel Index With Non-partitioned No-parallel Table?

Apr 30, 2012

If we have not set parallel degree for a table then we can ( try to ) force parallel execution on a table using a parallel hint Does this 'parallelism' works on the index search in the query as well?

In which situations non-parallel non-partitioned table but parallel index (degree>2) will facilitate a query?

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Dec 20, 2011

How to extract DDL of DBMS_JOB in sqlplus ?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: DBMS_JOB Not Executing On Time?

Jul 30, 2012

I've defined DBMS_JOB in Oracle it is not starting on time. As per query it should start at 09:00 PM as given below.


7/31/2012 9:00:00 PM

But instead it was started on 7/31/2012 1:14:10 AM. Which is wrong.

Following is script which I am using to submit this job.



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SQL & PL/SQL :: ORA-31603 When Using DBMS_JOB.SUBMIT

Jul 5, 2013

I'm using dbms_metadata.get_ddl inside a package and I have a problem: if I execute the package directly, like "exec pkg_util.read_ddl('TA_DL_IDP', 'RMI_KUNDE') it works fine.

If I submit the same procedure using DBMS_JOB.SUBMIT, I get an error: Err_ -31603 - MSG: ORA-31603: object "RMI_KUNDE" of type TABLE not found in schema "TA_DL_IDP"

I know that in order to use dbms_metadata.get_ddl I need to have SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE and I know about the necessity to give explicit grants to objects rather than using roles when running pl/sql code from inside a package, but this is different: the different behavior is between running the same package in foreground and submitting it using DBMS_JOB.SUBMIT.

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Server Administration :: DBMS_JOB Using Sys Account

Jun 17, 2010

I have to change the execution of a job, I have the sys access.The job is in another user, say to use dbms_change using sys account to change the execution of a job in Scott user..

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SQL & PL/SQL :: DBMS_JOB / Maximum Number Of Failures A Job Can Allow

Mar 9, 2010

What is the maximum number of failures a job can allow,when we are scheduling jobs using DBMS_JOB.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Dbms_job.submit How To Receive Output

Jan 2, 2011

Discreet use of dbms_job.submit (to call a procedure), can be used to multi thread several instances of same proc in pl sql. I am able to do it.The problem is that dbms_output.put_line of the proc which is multi threaded does not reflects in the outer proc (the proc which parallels this proc and then waits for their completion).How do I receive the output?

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PL/SQL :: Enable Dbms_job To Run On Every Day At 4am Excluding Fridays?

Jun 7, 2013

how to enable dbms_job to run on every day at 4am excluding Fridays.

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DBMS_JOB Running At Wrong Time

Jan 7, 2013

We have a bunch of jobs scheduled using DBMS_JOB (yes, I know I should be using DBMS_SCHEDULER, but we haven't migrated there yet). We are running Oracle on Windows Server 2003 x64.

For example, we have a job that is supposed to run every Wednesday at 20:00. The Interval we have set up is "NEXT_ DAY (TRUNC(SYSDATE), 'WEDNESDAY')+20/24". This has been working as intended. Today (Monday), however, the job kicked off at 11:52. It was the wrong day and the wrong time.

I don't see anything weird in my alert log. Where else should I check to figure out why this job ran today?

293     1/7/2013 11:52:46 AM     11:52:46     1/9/2013 8:00:00 PM     20:00:00     NEXT_DAY(TRUNC(SYSDATE), 'WEDNESDAY')+20/24     ACQUISITIONS.WORKLOAD_STATUS_UPDATE_NOTIF;

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Get Serial Number

Mar 12, 2013

I have following table.

Insert into ABC

Now i run follwoing query and result is

select * from abc


I need following result


1501 1
1502501 2
1509501 2
1511 3
1503 4
1516 1
1522 2
1565 3
1569565 3
2601 1
2602 2
2604602 2
2607 3
2508 3

Note that serial number must reset after each 4 lot_num againt dpt_num. Not that where lot is associated in associated_with_lot there serial number must be same as serial number is for associated lot.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Maintain Serial Number

Aug 4, 2012

I have one table as per the attachment, with id(Primary key),level,name and Srno.Now I want to maintain Sr. if user transfers level 2 of one block (level 1) to another it possible through any oracle function.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Conditionally Re-arrange The Serial?

Jan 21, 2013

I want to conditionally re-arrange the serial. Sample test case is as below.



SQL> Select * from t1 order by no;

---------- -
1245 R
1246 N
1247 N
1248 R
1249 R
1250 R
1251 N
1252 N
1253 R
1254 R
1255 N

11 rows selected.

Required output is

---------- - --------
1245 R 1245
1246 N 1247
1247 N 1251
1248 R 1248
1249 R 1249
1250 R 1250
1251 N 1252
1252 N 1255
1253 R 1253
1254 R 1254
1255 N 1256

Scnario is to add 1 in no. field but no.s having type 'R' will remain unchanged. e.g. Record no. 1247 is changed to 1251 because 1248,1249,1250 have typ 'R'.

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PL/SQL :: Serial Number - Translate ID From TBL-ID2 To TBL-ID?

Jun 30, 2012

I have two tables,



I want translate id from TBL_ID2 to TBL_ID, and make new serial as  max serial + 1 I tried

insert into TBL_ID(serial,id)
select (select max(serial) + 1 from ),id from TBL_ID2
Desired Output after insert
select * from TBL_ID

------   --
1        10
2        20
3        50
4        60
5        90

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Get Desire Serial Number?

Jul 31, 2013

I have follwoing Table

create table abc( prd_cod number,tax_num number, tkt_num number,shd_cod number,cnt_num number,ctn_num number);
Insert into ABC(PRD_COD, TAX_NUM, TKT_NUM, SHD_COD, CNT_NUM, CTN_NUM) Values (1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1);
Insert into ABC(PRD_COD, TAX_NUM, TKT_NUM, SHD_COD, CNT_NUM, CTN_NUM) Values (1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1);
Insert into ABC(PRD_COD, TAX_NUM, TKT_NUM, SHD_COD, CNT_NUM, CTN_NUM) Values (1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1);


Now i have following data



I need to query above data with a column "Srl_Num". Its serial number and serial should like 'AA1','AB1'. In serial number is last digit 1 is "Ctn_Num" Column Value. First Letter 'A' of serial number is 'A' and second letter of serial number will change. When it reaches till 'Z' Then first letter will change.I mean if serial number is 'AZ1' Then next serial number will be 'BA1','BB1','BC1' and so on.

I need query to show data like


AA1 111111
AB1 111121
AC1 111211
AD11 12111
AE1 151211
AF1 211111

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DBMS_JOB.SUBMIT Can Pass Dynamic Argument Procedure

Aug 10, 2010

'Can we pass a dynamic collection variable to the procedure that is called from dbms_job.submit'

I have a package my_package with:

1. record type: ocv_rec

2. collection type: varr_ocv_rec varray(100) of ocv_rec

3. record type: ext_id_rec

4. collection type: varr_ext_id_rec table of ext_id_rec index by pls_integer

5. procedure: analyze_error_152_ll

6. procedure: get_ext_ids_152(
v_db_ssa_dtl in varr_ocv_rec,
ext_id_type in varchar2,
ext_ids out varr_ext_id_rec)

Now here is where the issue resides:Within the definition of analyze_error_152_ll (in body of my_package), I call get_ext_ids_152 using dbms_job.submit

procedure analyze_error_152_ll
vJob varchar2(400);
vJobNum binary_integer;
v_db_ssa_dtl2 varr_ocv_rec := varr_ocv_rec();
ext_ids varr_ext_id_rec;
ext_id_type varchar2(5) := '(1)';


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Server Administration :: Find Last Run Duration Of Job Which Was Scheduled Using DBMS_JOB

Jun 20, 2010

Is there any way to find the last run duration of a job which was scheduled using DBMS_JOB?

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Server Administration :: Advantages Of Using DBMS_schedular Ovet Dbms_job

Oct 11, 2012

we had one problem one of oracle job scheduled using dbms_job was inactive for so long time,As one of our developer noticed this and reached me as i checked the dba_job was running without an process

SQL> select sid,serial#,paddr from gv$session where osuser='oracle';

---------- ---------- ----------------
626 753

i suggested a developer to drop job and reschedule it,now question was raised from them why process was not allocated to job.

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Server Administration :: DBMS_JOB Restarting / Database Shutdown

Aug 8, 2010

I was monitoring a database job to collect statistics, it was scheduled using DBMS_JOBS..I found that it was running during business hours so i got the session ID of the job using;

select sid from dba_jobs_running where job=11;

I then i killed the job using;

select serial# from v$session where sid =232;
alter system kill session '232, 10852';
select sid from dba_jobs_running where job=11;

no rows selected...After some time i again fired the same command

select sid from dba_jobs_running where job=11;


and found that the same job is again running..This behavior was repeated again N again. i have attached the spool file for the same...

what could be the reason that the job is starting all over again even after killing the session and what should be done to stop it..I understand that once the database shuts down and if the job is still running then it will restart once the database is up..In this case, Should i remove the job and re submit it again..

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DBMS_JOB - Pass Date As Parameter To Another Stored Procedure?

Mar 28, 2012

I have created a stored procedure that checks if a file exists and gets a date from the file if it exists. The date is then used as a paramter. See below:

CODEcreate or replace
PROCEDURE                     "P_Load_Stamp" AS
v_exists BOOLEAN;
v_length NUMBER;
v_blocksize NUMBER;


The above codes works perfectly and I scheduled it using SQLPLUS as follows:

CODEvariable jobno number;
variable instno number;
select instance_number into :instno from v$instance;


My problem is that I need to pass the date from the above procedure as a parameter to another stored procedure. So I modified my code as follows (the parts in red):

CODEcreate or replace
PROCEDURE                     "P_Load_Stamp" (vCTIDATE OUT varchar2) AS
v_exists BOOLEAN;
v_length NUMBER;


Now it doesn't strike me as a rights issue since I created it in the schem schema. What could I be doing wrong here?

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Performance Tuning :: Can Limit Dbms_job To Use Defined Amount Of CPU%

Dec 14, 2010

I am creating 5 dbms_job at run time in side a stored procedure.But when I execute that procedure, all the job get 100%cpu and as a result other process does not get response. so my question is can we limit the dbms_job to use a defined amount of cpu%.

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How To Print Sql Query With Serial Number

Mar 27, 2007

How can i print serial no of records in sql query? I know I can achieve this with selecting rownum but it gives wrong data if used with group by like below

select rownum,deptid from emp group by rownum,deptid order by rwnum

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Forms :: How To Generate Serial Number

Aug 23, 2011

how do you generate serial numbers? i have an invoice where i have to add items, so i want the numbering to start from 1 everytime i start a new form and increment by 1 as i i enter a new record. For this i have put my code in when-new-record-instance but problem is if i delete a record and enter a new one, the serial number starts from the nex number.

For ex. if i have 4 items with serial numbers 1, 2, 3, 4 and i delete the item at no. 3 and add a new item , the serial number comes as 5.

proper code to generate the serial numbers?

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Exadata :: How To Get The Serial Numbers From Switches

Mar 20, 2013

My management is wanting to know the serial numbers of all the components of our two Exadata machines: one quarter-rack V2 and one half-rack V1

I can use dmidecode to get the appropriate information for comp nodes and storage cells, but not for the Cisco/Voltaire switch, nor the IB switches. I read MOS 1299791.1 and the thought of asking a DOC operative to pull out the label ‘which could damage the switch’ worries me quite a bit.

Is it still true that we are unable to obtain the serial number for the IB switches and the Cisco/Voltaire switches from the CLI of the switches themselves? Sad face.

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Forms :: Generating Sequence - Get Serial Number?

Dec 21, 2011

i want to get serial numbers in oracle forms. i have one data block with 10 rows and a non database display item with corresponding length as that of the original data block .

when ever i am executing the form i want to see the serial number generated in the display item and when i inserted a new item or row it should show the corresponding rownum.


empno name serialno
5 tom 1
4 tinil 2
6 sofy 3
7 john 4
1 albert 5
2 michel 6

i want to get the above answer using forms.

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Forms :: Read Data From Serial Port?

Jun 16, 2004

I'm trying to read some data from external device via COMM Port.

Application is running n server and device is connected localy on my PC.

My device iz DPI605R for purpose of� pressure measuring.

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Forms :: Communication With Serial Device (via COM1)

Jan 3, 2012

Is it possible to communicate with a serial device (via COM1) with oracle forms / webutil? I am able to communicate in java using RXTXcomm, but I am having problems making a bean that uses it (getting security errors and yes, I have signed the jars).

Basically, I have a scale hooked up to my COM1 port and want to be able to send commands (zero and tare) to it and read the weight from it through a form or java bean.

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